#here's a secret Selina understands Bruce's adopting tendencies
windona · 4 years
Prompting Night: (DC/ML crossover?) Selena Kyle is vacationing in Paris, and she learns about Ladybug and Chat Noir. Selena suddenly realizes why Bruce can't resist collecting kids when she sees/meets Chat. Such an adorable kitten, but so lonely...
Really, it had just been a little light thieving. She was being paid to liberate a few artifacts from a private collector and bring them home to Algeria, so it was a just heist. But while scoping out her target, she noticed Paris’ heroes.
Of course she had known about Ladybug and Chat Noir. She did her research, and made a note to time her heist with an akuma attack. But knowing about something cannot provoke the same feeling as seeing something.
It was an akuma attack, but Selina knew enough to stay out of the way unless she was really needed. She kept her eyes on the heroes, and watched as Chat Noir made a joke that had Ladybug’s eyes roll even as a small grin graced the girl’s lips.
The boy’s ears swiveled and his tail twitched, even though they seemed to be costume pieces. He then went to do as his lady requested.
The thoughts came unbidden. Fur in good health, being fed a nutritious diet but not enough for energetic lifestyle. Perhaps incorporate some salmon as a treat?
She shook her head as she avoided a random blast from the akuma, and kept her eyes on the battle. What was she thinking, Chat Noir wasn’t a stray kitty.
He leaned over to Ladybug and made some cheeky comment before following the plan. Kitty seemed attention starved, needed more enrichment, perhaps wasn’t played with enough...
Selina cursed. That was it. She was adopting him.
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