#here's my dissertation titled HERES HOW NANDERMO CAN STILL WIN
diamondcitydarlin · 3 years
hey yall, bear in mind that even if nothing concrete happens with Nandermo tonight that absolutely does not imply that nothing romantic will ever happen, case closed, because we do after all have another season that is currently in production as I type this post, and I feel rather confident in assuming probably several more seasons after that, their dynamic has already been defined as a slow-burn / will-they-won't-they, with het examples from TV such as Sam/Diane in Cheers, Jim/Pam in The Office, Eleanor/Chidi in The Good Place, Joey/Rachel in Friends, etc, it's a very common trope, a popular choice in television writing for how it can hook viewers in for an extended, almost indefinite period of time across episodes and seasons. I of course understand the frustration in the baiting-and-switching of possible non-het couples in countless popular fandoms and titles, because yes, of course that is a thing- flirting with the possibility of representation without actually ever giving it so as to wring the fans for views/money/engagement and keep systemic prejudice among the executives, network shareholders and so forth happy, I'm not gonna even try to gaslight anyone on that as someone who moves in these entertainment worlds and has seen it firsthand.
but also, this show is different and I think out of fairness to the writers and producers, directors, y todos involved in the making of this show, it warrants keeping in mind that the writing has already gone leaps and bounds in terms of representation in comparison to most mainstream tv shows. I can't, for example, think up off the top of my head another show that has made four of the main cast openly, vividly, unashamedly pansexual in both term and lifestyle. I can't think of another show that has featured a human guy topping a BDSM vampire at a blood orgy for a good minute or so of screentime (I think everyone forgot about Jeremy and Constantine. I think they're boyfriends now and will one day go on a double-date with nandermo, mark my words. anyway, that's a different post)
so, it's definitely not like this is a show that would shy away from Nandor and Guillermo being together romantically, at least not for nefarious reasons (that I can think of). But mostly, on a personal note, I think the foreshadowing and subtext of this season has been pretty clear in terms of laying groundwork for a romantic relationship to be the payoff-
but whether it'll happen TONIGHT? Eh. I think a step forward will be taken or a boundary broken or something along those lines, but I don't and have not anticipated that they will, like, officially become boyfriends in this episode. Still think they're ultimately destined for each other though, but I've been confident of that since Guillermo's first breakdown in Citizenship tbh lol. Anyway, there's time.
But honestly like...if I HAD to choose between idk Nandermo kiss and Colin definitively coming back from the dead in this ep, I'd choose the latter. My heart is still shATTERED.
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