#here's the first batch from ghana
cinematicnomad · 1 year
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new adventures in new places
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blueflameforyuzu · 6 years
So you wanna make Yuzu-style hot chocolate...(aka a basic recipe for zunda) and how to win the muddlers
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Something light-hearted in the midst of all the heaviness and gloominess...I originally planned to type this up after CoR but yeah, I wasn’t in the mood...
If you’ve watched the recent Lotte Ghana chocolate videos in which Yuzuru makes his (newest) version of hot chocolate, you would have noticed a secret ingredient which gives it the Yuzu-spin on the usual hot chocolate recipe: a mysterious light-green paste. That is zunda, a specialty of Sendai. Zunda is a sweetened paste made of soy beans or edamame, which is actually premature soy beans which are harvested before time. While it might seem strange to add something green to hot chocolate, zunda is actually used in the making of many sweets in Sendai (cakes, mochi, ice-cream, shakes and more). I think of it as the Sendai-alternative to anko (red bean paste). Disclaimer: Nope, I still haven’t tried out Yuzu’s recipe yet so I can’t vouch for how it’ll taste hahaha
Maybe you wanna try out Yuzu’s recipe for hot chocolate but! you lack access to the most vital ingredient: zunda. Fret not cause I’ll be sharing a really simple (and vague) recipe for zunda. If you can make instant ramen, you can make zunda!
There are many variations of making zunda and each family/shop will probably have their own version but the basic ingredients are really simple: 1) edamame (in pods or frozen is fine), 2) sugar (regular white fine caster sugar or other sweeteners) and 3) water/soy milk/other milk. I usually use about 200g edamame (in pods), 30g sugar and I eyeball the liquid (I would say about 30 ml to 50ml?) Feel free to play around with the recipe, you don’t have to follow my measurements, they’re just here as a rough guide. I’m assuming you’ll only want to make a small batch to try, and honestly, there’s no right or wrong in making zunda. it really depends on your preference for the taste/texture so just adjust accordingly as you go along. If you end up making more, you can always use it on top of mochi or even as a spread for bread.
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Step 1) Cooking: Boil the edamame in the pods for about 5 minutes. You can season the water with salt but it’s not necessary. Drain and cool.
Step 2) Prepping: Remove the edamame from the pods. Remove the membrane on the edamame beans. It’s a lil tedious but it’ll get easier once you get the hang of it. The removal of the membrane allows for a smoother mouthfeel, otherwise you’ll be feeling those thin layers of skin in your mouth.
Step 3) Processing: Add the sugar and liquid and process in a food processor/hand blender. Add some salt to season. No food processor? No problem, just use a spoon or fork and mash it up and combine with the sugar and liquid. How much you process it depends on your preference for how fine or chunky you would like it to be. The liquid is added for a smoother texture and I suggest to eyeball the amount to add to get the texture you desire. Soy/almond milk can be used or just water. As for the amount of sugar, it depends on your preference for sweetness.
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And that’s it! It’s really simple, ain’t it? All pics are screenshots of the LotteChocomotionTV video starring Yuzuru here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sayza6llDE
If you were to make this (with Lotte Ghana chocolate) or just plain ol’ hot chocolate with Ghana chocolate, follow the official Lotte Gahan chocolate accounts (ghana_chocolate) on Twitter and Instagram and hashtag  #ホットガーナ (hotghana) and  #手作りチョコガーナ (homemade choco-ghana) for a chance to win the set of 3 muddlers. (Make sure the Ghana choc wrapper is very prominently displayed in your pictures)
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Some rules of the campaign (other than the usual no cheating and legalities) https://hotghana-cp.jp/
1) Prizes will only be mailed to addresses in Japan in March 2019.
2) The campaign runs from 26th Nov 2018 to 31 Jan 2019 and 500 winners will be notified through DM in mid-February 2019. Winner have to reply in 3 days.
3) Make sure you follow the official account (ghana_chocolate), use the hashtags  #ホットガーナ and  #手作りチョコガーナ and your accounts are set to public.
4) If you submit an entry, you agree to the picture and the captions being used by them (and your username being mentioned, likely for their reposting)
5) No matter how many entries you make, each person (or account I should say) is only entitled to 1 chance in the draw.
6) If the same photo is submitted multiple times, only the first entry will be deemed eligible.
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ohimesama · 2 years
7.19.22 Tuesday
12:03 noon
Will eat in a lil while...Still,having this windblow... I streamed last night coz it was Monday... And There were judgemental people inside my stream as if they know me...
But I'm glad if there are people inside my station,it will be a happy night stream for me. And if I have gifter, double happiness...
1:09 pm
Lemme just continue my story about my stream... I've been streaming for 4 years there at "Tagged"... I was just invited by a new found friend and classmate at Nightingale the caregiving school here in Dasma. Cavite,the pioneer Caregiving school in the Philippines. TAGGED is mainly a dating site or you can gain friends but mainly a dating site. But for recap I'm a Biology graduate batch 2004, it was really a far journey now...
I just decided to do my main stream every MWF starting at 11pm,onwards,if I can make it until 6am why not...
It's been 2 months now that I accidentally saw this man, he is just a man at me at first before me, figured out that this man is actually a Prince coming from the Al-Maktoum family... What a pretty faces they all have...
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Then,I just decided to stream to make a shout-outs or to tag him until December,if this shout-outs or tagging about him can reach him coz as a streamer you can campaign or be famous just like an artist on TV....It is 80% possible to have him...
2:32 pm
I had this weird viewer last night his name is "ish" he said from india but I checked his profile from Ghana... So, weird...
He seesm nice but weird... He requested for a song I thought it was arabic coz it sounds arabic and I don't know... It was like a prayer,very solemn song... But Ish said it was an indian song.
4:13 pm
Lemme continue to this ish story,my guest last night on my stream...
Well,he showed his business on his other mobile,where I saw some awards,trophy and plaque and some wooden wall-clock. He is creating those...
He shared his love stories that he gave a ring on his 2 xgf's that they cheated on him, both were Filipina... He even said that he sent them money but they just cheated on him...
It reached to the point that he was in a way asking me if I like him ? I said in a good way that, I want him to be my friend hmm doing this stream to make a tagging or shout-outs to the crowning prince of Dubai which I saw accidentally but simply taking my chance here and I know it is 80% possible to reach the Prince thru virtual streaming or virtual thingy....But of course my doors and windows are still open to entertain and make new friends... It is virtual world!!!
He requested again an another indian song,but this time it sounds really an indian song... Then,he suddenly make a move on me that I should wear a bullet-proof jacket??? I was shocked... It was alarming though double meaning,it is...
12:31 am
Me and John ate late coz when I checked the rice cooker it was totally empty....Whew!
I cooked rice around 11pm and waited for 30 to 40 minutes to cook it... We ate our dinner nearly midnight... After dinner,John's night time routine again...
Though, I love John but I wanna have another self-fulfillment, I need money and wanna do beauty therapy in right timing like whitening injection and my nose perfection coz in a lil while will be 41 and 50's, so what!!!??? .... I feel bitter here in my hometown. How to have him?
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I feel bitter.. Even to gain upper friends now having pretty faces like the Al-Maktoun beautiful face I can't exist to see them... I need upper friends and I need something like a money friendship...
I feel bitter and I don't like anybody here...
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wadhwanifoundation · 4 years
In a jobless growth economy, unemployment remains stubbornly high even as the economy grows as the relatively large number of people may have lost their jobs or new members entering the work force are much higher than the jobs available. In India, the latter seems to be the case, thereby obstructing the benefits of growth from reaching the masses.
While analyzing the paradox of India’s jobless growth, I categorized the reasons and possible solutions into a ten-point action plan:
Formalize Labour Arrangements: Decline in jobs due to a reduction in contract workers (nearly 70k were retrenched in the first half of FY 2016, compared to 161,000 additions in the first half of FY 2015). Contractualisation is a universal phenomenon and the solution is to simply end the informal nature of employment. Better pay, job security, safe work environments and social security benefits will only help workers bring out their best. In fact, companies making high-specification products realise that contract labour can lead to batch rejections
Increase Business Sentiment through strong reform measures: Employment in export units, reeling under shrunken global demand has seen a sharp decline. In the automobile sector, only a handful of jobs have been added. Large manufacturers are trimming operations; Nokia, has shut down its handset factory in Chennai rendering 8,000 workers jobless, and for Microsoft, the new owner of the Nokia, making smartphones in China and Vietnam was cheaper. Following on the heels of Goldman Sachs and Nomura, JP Morgan Asset Management also exited its onshore India-based mutual funds business. Cement major Lafarge is another case in point. The focus should be on kick-starting the investment cycle, incentivize job creation by giving infrastructure a push, finding a way to lower interest rates and improving ‘ease of doing business’.
Improve the Labour-absorption in Indian Economy: The economy is generating fewer jobs per unit of GDP — more work is now being done with fewer employees due to significant improvements in automation, robotics and productivity. Therefore, more focus on labour-intensive sectors will generate employment. While sectors like financial services, e-commerce and financial technology seem obvious as ones to focus upon, the significance of new economy enterprises should not be underestimated. These could be in education, healthcare, e-commerce and hospitality. Green sectors such as solar energy and wind will be the ones to watch out for in the long run.
Policy push to accelerate the five labour market transitions: Transitioning from farm to non-farm, rural to urban, subsistence self-employment to decent wage employment, informal to formal, and school to work will enhance productivity norms.
Schemes to promote the growth of MSMEs: Arresting the lacklustre global demand and weak exports coupled with the need to diversify the exports basket are dire needs of MSME sector. Enhancing the employment potential of MSMEs is critical as the sector contributes to nearly 40% to India’s manufacturing output, employing around 14-crore.
Skilling for an industry-ready, job-ready workforce: Given India’s demographic dividend, it acquires special significance. With 54% of our population below 25 years of age, we are sitting on a massive workforce. Unfortunately, many of them are unemployable with their skills not matching the emerging industry requirements. While curriculum has largely remained static, its application has become increasingly dynamic. The major gaps in skills are in industries such as the auto industry, building and construction, textiles and retail. Aside from this, there is a skills shortage for jobs ranging from welders to masons and from electricians to nurses. Today, industries require market driven skills to meet their business needs of higher productivity, lower costs and higher efficiencies. Hence, it is imperative that apart from beefing up their in-house training facilities, industries tie-up with educational and training institutes, and refurbish the curriculum, content and teaching cum training methodologies.
The manufacturing sector needs a boost: While the service sector contributes 58% to India’s GDP, the manufacturing sector’s contribution is 24%. India’s late policy resurgence of manufacturing is the main reason why the country lags China. The sector’s unique role in triggering structural change has remained unattended while focusing on less employment providing, less tradeable and less technology oriented service sector. India not likely to emulate a situation like China’s where 34 per cent of its labour force is involved in manufacturing. However, even if we can increase this to 20%, up from the current 11%, it would account for another 100 million jobs!
Producing Periodic and reliable data on employment: Regular estimation of job numbers and various indicators related to it has long guided policy creation in some of the other successful economies. Employment generation must be the soul of Indian policy creation, and to do that, it is imperative to know the statistics on the same periodically. The last time India carried out a focused and comprehensive estimation of the employment situation nationwide was in 2012 through the 68th round of NSSO. Needless to say, these figures are no longer used for gauging policy exigencies in the country.
Promoting and tracking the entrepreneurial sector: Many of the jobs in the economy are created by the Flipkarts, Myntras and Snapdeals of the world, and these jobs are not picked up by the numbers. Startups can be an engine of job-creation. According to NASSCOM, 3–4 IT start-ups are born every day in India. In calendar 2015, 1200 startups were launched in the tech space alone, a 40 per cent rise from 2014. India has the third highest number of start-ups in the world at 4200, behind the US and Britain, but ahead of China and Israel. A focus on this sector could lead to new employment opportunities.
The dignity of Labour: This remains an exotic concept in India. Shuffling papers is seen as more dignified as compared to holding a torque wrench and rolling up of sleeves on the shop-floor. The faster this mindset changes, the better it is for India.
UNDP’s “Asia-Pacific Human Development Report 2016” report has warned that India is likely to face a critical shortage of jobs in the coming 35 years. There are two ways to look at this — as a massive wave of unemployment that will leave India floundering or as an unprecedented resource for wealth creation that will outpace much of the world if equipped with the right skills.
About Wadhwani Foundation: Wadhwani Foundation was founded in 2000 by Dr. Romesh Wadhwani, with the primary mission of accelerating #job creation in India and other emerging economies through large-scale initiatives in entrepreneurship, small business growth, #innovation, and #skilling. The Wadhwani Foundation operates in 20 countries, including India, South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines), East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda), Southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Namibia), West Africa (Nigeria, Ghana), Egypt, and Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile). The Wadhwani Foundation works in partnership with governments, foundations, corporations, and educational institutes.
To know more about Wadhwani Foundation and its Initiatives: https://www.wfglobal.org Click here to subscribe WF YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8J1yxr4VDX5KbkACBhMMQA
Connect with us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wadhwanifoundation Twitter: https://twitter.com/WadhwaniF LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wadhwanifoundation Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wadhwanifoundation
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huffplatform · 4 years
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We discuss this question Quora Can scientist make coronavirus vaccine could be ready by September? Mr. Paul Noel, former Research Scientist 6 Level 2 UAH Huntsville Al. (2009-2014) replied that, You best hope they don’t declare it ready by then. I can assure you that such a vaccine rushed so much will be a real disaster. It takes time to test a vaccine. It isn’t that it will not be effective against the virus, rather it may cause other things to happen we should stay away from. Several things people are not considering on vaccine against the COVID-19 need to be brought up here. First a tiny bit of math! The highest penetration we have ever seen of COVID-19 into a population is less than 2%. We have never tested to find it much above 1% anywhere on earth. We made some wild assumptions that lots of cases were going undetected but in Alabama we have tested almost 8 times as many people as we found positive. We did not find any “hidden cases” there were no asymptomatic carriers. The belief here has to be chucked in the trash. COVID-19 isn’t sneaking around. We actually know how much there is of it. At less than 2% penetration the disease only kills less than 6% of the people who get it. That isn’t pretty but that adds up to a grand total of 0.15% of the whole population. That is so low as to not be a real major problem, but it falls well within the range of fatal side effects typical of many vaccines. In short we are as likely to kill you with our vaccine as for you to die with COVID-19. But it gets worse than that. The very people we will damage will not be the ones we lose to COVID-19. COVID-19 only kills those persons already weakened in immune function. That means we are very unlikely to protect them by the vaccine. At the same time it also is very likely to kill as a vaccine people who would not be killed by COVID-19. That is doubling down on death. This all presumes a profound and awful reality that the vaccine actually works at optimum level. Based upon similar vaccines they are unlikely to every reach above immunity generation in the populace of 65%. Since the statistical data we have already indicates that less than 2% of the population can catch the disease in the first place, that confers no “Herd Immunity”. The peaking below 2% and the mess with New York City and the epidemic says that this disease is not particularly infectious and that the herd immunity is above 90% already. Simply stated this virus is not the problem worthy of such concerns and no thinking is going into the issue. Use your head! We now have a therapeutic which in hospital and live field conditions is 95% or better at achieving in the high at risk population a good outcome, we really have no goal to achieve in vaccines. Hydroxychloroquine is this effective. This virus in just 2 weeks has been reduced from dread terror into a minor nuisance. People need to understand this. COVID-19 is not coming back for a fall reprise. This epidemic is over. We have good therapeutics and prospects for several more. We have excellent detection of both the virus and the antibodies. We are simply not at threat worthy of wasting time on a vaccine. A rushed up vaccine is DANGEROUS beyond words. But as it turns out there is another danger lurking in the woods. This danger comes directly from the people pushing the vaccine. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is seeking to push in vaccines which have hidden content of taggants for tracking the vaccinated persons which risk genuine death for the patients and they have a history of pushing into vaccines agents to sterilize (render not able to have kids) women. These are both genuine violations of human rights. This foundation has a history of pushing in India Polio Vaccines that caused nearly 500,000 cases of polio that was directly caused by vaccine. They are being tried in India for this crime as I write. They were found vaccinating girls in Africa with vaccines which had no therapeutic value and caused starility. This is not good. You need to watch what is going on here. The mad rush to push in a “Vaccine” may deliver death and not life. O.15% death from vaccine would be equal to that from COVID-19 and would do nothing to stop COVID-19! Such in a rushed up batch of vaccines is not good thing. Of course they will bury the totals as some other thing and the vaccine laws will prevent lawsuits etc. Don’t think this isn’t serious stuff! I think you would be very wise to presume another agenda is afoot when things are being pushed so fast for an epidemic that forecast to kill 3.6% of the population turns out to be something like 0.15% even when unopposed. I think you should question why people spent much effort to tell you that Hydroxychloroquine didn’t work when it turns out it was known to work against Coronavirus in 2002! I think you should wonder what agenda was behind IHME publishing estimates of 39,000 deaths in Alabama USA when in fact we may not break 300! Another way to say this is, “I smell a rat.” Personally I think it is a skunk! These are not accidents! This agenda is at this moment starving in the order of millions of people in Africa. Food prices have skyrocketed! 2 days ago a single sweetpotato in Ghana was $20(USD) today it is higher! I really have to suspect the motives of people who cause such events! The time has come to say HALT! Everything coming from this is worse than the disease! I think somebody here on Quora has an agenda to prevent any rational discussion of vaccines. Quora cut this out! I told the truth and did a very good job of it. It needs to be said! Johan Molin, Senior Consultant in Specialist Obstetric Care said, That would be unique in the history of vaccines. Mote responsible people talk about some eighteen months. Reference: https://www.quora.com/SCIENTIST-SAYS-CORONAVIRUS-VACCINE-COULD-BE-READY-BY-SEPTEMBER-IS-it-Possible https://www.newsweek.com/scientist-says-coronavirus-vaccine-could-ready-september-1497406 Read the full article
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9jajobfix · 5 years
Pie Production Supervisor at Food Concepts PLC OYO State
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Food Concepts commenced operations in 2001. From inception, our aim has been clear-cut and focused: to revolutionize the food sector in West Africa and to deliver extraordinary satisfaction to our stakeholders.Since launching in 2004, Chicken Republic (Subsidiary of Food concepts) has already opened 55 stores in Nigeria and Ghana. On this basis, we are proud of the brand’s hard-earned reputation as the fastest growing chicken QSR in West Africa and the number 1 chicken QSR in Nigeria (both in revenues and number of outlets). In addition, Chicken Republic was ranked as one of Nigeria’s top 20 brands across all categories (Financial Standards Awards 2009).We are recruiting to fill the position below:Job Title: Pie Production Supervisor Location: Ibadan, OyoJob type: Full-timeJob Description
Assist The Production Manager in ensuring maintenance of standard, product quality and hygiene compliance, motivates team in each shift and management of factory production.
Job Responsibilities
Conduct day-to-day shift transition operations of the factory
Support The Production Manager to hold pre-production meeting with the production staff to set daily volume target
Ensure accurate scaling of raw materials before use
Carry out first batch of production for the day
Effectively utilizes resources to meet business goals and objectives
Responsible for supervising employee’s performance on the production floor and managing tasks in practical and objective manner
Motivate and support team members to meet set target
Ensure compliance with production process by production team
Ensure product specification is met
Assist production coordinator in performing trouble shooting functions on production line
Ensure shift closes with required quantity of sliced loaves
Observe and ensure total compliance with filling of The SICs at each batch of production
Prepares production report at the end of a shift run
Ensure stock used is balanced with actual production volume.
Carry out the following transactions on Oracle on behalf of the Production Manager.
Ensure routine check and cleanliness of production equipment are carried out before and after shift run
To ensure that all production equipment and materials are used in an appropriate and careful manner during shift hour
Record and report machine breakdown to the production coordinator immediately it occurs
Ensure compliance with the rule of CAYG
Communicate plant work rules, good production practices, house rules and safety policies and ensure consistent uniform enforcement and personal safety equipment enforcement
Provide suggestion on cost savings, process and product quality improvement.
Coach employees to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in daily operations.
Assist the Production Coordinator in meeting set monthly targets; Turnover, Gross Profits and EBIDTA
To maintain order and discipline during shift hour
Provide input to decision making process and assist with facilitating change in the team
Evaluates regular performance of subordinates and identify adequate training needs
Promote team work and team spirit amongst members towards achieving desired results
Minimum of university degree or Higher National Diploma
Minimum of 2 years working experience in a food manufacturing environment, preferably, baking/pastry, biscuit/wafer, noodle/flour , dry food or liquid production.
Must be computer literate, highly proficient and comfortable with the use of the computer.
Additional InformationDesired Personal Attributes:
Pro-active self-starter
Assertive and tenacious
Ability to work with little or no supervision
Application Closing DateNot Specified.How to ApplyInterested and qualified candidates should:Click here to apply online via Blogger https://ift.tt/2M3MtFS
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ghanasayonline-blog · 6 years
Gov’t Fulfils first promise for schoolchildren exposed to bee attacks
Government has fulfilled one of the promises it made to the over 200 schoolchildren exposed to bee attacks and harsh weather conditions for want of a classroom block in Bongo, a district in the Upper East region— distribution of free pairs of school uniform to the disadvantaged children. Some 160 pupils of the Goo-Atandaa KG/Primary School received the familiar ‘gold and cocoa’ uniforms in a first batch delivered by the District Chief Executive (DCE) of Bongo, Peter Ayinbisa Ayamga, a week after a Starr News report on the sad state of the public school. Deprived of classrooms, a number of the children have their lessons inside a crowded church structure on the school’s premises where the majority of them sit on a sandy floor. Frustrated teachers deliver lessons to the rest of the pupils under some shade trees being used as makeshift classrooms. And the children, when thirsty, suffer a long-distance search for water as there is no potable water source within reach. Following the news report, the DCE held an emergency meeting with the authorities of the school and subsequently pledged government would facilitate the construction of a nine-unit classroom block promised by a philanthropist, Dr Patricia Essilfie, who founded the Boys and Girls Club of Ghana. The DCE, exceeding the expectations of the school and of the members of Goo, the community where the school is sited, also gave a firm assurance that the assembly would provide the children with free school uniform the following week and include the school in the Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP) list this academic term. “We are here to redeem a pledge that we made to pupils of Goo-Atandaa Primary School just last week. There was a publication last week about the plight of pupils of this community. Upon seeing the publication, I took it upon myself as the leader of the Bongo District Assembly to visit this school.
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“I was in this school and I saw for myself for the first time the conditions the pupils are going through, the conditions the teachers are going through. And I thought that in the 21st century, children of Ghana and pupils of Ghana schools should not be going through those conditions,” said the DCE in his opening remarks on his second visit to the school. As pupils, teachers and some members of the community listened to him, he recounted what he saw during his first visit: “They sit under trees. They didn’t have furniture. They didn’t have any well-structured classrooms. And they were wearing tattered uniform.” DCE Secures Document for Classroom Block Construction  Continuing, the DCE recapped the promises of the first encounter, updated the school and the community on the donor classroom block project and urged everyone— parents and pupils— to take their responsibilities very seriously. “And I made a pledge to the community— made three different pledges. I promised that in the coming week, I would be here to present school uniform to every child in this school. I went further to pledge that by the grace of God I would talk with the philanthropist who had planned to construct a nine-unit classroom block in the school. The matter had to do with documentation and that the documents of the release of the land were with a private individual. As I talk to you today, the addendum, the document covering the land of this community, is in my possession now. “What we have to do is to get the Lands Commission to sign the documents and we shall hand over those documents to Dr Patricia, a philanthropist who is going to construct the school for us. I also pledged that when I get an opportunity to select schools to be fed by the Ghana School Feeding Programme, I would add this school. Today, I’m here to redeem one of the pledges,” he stated and, soon after the speech, handed the consignment over to the school’s authorities for immediate distribution to the elated-looking pupils.
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Abandoned School Borehole Project Continued after News Report Sadaqa Train Foundation, an Islamic charity organisation headquartered in Accra, virtually ran to the rescue of the thirsty school in 2018 after receiving some distress pictures of the school from some members of the community. The organisation drilled a borehole for the school but the project came to a standstill when an engineer contracted to execute it, according to some members of the community, abandoned it at the time what was left was only to connect a hand pump to the borehole. The engineer is reported to have returned to finish the job following Starr News’ first report on the plight of the children. The hand pump has been procured, according to Pascal Ayamga who founded the school, and it is scheduled to be fixed Thursday (tomorrow). “As a charity organisation, we help deprived areas with food, clothes, educational materials, et cetera. People do request for some of these things. Our good friends sent us a message about the school with some pictures and it was quite touching. For the lack of water, the kids don’t come to school and sometimes they come and leave. “We all know water is life. Moreover, if the water would also keep them in school, then, we felt we could do something to help them out. When the opportunity came, we contracted a drilling engineer to go there to drill a borehole and give them a hand pump. Hopefully, they will not need any electricity to get the water and the pupils will enjoy the use of the borehole to get potable water,” said the leader of the foundation, Sherif Shaban. Two pupils, Joel Atadina and Fati Nyaaba, thanked the DCE exceedingly on behalf of their schoolmates for the free uniform. They capped the message of thanks with a polite reminder of the two other promises— food and shelter. -Starrfmonline Report Read the full article
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drtakyigh · 6 years
Gov’t Fulfils first promise for schoolchildren exposed to bee attacks
Government has fulfilled one of the promises it made to the over 200 schoolchildren exposed to bee attacks and harsh weather conditions for want of a classroom block in Bongo, a district in the Upper East region— distribution of free pairs of school uniform to the disadvantaged children. Some 160 pupils of the Goo-Atandaa KG/Primary School received the familiar ‘gold and cocoa’ uniforms in a first batch delivered by the District Chief Executive (DCE) of Bongo, Peter Ayinbisa Ayamga, a week after a Starr News report on the sad state of the public school. Deprived of classrooms, a number of the children have their lessons inside a crowded church structure on the school’s premises where the majority of them sit on a sandy floor. Frustrated teachers deliver lessons to the rest of the pupils under some shade trees being used as makeshift classrooms. And the children, when thirsty, suffer a long-distance search for water as there is no potable water source within reach. Following the news report, the DCE held an emergency meeting with the authorities of the school and subsequently pledged government would facilitate the construction of a nine-unit classroom block promised by a philanthropist, Dr Patricia Essilfie, who founded the Boys and Girls Club of Ghana. The DCE, exceeding the expectations of the school and of the members of Goo, the community where the school is sited, also gave a firm assurance that the assembly would provide the children with free school uniform the following week and include the school in the Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP) list this academic term. “We are here to redeem a pledge that we made to pupils of Goo-Atandaa Primary School just last week. There was a publication last week about the plight of pupils of this community. Upon seeing the publication, I took it upon myself as the leader of the Bongo District Assembly to visit this school.
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“I was in this school and I saw for myself for the first time the conditions the pupils are going through, the conditions the teachers are going through. And I thought that in the 21st century, children of Ghana and pupils of Ghana schools should not be going through those conditions,” said the DCE in his opening remarks on his second visit to the school. As pupils, teachers and some members of the community listened to him, he recounted what he saw during his first visit: “They sit under trees. They didn’t have furniture. They didn’t have any well-structured classrooms. And they were wearing tattered uniform.” DCE Secures Document for Classroom Block Construction  Continuing, the DCE recapped the promises of the first encounter, updated the school and the community on the donor classroom block project and urged everyone— parents and pupils— to take their responsibilities very seriously. “And I made a pledge to the community— made three different pledges. I promised that in the coming week, I would be here to present school uniform to every child in this school. I went further to pledge that by the grace of God I would talk with the philanthropist who had planned to construct a nine-unit classroom block in the school. The matter had to do with documentation and that the documents of the release of the land were with a private individual. As I talk to you today, the addendum, the document covering the land of this community, is in my possession now. “What we have to do is to get the Lands Commission to sign the documents and we shall hand over those documents to Dr Patricia, a philanthropist who is going to construct the school for us. I also pledged that when I get an opportunity to select schools to be fed by the Ghana School Feeding Programme, I would add this school. Today, I’m here to redeem one of the pledges,” he stated and, soon after the speech, handed the consignment over to the school’s authorities for immediate distribution to the elated-looking pupils.
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Abandoned School Borehole Project Continued after News Report Sadaqa Train Foundation, an Islamic charity organisation headquartered in Accra, virtually ran to the rescue of the thirsty school in 2018 after receiving some distress pictures of the school from some members of the community. The organisation drilled a borehole for the school but the project came to a standstill when an engineer contracted to execute it, according to some members of the community, abandoned it at the time what was left was only to connect a hand pump to the borehole. The engineer is reported to have returned to finish the job following Starr News’ first report on the plight of the children. The hand pump has been procured, according to Pascal Ayamga who founded the school, and it is scheduled to be fixed Thursday (tomorrow). “As a charity organisation, we help deprived areas with food, clothes, educational materials, et cetera. People do request for some of these things. Our good friends sent us a message about the school with some pictures and it was quite touching. For the lack of water, the kids don’t come to school and sometimes they come and leave. “We all know water is life. Moreover, if the water would also keep them in school, then, we felt we could do something to help them out. When the opportunity came, we contracted a drilling engineer to go there to drill a borehole and give them a hand pump. Hopefully, they will not need any electricity to get the water and the pupils will enjoy the use of the borehole to get potable water,” said the leader of the foundation, Sherif Shaban. Two pupils, Joel Atadina and Fati Nyaaba, thanked the DCE exceedingly on behalf of their schoolmates for the free uniform. They capped the message of thanks with a polite reminder of the two other promises— food and shelter. -Starrfmonline Report Read the full article
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plusorminuscongress · 6 years
New story in Politics from Time: Melania Trump Backs USAID in Africa After President Trump Tried to Defund the Agency
(LILONGWE, Malawi) — Melania Trump spent Thursday in southern Africa promoting the work of a U.S. international development agency whose funding President Donald Trump has twice proposed slashing by nearly a third. Lawmakers essentially ignored those requests.
Mrs. Trump toured classrooms at Lilongwe’s Chipala Primary School, which gets textbooks and other education assistance from the U.S. Agency for International Development.
A batch of 1.4 million books donated Thursday brought to nearly 10 million the total Malawi has received in recent years under USAID’s national reading program, officials said. Malawi’s education minister said the partnership had “significantly” improved student literacy.
But the Trump administration sought a roughly 30% cut in funding for the State Department and USAID in its first two budgets. Widespread bipartisan opposition in Congress averted the reductions.
But none of that was up for discussion as Mrs. Trump visited with happy schoolchildren and their teachers in the Malawian capital.
“I wanted to be here to see the successful programs that (the) United States is providing the children and thank you for everything you’ve done,” the first lady said at a book donation ceremony in the school library.
She had just finished touring several outdoor classrooms. Chipala has more than 8,500 students but just 77 teachers, for a ratio of 111 students per instructor, according to the U.S. government. With just 22 classrooms, many students are forced to take their lessons outdoors, seated shoulder to shoulder in their uniforms on loose, red dirt.
Mrs. Trump watched several teachers conduct lessons for the equivalent of second- and third-graders.
“Meeting those children and understanding their different way of life is why I wanted to travel here,” Mrs. Trump told U.S. Embassy employees at a gathering at the U.S. ambassador’s residence. Her own 12-year-old son attends a private school in Maryland.
“I was heartened to spend time with the students and was honored to donate school supplies and soccer balls,” she said. The soccer balls, along with tote bags donated for the teachers, sported the logo of “Be Best,” the child well-being initiative Mrs. Trump launched this year.
The U.S. first lady was joyously welcomed at the airport, with singing and dancing by a troupe of women and scores of schoolchildren waving African and Malawian flags. The high-pitched sounds of women vocalizing were heard at the airport and at her subsequent appearances. In southern Africa, the vocalization is often done as a celebratory welcome by women.
But a few signs of protest were afoot, too, as President Trump is not widely seen as a friend of Africa.
Among scores of people lining the motorcade route between the school and the ambassador’s residence, a few white people held signs.
One said #MELANIATOO, with the “ME” in bold black. Another said “Welcome to Malawi. #NOTASHITHOLE!” — a reference to reports that the president used the vulgar term to describe African nations. A third sign raised the immigration policy the president once enforced that led to thousands of children being separated from their families after they illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico. Many children still have not been reunited with their families.
After leaving the ambassador’s residence, Mrs. Trump went to the State House for tea with Gertrude Mutharika, her Malawian counterpart. Mrs. Trump sat in a rooftop garden and watched performances by dance groups representing different regions of Malawi.
Mrs. Trump opened her first extended international tour as first lady on Tuesday in the West African nation of Ghana. She arrived in Kenya late Thursday for a series of events on Friday before she continues on to Egypt, her final stop.
By Darlene Superville / AP on October 04, 2018 at 10:03PM
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un-enfant-immature · 6 years
Google’s Launchpad Studio accelerator welcomes a cohort of blockchain and finance startups
Google has inducted a new class of startups into the Launchpad Studio accelerator it inaugurated last year; the first group was focused on gleaning new insights from medical data, and this one is about shaking up established financial markets and systems.
Some of the companies are well-known, established businesses — but this isn’t the usual type of accelerator that aims to take a fledgling business and bring it to market. Instead, Google supports the selected companies in the development of a project, generally involving applying machine learning to the space they operate in. They call Studio a “product acceleration program.” (There are regular accelerators under the Launchpad brand as well.)
Google takes aim at medtech for Launchpad Studio’s first batch of AI-focused startups
This year the companies are all more or less in the financial space, offering banking, identity verification, and retail services in locales around the world. Here’s the list, with Google’s descriptions of each:
Alchemy (USA), bridging blockchain and the real world
Axinan (Singapore), providing smart insurance for the digital economy
Aye Finance (India), transforming financing in India
Celo (USA), increasing financial inclusion through a mobile-first cryptocurrency
Frontier Car Group (Germany), investing in the transformation of used-car marketplaces
Go-Jek (Indonesia), improving the welfare and livelihoods of informal sectors
GuiaBolso (Brazil), improving the financial lives of Brazilians
Inclusive (Ghana), verifying identities across Africa
m.Paani (India), (em)powering local retailers and the next billion users in India
Robinhood (USA), democratizing access to financial market
Starling Bank (UK), improving financial health with a 100% mobile-only bank
As you can see it’s quite an international group. But different areas have different opportunities and talents. Inclusive, for instance, emerged in Africa from the difficulty there in finding and verifying identity documents. I talked with the company’s founder, Paul Damalie, earlier this year.
It’s easy to imagine what interesting patterns or helpful knowledge might emerge from a careful analysis of millions of data points tied to demographics, locations, financial situations, and so on.
Robinhood’s popular stock-trading platform is hardly in need of rescue by Google’s resident experts and mentors, but again the data it has access to is the interesting part. Why not collaborate with those experts to create new product ideas or studies?
Google provides cloud computing resources, access to its stable of tame ML researchers, and continuing support after the 4-month period is over.
Congrats to the startups selected for the program; we’ll keep our ears open for whatever products emerge from their work.
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9jajobfix · 5 years
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Food Concepts commenced operations in 2001. From inception, our aim has been clear-cut and focused: to revolutionize the food sector in West Africa and to deliver extraordinary satisfaction to our stakeholders.Since launching in 2004, Chicken Republic (Subsidiary of Food concepts) has already opened 55 stores in Nigeria and Ghana. On this basis, we are proud of the brand’s hard-earned reputation as the fastest growing chicken QSR in West Africa and the number 1 chicken QSR in Nigeria (both in revenues and number of outlets). In addition, Chicken Republic was ranked as one of Nigeria’s top 20 brands across all categories (Financial Standards Awards 2009).We are recruiting to fill the position below:Job Title: Pie Production Supervisor Location: Ibadan, OyoJob type: Full-timeJob Description
Assist The Production Manager in ensuring maintenance of standard, product quality and hygiene compliance, motivates team in each shift and management of factory production.
Job Responsibilities
Conduct day-to-day shift transition operations of the factory
Support The Production Manager to hold pre-production meeting with the production staff to set daily volume target
Ensure accurate scaling of raw materials before use
Carry out first batch of production for the day
Effectively utilizes resources to meet business goals and objectives
Responsible for supervising employee’s performance on the production floor and managing tasks in practical and objective manner
Motivate and support team members to meet set target
Ensure compliance with production process by production team
Ensure product specification is met
Assist production coordinator in performing trouble shooting functions on production line
Ensure shift closes with required quantity of sliced loaves
Observe and ensure total compliance with filling of The SICs at each batch of production
Prepares production report at the end of a shift run
Ensure stock used is balanced with actual production volume.
Carry out the following transactions on Oracle on behalf of the Production Manager.
Ensure routine check and cleanliness of production equipment are carried out before and after shift run
To ensure that all production equipment and materials are used in an appropriate and careful manner during shift hour
Record and report machine breakdown to the production coordinator immediately it occurs
Ensure compliance with the rule of CAYG
Communicate plant work rules, good production practices, house rules and safety policies and ensure consistent uniform enforcement and personal safety equipment enforcement
Provide suggestion on cost savings, process and product quality improvement.
Coach employees to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in daily operations.
Assist the Production Coordinator in meeting set monthly targets; Turnover, Gross Profits and EBIDTA
To maintain order and discipline during shift hour
Provide input to decision making process and assist with facilitating change in the team
Evaluates regular performance of subordinates and identify adequate training needs
Promote team work and team spirit amongst members towards achieving desired results
Minimum of university degree or Higher National Diploma
Minimum of 2 years working experience in a food manufacturing environment, preferably, baking/pastry, biscuit/wafer, noodle/flour , dry food or liquid production.
Must be computer literate, highly proficient and comfortable with the use of the computer.
Additional InformationDesired Personal Attributes:
Pro-active self-starter
Assertive and tenacious
Ability to work with little or no supervision
Application Closing DateNot Specified.How to ApplyInterested and qualified candidates should:Click here to apply online via 9JAJOBFIX
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fmservers · 6 years
Google’s Launchpad Studio accelerator welcomes a cohort of blockchain and finance startups
Google has inducted a new class of startups into the Launchpad Studio accelerator it inaugurated last year; the first group was focused on gleaning new insights from medical data, and this one is about shaking up established financial markets and systems.
Some of the companies are well-known, established businesses — but this isn’t the usual type of accelerator that aims to take a fledgling business and bring it to market. Instead, Google supports the selected companies in the development of a project, generally involving applying machine learning to the space they operate in. They call Studio a “product acceleration program.” (There are regular accelerators under the Launchpad brand as well.)
Google takes aim at medtech for Launchpad Studio’s first batch of AI-focused startups
This year the companies are all more or less in the financial space, offering banking, identity verification, and retail services in locales around the world. Here’s the list, with Google’s descriptions of each:
Alchemy (USA), bridging blockchain and the real world
Axinan (Singapore), providing smart insurance for the digital economy
Aye Finance (India), transforming financing in India
Celo (USA), increasing financial inclusion through a mobile-first cryptocurrency
Frontier Car Group (Germany), investing in the transformation of used-car marketplaces
Go-Jek (Indonesia), improving the welfare and livelihoods of informal sectors
GuiaBolso (Brazil), improving the financial lives of Brazilians
Inclusive (Ghana), verifying identities across Africa
m.Paani (India), (em)powering local retailers and the next billion users in India
Robinhood (USA), democratizing access to financial market
Starling Bank (UK), improving financial health with a 100% mobile-only bank
As you can see it’s quite an international group. But different areas have different opportunities and talents. Inclusive, for instance, emerged in Africa from the difficulty there in finding and verifying identity documents. I talked with the company’s founder, Paul Damalie, earlier this year.
It’s easy to imagine what interesting patterns or helpful knowledge might emerge from a careful analysis of millions of data points tied to demographics, locations, financial situations, and so on.
Robinhood’s popular stock-trading platform is hardly in need of rescue by Google’s resident experts and mentors, but again the data it has access to is the interesting part. Why not collaborate with those experts to create new product ideas or studies?
Google provides cloud computing resources, access to its stable of tame ML researchers, and continuing support after the 4-month period is over.
Congrats to the startups selected for the program; we’ll keep our ears open for whatever products emerge from their work.
Via Devin Coldewey https://techcrunch.com
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newssplashy · 6 years
The Government has been hit by a new leak, as BuzzFeed have obtained the list of no deal technical notes to help aide British business if the UK crashes out the EU without a deal.
The UK government is preparing 84 areas of British life for a no deal Brexit, a new leak reveals.
They cover a range of areas including bloody safety, pet travel, and tobacco.
The first set of notes are reportedly set to be published next Thursday.
Whilst the notes are written in a neutral tone, the Government hope that they can reframe the debate away from no deal.
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt warned on Thursday that leaving the EU with no deal would be "a huge geo-strategic mistake" that the UK "would regret for generations."
The leaks come as 9,000 border guards are given a post-Brexit holiday ban in case of no deal.
LONDON — The UK government's preparations for crashing out of the European Union with no deal cover 84 areas of British life, a new leak has revealed.
Theresa May's government will soon publish an array of technical notices for British businesses and households, explaining what contingency plans the UK has in place in the event of a no deal Brexit.
These notices — which government sources insist will show the UK "will be ready" for the hardest of Brexits — come amid warnings that leaving the EU with no deal could trigger chaos, like a shortage in food and medicines.
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt told ITV on Thursday that leaving the EU with no deal would be a would be "a huge geo-strategic mistake" that the UK "would regret for generations."
BuzzFeed has published the full list of the 84 areas of life that May's government is producing no deal Brexit plans for.
Around half of the notes cover policies overseen by either the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs or the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy. Matters relating to the Department for Transport are also thought to make up a significant amount of the technical notes.
While the government has reportedly written the technical notices in a neutral tone, it is understood that the intention is to reframe the debate by highlighting the potential wide-ranging dangers of no deal.
There is increasing concern about the prospect of a no deal Brexit as UK and EU negotiators struggle to agree on a solution to preserving the open border on the island of Ireland
Earlier this month, International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, said no deal was the most likely outcome of Brexit talks. In an interview this week, Latvia's foreign minister, Edgars Rinkevics declared that the chances of a no deal Brexit are 50/50. Meanwhile, according to The Sun, nearly all 9,000 border force staff have been banned from going on holiday for eight weeks from next March in case the UK cannot agree a Brexit deal with the EU.
Here is the full list of no deal Brexit technical notices, leaked to BuzzFeed:
Air services
Animal breeding
Aviation safety
Aviation security
Batch testing of medicine
Blood safety
Chemicals regulation
Civil judicial cooperation
Civil nuclear
Commercial road haulage
Common Travel Area
Company law
Consumer protection
Cross-border gas trading
Customs and borders
Driver licensing
e-Commerce and geo-blocking
Electricity trading
Environmental standards
Equine movements
EU citizens in the UK
EU programmes and structural funds
EU space programmes
European regional development fund
European social fund
Export control regulation
Financial services
Fisheries, fish and seafood
Fluorinated gases and Ozone depleting substances
Food labelling
Genetically modified organisms
Geographical indicators
Health and identification marks for products of animal origin
Horizon 2020
Imports of food and feed
Intellectual property
Life sciences
Live animals and animal products
Maritime security
Motor insurance
New car and van CO2 emissions
Nuclear research
Objects of cultural interest
Oil and gas
Organic food production
Organs, tissue, and cells
Payments to farmers
Pesticides regulations
Pet travel
Plants and seeds
Product regulation
Registration of veterinary medicines
Renewable electricity issues
Rural Development Programme for England
Seafarer certification
State aid
Timber trade
Trade agreements continuity
Trade in endangered species
Trade remedies
Trans-European energy infrastructure
UK citizens in the EU
UK LIFE projects
UK trade tariff
Upholding industrial emissions
Vehicle standards
Veterinary medicine products
Workplace rights
via Nigerian News ➨☆LATEST NIGERIAN NEWS ☆➨GHANA NEWS➨☆ENTERTAINMENT ☆➨Hot Posts ➨☆World News ☆➨News Sp
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
Jake Bright Contributor
Jake Bright is a writer and author in New York City. He is co-author of The Next Africa.
More posts by this contributor
Breaking down France’s new $76M Africa startup fund
Africa Roundup: African startup investments turn to fintech this winter season
When Nigerian logistics startup Kobo360 interviewed for Y-Combinator’s 2018 cohort a question stood out to founder Obi Ozor. “‘What’s holding you back from becoming a Unicorn?’ they asked. My answer was simple: ‘working capital,’” said Ozor.
Kobo360 was accepted into YC’s 2018 class and gained some working capital in the form of $1.2M in pre-seed funding round led by Western Technology Investment announced this week. Lagos based Verod Capital Management also joined to support Kobo360.
The startup — with an Uber -like app that connects Nigerian truckers to companies with freight needs — will use the funds to pay drivers online immediately after successful hauls.
Kobo360 is also launching the Kobo Wealth Investment Network, or KoboWIN—a crowd-invest, vehicle financing program. Through it Kobo drivers can finance new trucks through citizen investors and pay them back directly (with interest) over a 60 month period.
Ozor said Kobo360 created the platform because of limited vehicle finance options for truckers in Nigeria.  “We hope KoboWIN…will inject 20,000…[additional] trucks on the Kobo platform,” he told TechCrunch.
On Kobo360’s utility, “We give drivers the demand and technology to power their businesses,” said Ozor. “An average trucker will make $3,500 a month with our app. That’s middle class territory in Nigeria.”
Kobo360 has served 324 businesses, aggregated a fleet of 5480 drivers, and moved 37.6M kilograms of cargo since 2017, per company stats. Top clients include Honeywell, Olam, Unilever, and DHL.
Ozor previously headed Uber Nigeria, before teaming up with Ife Oyodeli to co-found Kobo360. They initially targeted 3PL for Nigeria’s e-commerce boom — namely Jumia (now Africa’s first unicorn) and Konga (recently purchased in a distressed acquisition).
“We started doing last mile delivery…but the volume just wasn’t there for us, so we decided to pivot…to an asset free model around long-haul trucking,” said Ozor.
Kobo360 was accepted into YC’s Summer ’18 batch—receiving $120K for 7 percent equity—and will present at an August Demo Day in front of YC Investors. “We were impressed by both Obi and Ife as founders.  They were growing quickly and had a strong vision for the company,” YC partner Tim Brady told TechCrunch.
Kobo360’s app currently coordinates 5000 trips a month, according to Ozor. He thinks the startup’s asset free, digital platform and business model can outpace traditional long-haul 3PL providers in Nigeria by handling more volume at cheaper prices.
“Owning trucks is just too difficult to manage. The best scalable model is to aggregate trucks,” he said. “We now have more trucks than providers like TSL and they’ve been here….years. By the end of this year we plan to have 20,000 trucks on our app—probably more than anyone on this continent.”
On price, Ozor named the ability of the Kobo360 app to more accurately and consistently coordinate return freight trips once truckers have dropped off first loads.
“Logistics in Nigeria have been priced based on the assumption drivers are going to run empty on the way back…When we now match freight with return trips, prices crash.”
Kobo360 is profitable, according to Ozor. Though he wouldn’t provide exact figures, he said reviewing the company’s financial performance was part of YC’s vetting process.
Logistics has become an active space in Africa’s tech sector with startup entrepreneurs connecting digital to delivery models. In Nigeria, Jumia founder Tunde Kehinde departed and founded Africa Courier Express. Startup Max.ng is wrapping an app around motorcycles as an e-delivery platform. Nairobi based Lori Systems has moved into digital coordination of trucking in East Africa. And U.S. based Zipline is working with the government of Rwanda and partner UPS to master commercial drone delivery of medical supplies on the continent.
Kobo360 will expand in Togo, Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire, and Senegal. “We’ll be in Ghana this year and next year the other countries,” said Ozor.
In addition to KoboWIN, it will also add more driver training and safety programs.
“We are driver focused. Drivers are the key to our success. Even our app is driver focused,” said Ozor. Kobo360 will launch a new version of its app in Hausa and Pidgin this August, both local languages common to drivers.
“Execution is the key thing in logistics. It has to be reliable, affordable, and it has to be execution focused,” said Ozor. “If drivers are treated well, they are going to deliver things on time.”
via TechCrunch
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ongames · 7 years
This Woman Survived One Of The Deadliest Snake Attacks
This article is part of HuffPost’s Project Zero campaign, a yearlong series on neglected tropical diseases and efforts to fight them.
CHERANGAN, KENYA ― Walking home from a party in the evening light, Cheposait Adomo was unaware of the 6.5-foot black mamba snake in her path until it had coiled around her ankles and sunk in its teeth.
As Adomo screamed and pulled at the slithering knot that punctured her three times, she was unaware of the two other brown-colored mambas slithering over to provide backup.
“I felt the bites and then a burning sensation,” Adomo, a mother of five, said of the attack, which happened late last year near her hilly village of Cherangan, in Kenya’s West Pokot County, close to the Ugandan border.
In this poor and remote area, a three-hour drive along rocky switchbacks to the nearest city, most people run for their lives at the sight of what Adomo described as “very fierce snakes” that deliver deadly bites.
 “We’ve heard anecdotal reports about black mamba bites causing respiratory death within 40 minutes,” said Dr. Robert Harrison, head of the Alistair Reid Venom Research Unit at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 
“In a sub-Saharan African remote village context, that is often too quick between bite and death to get to hospital,” he added.
Adomo was saved from the other two mambas by a machete-wielding man who raced over and “cut them to pieces,” she said. But the three bites on her ankle were spreading a fiery sensation up her leg, and she started losing her vision.
“I fell down and people ran over to beat the snake around my legs so it would untie itself,” recalled Adomo, who thinks she’s around 40 years old.  
As she started passing out, people gathered around her tried to stop the poison from circulating by using a traditional medicinal technique. They tied pieces of cloth around her wrists, ankles and knees and made cuts in her skin to insert small, porous stones. Then they loaded her onto a neighbor’s motorbike, hoping they’d see her again, and sent her down the long road on a 45-minute ride to the nearest hospital.
Luckily, staff there had the anti-venom Adomo needed and saved her life. 
While it’s tough to get a firm number of snakebites, it’s estimated that a million people in Africa are bitten a year ― yet only a fraction of those are thought to seek treatment at clinics. Globally, an estimated 5 million people are bitten by snakes per year, causing 100,000 deaths. Another 400,000 are left permanently disabled or disfigured. In sub-Saharan Africa, snakebites kill around 30,000 people annually and lead to an estimated 8,000 amputations.
Doctors are trying to stamp out traditional treatments, like the one Adomo received in her village, because the practices can increase fatality rates for some snakebites and in all cases delay life-saving medical treatment. Given the right anti-venom, only between one and two percent of snakebite victims will die. Usually, these deaths happen when a person doesn’t get medical care in time, said Julien Potet, policy adviser on neglected tropical diseases for the French charity Doctors Without Borders.
Despite snakebites’ high rates of death and disability, experts say that in Africa it has been largely ignored by both the public and private sector. The hardest-hit victims are rural farmers, the “poorest of the poor,” says Potet. For many snakebite patients, a life-saving anti-venom costs more than their annual wage. But such high quality medicine is increasingly hard to find in rural Africa, and local clinics struggle to access it or even properly store it.
Put all this together, and it’s easy to see why so many people shy away from medical care.
“As long as the treatments will cost $50 to $100 per patient, the majority of victims will struggle” to pay, or even think about visiting the clinic, said Potet.
A current shortage of anti-venoms to treat African snakebites means that being bitten now is even deadlier than it was decades ago.
Until the early 1990s, “about 200,000 vials were used in Africa, and now it’s probably less than 30,000 or 40,000,” said Dr. Jean-Phillippe Chippaux, who has been studying snakes for over 40 years.
Because the average snakebite victim needs two doses, for 300,000 annual patients, “we probably need 600,000 vials in Africa each year,” he said.
A few years ago, the French drug company Sanofi Pasteur stopped making FAV-Afrique, one of the most effective anti-venoms for 10 types of African snakes. This was useful for cases where patients don’t know which snake bit them. But the treatment cost patients between $280 and $560, and Sanofi claimed it could no longer compete with the newer, cheaper and, in many cases, lower quality anti-venoms from Asia.
The company sold its last batch of FAV-Afrique in 2014, and the remaining supplies expired in 2016, leading to what Doctors Without Borders called a “snakebite crisis.” 
But the problem is bigger than one drug. Sub-Saharan African governments and overseas aid donors have been mostly unwilling or unable to invest in the research and development of quality anti-venom at the local level.
In Kenya’s Kilifi County, where many snakebites occur, Royjan Taylor, who manages the Bio-Ken medical research snake farm in the coastal resort town Watamu, has witnessed the demise of pricey yet effective anti-venoms.
“A big problem has been that anti-venoms from places like India have been dumped into the African market,” he said. 
“There are so many hospitals that have used these, which I can tell you are totally and absolutely useless.”
In countries like Ghana and Chad, the introduction of new anti-venoms led to mortality rates from snakebites rising from around two percent to between 12 and 15 percent. Given similar mortality rates for untreated snakebites, “that’s equivalent to not giving any anti-venom at all,” said Harrison, the venom researcher from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Over the past four years, Harrison and his colleagues have been searching for a safe new anti-venom to neutralize many different snakebites in Africa. They’ve done this by milking the venom of over 800 toxic snakes taken from Africa to Liverpool labs. 
Their work also involves testing anti-venoms sold in Kenya that have never even been tested on animals. By identifying the substandard anti-venoms, “we can avoid so many unnecessary deaths,” Harrison said.
“If all countries in sub-Saharan Africa where snakebite is important would do the same, we could make sure that the ineffective anti-venoms were forbidden for human use,” he added.
In Kenya, victims dying from ineffective anti-venoms ― leaving families with huge hospital bills ― discourage people from treatment in medical wards rather than by the cheaper and closer traditional doctors.
“They have lost confidence in seeking western medicine in a hospital,” said Taylor, the Bio-Ken snake farm manager.
“Every couple of months a person has died from snakebite because they didn’t get treatment in time,” he added.
Through fundraising, Bio-Ken buys between 50 to 100 vials of anti-venom per year to treat poor victims for free. But the need is much greater, “about 20,000 vials for Kenya alone, at an absolute minimum,” said Taylor, who sees how death and disability from snakebite renders people living in poor rural communities destitute.
The World Health Organization is currently assessing anti-venom products aimed at the African market to weed out the duds. It is also considering putting snakebites back on its list of neglected tropical diseases.
Researchers say that snakebite is a much more immediate and deadly condition than many of the 18 conditions listed, which tend to affect the world’s poorest but lack funding and attention, and is more ignored.
It may come as a surprise that, in an age where advances in genetic cloning seem hum-drum, little has changed in developing anti-venoms since their discovery in 1894.
“It’s ridiculous. I can’t believe we’re spending money on Dolly the sheep and not this,” said Taylor.
Success in the snakebite world is small but significant.
Doctors Without Borders is researching anti-venoms in the Central African Republic and has seen large upswings in treatment there, as well as in Ethiopia and South Sudan. The African Society of Venimology, founded in 2012, is lobbying internationally and training medics locally, soon by video tutorial to increase its reach. In Burkina Faso, government subsidies for anti-venom have brought costs to patients down from $140 to $4.
In Kenya, the team from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine is introducing snakebite motorcycle ambulances, to help especially patients bitten by mambas and certain cobras that can quickly stop breathing.
Adomo remembers little of the motorbike ― owned by a neighbor― that whisked her to the hospital. 
“I lost my vision and memory and didn’t know what was happening until I was in the hospital,” she recalled.
“She was going into shock, she thought she would die,” said Dr. Michael Makari, who runs the hospital in Kacheliba where Adomo received care. 
Today, people in her village light torches and fires at night and don’t walk in the dark to avoid the snakes. But having been so close to death, Adomo still shivers at the thought of these creatures.
“Now, I really fear snakes, and even seeing the tracks they’ve made in the sand,” she said.
This series is supported, in part, by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All content is editorially independent, with no influence or input from the foundation.
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This Woman Survived One Of The Deadliest Snake Attacks published first on http://ift.tt/2lnpciY
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