#heveene's older blonde sister
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I finally finished drawin the girl!
Here’s her info!
Bevelenńe “Believe” Goelden is Heveene’s rich, bleach-blonde, pink-loving older sister!  She is the leader of the Blondeabells, and is the oldest sister from the “3rd batch” of Mrs. Goelden’s children.  She and her other 4 blonde sisters try to “rule” the school. They have a lot of enemies (will explain about that later...) at the school and for good reasons!  Some of the students DID made their lives a nightmare during elementary school.  Bevelenńe is carful when she picks who she targets.  Usually, they are students who make fun of the Blondeabells behind their back, steal from them or their lockers, and trick and/play pranks on them.  
She has some enemies that she shares a history with: The Cutie Lillies, Cup (for understandable reasons), The Goths from the “Underworld Club”, etc.  But, She mostly hates The Nerds, especially their leader! (Well... she was BFFs with the leader once, but it was in grade school.  Then again, she did betray Bevelenńe....)
Bevelenńe does care about her sisters, especially Heveene.  Since she was the youngest from “the batch” and was, as said by her mom, blessed with real golden hair and mosted loved in the family, Bevelenńe has to protect her at the school.  Sadly, Heveene does not see the students as Bevelenńe sees them. She thinks that Bevelenńe and her sisters as bullies when she sees them with the other “innocent” students.
When Bevelenńe came back from one of her little sisters’ (from the current “4th Batch”) band recitals, she discovered two things that happened while she was away:
On her 3rd day back in school, she learns about a new rich girl who was was able to grab everyone, including the boys’ attention.  She was furious at the fact that the girl was not only attractive to everyone she encountered, she was a “innocent flirter”, seemly unaware of how people view her, is super happy and REALLY love pastel and cute things, which Bevelenńe started to HATE about her.  As she tried to confront this cat eared-like girl, Bevelenńe noticed that the girl’s eyes seemed rather... intimidating, despite looking unnaturally cute to everyone else.  But, what really scared her was when she discovered who the girl was...
She was the daughter of the most richest couple in all of Inkwell Island and possibly the world: The Dea Villeens, who own most of Inkwell’s businesses, including the Goeldens’ company!
Now, Bevelenńe has true competition that she can NOT ignore.
And on the fifth day, Bevelenńe learned from the other rich teens at lunch that Heveene was hanging out with a shy cup girl with glasses.  Since she hates nerds with a higher passion, she then confronted this girl and stared to frighten her.  As she talked to this Cup girl, Bevelenńe sensed something off about her and she can’t put her finger on it.  Well, she then quickly learned that this “Cupoline” girl is one of Cup’s cousin.  She then ran from the scene since her strongest enemy was approaching. 
This one took awhile, but it was worth it! ‘<3
Also, yes I did watch Heathers and finally Mean girls for inspiration for this character.  And, personally, I love how the drawings turned out! XD
Enjoy! X3
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I’m already done with drawing Heveene! <3
I just want to add some more drawings on her post “<:3
here is a preview of who I will draw in that post:
Her AWFUL older sister! >:)
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I’m drawing the sister now... ‘:/c
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You purple b******h!
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Heveene has the most beautiful hair in her family. Her mom said that her hair must have been a gift from the heavens since it is almost like the color gold itself.  It is completely different from her family’s brown and bleach blonde hair.
This does make her older sisters(in high school) a little bit jealous of her hair color though...
Also, a cup girl(who she likes a lot) loves her hair too, but mostly likes her, even though she is too shy to say it to Heveene herself... ‘<:3 
Just some info about Heveene’s hair. Nothing special! ‘;3
Enjoy! :3
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~Heveene Goelden~
1# “A “Good” Rich Girl”
2# “~Cupid strucked her down when she saw those gorgeous eyes!~”
3# “She will not let ANYTHING bad happen to her!!!”
4# “*~On their First Actual Date~*”
5# “Their third interaction after the day she met her”
6# “**Winter Besties**”
Read her info below.
Heveene “Heaven” Goelden is one of the (35) blonde daughters of the Goelden Family, one of the (almost) richest families in Inkwell. She is the nicest of her older sisters and has about 85 (or more) siblings, 20 young and 65 older including her. They are rich because of their family’s ancestry, and some of 20 of her much older siblings have successful jobs and live outside Inkwell Island.
24 of her older sisters are called “Blondeabells” at her high school. They are like the average blonde popular girls, but can be in almost any social groups at Inkwell High and can get away with bullying some of the students. They are so good at it that most students can’t tell if someone in their group or club is a Blondeabell. Some of the students love them, but others don’t because they know that they are bullying the weaker students and some of them are those students. They don't like it when someone is getting more popular than them and try to bring them back down. They usually pick their battles wisely since they can’t mess with The Cute girls, The Hot Girls, the Athletics Club (there is a reason why, but i’ll explain later...), and other respected groups like the student council. The Blondeabells think they can rule the school and everyone in it. That is... until they meet a certain cheerful rich girl.
However, Heveene is part of the Blondeabells and uses that to the advantage. She hides students in unlocked lockers when her sisters walk by, tells her sisters that she will “deal with” other students that they are messing with when in reality she lets them escape, and other things she can do to help. Because of this, Heveene is called “The Good Blondeabell” by the whole school and the students can't tell that it's her because she looks like her sisters. She just wants everyone to have a great time at Inkwell High without her sisters causing chaos and despair.
Then one day, Heveene bumped into a pretty, proper purple cup girl, who moved into town, at school, and fell in love with her instantly ever since. She later noticed that the girl always seem to be shy and mostly strangely afraid of other students who are direct towards her, so she started to be her friend politely. As she learned more about her, she became secret friends with the girl and over time...
They soon became girlfriends. And, Heveene does NOT care what her sisters think of their relationship. And, she wants to protect the girl no matter what!
I hope that everyone liked this! <3 It took me a whole month to finish it! <:D I wanted to make a good rich character for this au because when I was looking at high school media for reference, but I hardly see anything to help me make a “nice” rich blonde girl. So, it was very difficult to create her personality... </ But, thankfully, Heveene turned out great! XD
Enjoy! ;3
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