#hey ale if you don't want to catch up manually this can act like a summary of things
simgerale · 7 years
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i never thought we’d get here…..mainly cause i’m slow with this sigh sorry but ALSO not sorry cause i like character development (even in a rinky dinky legacy)!! 
i hope their expressions show their personalities well (~: but if you still cannot decide (or if you’re willing to be swayed), i’m putting details about each kid under the cut! as well as the poll link! ha suckers you have to read it anyway! or skim over it but still!
R O M A (moodboard)
loves painting late at night
enjoys taking dumb photos of things she likes even though she’s not as good as she used to be
tells jokes……too much
like way too much
and sure they’re good jokes but ?? still roma geez
was bullied as a kid but learned to embrace her genes
she likes grape flavored everything now lol
then she got really sick and almost died BUT DIDNT
met this drunk guy named danny and became bffs even though she also sorta liked him
and of course he was her “almost” first kiss
dated a guy named atlas as sort of a fling to get her mind off danny until said guy had to go to college
things didn’t work out with danny cause he is a mistake maker™
she wants to travel the world, but will settle for the country
has ambitions to sell her art and photos as a career forever!!
J E R E M I A H (moodboard)
is a giant geek for anything related to music
big fan of ray charles
played the piano since he was a wee kid!!
had a hard time making friends, so he got a pen pal
he also got a crush on this pal
wrote a song about them
but then jeremiah found out why his pal wasn’t replying anymore
he always had issues with anxiety and school, including bullies, and eventually also got a bit of depression after the pen pal incident
his best friend was always his sister, no matter what age he was
likes his breakfast a little more than any other meal
his favorite time of day is the evening
wants to move to oasis springs one day cause he likes western movies and i guess thinks ? deserts relate to that
is getting good at singing!! his songs needed a voice and he thought “why not mine?”
still struggles with random bouts of sadness, but otherwise he’s been better (~’:
now, no matter who wins, i will share bits and pieces of the loser’s story (fahucjiduga LOSER wow i feel terrible) to sort of…connect dots and make it more cohesive? plus, i want to keep everyone informed! and i want to do both their stories so of course i’d do this!
but seriously i couldn’t pick. trust me when i say i love and wish to share both their stories, which should tell you they’re both interesting hmm? simply: if roma wins, we will continue sort of where we left off, and if jere wins, we will skip a couple years into the future (i’d probably do a loose recap queue on what happened with roma).
POLL LINK (you can vote for both if you’re undecided!)
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