#hey are you ever 13 and ate your whole birthday cake and puked it all over your older brother & you will die at 24 because you're just a guy
barnbridges · 8 months
The Buddy Holly 8 track he got his brother rested boastful under the crapton of comics Ted somehow thought they’d read. He got it off Sean for a pack of cigarettes he picked from Lisa when she was there, all beige suits and trying to nod to everything Mom was saying.  Back then they placed their bets, if she’d kill Teddy or get knocked up first, because no way he took her any other way. But she was nice and all, even in the summer kept her bob sharp and lips in a dainty smile. Funny thing was, she did both just fine it seems. ‘98. It was sad and all, like their Uncle down in Springfield, but they left the kid to find them. In bed and all, romantic almost. Lisa’s last pack of ciggies resting careful atop the dresser. But it was still Pall Malls. Who even smokes that trash? Neither he nor Bunny smoked much, but knew to appreciate a good ciggie when presented with it.  Ted and Lisa were under the ground by their own making for years, but a part still yearns for the stench of every car they ever owned, the way even the kid John smelled of it. For all of his father, Jack Corcoran felt sticky, even a bundle boy carried half-conscious across the parking lot at the burger place, he bore some of that maternal ugliness. It comes with having a mother at all, he muses. He’s rather think about anything, than the dopey grin that was half puked up birthday cake that Bunny had for him that birthday. It still feels etched into his soul, that this was it, where it all went wrong.
dropping more... some time. enjoy the cursed family that does nothing, means nothing, and exists in the void.
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