#hey if you put goku's wndswept hair on colonel violet's body you basically have my dragon ball oc
duhragonball · 6 years
Dragon Ball 065
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Commander Red is playing golf while he waits for Tao to head back with the Dragon Balls.  Black claps for his performance, but Red gets mad at him until he stoops down.  
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Red rides back to HQ in a special golf cart with a chauffeur and a special seat that lifts him up in the air.   Okay, I think Toei might have been laying it on a little too thick at this point.
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He gets a phone call (there’s a phone in the cart too, natch) informing him that the four Dragon Balls have been detected moving towards Red Ribbon Headquarters.  Red naturally assumes this is General Tao on his way back to drop off the Dragon Balls and collect his fee.  
For those of you keeping score at home, Commander Red has one Dragon Ball on site, the six-star ball which Colonel Silver took from Emperor Pilaf way back in Episode 32.   That leaves two more Dragon Balls unaccounted for.
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No, wait, they found one more.  
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While all this Mercenary Tao business has been going on, Colonel Violet has been quietly searching for the next Dragon Ball, using the more sophisticated Dragon Radar captured from Goku.  I’m not sure how long Violet had been working on this this one, but my guess is that she was already working on this area before, and Red sent her the Dragon Radar to speed things along while Tao was dealing with the Goku problem.  
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On the way back to headquarters, Violet’s riverboat gets attacked by a giant alligator, so she tosses two of her own men overboard to distract it while she makes her escape.   
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So it’s down to her and one other guy, and as they make it to their airplane, they get attacked by an indigenous tribe who lives in the area.  The fox dude gets killed by a spear while Violet stops to check on an injured monkey.  
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I’m not really sure what Toei was trying to say about Violet here.   That she’s an animal lover?  Well, she dumps this monkey almost as soon as she picks him up.  That she’s willing to betray her own men to save her skin?  Well she definitely betrayed the first two, but not the fox guy.   He just died by coincidence.   I almost want to suggest that Colonel Violet is kind of reckless and irresponsible, but it’s hard to be sure of that.   I’m just thinking that Generals White and Blue took greater care in pacifying their search zones before looking for the Dragon Balls.    But those guys didn’t have the advanced Radar to work with, so they knew it would be a long term project.   Violet seems to have tried a hit-and-run strategy here, but the terrain was a little too hostile for that. 
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Anyway, Colonel Violet does escape from all of this, and she’s awesome and I love her.   
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Meanwhile, Bulma is still putting the finishing touches on her Goku-watching-drone.   This episode is kind of notable because Launch is in her blonde form, but she seems pretty copacetic for the moment.   I guess there’s nothing to steal, and Bulma’s been around long enough that she’s gotten used to her.
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Violet turns in the Dragon Ball to Commander Red, and points out that the new Radar greatly simplified the task.   She rather shamelessly requests her payment for services rendered, but Red is all-too happy to reward her.   He tells Black to give the Radar to General Copper and put him to work on finding the seventh Dragon Ball.   
We never actually get to see General Copper, just like we never get to see Brown, the unknown leader of Brown Squad.   I’m kind of curious about both of them.   In particular, what would Copper have done about this assignment?   The last Dragon Ball was hidden from radar detection, so using Bulma’s radar would have accomplished nothing.  I guess it doesn’t matter.
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Bulma finally finishes her drone, and sends it off on its way.  Geez, this drone is starting to feel like the star of this episode.    I’m gonna call it Droney.
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Droney works pretty well, but the reception isn’t so great, so Bulma recruits Launch to help her install a bigger antenna on the house.   While they do that, Roshi tries to use the drone to watch women take off their clothes, but he ends up seeing a man’s butt instead, which makes him violently ill.   How did Roshi figure out how to pilot the drone so quickly?  Bulma had just turned it on.
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This feels like the preview image for a fanfiction.    Droney x Reader.   Tags: Voyeurism, Public Nudity, Robot/Human sex. 
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Launch and Bulma head back down to wonder why Roshi is dry heaving.  Just be grateful that’s all he’s doing.   Now that I think about it, if I were Bulma I’d just carry around a photo of a naked man with me at all times, and show it to Roshi whenever he starts getting fresh.   That’d fix his wagon.
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Droney finally intercepts Goku and flies alongside him for a minute.   Now that Launch sees where Goku is, she realizes that he’s heading for Red Ribbon Headquarters.    Roshi can’t believe Goku would dare such a thing, so Bulma sends Droney on ahead to see what Goku’s in for. 
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Sure enough, Goku’s course does indeed put him on a collision course with Red Ribbon HQ.  The Army fires missiles at Droney, but it dodges like, a million missiles before it finally gets shot down.  
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R.I.P. Droney (Age 750 - Age 750)
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Bulma calls home to see if she can get ahold of Yamcha.    Turns out he’s still there, which is good to hear, seeing as they had practically broken up the last time we saw him.   I’m guessing Dr Brief took pity on him and let him move back in, so he wouldn’t have to live on that playground anymore.  
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Oolong doesn’t like the sound of this, but he gets roped into the Goku Rescue Squad before he can duck out.   Basically, the whole gang is convinced that Goku is walking into certain death by attacking RRHQ, and they think the only smart play is to get together and follow him.   Do they just not remember the previous sixty-four episodes?  
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Yamcha arrives on Roshi’s Island, and picks up the rest of the gang.   Well, everyone but Krilln.   He’s not around for some reason.  This is the first time Yamcha and Launch meet, although he just tells her to get in the plane, and she tells him not to rush her. 
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I seriously don’t understand what these guys think they’re going to do.    Bulma and Krillin already helped Goku against the Red Ribbon Army, and they were more of a liability than anything else.   Also, Goku’s been winning so far, so I don’t understand why they’re worried about him.   Yamcha’s just happy for an excuse to get back out into the field, and Launch is happy to have someone to shoot, but if they’re so confident about this, why should they feel less confident about Goku?
This episode closes with an insert song entitled "With a Blazing Heart: Defeat the Red Ribbon Army”.   Check it out.
While this plays, we get a cool highlight reel of Goku’s conflict with the Red Ribbon Army up to this point.   It’s pretty awesome.  
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Do it, Son Goku.  Do it for Droney.
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