#hey look ma i didn't write a blurb.
batllethinker · 10 months
Hi! New to your page but absolutely love your work! I’ve seen that your reqs are closed so if you don’t feel inclined to do write this then please don’t feel pressured to! Just wanted to request either a bratty subby Katie who’s gotten a red/yellow card and the team has to punish her and/or Leah dropping after a really rough match but she tries to fight it and Kim and Lia just gang up on her and make her give into it and embrace her little side and make her aware that just because she’s little doesn’t mean that she’s unlovable or without use to the team.
Seriously if it’s any trouble at all don’t worry about it…. even if it’s just really small blurbs or headcanons or whatever’s easiest for you!
Anyways love your Arsenal work and hope that life’s treating you well 😊
It's okay, little one | L.W + LW + K.L
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Pairing: Mama Lia Wälti + CG Kim Little (minor ch) + Little Leah Williamson
Summary: Feeling particularly upset after a rough game, Leah does her best to put on a brave face
Warnings: some crying, upset Leah, Leahs mommies being the best, hurt/comfort, self doubt, Leah spiraling
Leah hated losing, that was a fact everyone was aware of that and always tried their best at cheering her up after a tough game, not that she'd let them try for too long.
Letting out a rough sigh in a valiant attempt at not letting the teams loss get the best of her. Leah sank down on the bench beneath her, trying her best to not curl up into a ball and sob. This was not the time.
She could hear Kim talking encouragingly to the team, her captain always knew what to say to make everything better even if Leah wasn't the top of her priority.
The young woman could feel her eyes welling up again, ofcourse she wasn't important to her captain, her mama hadn't even talked to her yet.
'Stupid! Stupid!' Ofcourse her mama didn't love her because if she did she would be here. Leahs lip wobbled again, mouth dropping into a frown as she desperately tried to cling onto her adult headspace.
The room had quitened around her, Lias worried eyes on her but she didn't even notice, far too deep in her thoughts to really notice what was going on around her.
Lia quickly sent a worried glance to Kim before they both approached the little girl, the swiss woman crouched down infront of her babygirl, a soft hand landing on Leahs thigh.
"Babygirl, what's going on?" Lia took a deep breath when she noticed the younger woman tense up, anger quickly flashing in her eyes as her brows furrowed, her face set in a deep frown.
"Nothing! Just leave me alone" Lia frowned at the tone, clearly displeased with her little girl as the blonde leaned back against her locker, arms crossing over her chest in a silent tantrum.
"Leah. Do you want to try that again?" Kims stern voice cut through whatever battle that was going through in Leahs brain, her angry mask falling only to be replaced by welling tears and a trembling lip.
"I don't want to go.." Lia met Kims worried gaze once again, they both knew what was needed and where the little girls head was at.
"Come on, Princess, it's okay if you want to, we'll be right here for you" Leah let the first tears fall but still shook her head defiantly.
"Ma, Lia, I can't.." The older woman gave her a small, tired smile as she pulled Leah into her lap, pressing the blonde closer to her with a firm hand on her back, the other soothingly running through Leahs hair.
Lia discreetly motioned for Kim to get some of the gear that the team kept in case anyone dropped during training. The younger brunette gave a small sigh of relief as she was handed Leahs binky and one of her teddies.
"Hey, babygirl. Do you want mr. Snuggles? And your binky?" The brunette slowly extracted Leah from her lap, just far enough for her to look at her babygirl.
The blonde shifted uncomfortably as her gear was held up infront of her, a sad pout adorning have lips as she avoided looking at it, didn't want to risk slipping further.
Her mama noticed this instantly, giving her a kind smile as she was brought into Lias arms again, now with the added addition of her captains hand on her back.
"I think you do, little one" Leah could hear the smile in mamas voice, which made her feel just the tiniest bit better as she nodded into Lias neck. The two older women smiled in relief, placing the teddy in Leahs arms as her binky was pushed into her mouth but the tears were yet to stop.
The younger woman seemed to settle abit as the exhaustion finally hit, her nose nussling into Lias neck was just about enough for Lia to angle her face just enough to press soft kisses to Leahs forehead.
"It's okay now, babygirl, you're okay" The blonde mumbled a sleepy "mama" into her neck, pressing her face further into Lia as she finally finally let herself settle.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
now you have me curious, how would pa! reader and austin have been if they had met earlier?
literally nothing. absolutely nothing. oh? oh. no you wanted an answer. okay fine, but know like the "we'll be together when you're 30 and i'm 40" anon, y'all have gotten me in trouble with my own throwaway lines. ( i kid, truly, this was actually a nice thing to theorize about and if i write something about it- well- we all know i'm a sucker for au's of my own au. )
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okay so serious answer? it depends entirely on how we're defining earlier. because i write my pa! reader as about 9ish/10ish years younger than austin. so there is not that much earlier to play with in terms of legal age which i'm sticking to. it'd be different if the age difference was smaller, so if pa! reader was a little older but as the entire verse/world is based mildly on that age difference, yeah it doesn't necessarily work. ( this isn't true for other people's pa! reader, or like some stuff i'll write that's in my inbox but ya know ) but basically it boils down to a too young but good friend situation until the reader's late 20s?
that being said, so he's always going to end up still being with vanessa and there's a difference between meeting her at 18 vs. 20/21. because here's the thing, papi? still happens even though austin tells her it's a bad idea because he's not gonna leave his wife for you, come on now. but pa! reader will make the argument that she's a grown adult and he treats her like austin treats vanessa. to which everyone say it with me- "no honey no." eighteen year olds, not the best judges of character. run off do the dumb thing with papi, don't contact austin during it and then 2 months go by and he gets a text in the middle of the night, "know you're with nessa. i'm fine, call me later?"
and here's a thing that ends up coloring 95% of his interactions with her for almost a decade. because austin ends up seeing her as like a kid versus you know the adult she technically is because he met her at 18 so even when she's 21/22 he's still thinks "kid" not adult. so he's always thinking "oh is how I'm interacting with her hurting her." point blank she doesn’t end up getting to be priscilla because when her name is even brought up austin shoots it down because "no she's a kid I'm not gonna do that". also generally speaking you know he will still be really really aware of how elvis was with priscilla. so he won't want her to be priscilla.
it definitely causes a fight to where they go from good friends to sort of half friends from like 22 to like 28. jokes on austin though because eventually there's like a miniseries or something about priscilla's life and lo and behold yeah she still ends up being a priscilla actress.
and then you know she's older and wiser, austin's a divorced single dad to little lori butler. career trajectory wise she probably mirrors his in that you know she does the odds and ends sort of parts and then toward the tail end of her 20s it's boom she gets all these parts. but she gets cast first then he gets cast second because he's got the star power and she's still kind of iffy re: can she hold up a movie by herself. austin almost backs out when he realizes who's playing his romantic interest but his agent reminds him hey you haven't ever done like a regency thing so do it now. besides since you know her it should be fine.
pa! reader gives no fucks because whatever this could be her big break. sees austin for the first time in years at the table read and is like "hi." and austin endures the most awkward moment of "oh fuck you're hot" of his life because this is the first time he's thought of her in that light ( pa! reader always had kind of liked austin but also isn't dumb and realizes he thinks of her as a kid even pre-fight ). and then they get to know each other again, totally fall for each other, she calls him birdie he definitely subs for her on occasion and it's generally just a different dynamic with the exception of austin still being incredibly protective over her. and also the publicists/pr/agents loving them because they're not idiots like in the actual main world thing.
might this have been an excuse to just use that gif up at the top? maybe. did i also love this question? yes. will i probably write up a headcanon post for this? i've done stranger things. would austin get a wet shirt scene in this hypothetical movie? yes.
also. consider: "did it really take a decade for you to stop thinking of me as a kid who made a decision so bad you called my mother?" "yeah, but trust me, that is- the farthest thing from my mind right now." "are we just gonna be like kurt russell and goldie hawn?" "depends, you trust me enough to marry me?" "i did when i was 18, it's almost a decade after and i still do, birdie."
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hugheshugs · 3 years
night with you | t. bordeleau
join my taglist!
summary: you and thomas go to a party with some of your friends and a boy almost makes a move on you. luckily he's there to help you in time.
pairing: protective!thomas × reader
warnings: creepy guy says one slightly suggestive line and makes a move on reader
word count: 1.4k
translations: ma chérie = my dear // ma belle = beautiful
note: yes, this was supposed to be for blurb night.. yes, i went over 1k words again.. shhh, we got a bords imagine out of it. im definitely gonna write smthng better for him cuz this was not my best writing but i hope you guys like it <3
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the situation between you and thomas wasn't exactly clear. it was somewhere along the lines of we aren't dating but you're mine. you didn't mind though, in fact, you were okay with it. if you were going to date him, you would wait until he was ready, even if you already were.
you were getting ready to go out with him and a couple of your mutual friends. apparently there was a party going on somewhere that everyone except you wanted to go to. you weren't much of a partier, you liked staying in your dorm and minding your own business. thomas had managed to convince you, somehow. probably because of those puppy dog eyes that were only reserved for you.
everyone was meeting up in the dorm lobby so when you and your roommate, flora, were ready to go, you made your way down. a couple of the boys were already there, including your favourite one. thomas had his back turned to you and you grinned, running up behind him and wrapping your arms around his torso.
he jumped. "holy shit!"
with a glance over his shoulder, he caught your amused gaze and smiled. "you scared me."
he turned in your arms and pulled you in for a hug. you took a deep breath and closed your eyes as you squeezed him, the scent of his cologne making you hum in delight.
"i did?"
"just a little bit," he chuckled, pulling away to see your face once more. "you look beautiful."
his eyes racked down your body for a moment, admiring the sight of you wearing the cutest outfit. you felt heat rise to your face as you gave him a sheepish smile.
you stayed close, holding his arm while making small talk until the rest of the group showed up. when everyone was there you all split up into a couple cars and it didn't take long to reach the party. as soon as thomas pulled up by the driveway, you could hear loud voices and music coming from the house. your heart raced but you decided to keep your worries to yourself.
the pleasant smell of alcohol and sweat is what you were greeted by when you all walked in. most of the group made a beeline for the drinks but thomas stayed with you, watching the way your eyes nervously flickered across the room.
"hey, you okay?" he asked softly.
you met his eyes. "yeah.. why wouldn't i be?"
he gave you a teasing look. "i know you well enough to know when something's wrong."
your breath got caught in your throat. "i.. i just need you to stay with me. i-if that's okay."
"of course it is," he mumbled as he grabbed your hand and pressed a light kiss to your knuckles.
the party went on and he stayed true to his words. he didn't leave your side, even though you were just staying close to your friends. it calmed your nerves and you started to feel okay with being left alone if needed, although that still wouldn't be ideal.
"you and bords are awfully close today," brendan pestered beside you.
you peaked up at him through your eyelashes. "is there a problem?"
"no," he said with a smile. "i think it's cute. just don't tell him."
"i can't make any promises, briss. one wrong move and i'll rat you out," you joked before you felt a tug on your hand.
you turned towards thomas, whose eyes met brendan's before looking at you.
"i just gotta go to the washroom, will you be okay alone?" he asked, running his tongue over his lip.
"yeah," you nodded as your stomach flipped. "i'll be okay, don't worry about me."
"i always worry about you, ma chérie. i'll be quick, i promise," he told you before giving you a small smile and walking away.
everyone was talking as you stood and watched, a couple comments were thrown at you here and there but you mostly just listened. you weren't a very extroverted person and they knew that so they didn't press.
a few minutes went on and you glanced down at everyone's hands, recognizing that they were all holding cups. thomas had offered to get you a drink earlier but you'd denied and as you felt your throat running dry, you wished you'd accepted. he told you not to get a drink by yourself but you couldn't help it as your feet took you to the kitchen.
there were tons of people standing around, so many that you could barely get through the maze. you didn't even know where you were supposed to go. as your eyes caught the cooler you were looking for, you made a dash towards it. your feet stood in front of the box but something was separating you from it.
a human. your gaze first met his shoes. then you slowly looked up to meet his grouchy face. he was a tall, lanky boy, who stood with his arms crossed as he looked down at you, almost as if he was guarding the non-alcoholic drinks.
"what do you want?" he asked roughly.
if your throat was running dry before, it had turned into a whole desert by now. you couldn't find it in you to respond, your mouth opening and closing as your chest felt tight.
"what do you want?" he repeated.
"i-i just wanted a drink," you mustered and he scoffed, making you feel small. you shrunk under his intimidating gaze.
"yeah, no can do, little mouse."
little mouse? did he just call you a little mouse?
your eyes crinkled. "why can't i.. why can't i get a drink?"
there was a mischievous glint in the look he gave you. "you want a drink, huh? i can give you a drink.."
he stepped closer to you and you fumbled over your feet as you took a couple steps back. you hit a body and two hands steadied you, causing you to turn around.
his arms snaked around your waist and you wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling into his hold. you were set into a state of panic the moment the boy made a move on you, and your raggedy breaths were hot against the crease of thomas' neck.
"what's going on here?" he asked demandingly, holding your frame.
"we were just, having a little fun. isn't that right, little mouse?"
"a little fun, my ass. stay the fuck away from her," he spoke heatedly, walking away with you.
your heart pounded against your chest and you let out a small sound of discomfort.
"you okay?" he whispered into your ear.
you shook your head. "i want to go home."
"okay," he mumbled in response, fumbling with his phone as he grabbed it out of his pocket. "let me just ask them if they wanna come back with us or not."
his concern was you, more than the drunk friends he was supposed to drive back, but he wasn't just going to leave them here. after your car mates informed him that they'd get a ride from someone else, he led you out to his car and opened your door for you.
you sat down and he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek "you're okay, ma belle."
he rested an arm against the top of the car as he leant down. you weren't crying, which was a good sign. but you were a bit scared and it made him furious. he bit the inside of his cheek as he contained his anger, using every bone in his body to resist the urge to go back inside and punch the boy who made you feel this way. you were shaking.
"i'm here, he won't hurt you, y/n. how are you feeling?" he asked lightly, stroking your face.
"i'm just a little scared. but– but i shouldn't be scared because.. it's not like he did anything to me," you answered quietly.
"no," he immediately shook his head. "it's okay to be scared. it's okay to feel the way you're feeling, hm? don't dismiss your feelings like that."
you gave him a timid nod and he let out a sigh.
"how about we spend the rest of the night together. you know, before we go back.. we can get dinner somewhere and try to sneak in some cuddles at your dorm before i have to leave."
a small smile stretched upon your lips. "i'd like that a lot. thank you, thomas."
taglist <3 @harlowhockeystick @nucksgal03 @this-is-ally-and-im-confused @calemakarjuice @everythinghughes @stars-canucks @livelaughloveurdad @idfan21 @joelsfarabees @oowenspower @thescooby-gang @1-800-iluvhockey @boeswhore @talksoprettyjjx @itspbjellytime @nicoleloveshockey @rainysuitcaseprunegiant @owenpowerstapejob @xoxo-ceebs @drei-mrssvechii @bbrissonn @owenpwr @owenpowersglasses @mattybolds @quietblues @sebbyaho
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