#heyyyyyyyyyyy mayorrrrrrrrr who's maybe isn't entirely the mayorrrrrrrr hiiiiiiiii
herecomesmk · 2 years
❝ Good day! Wonderful weather we're having, hm? ❞
         Not the best day for good surprises as, so far, all have been increasingly frightening in scale. As expected the following was a wonderful, almost as if choreographed, set of shrieking, pausing, and pointing ! Dang creepy people creeping up behind him, it's so darn rude !
         Mostly what ran through his mind while processing this was confusion and concern... which were not misplaced, considering the entity before him.
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         " Wait, how did- where did- WHEN DID- this is not so good. Uhhh... heyyy there... you're not still mad we tied you up right, we just had to make sure y'know ! No hard feelings am I right... hah... "
         Not that he couldn't take care of the Mayor should he... try anything. The slightly more pressing matter is MK feels a bit bad for what they've done. Not fully since the whole trying to take over the world, though forgive and forget ( to a degree ) ! Then again with how he's still here, he wouldn't still happen to have crazy LBD powers or some sort of dangerous / magical / deadly weapon right ? ...RIGHT ?
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