hopelesshawks · 1 year
While we’re on the subject of hurt/no comfort hanahaki:
Keigo getting chronic hanahaki. It’s not necessarily lethal, it’s more like a disability or chronic illness where there are good days and bad. He refuses to confess because he doesn’t have time for a relationship nor does he want to put you in the line of fire (both of villains and of the general public) by starting a relationship with you. Plus you’re his only real best friend and he doesn’t want to jeopardize that either by you not returning the feelings or entering a relationship only for it to go sour.
At the same time, he knows the HPSC absolutely cannot find out about it. They’d flip if they knew he had any kind of chronic condition and they’d also never approve of him getting into a relationship which would leave only one solution in their mind. The same solution that is Keigo’s worst nightmare.
So he’s as careful as he can be about hiding his condition. But there’s only so much he can do for so long…
It’s a bad day. One of those days where he coughs up whole flowers instead of just petals and they come up tinged with red. He’s struck by a coughing fit mid-meeting with the HPSC President and no matter how hard he tries to suppress it and ignore the bitter perfume taste collecting on the back of his tongue, eventually his body has to let instincts take over and let the coughs spill out. By the time he’s done there’s a small, bloody garden on the table and a cold look in the president’s eyes.
The guards catch him while he’s still vulnerable from the coughing fit and make sure he can’t get away.
Not even a week later Keigo wakes up in a hospital bed, chained to it by quirk suppressing hand cuffs as they were the only way of ensuring they’d be able to tranquilize him and keep him still for the surgery.
He wakes up and he still has the memories of you. He still remembers the first time you two met, the first time he made you laugh, the first time he opened up to you, and the first time he realized he was in love.
But now when he examines those memories there’s no actual emotions associated with them. Where his love for you used to warm his heart there is now only a cold, numb indifference that can’t be shaken or removed.
Keigo doesn’t love you anymore.
He can’t love you anymore.
And it’s the loneliest he’s ever felt
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