#hi i'd be posting more if i wasnt trying to graduate. and if my life could be normal for like 2 seconds
risingsunresistance · 2 years
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can i get off of this rollercoaster please
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thirsty-pixie · 5 years
Richie x Reader. Part 5
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Part 1, part 2, part 3, Part 4
Part 6
I got home and checked the mail seeing a bright blue envelope with my moms name on it, I grabbed it and sat on the couch while the boys raided my kitchen for snacks. I opened the letter not recognizing the name on the return address, it came from California where my mom said she lived as a little girl.
Dear Teresa,
I know it's been 20 years since we last spoke but your father is sick and would like to make amenities and we are willing to send you a plane ticket to fly to California. We miss you dearly and hope you can forgive us for everything. We hope you will consider coming home you can hall us at 530-838-2356 (idk if it's a real number I kinda made it up lol)
Love, mom and dad.
I stood up and looked at Richie who was drinking a soda and leaning against the kitchen entryway watching the guys. "I just got a letter from my moms parents" he turned and looked at me "I thought she told you they died...?" He looked at the letter then back at me. "She did.... should I call" I scrunched my eyes as I read the number again. He shrugged and looked at the phone, "it wouldn't hurt to try..." I nodded and walked to the phone hanging on the wall.
The phone rang twice before a womans voice answered, "um hi uh...." I didnt know what to say "Hi may I ask whose calling?" I swallowed the lump in my throat before answering in a shakey voice."Yeah you sent a letter for Teresa Brooks.." the woman gasped "Is this Teresa?" She asked excited, I cleared my throat and sigh "no I'm sorry you have to find out like this but she passed 2 years ago.. but I an her daughter Y/n" the woman was silent for a few moments before I heard a muffled cry. "I'm really sorry I wish you could have found out differently." I played with the cord waiting for her to respond.
After a few moments of silence the woman sniffled "you said you are her daughter.." i cleared my throat again and nodded "yes ma'am" she was quiet for a second "well Y/n do you want to fly to California to meet some of your moms family?" I smiled and said yes. I hung the phone back up and turned around, Richie was standing behind me "well?" He asked curious about how the call went. "I'm going to California to meet my moms family" I said excitedly smiling at him.
~~~Time Skip a week after graduation~~~
I was waiting at the bus stop looking for Richie, he was supposed to meet me here to say goodbye. My bus was supposed to be here in 10 minutes, the rest of the losers club had come to say goodbye which ended up making me cry. "You'll be back though right" Mike asked as he hugged me, "yeah in a year or so." I wiped my eyes looking around one last time for any sign of Richie. But he wasn't around, and here came my bus.
I grabbed my bag and handed it to the bus driver to put in the storage area under the bus, I gave the guys one last hug before I turned to get on the bus. "Y/N" I stopped hearing someone yell my name, I looked down the road seeing Richie running towards me. I smiled and looked back at the driver "just give me a minute please" he nodded and got on the bus. Richie ran up to me pulling me into a tight hug, I hugged him back and my eyes began to water.
"I'm gonna miss you Trash Mouth" I pulled back and he wiped my tears before kissing me. "I'm gonna miss you too but you're gonna be back in no time." I smiled and hugged him again. They all waved as the bus drove off leaving Derry and all of my friends behind.
~~~time skip 2 years later reader is 20 losers club is 18~~
I sat on the bus staring out the window as we drove passed the welcome to Derry sign. It had been 2 years since I had left to meet my family and I was more than happy to be back in my hometown. Richie and I would talk every day while I was gone for the first year but by the second year we would only send a few letters a month. I walked off the bus and grabbed my bag from the driver throwing it over my shoulder, while I was gone I rented out my house to an elderly couple who just move out last week. I had called a moving company to move all of my furniture from storage back into the house so it would be ready when I got home.
The walk to my house from the bis stop was about 20 minutes so I stopped at the drug store to get a soda. As I was leaving I seen Richie and Eddie walking down the road, "hey losers" I said as I walked up to them. It took them a few moments to realize who I was, Richie hugged me like he was trying to squeeze the life out of me. "Oh my god how long have you been back" I pushed him off and smiled "maybe 5 minutes" Eddie hugged me briefly before telling Richie and I he'll let us have some alone time.
Richie walked me home and we talked about everything that had happened since I left. When we got to the house I invited him in and we sat on the couch awkwardly, "so are we still uh....." I wasnt sure how to as if him and I were still dating. "Still a thing?" He said finishing my question I looked at him and nodded. "Do you want to be?" He added looking at me smiling "I do if you still want to" as soon as i finish my sentence he leaned forward kissing me. It felt like the first time all over again, within a few minutes we were giggling and making our way up to my room.
I stood infront of my bed as he shut my door and walked up to me, he shoved me back and I fell onto my bed with a sight bounce. He pulled his shirt off tossing it aside and climbed on top of me he began kissing my neck and down to my collarbone. He both groaned when we heard a loud banging on my front door followed by the sound of Ben, Eddie, Stan, Mike and Bill Singing Don't you by Simple Minds. I laughed and pushed Richie off and stood up handing him his shirt, "as much as I'd like to finish this they wont be leaving any time soon." He rolled his eyes and put his shirt on.
I opened the door and seen the group of boys I had come to think of as my brothers, "Y/n! " the all came into my house talking loudly. Richie stood at the top of the stairs watching us all hug and say our hellos, "you gonna stand up there all day?" I asked looking up at at him. He nodded walking down the stairs wrapping his arm around me, Eddie and Richie looked at each other's like they were nonverbally communicating.
"So how was California?" Stan asked leaning on the back of my couch, "it was good my moms parents are crazy rich it was weird. My mom had like 4 brothers and 6 sisters. They took me to Hawaii to visit my moms oldest brother who was in the Army" I looked at my shoes then back at Stan. Eddie came back into the room from the kitchen "Wow how was the beach?" I looked at him and shrugged "it was fine not really my scene" the guys started talking amongst each other loudly, I leaned against Richie and sighed.
"What's wrong" Richie asked resting his chin on the top of my head "nothing.... its just happy to be home." I smiled as Eddie and Stan started arguing while Mike and Bill tried to break it up. I turned wrapping my arms around Richies waist resting my head on his chest "I missed you so much" he hugged me back"i missed you too Y/n" I kissed him and turned to look at the guys. "Hey losers let go down to the quarry like old times" they all agreed and we left the house walking down the road to th drug store because I wanted to get some snacks.
Eddie went in with me to fill his inhaler, Gretta was at the pharmacy counter when we went in and she smiled at me. "Wow Y/n you finally go out of this shit town but you came back." I fake smiled and looked down the snack aisle. "Good thing you and Richie were on a break while you were gone right?" She popped her gum as she spoke and I walked up to the counter. Eddie stepped back from the counter and watched nervously as I slammed my hands on the counter. "What are you talking about... we were never on a break" if looks could kill Gretta would gone, "oh well according to him you were" she smirked and looked put the window at Richie.
"What are you trying to say Gretta" I said through clenched teeth. "Oh was it not obvious? I'm saying I fucked your boyfriend. Multiple times." I stormed put of the drugstore and shoved Richie. "What the fuck Richie" he looked at me confused, "what's wrong with you" he rubbed his chest where I shove him.
"You fucked Gretta?!" He looked down immediately when I said this "so its true... " he looked ath me and nodded "you were gone for two years Y/n what did you expect" his words were like a slap in the face. "That shouldn't have mattered! I didn't sleep with anyone I thought you loved me as much as I loved you but clearly I was wrong." I felt a burning in my eyes as tears made their way down my cheeks. "I don't know what you want me to say. You left." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and kicked a rock that was sitting on the sidewalk.
"I just found out I had family and I wasnt alone anymore. I wanted to meet them and get to know them." Richie glared at me. "Not alone anymore? Really you were never alone! You had Bill, Mike, Stan,Ben and Eddie..... you had me. Were we not enough for you?!" I stepped towards him and he stepped back. "You expected me to wait for you like some stupid romance movie. Well news flash Y/n this is the real world! Nobody knew you were coming back I wasn't going to wait forever. I do love you and I want to be with you but honestly look at the bigger picture" wasn't sure if I was angry crying or sad crying but all I knew was I felt betrayed.
"Dont play that you didn't know if I was coming home shit because I told you I would he back" he rolled his eyes and turned his head away as I talked. "You're a real asshole Richie" I wiped the tears away and he just looked at me and shrugged. I wait for him to say something anything "that's it?" He nodded "like I said I dont know what you want me to say you were the one that left" he shrugged and raised his eyebrows "you're right and I shouldn't have come back either...." I turned and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm. "Stop Richie.....I'm done I don't want this anymore" I pulled my arm away and left Derry i sold my house and moved to California with my family. That was the last time seen or talked to any of the guys.
Part 1, part 2, part 3, Part 4
Part 6
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