#hi im a gay and i have a piss kink i will absolutely never shut up about this thank you very much
happybambi84 · 3 years
but what if... and here my out. A tattoo AU that has already probably been written 1000 times. THIS IS TRASH AND IM SO SORRY BUT LIKE READ IF YOU WILL
I just imagine preppy boy Steve hanging out with his friends who convince him to skip school and go to the bad side of town that their parents tell them to stay out of. But here they are anyways because
Come on steve it’ll be fun and we never have fun at this boring ass school.
So Steve let’s Tommy and Carol drag him to 127th street. They park the car at a diner and walk from there so they won’t stand out, ( says the kids in white polos and slacks. Designer shoes and a freaking burberry jacket) but they walk on anyways. Tommy walks confidently in front with his arm swing around Carols shoulders, she has her hands in her pocket, stopping every now and then to look at the window displays in run down pawn shops.
Steve hangs behind trying to look unbothered by the snide comments people are obviously making at the rich kids who think it’s adventurous to go down town for fun.
They stop in front of a tattoo shop though where Tommy is trying to convince Carol to get a tramp stamp to piss off her parents. They go in arguing, and take a look around.
Steve’s just kind of looking, he’s never really seen himself as a tattoo guy, but as he’s flipping through example books he can’t help but catch his eye on a little tattoo that he actually thinks is kinda cool. So Tommy instead talks Steve into getting a tattoo with him since Carol keeps blantantly saying no.
They go to separate rooms after waiting around a few hours because apparently this place doesn’t just take a bunch of walking you normally have to schedule an appointment but the owner let it slide, since they both agreed to pay double the asking price and to get some small or medium sized. Steve sees Tommy’s tattoo artist Roxi close the door before he goes into his own room and waits, finally the door opens and he’s shocked to see none other than Billy hargrove standing in the doorway.
“Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington? “ he smirks shutting the door and turning to wash his hands.
“Yeah it’s me, don’t cream your pants about it Hargrove.” He replies leaning back in the chair provided.
“Shouldn’t you be at school tossing your Pom poms around Princesš?” Billy asks, raising an eyebrow at the other boy and leaning against the wall. “Didn’t think you had the balls to even step foot over here, might scuff your shoes”
“Aren’t you supposed to be doing a job here? It’s what I’m paying double for.” Steve sassed back, he wasn’t gonna let the other boy get under his skin today.
“Cool your pants Harrington I’m just having a little fun before I stick ya.” Bully picks up the paper woth the design Steve had chosen. “Where you getting this pretty boy?”
Steve hadn’t really thought of that.
“I don’t I guess the inside of my finger.”
“I’m sorry, no? I don’t think that’s your choice” Steve scoffed.
Billy twisted his face a little at that, before taking the long strides over to Steve and into his hand, he pulled it close to his face and pulled apart his fingers, making Steve wince just a little.
“You feel that nervousness smart mouth, you can’t handle the pain it’ll be getting it right there. Especially for your first tattoo. You get it where I say or I don’t do it”
Steve stuttered at that absolutely shocked at what the boy was saying. He nodded mindlessly though, having never truly seen this side of Billy. Sure he had heard stories but to see the look in his eyes was a different story.
Billy dropped his hand and took a step back looking Steve up and down before he smirked.
“Pull your pants down”
“Dude what?”
“Pull your pants down,” Billy repeated, “don’t worry pretty boy, I won’t bite ya unless ya ask me to.”
Steve hesitated, glancing at the door just to make sure it was locked before he he gruffing and pulling his pants down past his knees.
“There happy?”
Billy didn’t answer, instead choosing to push Steve to his side, he ran his hands across Steve’s calf looking it over and poking certain spots.
Steve shivered watching him, why was there so much tension in just the flick of his wrist against him. He felt hot all of a sudden and the only thing that helped was Billy cool fingers against him.
“You shave pretty boy?” Billy asked grinning again.
“No I just don’t grow a lot of hair on my calves weirdo. Grows on my legs”
“This’ll do. You don’t have a lot of nerves here so we’ll shave and get it done”
Billy goes on to shave the little hair there on Steve’s leg and cleans it properly, Steve starts to get hard the entire time, glad his back is slightly turned towards Billy so he can’t see. It’s not until he hears the buzz of the tattoo gun that he absolutely loses himself, this shouldn’t be this hot. He shouldn’t be this turned on. He had never thought of Billy in that light before and yet here he was. A mixture of sweat and small tears ran down his face when he looked over at Billy who was concentrating hard, tongue poking out of his mouth as he drug the needle across Steve’s poor skin. Why did the pain feel good?
“If you cum on my chair it’ll be extra” Billy randomly says.
“W-what?” Steve asked trying to relax his nerves.
“It’s cool pretty boy, you’re not the first person to get in my chair who has a pain kink. I’m not even surprised with how uptight you are.”
Steve kinda just lays in shock after that. The tattoo only takes another 20 minutes before Billy is pulling back and wiping off Steve’s calf.
Steve sits up then, standing to look in the mirror and observe it for himself. He’s hair to admit it but it actually looks pretty cool.
“Not bad”
“Oh surely that’s not a compliment my king?” Billy laughs taking his gloves off to wash his hands again. “You might want to get rid of your lady boner before you go up to pay” he says snickering.
Oh yeah, Steve thinks, he’d almost forgot he was hard in his pants.
And I’m not gonna lie I’m skipping worrying a sex scene because I’m horrible at them but I just imagine Billy locking the door and offering to help, telling Steve it’s not gay if he enjoys it before he jerks Steve off while making him look at himself in the mirror. And Steve is so shocked and overwhelmed that this is really happening like there’s absolutely no way. And Billy is relentless and he’s attacking Steve’s back with hickies as he jerks him off, just muttering straight filth about how he knew Steve would like this, while he’s flicking his wrist just right.puts his hand over Steve’s mouth because he starts to get to loud. Tells him “keep quiet Princesš I like this job” and Steve just keeps whimpering into his hand before finally getting off splattering on the mirror. He takes a deep breath trying to collect himself before Billy turns him around and pushes him up against the wall to kiss him deeply, he doesn’t even ask he just pushes his tongue in his mouth while gripping poor Steve’s hands above his head.
“You come back here if you wanna try that pain kink some more pretty boy.” And he lets go of Steve backing up to let the boy pull his pants back up. He watches as Steve rushes out of the room trying to walk casually to the front. He sees Tommy and Carol waiting on them, Tommy of course pumped out of his tattoo saying some bs excuse about how he’ll get it next time. And when they ask to see his Steve tells them he linked out too because it was Billy giving his tattoo so they just insulted each other for half an hour. They pay for the time and leave though. Tommy complaining about how he’s never coming back down this way again and trio agrees before leaving.
However if Steve comes back next weekend awkwardly shuffling his feet at the counter as e asks if Billy’s working, that’s really nobodies business but his own right?
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