#hiei wearing kurama's old human clothes
lazybakerart · 11 months
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reuploading some of my old-old yyh art <3
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luckychild · 4 years
Headcanons on how the guys shop for clothes? I mean Hiei just wears his ragged goth bathrobes, but Yusuke clearly has a VISION. An AESTHETIQUE. He picks his clothes carefully but pretends he doesn't. Kuwabara also cares for his appearance! I have to believe Kurama, prideful demon that he is, cares about his appearance and picks his outfits carefully but I have no idea what he thinks human fashion is
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This guy doesn’t go shopping at all, TBH
Picks one outfit to wear until it falls apart, then gets new clothes 
Does own like two dozen belts he keeps in a hollowed tree for emergencies, though
Probably steals clothes and cloth off a clothesline most of the time; targets similar pieces each time
Oddly, actually knows how to hand-sew a little; it’s a survival skill
Has NO tailoring abilities but can put a cloak/unfitted pants together from raw material and actually makes his simpler items most of the time
So doesn’t shop ever, if at all, unless it’s for a sword or something like that he doesn’t have the resources to just whack together himself
The only reason he had alternate outfits during the Dark Tournament is because Kurama took pity on him and brought Hiei some old clothes Kurama grew out of…
OR maybe Hiei just looted some hotel rooms; he IS a thief, after all…
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Oh god
our eyes, they bleed
He is the biggest fashion disaster of the entire group.
You know that one aunt you have who’s stuck in the 1980s and won’t let go of her bad leopard print spandex?
That’s Kurama, just with East-Asian inspired fighting attire that originated from the bowels of Demon World where color blocking is just… not a thing, apparently???
I don’t head-canon him as “color-blind” so much as “color-willfully-oblivious”
Kurama just can’t wrap his brain around the fact that his red hair clashes with so many colors.
His white hair matched ANYTHING, and he’s so damn prideful he won’t admit he’s no longer the perfect physical specimen who can rock any color of the rainbow.
So he tries.
Goddammit, Kurama, he tries.
And nothing in the shops suits his tastes, so he learned how to use a sewing machine when he was seven to make his first fighting outfit.
Sometimes it sounds like someone is running a sweatshop out of his bedroom, he’s up so late sewing combat pantaloons.
For his civilian outfits, his mom does all his shopping for him. 
Poor Shiori just can’t figure out why her son looks so terrible when she buys him nice things, but it’s because his human clothes depress him, so each morning Kurama gets dressed in the dark and just… prays.
This is proof that there is no god, just fyi, since clearly no one is listening.
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Absolutely picks and chooses his clothes with utmost care, you’re so right, anon!
And as for his ~aesthetique~?
Like seriously, his famous Fashion Disaster™ outfit of many colors?
It was chosen specifically to annoy her, because she’s matchy-matchy to the extreme.
He absolutely wants to look like a garbage pile to piss her off, so he shops with that in mind.
“Oh fuck, it’s so ugly, Keiko will hate this—I HAVE TO HAVE IT!” he yells before shoplifting a pair of yellow plaid parachute pants and a day-glow windbreaker.
(Also Yusuke doesn’t shop. He shoplifts. This is canon and I refuse to take criticism.)
Sometimes he wants to look cool, though… but he spends so much time putting together terrible clothes, he forgets what ‘cool’ looks like.
Yusuke played himself, and he has no one to blame but himself (though he tries to blame Keiko, of course).
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Have y’all noticed that the boy is a total fashion plate?
He’s got dusters and custom trench coats and signed baseball jerseys and all kinds of random outfits in between, and the colors don’t clash nearly as often as the rest of the cast!
Kuwabara nearly has PANACHE!
Shizuru used to shop with him all the time, so he inherited a solid style foundation from her.
(Have you SEEN her menswear collection? Genius!)
Now he flies solo, though, and visits all kinds of shops on the hunt for new pieces when he thinks he wardrobe needs a refresh.
(Or when he gains muscle mass, which is weekly in his teens.)
He keeps his yankee/punk aesthetic in mind at all times, crafting outfits that coordinate with his overall vibe.
Check out the sarashi in the GIF above; boy clearly knows his fashion history, or at least the yankee fashion history in Japan, which means he’s done the work to research his aesthetic.
Always makes his wardrobe complement his bleached hair and pompadour, of course.
Not afraid to thrift for vintage items and have Shizuru tailor them for him (he can’t sew worth a damn, though).
VERY PICKY about his clothes and laments when they get torn up in fights.
Headcanon & Imagine Masterlist | Tip Jar
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kurama-is-love · 4 years
A day at the beach (Kurama x Reader)
Word count: 8292 (My longest oneshot so far.) Genre: comedy (mostly), romance, lime (slight sexual situations) Rating: 12+ (nothing explicit)
Pairings: Kurama x Female!Reader, Yuusuke x Keiko, Kuwabara x Yukina
Some note at the side: I didn't gave Jin an irish accent like he had in the english dub version, because I am german and have absolutely no clue about that accent. So.. just to let you know. I still don’t have a beta reader, so I am sorry about my english.
Summer, the sun, beach and more. Was there anything better than spending a relaxing time at the sea with your best friends?
This was what Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Keiko, Botan, Shizuru, Yukina and you thought when you had packed your stuff and drove towards Okinawa in the caravan that your brother had kindly provided.
Koenma had burdened a lot of you guys lately, which is why this vacation was found to be urgently needed, at least from Yusuke and you. Even Hiei was somehow persuaded to come along. Of course, the fire koorime had refused at first, but then Yusuke had a convincing argument.
“Yukina will be walking around there, half naked. You don't even know what Kuwabara could do with her when~"
And suddenly Hiei was convinced .. Should Kuwabara even try to make a suspicious move or touch on his beloved sister, a sword would be stuck in his human head.
"Sooo. Here we are. A 1-A private beach. Here we have our well deserved rest. " Yusuke grinned and put his hands on his hips as he looked over the fine sand and saw the water slowly glistening in the sun.
"Private beach? I didn't even know that one of you guys were rich .. Yusuke, we're 'legally' allowed to be here, aren't we ..? ” You asked slightly skeptical and crossed your arms. The black-haired man laughed uncertainly and waved his hand.
"Of course we are. This is the beach of ... a friend of mine. Right, Kuwabara? " Yusuke asked and hit the bigger guy in his side.
“What friend, Urameshi? You said the beach belonged to your dead grandparents? ” The orange-haired man said, confused.
Yusuke laughed when everyone looked at him reproachfully.
"Yusuke .." Keiko sighed and was about to hit her fiancé. Some things just never changed.
"Now calm down, everyone! This beach is not used by anyone! You see the beach house up there? I found letters in the mailbox that are 4 years old. Nobody has been here that long. So please. "
His words made you and the others not more relaxed.
“How do you know that? Don't say you have the key for their house? ” Kurama asked and raised an eyebrow, examining his friend's reaction carefully. Yusuke just shrugged his shoulders.
"People shouldn't just do it like in the movies and hide their keys under a flower pot next to the front door." his cheeky reply followed by his smirk.
"YUSUKE ...!" You sighed in unison, until finally giving in and simply accepted his antics. If you get caught, you could still blame it on Yusuke..
After the caravan was parked, the group went to the "borrowed" beach house to change for the beach. You, along with the other women, went in a bedroom on the upper floor, while the men had their area on the first floor and found a grill in addition to their swimwear. Perfect for an evening barbecue later, which can be set up outside in the back of the house.
You got along very well with the other women, especially Keiko. You both had a wonderful chemistry right from the start and quickly became best friends. However, everyone knew of the feelings that you harbored for a certain red-haired handsome man among the group. That's why Botan and Shizuru used moments like this to tease and encourage you to finally confess your feelings to Kurama.
"Uhm .. excuse me .." Yukina nervously began and pointed to the bikini. “Do I have to wear something like that too? Isn't there anything .. Uhm .. decent that covers more skin ..? " The shy snow maiden asked and was a blushy mess when she saw the others undressing to change.
"Oh, there's nothing wrong with it, Yukina." Botan tried to calm her down. “A bikini has to look like this. And you have a great body. So you have no reason to hide it. “ the female grim reaper of the spirit world winked cheekily.
“Botan, stop teasing the poor girl like that. If you don't feel confident enough, you are welcome to wear one of my swimsuits. " You offered and searched your bag for bathing suits.
What you found then, however, was surprising.
"Huh? I'm sure that I packed swimsuits .. ” You paused and rummaged through the whole bag until you found the only bikini in it. "...That's not one of my bikinis …" you mumbled suspiciously and when you lifted the top, you noticed a small note hanging on it.
'Hey, my beloved sister, you can thank me later. I saw this cool sexy bikini piece and got it for you so that you can finally seduce Kurama. You don't need any more, so finally get on with it!
With love, your brother [b/n] '
"... That damn, little …" You sighed in frustration and dropped the piece of fabric. Keiko noticed your mood change and stepped next to you.
"What's wrong, [Y/n]?" She asked worriedly and then saw the bikini. "... isn't that a little too ... revealing? It doesn't even have real cups, it just has narrow fabric up to the straps .. ”she added.
"... My brother is responsible for this. He hopes that this will cause something to happen between Kurama and me. “You mumbled. “You will have to go swimming without me. Because I'm definitely not going to put that on. " You shook your head.
"Oh that'll be fine. Hey I can quickly make a portal into the spirit world and get you a normal bikini from me! How does that sound? “ Botan asked with a grin.
"Why do you want us all to wear bikinis here?"You wanted to know and touched your forehead in annoyance.
"Well, how else do you want to conquer the men of your heart? Yukina-san can easily wrap Kuwabara around her finger in a bikini and I think Kurama will be very excited when he sees you in a bikini. "Botan grinned.
"First of all, Yukina doesn't need any extra to gain Kuwabara's attention because he's already madly in love with her." You corrected.
"W-What ..?" Yukina's head lifted in shock and her face reddened massively.
"Shit .. Sorry Yukina-chan, I had completely forgotten that you are still here .."
"Kazuma is ... in love with me?" Yukina asked incredulously.
"You never noticed?" Shizuru asked and took a drag on her cigarette. She was already in her swim suit and just waited for the others.
"I .. knew that he liked me, but .. that it was feelings like that .." Yukina mumbled, slightly embarrassed, and put her hands on her cheek.
"Ta-daaaa. Here I am. I have a really cute bikini for you! “Botan interrupted this unpleasant - at least for Yukina - conversation and gave you a cherry red bikini with a rose decoration on the upper strap.
"Wah? When did you go to the spirit world? I didn't even notice that you were gone .. " You shrieked and saw Botan grin appraisingly.
“Well, I'm not number 1 for portals into the spirit world for nothing. Fast and silently like a ninja, I walk between the worlds and ensure peace! "
"Chaos fits better."
“Oh, I can take the bikini back with me and then you have to have this half piece of cloth to wear where your breasts almost fall out .. Mmm, although that's more optimal, because that way you would definitely have Kurama's attention. ” Botan giggled at her last sentence.
“It's okay. I'm sorry. I take it. Thank you, Botan .. "
Botan grinned triumphantly and after each of the women was dressed appropriately for the beach, you went down to meet with the boys. However, you only found Kurama there.
"Where are the others?" Keiko asked and covered her upper body with a colorful pareo, which should give her a minimal feeling of concealment. Because she felt a little too naked for her liking too when someone other as Yusuke saw her like this.
"They have already gone to the beach." The kitsune explained and only looked briefly at the others. Because when his gaze fell on you, he directly averted his gaze and cleared his throat barely audibly ."You girls look adorable, by the way."
"Thank you. But why are you the only one still here? " Botan wanted to know.
“To wait for you. The others have found a good spot on the beach where we can all hang out. I stayed here to take you to this place so you don't have to look for us out there first. " Kurama explained with a smile.
"A gentleman as always."You spoke with a smile and when Kurama's gaze met yours again, both of you suddenly turned a little red in the face.
"Of course, when it comes to charming ladies like you." The redhead smiled and led the group of women outside. It was only a few minutes before you saw two men in the distance attacking each other. Yusuke and Kuwabara fought again. That was no longer unusual for you and so you sat down on the large beach towel. In the middle was a picnic basket from which everyone could help themselves. There were sandwiches, rice balls, and cold drinks that Kurama had taken as a precaution. This man just thought of everything.
After the two brawlers broke away from their petty argument, the group began to split into different activities. Yukina, Botan and Kuwabara built sandcastles, respectively Kuwabara built a huge heart for his Yukina. After you had slipped out what the orange-haired felt for Hiei's sister, Yukina even dared to reveal her own feelings. She had a bright red head, but when an overjoyed Kuwabara hugged her and even cried a little for joy, she smiled gently and relaxed into this new feeling. It was just as sweet as sugar. Even when Hiei almost freaked out, in the end he just wanted Yukina to be happy. And if that idiot made her happy, so be it ..
Keiko and Yusuke plunged directly into the floods of water and cooled off. It was pleasant to see how happy they were when Yusuke pulled Keiko up in the water and laughingly took her with him until he dropped her before the brown-haired woman countered with splashing water at him. Even if they argued every now and then, it was clear to see how much they meant to each other and it was just great.
Hiei and Shizuru were the only ones who holed up outside and did not care about the hustle and bustle of the others. They felt more like the babysitters of this gang of rascals on this trip. While Shizuru was able to find some relaxation by reading a book, Hiei just stared emotionlessly at the water. He was probably bored, without fighting enemies and stuff.
That left you and Kurama, who were still sitting on the beach towel and watching your friends in amusement.
"They're all having so much fun," you smiled. "It was really a good idea to come here," you added quietly.
“It really was. I'm glad to be able to find some relaxation too. " Kurama agreed and you looked at each other before your smiles grew wider and your eyes fell on your friends again.
“And I'm so happy for Yukina and Kuwabara. Actually, I just slipped out that he loves her, but I'm glad that it led to our little shy Yukina confessing her feelings to him. " You said then.
"Oh? So you are responsible for Yukina's sudden confession? ” Kurama smirked and took a strand of [h/c] hair from your face as he put it behind your ear. Such loving gestures had almost become normal for both of you. And yet you were no more than friends.
"Oh, that's a long story." You giggled and hoped that your redhead didn't ask any further, otherwise you would have to explain about the bikinis and your feelings, for better or worse. Because you just couldn't and didn't want to lie to him.
"I like long stories," Kurama smiled.
... You knew he would say that.
“It's really not that extraordinary. We talked when we were getting changed and Botan said that Yukina could attract the attention of Kuwabara with a bikini  " You revealed.
"Ahaha. She has his attention the whole time. " Kurama interrupted you with a chuckle.
"I said that, too! And then it slipped out because he loves her. “ You laughed and scratched your cheek in disgrace.
Kurama smiled silently and briefly closed his eyes. A few years ago, he would never have dared to dream of making such great friends, let alone going on a trip to the beach. Fate sometimes had a strange sense of humor, thought the fox demon.
“But we shouldn't sit in the sun unprotected. Should I put some lotion on your back? “ You offered and waved the tube of sun lotion in front of his eyes. Kurama's smile softened and he nodded slightly.
"With pleasure. But only if I can put some lotion on your back afterwards, ”he said, which made you blush.
"Of course." You said quietly and sat down behind Kurama. He had his long, fiery red hair tied up so it was pinned up and out of the way. The kitsune closed his eyes when he felt the cold sun lotion on his shoulders. Shortly afterwards, your fingers gently danced over his skin to distribute the sun lotion around the neck and back. You applied a little variable pressure to massage the sun lotion in aswell. You smiled incessantly and didn't think anything bad about it at first, until you heard a sound that you had never heard before from Kurama.
He moaned so softly, it almost sounded like a purr. Purred foxes like cats? You wondered and smiled when Kurama seemed to relax completely. At least you could see it in his posture and the way his muscles twitched at your touch.
"You're totally tense." You commented, in order to escape this uncomfortable silence and also to contain his sinfully erotic sounds. Because these sounds did not pass you completely without a trace of a pleasant tingling sensation spreading in your crotch area.
“Does that surprise you? Fighting demons the whole time and then enduring Yusuke and Kuwabara's eternal quarrels .. " he joked and closed his eyes again when his head fell back almost by itself. "Aaah .."
This sound now made you blush. Your fingers slid very gently over his skin until you had completely covered his back and released all tension. You just took that time.
Kurama stretched himself and stood up.
"Thanks." He smiled and took the sun lotion from you. “Now it's your turn. Turn around. " He ordered gently and you obeyed immediately as you sat down in front of him with your back turned. However, Kurama was reluctant to use the sunscreen. "Uhm .."
"What's wrong, Kurama?" You asked and turned your head slightly so you could see him from the corner of your eye. It wasn't common for him to be reluctant.
“Would it be okay to unknot your top? The stripes bother a little. ” His voice was a little quiet and you could swear that they had a touch of hoarseness. Your cheeks literally glowed at this request, but since you were turned with your back to him and the others were far enough away, it was okay. You trusted Kurama.
"Yes. Will you open the knot, please? It's so difficult for me to get there and you are already ideal positioned for it. " You said softly, which made Kurama slightly blushed with a soft smile. These passionate tensions between the both of you grew stronger and yet no one dared to take the first step. It was frustrating, but also exciting somewhere and you enjoyed these intimate moments of with him alone and you could tell by his reactions, that Kurama felt the same way.
"Good, but if you should give me a slap for this action, I'll be happy to remind you that you gave me permission," he teased, making you laugh again. It was unbelievable how often you two could just laugh together and open up to each other completely.
"Aren't you mistaking me for Keiko? I wouldn't even slap you if you 'accidentally' touched my bum, "you admitted honestly, until you realized what you were saying.
"Oh, I'll keep that in the back of my head for sure." The redhead smirked, laughing and his fingers slightly, but provocatively running up and down your sides.
"Kurama .. I think your demon side is slowly seeping through." You sighed, slightly embarrassed, but not without a broad smile. It wasn't like you didn't enjoy flirting and his ambiguities. And then these touches ... But you could tell when Kurama's Youko side was involved. Not that you minded. Because you loved his Youko side as much as him.
"Sorry." He laughed very softly and gave you an apologetic kiss on your hair until he finally took care of the knot of your top. His fingers played around the cord of the knot a little teasingly before he slowly undid it and you had to hold the fabric at the front so that it don't suddenly exposed your bare chest.
Kurama dripped some sun lotion on his hand before starting to spread the cool substance from the back of your neck. Now it was your turn to enjoy. You closed your eyes and let the feel of his fingers sink in. His touches were so light as a feather and yet they kindled a blazing fire in you, which slowly clouded your mind. When he massaged the lotion as you did with him, you couldn't help it and a pleasant sigh left your lips. Kurama gave a small smile and began to massage your neck area lightly. That turned your enjoyable sigh into a slight moan.
You were startled by your own voice and put your hand over your mouth, embarrassed. You never made such noises. How embarrassing..
Kurama noticed your sudden stiffening and blinked before realizing how embarrassed you were. He smiled and hugged you around your arms. When he leaned at your back, he also got some of the sun lotion on his chest and stomach area, but he didn't care. You gasped in surprise when Kurama pulled you close and moved his arms around your hips. His head rested on your shoulder and his eyes were closed. Probably out of decency, so as not to risk a look at your very inviting neckline.
“You don't have to be uncomfortable with such sounds. To be honest, I think it's pretty cute. " He breathed tenderly next to your ear and didn't even tried to resist the urge to kiss your ear lobe. Very delicate, but sensual. You shuddered at his deep voice and his lips on your ear. You didn't trusted you voice right now, which is why you were silent at first.
“Really, now? As soon as we all are gone, you two literally pounce on each other. Are you so addicted to each other? I thought you were more subtle at least, Kurama. " Yusuke laughed, who came from the shore with a broadly grinning Keiko and gave his kitsune friend a thumbs up.
The two of you separated in a flash and Kurama helped you to tie the top again before clearing his throat to keep his composure and not to appear embarrassed. Your friends had actually found you in a highly ambiguous situation.
“It's not what it looked like. We just put lotion on each other's backs to avoid getting sunburn. ", you explained, but you couldn't explain your bright red head. Yusuke crossed his arms, his grin was almost eerie.
"Oh really? Since when do you put on sun lotion in such an intimate position? " The black-haired man asked further until he got a slap on the back of his head from his fiancée. "Ouch! What was that for now, Keiko? "
“Can't you see that both of them are uncomfortable? Why can't you even think one time before you make any stupid comments? ” Keiko sighed. There were moments when she actually questioned why she loved this guy in the first place.
"Yes .. I'm sorry, I didn't think before I spoke.", Yusuke apologized and held the spot that Keiko had hit.
"Isn't that your permanent condition?" Kuwabara's amused voice came from behind him.
".. Brawl Incoming in 3..2 ... 1" and exactly at the 1 of your countdown the two started fighting again .. But at least it took the attention of you and Kurama.
"Woah. Yusuke was right. This beach has a great view and no annoying glances. We can stay here unhindered, Touya. "A familiar male voice suddenly laughed.
“Wrong, I could hang out among humans without attracting attention. You are the one who has visible demon traits. " Touya replied dryly and pointed to the long, sharp ears and the distinctive horn on the forehead of his red-haired companion.
"Jin? Touya? What are you doing here? " Botan asked, now that all friends had returned to the beach blanket.
“Yusuke invited us! And since Koenma is here too, is it okay? ”Jin asked with a grin and crossed his arms behind his head.
"Koenma is here? !!?" Botan's face fell and Jin pointed to a corner on the beach. The friends' eyes met a small lounger there. There he lied. The baby ruler of the spirit world and next to him his constant assistant and messenger, the blue ogre Jorge.
Everyone turned to Yusuke, who was waving his arms defensively.
“Don't look at me like that! I only invited Jin and Touya! I would never bring the shit-arse(I have absolutely no idea how Yusuke calls Koenma in the english version, I am sorry..) here! I was glad I didn't see his pacifier visage for a few days! " He protested.
"I heard that Yusuke!"
"Pretty good ears for such a small man ..."
The friends shared a soft laugh. You just couldn't be angry with Yusuke for his spontaneous and often idiotic ideas. He was loved for those.
"Oi, Jin! Come here! “ Yusuke called after the wind demon after he was allowed to apologize to Koenma for his disrespect. Oh man, at least the old witch Genkai wasn't there. Then he would have to run the gauntlet, he thought.
Jin obeyed his best friend and floated next to him. "What's up?" He wanted to know.
Yusuke whispered something in his ear and you had an incredibly bad feeling about this thing when you watched them. Because Jin blinked perplexed and then looked at you, which confirmed you in the matter that it was about you what the two were discussing. The cheeky wind demon with the horn grinned broadly and nodded enthusiastically.
Oh no, what was Yusuke up to now ..?
Since that whispering, you kept an eye on the two men. Even Kurama noticed your concentration at some point when you did not respond to his question whether you would like to go into the water with him.
"[Y/n]-chan ..?" He asked worried and put his hand on your shoulder. That touch made you wake up from your trance-like rigidity and stop looking at Jin and Yusuke, who were both playfully wrestling in the sand.
"Huh?" you asked, looking at Kuramas' worried emerald green irises. They exuded so much wisdom, but also devotion and passion. It was very easy to get lost in his gaze.
"Is everything ok? You seem so absent since Jin and Touya got here. Do you feel uncomfortable because they are demons? ”Kurama asked, even if the question was completely nonsensical. He and Yusuke were demons too, and Hiei too. But you knew them much longer and you hadn't had much to do with Touya and Jin.
“Don't talk nonsense, Kurama. Half of my circle of friends consists of demons. " You replied with a smile, referring to the people just mentioned. Kurama smiled in relief at your answer. "Don't worry, I really like Touya and Jin, just .. I have the feeling that Yusuke is up to something stupid again and I'm the one to suffer from it." You sighed.
"Why do you think so?" The redhead wanted to know and also looked at Yusuke and Jin, who were laughing in the sand, both covered with bruises.
"Yusuke whispered something in Jin's ear and then they both looked at me with strange grimaces."
“I can't speak for Jin, but I'm 100% sure with Yusuke that he won't mean you any harm. Don't worry, they both have nonsense on their minds. I take care that their pranks won't escalate. Do you feel more comfortable with that? ”He asked with the most charming smile you ever saw at him. You almost melted away on the spot. This man was just too good for this world .. Sure, he was still a demon, but he would do anything to protect those he loved.
“Much better. Thank you, Kurama. " you replied with a smile that matches his smile, which made Kurama's heart jump with joy.
"Not for that," he whispered back and put his hand on your cheek to gently stroke your cheekbones with his thumb. You leaned into this touch and closed your eyes. "Evening is arriving soon. Wanna come into the water for a bit before it's dark? "
You nodded and Kurama grinned slightly before he lifted you up like a bride and carried you towards the water.
"Kurama .. I can walk alone."You protested meekly as you put your arms around his neck for a better grip.
"I know. But I also want to have a little fun sometimes. “ He chuckled with a cheeky undertone, to which you reacted perplexed, until you were dropped into the cold water without warning.
After you resurfaced, Kurama looked at you with an innocent expression.
"That was mean! At least warn me before you drop me like that. You get that back, foxy."You grinned back and just like Yusuke and Keiko earlier, a playful water fight broke out between the two of you. Who could have guessed that even Kurama found himself in joking around every now and then? He was usually the intelligent, strategic and calm part of the group.
The others watched the goings-on from their place. Yusuke crossed his arms with a grin.
"Have you ever seen Kurama so exuberant and happy?" He asked the others.
"What are you getting at, Urameshi?" Kuwabara asked, cocking his head slightly. Yukina slept cuddled in his arms.
“That's obvious, dumbass. [Y/n] and Kurama are made for each other. As long as I've known him, he's never been like this ... How should I put it ... “ Yusuke stopped to look for the right words. "He's just never taken the initiative with a woman."
"Now that you mention it," the orange-haired paused. “Kurama was always the popular heartthrob at his school, right? But I've never seen him so intimately with a woman."
"Exactly, that's what I mean. Kurama acts different when he's with her. He flirts, he seeks her company. He's completely head over heels for her. " Yusuke explained with a smirk.
"And [Y/n]? Does she feel the same way? ”Touya asked.
“One hundred percent. I'll bet the money I've saved for the wedding. " Yusuke nodded.
"Yusuke .."
"I was just kidding Keiko."
You and Kurama tried to catch each other for a while in the water, competed in swimming competitions to a nearby buoy and finally let the movements fade away by floating on your backs and looking at the sky. You were breathing a little heavily from your activities.
"Next time I'll win," you spoke, referring to the swimming competition. Kurama laughed softly and swam while lying on his back to you until he almost collided with your water-floating body.
"If you ask very nicely, I'll let you win." He said teasingly and you pouted at this answer. This kitsune was getting cheekier, or was that just how it felt?
"Do not show off. You only won because you manipulated the algae with your yoki to slow me down. I felt them wriggling around my legs. That was unfair, you cheater, " you pouted.
Kurama smiled widely and then rose from the lying position.
"And I thought you wouldn't notice," he said and held his hand for you to pull you back to your feet since you weren't that deep in the water.
"You thought wrong. Next time we'll swim in a real swimming pool without plants that give you an unfair advantage. "
You looked at each other briefly and had to laugh before you slowly went ashore. Neither of you had laughed as much as you did today in a long time. Everything was just perfect and harmonious. It could stay that way forever.
As the two of you set foot on the wet sand, which was constantly being hit by the waves, you noticed a strange breeze behind you.
"Wh-", even before you could register it properly, you felt a wet and cold wind around your breasts. And a sense of nudity. Your top was gone!
"JIN ?!" You shouted angrily and covered your breasts with your hands when you looked over you and saw the wind demon grinning mischievously. He was holding the top of your bikini in his hand. "Give that back right away! What's that about?!"
Jin grinned wider and flew far out towards the open sea. He used his demonic speed to be a considerable distance away in a few seconds. After a short time he came back without the top.
“Mission accomplished Yusuke. Bikini top successfully sunk 40 km to the west. "
"I beg your pardon? Yusuke, an explanation please! And you Jin, get my top back, now. "
Yusuke laughed and Jin waved his hands.
"Sorry, I didn't remember where exactly I sank it." Jin apologized and landed at a safe distance.
Yusuke wiped a tear of laughter from his face and looked at you and Kurama, who had stood protectively in front of you.
“Your faces are priceless! Hahaha. Do not be angry. I thought we could make a FFK session, we are all among ourselves, ” he said jokingly. Of course, there were other reasons why Jin should get rid of the top, but he couldn't quite admit that in front of Kurama.
“You damn dipshit.. If I get you .. ”You growled in frustration as Kurama turned to you and put both hands on your shoulders.
"I have an idea," he said with a smile, but you could clearly see the redness of his cheeks. "But you have to take your hands off your body to do this," he mumbled.
You were so red in your face now that the shade of red could measure up to the hair of your fox. Should you bare yourself before him? He was standing in front of you in such a way that the others couldn't see you, but that didn't help your embarrassment in the least when you thought about the fact that he could see your breasts. Kurama noticed your hesitation and stood so close to you that your bodies were almost touching. "I don't look, I promise," he whispered near your ear.
You swallowed, then nodded.
"I trust you, Kurama ..“ you said and loosened your arms as they hung by your sides again and your upper body could now be seen unprotected. Kurama smiled gently at your trust in him and took two seeds from his hair, which he placed on either side of your shoulder.
"Do not Scare. Just trust me. ” He warned you and used his yoki to sprout tendrils from the seeds. You blinked, perplexed, as the tendrils snaked around your breasts like a top and covered them so far that you could see even less than with the bikini. Rose petals adorned the straps above the base of your breast and when Kurama let go of you, he smiled again. "That should serve its purpose."
You looked down at yourself. The "plant top" felt pleasant and exuded the aromatic scent of wild roses, similar to the scent that Kurama always wore. You sighed comfortably and felt the top. No thorns, no holes showing skin. The top was perfect.
"It's perfect! Thank you, Kurama. ”You smiled and leaned forward to give Kurama a gentle kiss on the cheek. Kurama grinned slightly and wanted to hug you when you suddenly broke away and looked at Yusuke and Jin. "Now the two of them are getting a rubdown."
Darkness of the night had now fallen and the smell of grilled meat lingered in the air. The barbeque was in full swing and even Koenma and Hiei joined the group to eat the delicacies that Yusuke and Kuwabara had brought with them. At least the two of them really understood something about barbecuing. Even if the request at Hiei to fan the grill with his fire clearly met a lack of humor on the part of the Koorimes. Someone always goes to the cellar to laugh ...
Everyone was chatting wildly about all sorts of things until you noticed that a certain redhead was missing.
"Where's Kurama?" You asked, slightly worried, since it wasn't the fox's way to just disappear without a word. You immediately regretted the question when you saw Yusuke grinning maliciously. Great, another chance of being teased, now you were the one that gave him a target.
“Do you miss your fox already? Man, you two are really addicted to each other. " he laughed and took a bite of his hamburger with relish. Grilled still tasted best.
"Can't you just save your damn comments for one time? We are just friends. That's all .. ”You sighed, even if you weren't sure who you were lying to. Your friends or yourself.
"Oh come on. It's obvious to everyone here. Even Kuwabara and he has the brain of a protozoan. ”Yusuke said with a nod before Kuwabara tackled him down.
"URAMESHI ..!" He warned and you sighed before you got up.
"[Y/n]-san? I think I saw him walking towards the cliff. Kurama likes to be by himself when he has to think. But he certainly does not disdain your company. " Yukina smiled. You smiled back gratefully and nodded.
"Thank you, Yukina-chan."You said and made your way to the said cliff. Although Yusuke talked a lot of nonsense, he was right about one thing. Yes, you were addicted to Kurama. Yes, you missed him when you didn't see him, even if it was only a few hours. You simply sought his presence, like moths seek light. It was just maddening ..
You didn't have to walk far until you found the cliff ledge and a familiar head of red hair was gently blowing back and forth in the wind. He looked out at the horizon and seemed to be completely in thought. Still, you were sure that he must have noticed your presence when you stepped closer.
"Kurama ..? Are you all right? ”You asked quietly after reaching him and placing a warm hand on his shoulder. Kurama blinked slightly and turned to you. Since you looked so worried, he gave you a dreamy smile to calm you down.
"Yes everything alright. I only enjoy being by myself from time to time, because as much as I like my friends .. After a day like that I'm glad not to have them around, ”he admitted with a laugh.
"Oh." You mumbled. "Would you rather be alone then? I can leave again. "You offered him.
"No no. The others are a little stressful in a long run. You are the big exception. ", He soothed you and took your hand in his.
"Really?"You asked smiling and looked up as Kurama's smile softened and he brought your hand to his lips before caressing your knuckles one at a time with short kisses.
"Absolutely. If there’s anyone I’m never tired of being around, then that’s you, ”he said gently during this soft kisses on your fingers.
"Kurama .."Your voice was quiet and embarrassed and you looked deep into his irises, which shone with such intensity, as if he was looking directly into your soul.
"I'm serious." He said and pulled you closer to him, his lips were on your forehead and caressed the skin lovingly. You closed your eyes and snaked both arms around his hips. You enjoyed this closeness so much that you felt as if your heart was about to burst with bliss. "Come on, let's sit down a little and watch the stars," he said and then pulled away from you as he made himself comfortable on the stone. You sat down right next to him, your feet dangling down and you gazed into the starry sky.
There was a pleasant silence between you for a few moments before you realized you missed the physical closeness that his hugs created. Without thinking too much, you moved closer and leaned your head on his shoulder. Kurama looked at you, he smiled silently and put his arm around you to hold you close. His head rested against yours and both of two let out pleasant sighs before you began to giggle softly.
"Yusuke is obviously right."You began, which made Kurama blink questioningly. "I think we're really addicted to each other .." you added quietly and closed your eyes.
Your eyes opened again when he put his index finger under your chin and lifted your head slightly so that his pair of lips were only millimeters apart.
"You are addicted to me ~?" He asked. You shuddered when you felt his breath against your lips and swallowed lightly. Your heart rate had increased rapidly and your flushed cheeks literally glowed. He looked at you with so much love and desire that you finally ignored all your concerns.
"I'm addicted to you, Kurama .."
Shortly after those words left your lips, the kitsune pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was loving and tender at first to express the feelings you both harbored for each other.
"That's good .." he whispered as he broke the kiss. "Because I'm addicted to you too," he added and sealed your lips with his again. You closed her eyes and put your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Kurama used this moment to pull you onto his lap with his hands on your hips.
That second kiss wasn't quite so innocent when Kurama took your lower lip in his mouth and sucked lightly on it. You gasped into the kiss, which only encouraged Kurama to send his hands on a little exploration. His fingertips danced up and down your sides as light as a feather as the kiss grew deeper and deeper. Kurama licked your lips, a silent request for admission, which you were only too happy to allow him and opened your mouth for him. The kitsune responded to your cooperation with a deep moan as his tongue explored your oral cavity and playfully challenged your tongue to a fight.
You felt this pleasant heat in your body again and Kurama didn't seem to be completely free from the side effects of this hot make out session either, because something hard poked up from his swim shorts and nudged your buttocks.
After that second kiss broke, you were both a little out of breath and leaned forehead to forehead as you looked lovingly into each other's eyes. Kurama smiled and caressed your cheek before he breathed a third, short kiss on your lips.
"I love you. I never thought I'd ever feel this way, but .. It's true. I love you, [Y/n]. “ This confession made the butterflies in your stomach flip over. A big, happy smile was reflected on your lips, which were swollen from the kisses, and you pulled him close to blow kisses on his cheek and lips.
“Kurama, I love you too. You have no idea how much .. " You whispered quietly and happily. He smirked and grabbed your back to pick your up slightly and change the pose again. You was now astride his lap so your legs were next to his hips and your crotch was exactly on his. This stimulated the passion even more.
"I think I can imagine how much."He replied with a grin and leaned forward to kiss your neck. You threw your head back and gasped excitedly. Since when where you so sensitive on her neck? Kurama liked the sounds you were making in desire and kissed other places on your neck until youb started to moan with pleasure. Bull's eye.
Grinning, he sucked, licked and bit into your weak spot of her neck that he had just found to get another delicate moan from you. Your hands tried to grab hold of his shoulders, but soon they dug deep into his fiery red hair and as you pushed him further and further into your neck.
The sound of the sea waves was a pleasant romantic orchestra while you exchanged tender touches and kisses. It all seemed a little surreal to you. Was that really happening right now? Kurama, whom you had loved and desired for so long, sat here with you. Closely embraced, to the beat of love and enjoying the pleasurable tones of the other.
Kurama's touches were only experimental at first. He wanted to find out how far he could go with you. Even if the two of you had such an intimate relationship with each other before, it was a huge step to become more physically intimate. After all, he always behaved well and like a gentleman beforehand. He had never risked a look when you were changing in his room during a pajama party or today when he made your plant bikini top. Even then he hadn't looked.
So how much would you allow him ...?
His fingers gently caressed your shoulder and traced the outer contour of the tendril top. He felt how goosebumps gradually formed on your skin and smiled. He enjoyed the effect he had on you. Meanwhile, your fingers rested on his neck and massaged the skin lovingly. Although it was just a tender scratching, again a quiet purring elicited from Kuramas lips.
"Do you know that you're incredibly cute when you make such noises?" You smiled and kissed his cheek so lovingly that Kurama wouldn't let you get away with such a lame kiss. He put his hand on the back of your head and pulled your head close to seal your lips in an aggressive kiss. His tongue licked your lower lip after that kiss, leaving a trail of wet saliva down to your chin.
"And you should be careful with what you say, if you don't want me to lose control over my actions." He warned teasingly and sucked again at your weak point until you panted with relish.
"Aa-ah .. I don't think I would have a problem with that, Kurama," you replied, your fingertips dancing down his back, where you carefully scratched his skin with your nails. Very soft. Kurama closed his eyes and grinned. He had never felt so comfortable before.
After you had conveyed to him that he could go on, his hand went to your covered chest. He caressed and massaged your mounds gently until the tendrils were a little annoying. With his yoki, he let the locked tendrils apart and pull back so that he had free access to your bare skin. You gasped in surprise when you felt his hand on your bare chest and now saw how the tendrils gave way to his wishes.
"How convenient."You smirked and looked at Kurama with a grin. "Is that just a coincidence or did you already expect this ability to be useful in this way?" You asked him and earned a sensual laugh from your fox.
"It is coincidence. I really just wanted to help you with the top. But that doesn't mean that I'm not grateful for my ability to manipulate plants, ”he replied with a wink and gently pinched your nipples.
“Cunning fox. I like that. "You admitted and enjoyed the caresses from him. Your hands wandered their way forward and felt his biceps. His muscles flexed under your touch and a deep moan escaped his throat when your fingers now caressed his own nipples. He never realized how sensitive he was there. However, it was also the first time that someone touched him like that. At least in Shuuichi Minamino's body. And his human body seemed to react a lot more to a touch than he had previously assumed. Not that he wanted to complain about it ..
"Kiss me." You demanded and Kurama granted your wish without even a second hesitation. His lips caressed yours lovingly as your hands continued to satisfy your chest areas. Your nipples hardened quickly on Kurama's nimble fingers and the fox took advantage of this to stretch the buds between his fingers and pull them lightly with pressure. You gasped softly against his mouth and used this moment to slide his tongue into your mouth and feel every millimeter there. He tapped and nudged your tongue with his to seduce it into a passionate tango. Meanwhile, you continued to stroke his taut nipples and pinched them until Kurama gave a slightly submissive moan.
You broke away after this kiss when a strip of saliva connected your tongues. Kurama bit through this strip so that his lips could fall back to your neck and he placed loving short kisses on your skin. You were again so red in the face that the color of your cheeks could easily measure against his hair. Even Kurama's cheeks had turned a healthy pink from all these activities. It just looked incredibly cute to see the most handsome man you ever saw flushed and aroused. And the reason for his condition were you. That was really just cloud nine ..
“Kuuuuurama !!! [Y/n] !! “Yusuke's shouting brought the two of you out of your ecstasy and Kurama reacted quickly when he restored your vine top. You reluctantly let go of each other and stood up to wait for your black-haired friend running to you while maintaining a somewhat relaxed composure. The last thing you needed now were more remarks from him.
"What's up, Yusuke?", Kurama asked and cleared his throat after this question, as his voice still seemed rather hoarse and thick. You blushed again because Kurama just sounded insolently sexy and erotic.
“We heard the weather report on the radio and there should be a pretty strong storm tonight. Since Hiei has already felt a change, the storm will certainly start earlier and it will be quite dangerous out here on the coast. That's why I ran as fast as I could to get you back. We'd better seek shelter in the beach house for today. At least until the storm is over tomorrow, "Yusuke explained.
“Even if I don't like to just spend the night in someone else's building, we probably have no other choice. Thanks for the warning, Yusuke. “Kurama thanked him and you followed the black-haired man hand holding until you got to the house. The grill and patio furniture had already been moved inside and the others had already split up in some of the rooms. Yusuke and Keiko shared a room, Yukino and Kuwabara too, Botan slept in Shizuru's room, Koenma and Jorge had to share one and Hiei was the only one who slept alone in a room.
When Kurama and you wanted to go into the last remaining room, Yusuke stopped you.
"Wait a minute," he said and rummaged around in his pocket. You looked at each other questioningly until Yusuke found what he was looking for and grinned. "Here, Kurama," he said and tossed something small, square to Kurama. You blinked and Kurama looked emotionless at the palm of his hand. Now you also recognized what this object was. A condom. "After all, contraception is important."Yusuke winked and disappeared into his room before you could hit him with you shoe.
"Idiot .."You sighed annoyed with a bright red head, before Kurama smiled and put his arm around you.
“But we should be grateful to him for this foresight. I have to admit that I'm not prepared for this kind of emergency, ”he admitted with a teasing laugh.
"Kurama .. I would be very disappointed in you, if you were prepared for something like that.", you answered and Kurama smiled before he gave you a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Let's get a little sleep, huh?" He asked, rubbing his nose against yours as he opened the door and walked into the room with you.
That night, you didn't go beyond the experimental touches in the upper area, but Kurama still kept the condom for the future ~
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
So I'm curious what are some character designs you love? Not from RWBY, but just i general. I'm the same anon who got you to check out Berserk and I'd say essentially all of the designs are done damn well. Fit the character. Changes that makes sense for growth. Also make sense given the setting. Even women in armor that doesn't have those massive boob plates. Good designs impact so much subconsciously to have much we enjoy other aspects of a story.
Congratulations! You’ve unlocked my never-ending need to praise Yu Yu Hakusho! :D 
This long, picture-laden post needs two disclaimers going forward: 
I’m not an artist. In the sense that I’m not a visual artist who knows anything about what makes character design good from a technical/community approved standpoint. This is purely based on my own, personal reaction to a beloved series. 
Connected to that, I’m going into this under the assumption that people might really disagree with me (?). Based on the cartoons and anime that I see praised for character design, I don’t think YYH fits whatever list more knowledgeable viewers are pulling from. But I’m gonna lay out my thinking anyway! 
Major spoilers for Yu Yu Hakusho below. 
Alright let’s do this. 
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First off, when people start talking character design they often reference how cool a character is. Which makes sense. You want a character to be visually engaging and distinct. Something that makes you go “Wow!” whenever you look at them. However, one of the things I love about the YYH cast is how normal they are. Because they’re supposed to be normal. The trope of the main character having a crazy hair color has become so prominent that we’ve got memes about it now and that works for a lot of stories. You know who is important because, despite the assumption that they’re average people not dying their hair, they stick out like a sore thumb among the rest of the cast. 
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However, normalcy is a really important part of YYH. The entire point at the start is that Yusuke is not special. He’s not unique. He’s a delinquent kid who most assume isn’t going anywhere in life. When he dies this doesn’t unlock some Super Special Backstory - you were innately amazing all along! - he just gets caught up in the plot because of a paperwork issue. The afterlife doesn’t know what to do with an asshole kid who unexpectedly saved another kid’s life so they just kind of... shuffle him around until he’s given another chance to live. Then he gets to pay back that second chance by becoming a Spirit Detective. Yeah, Yusuke is talented when it comes to fighting and spirit energy, but at the start that’s rarely emphasized outside of “He’s the best street fighter among no-name street fighters so really, it’s not impressive once you take Yusuke out of his tiny world of school parking lots and the occasional alleyway.” The takeaway is that he’s a dime-a-dozen troubled teen who got involved in the spirit world due to an impulsive act and a bunch of bureaucracy. Indeed, it’s a HUGE moment of emotional growth for Yusuke to realize that people do love him despite his supposedly average, unremarkable, and otherwise negative personality. His normal-ness - and others’ expectation that he could someday make himself great if he learns to work at it - is crucial to where Yusuke starts out. Making him visually distinct in terms of Anime Protagonist Looks would undermine a lot of that. This isn’t supposed to be a Super Special Kid Destined For Greatness. He’s just... a kid. A normal kid. A kid who has to work and learn and grow if he wants to make something of himself. So he gets black hair, brown yes, and a green school uniform. He’s pretty damn average looking. 
Same with Kuwabara. Same with Keiko. Same with Atsuko. They’re just normal people going about their lives and I always appreciated that they looked the part. You can still easily tell them apart thanks to different hair colors, texture, jaw lines, and outfits, but none of them seem out of place in the average world they start out in. Which, as said, is crucial to a lot of YYH’s themes. The ones who look more visually distinct - Hiei and Botan - aren’t human. It makes sense that they wouldn’t obey these same average laws of the rest of the cast and they are our first taste of a world that, in terms of character design, will eventually get pretty wonderfully weird. They function as stepping stones. 
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This eventually becomes a story about the demon world and those demons wouldn’t come across as particularly scary/other if you begin the story with equally strange looking humans. Or even just “I don’t see people who look like that walking down the street” humans. Alongside many themes, there’s a contrast at work here. Yusuke stepping out into a stadium full of demons who despise him because of his species hits home when he is so clearly distinct from them. Suddenly, his normal is abnormal. 
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Once the ball gets rolling, Yusuke’s looks are constantly in contrast with both his environment and his inner self. He looks like a scary thug but then unexpectedly saves a life. He looks like an average human but is actually the strongest among a group of scary-looking demons. He looks like this badass spirit detective who everyone assumes with have an equally badass spirit beast but, uh... 
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Oh my god that’s a precious baby. By the time our cast is family and everyone accepts that Yusuke looks scarier than he actually is or ever was - once the core group is made up of not just humans but demon loving humans who are equally soft - we turn it all on its head again and reveal that Yusuke has demon blood. For the first time he looks as strange and powerful as he is. Yusuke’s normality is done away with the second he’s fully accepted his place in these worlds, throwing everything back into chaos. 
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Yusuke’s demon form becomes even more foreign looking  when he’s being controlled by his ancestral father. The above is a Yusuke who is still Yusuke and in many respects the design reflects that: natural hair color, human body, tattoos easily covered up with a shirt. When he’s gone full Mazoku though, something dangerous, the white, wilder hair and change to his expressions ensure we read him as something feral. For the first time in the series Yusuke is truly the dangerous creature he’s pretended to be since his principal was running after him at school. 
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As a side-note about character costumes, we see this emphasis on normality in their outfits as well. Obviously a story like RWBY is limited by how much time/money they have for animation, but it nevertheless has an impact to see the group almost constantly in their battle gear. They’re never not the main characters of an action-fantasy show, not even while just out around town with no expectation of entering a fight.  
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In contrast, Yusuke and Kuwabara are often animated in everyday clothing that remind us that they’re really just teens trying to live their lives outside of this crazy nonsense. Kuwabara wasn’t even formally hired for all this! The cast wears sweaters and jackets while out and about. More formal clothes for special occasions. Jeans and t-shirts when they’re unexpectedly caught up in a fight because, you know, they’re not ready for battle every second of every day. They’re drawn like normal folks because, outside of the ring, they are. 
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(We’ve also got a lot of parallels between Yusuke and Kuwabara’s civilian clothing, visually reminding us that they’re far more alike than they might be willing to admit.)
Despite often changing outfits, the group maintains a basic color pallet that makes them recognizable, yet it’s also not so limited that they appear strange for sticking to one (1) color for the entire time we know them. Yusuke, like most people, is drawn to particular colors, mostly greens, yellows, and blues, so each time we see him he’s familiar while also being distinct from the last time he changed. 
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Hiei, as someone who initially wants nothing to do with anyone else and relies on assassin-like speed to take out his enemies, is dressed almost entirely in black. Without that bit of white in his scarf/hair you’d lose him in the shadows... which is the point. 
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When he opens up and actually becomes friends with the team, his color pallet starts opening up a great deal too.  
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And we’re shown all the little changes he starts incorporating that speak to his growth: his Jagan eye, a bandaged arm hiding his Dragon of the Darkness Flame, the necklace connecting him to Yukina. 
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I’ve blathered on about the outfits enough but as a quick final note: EVERYONE WEARS APPROPRIATE FIGHTING CLOTHES. 
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No one (even the women to my recollection) wear heels. Everything is loose-fitted and looks easy to move in. They’ve got sensible belts, bandages if they need them, and... that’s it. No unnecessary bells and whistles that distract from what’s supposed to be the story’s real draw: good fights and good characterization. Even the more elaborately styled characters (usually) look like they chose their outfits practically first and for the aesthetic after. At no point do I recall watching this show and going, “WHY would you wear that to a fight??” 
Anyway, back to the designs. 
The exceptions to either side of these extremes - from human normal to demon monstrous - are Genkai and Kurama, both of whom straddle the line. Genkai is someone who has pushed her spirit and body far past the norm. She’s the first human we meet who truly goes beyond that normality, even if you don’t immediately realize it. Her pink hair (such a soft color in her old age it’s not at all distracting) is a slight hint that something isn’t quite right with her. She’s obviously human... but not a normal human. Not anymore. 
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Those unnatural looks are emphasized in her youth when she was at the height of her power. 
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Genkai as a young woman has vibrantly pink hair (a bright pastel like Botan’s), a softer face, and far more emotive eyes. She looks ethereal, which fits not just her own journey to power but Togoru’s as well. Her story is intimately tied up in what that power does to the human body/soul. So Toguro starts out like this 
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a pretty normal looking guy who is on the far end of what the human body is naturally capable of. He’s buff as hell, but not so much that it looks unreasonable. I’ve seen body builders bigger than him. He’s the average (dehydrated...) MCU superhero. However, he ends up like this
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In Togoru’s case his abnormality is explicitly presented as grotesque. Rather than giving him a cool looking characteristic that’s clearly supernatural (blue hair, an extra eye, curly horns, etc.), we’ve taken a human characteristic (muscles) and expanded them to an unnatural degree. He’s got some uncanny valley shit going on. 
Paralleling Genkai, we likewise see Kurama subtly standing out among his human allies. 
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He’s a demon in a human’s body. By in-world logic his appearance should be just as normal as anyone else’s, but a bit of his true nature shines through. His hair is long in a style not popular in YYH’s Japan. His red is far less of a natural shade than Kuwabara’s. He carries himself with the air of someone who is ancient, because he is. His human design deliberately reflects his true demon form so when that’s finally revealed we still recognize him as Kurama. 
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(Same sort of work with Hiei’s demon form.) 
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When we look at the cast together we have an immediate, visual impression as to who is normal and who is not - and those assumptions are embedded into the story. Yusuke is someone you’d overlook in the crowd, but he’s the most powerful. Kurama is clearly other in some way, but he’s desperate to live an average, human life. Kuwabara is designed to look and move like the fool and a lot of his development (his and others’ in relation to him, really. Like Hiei) is built around respecting him despite those looks. Hiei is tiny but will kick your ass. Genkai is tinier and will kick your ass worse. 
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Her size combined with her age - combined with her status as Yusuke’s teacher - is a continuous reminder not to judge power by looks alone. Don’t underestimate your opponent and get overconfident (a major flaw of Yusuke’s). Know that you still have a LOT to learn about the world. That woman you assume is just a rude grandma? She’s going to break your expectations over and over and over again. 
Speaking of size, that’s a major aspect of Koenma’s design as well. When Yusuke learns he’s meeting the head of the underworld he starts picturing a massive, demonic beast who (sensing a theme here) looks the part of a supernatural ruler. Seeing Koenma for the first time - an adorable toddler-like being - is an absolute shock. 
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It’s a gag for the audience, but it’s not just a gag. Due to his looks Yusuke is unable to take Koenma seriously, despite knowing the power he holds. 
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Which, even more-so than arrogance, is Yusuke’s greatest flaw throughout the series. He doesn’t take school seriously. His death seriously. Ruler of the underworld seriously. His teacher seriously, etc. Yusuke constantly acts like he doesn’t care, throwing basic respect and effort in the face of whatever authority figure is desperately trying to keep him from self-destructing. He’s on the receiving end of multiple speeches throughout the series (mostly from Genkai) that boil down to, “Care about something, dammit. Take this seriously!” and when he does it’s GREAT. It’s a moment of growth we’ve really built to in a hundred different ways, including how he reacts to others’ looks. Koenma’s design feeds directly into the primary flaw Yusuke is working to overcome. How will he go from a delinquent laughing in the face of the most powerful being to someone multiple worlds can put their trust in? Design assists with that. 
When Yusuke does respect Koenma (even if he still insults/teases him because that’s just an ingrained part of Yusuke’s personality) Koenma’s appearance can change. It’s no longer serving its original function, so he evolves into a very good looking young man (with references to Tuxedo Mask to emphasize those good looks) that just... happens to still carry a pacifier. 
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A pacifier that is revealed as an incredibly powerful weapon that will help save the world. Again: don’t judge anyone or anything solely on their looks. They’re never precisely what you’d assume they are based on your first glance - with the exception of minor villains whose looks serve only to convey their villainy: 
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For everyone else, looks are complex. Two of the most different looking characters (color-wise anyway) are actually siblings, their contrasts reflecting both differing cultures and the emotional distance between them. 
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The scariest looking monsters are just paper-pushers. It’s the handsome humans you should watch out for.  
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And this is our hero, a man charged with protecting three worlds. 
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I could say SO MUCH MORE but this is already disgustingly long so basically YYH (I think) does a great job of: 
Crafting characters that are distinct but not different for the sake of different. They always feel like they belong to their individual worlds and adhere to whatever “normal” is by those standards. 
Tying character looks really closely to the show’s themes and individual growth. Which, frankly, is something I think all good character design should do. 
It’s not nearly as flashy as other anime... but YYH knows what it wants to accomplish and went about it beautifully. Catch me still weeping over this show fifty years from now. 
Peace ✌️
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intobarbarians · 4 years
part two to clothes
The dresser is a hand-me-down from Shizuru, scuffed from one childhood move and three apartments on Kuwabara’s end. Sometime around high school, his sister had cornered him with her beautician’s scissors and told him to invest in his appearance more. “Wash your face and wear clothes that fit.”
The insinuation was scurrilous--he did wash his face, thank you very much, sis--but Kuwabara kept his mouth shut and his head very still while Shizuru trimmed his hair. As a rule, he didn’t bicker with his sister when she held a sharp object near his eyeballs.
He tilted his head forward when she instructed him to move. What was the point of all this? Kuwabara spent seventy percent of his time in a school uniform and the rest in sweatpants either sleeping or studying.
He plotted to steal her fancy face wash.
“You’re a handsome guy under all the bluster, little brother. I want you to see it, is all.”
Okay, her face wash was safe...for the moment.
He let Shizuru drag him out shopping afterward with no complaints. She spent a week’s worth of tips on new clothes for him because she’s been as much his parent as she is his sister. Kuwabara ended up hauling her old, oak dresser into his bedroom. As the younger sibling, he got the smaller room and thus the smaller closet. All those clothes had to go somewhere.
Hiei probably doesn’t have any hang-ups about his appearance, the shirtless bastard.
The funniest drawer to give Hiei is a toss-up between the top and the bottom one. He’d have to get up on his tiptoes for the former, and the latter would be understood to mean ‘haha, you’re short.’
Then it occurs to Kuwabara that he actually wants Hiei to use the drawer--jokes aside--so he settles for cleaning out the middle drawer.
The whole exercise ends up with him emptying out the entire dresser and reorganizing his clothes like he’s been personally possessed by Marie Kondo. Does this teddy bear t-shirt bring him joy? Hell, yeah it does.
Three hours later, Kuwabara bites his lip. Somehow, he’s got two empty drawers.
He ruthlessly forestalls the impending crisis caused by the question of whether or not he should offer both drawers to Hiei like a man in a long term relationship desperate to know if it’s going somewhere and looks around his room. The rest of the place could use a bit of tidying up, as well.
Kuwabara runs his hand along the top of the dresser. Yeesh. It’s kind of dusty up here.
It’s a lot of mopping, dusting, throwing out garbage, and watering the snake plant Kurama gave him last spring. Kuwabara sits on his couch and admires the space. Not a bad place to bring someone home to, he thinks.
Oh, fuck. The thought propels Kuwabara to his feet. He marches over to his dirty laundry and drops his workout shorts on the floor. There. Now no one will suspect him of having cleaned his apartment for Hiei, especially not Hiei.
He probably won’t come, Kuwabara assures himself. Hiei prefers Makai over the human realm. The brat only mentions that fact a million times whenever he’s forced to spend five minutes on earth.
Kuwabara picks through his junk bin until he finds a roll of masking tape and a purple marker. He rips off a couple inches of tape and sticks it to the middle drawer in his bedroom dresser. Popping off the cap. he hesitates before writing a clear invitation.
Clear as day, if Hiei comes.
Kuwabara doesn’t open the drawer to see if it’s being used or not. He’s not rude.
But if Hiei’s been in the apartment, Kuwabara can’t tell. The only thing he notices is the disappointment clinging thickly to his ribs.
He washes the workout shorts. He does not buy the soft blue shirt.
The next mission claims everyone’s shirt, except for Hiei’s, because he still doesn’t have a new one.
Nudist, Kuwabara accuses silently. He pads the thought with spiritual defenses since he’s never gotten a clear answer on whether or not Hiei can read minds.
Yusuke flicks off a bit of goo from his shoulder. “Let’s go home and not talk about this.”
They all nod solemnly in agreement. Goo cases are the fucking worst.
Kuwabara opens a portal to earth, providing the gracious, interdimensional cab service that he does. He waves everyone through--including Hiei, surprisingly enough.
Kurama and Yusuke chat about Yusuke’s ramen cart rivals, a couple of entrepreneurial sixteen-year-olds encroaching on his turf near the train station.
“These kids have no respect, Kurama! They staple their flyers over my ads. Who knew teens could play so dirty?”
Kurama hums in sympathy. “I can’t imagine anyone they might remind me of.”
Neither of them comments on Hiei tagging along to the human realm, even though it’s so fucking weird.
They hit a crossroads. Yusuke and Kurama peel off to their homes, leaving Hiei and Kuwabara alone and trusting that they won’t end up killing each other.
It’s just Kuwabara, Hiei, and Hiei’s nipples.
Time to go home and take a long, cold shower.
It’s around the time he hits the block with the library and the bicycle repair shop near his apartment that Kuwabara realizes Hiei apparently has the same idea.
Kuwabara swallows. It would be unaccountable of him to complain about Hiei coming over when he offered the little guy a drawer.
He panics all the way to his front door. Hiei knows, doesn’t he? About the Crush?
Kuwabara unlocks the door and lets Hiei in first, because he is a gentleman and also he needs three seconds for his face to make a series of anguished expressions where Hiei can’t see it.
“Dibs on the shower,” Kuwabara says. He skedaddles to the bathroom, dripping goo fucking everywhere. Door safely closed between them, his face full on freaks out.
The drawer did not give away the Crush, he reasons to his reflection. How could it? Hiei knows shit all about human relationships. The drawer has no meaning to him. It does not say ‘Kuwabara thinks you’re hot, you gorgeous goblin.’
He strips out of his pants and sets the shower to a punitive cold.
His hasty actions have consequences: he forgets to bring new clothes with him into the bathroom and only has a towel to wrap around himself.
Kuwabara grits his teeth. Whatever. Hiei does not Suffer as he Suffers. He ties the towel around his waist and heads to his bedroom.
Hiei’s there--digging through the middle drawer.
There are clothes in the drawer, and not just shirts. Hiei’s stocked a few different outfits, some even in the human fashion. One of the items looks suspiciously like Yukina’s favorite pullover.
Hiei’s also got a collection of pouches socked away. They take up the more space than the clothes. Kuwabara has no idea what’s in them.
The drawer is pretty full.
“Why weren’t you wearing a shirt earlier?”
Hiei looks at Kuwabara like he’s lost all his brain cells. “It’s a goo case,” Hiei says slowly. Goo cases are always a disaster for their clothes.
He closes the drawer and glides past Kuwabara without making a sound. No wonder Kuwabara never knew that he’d been here filling up his little hidey-hole.
Hiei gives him a once over. He’s carrying one of those pouches--a brown, leather drawstring with silver flames embroidered around the opening. “I hope you left some hot water for me.”
“Plenty.” Unfortunately.
The bathroom door squeaks shut before Kuwabara fully processes that Hiei is taking a shower here in Kuwabara’s apartment, like it’s a perfectly normal thing he does on a regular basis. Here. In Kuwabara’s apartment.
Kuwabara bites his knuckles. Fuck. He might as well give Hiei the other drawer.
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tomioneer · 6 years
yyh rewatch post 7?? I think??
this is gonna suuuuuuck. eps 20 and 21 and 22.
the english title of this episode is, for once, WAY MORE DRAMATIC than the Japanese title. episode 20 is called Seven Ways To Die holy shit
yusuke informs suzaku what any shounen fan already knows: pissing off the hero is the worst mistake any villain could make
yusuke remembers he’s here for a whistle, not a brawl, but gets punched and electrocuted in the process
yusuke continues to deny his feelings. meanwhile, dickbag iwamoto chases Keiko and botan with scissors
suzaku doesn’t seem to realize he’s a fucking fashion icon,or he wouldn’t be doing this shit, he’d be working the runway.
hearing laura bailey (keiko) screaming is the worst thing, because all I can think is that it’s not keiko--it’s honda tohru from fruits basket. NO ONE FUCKING HURTS TOHRU
the real Worst Mistake suzaku made was putting keiko’s misadventures on a screen where yusuke can see whether or not she’s still alive. if he couldn’t see, he'd be worried to distraction about her. 
suzaku claims all his other selves have free will and their own initiative, but then they all use the same attack at the same time??? 
yet another jackass villain is surprised when yusuke stands up
“that shows you don’t know me very well. my whole life has been borrowed time.”--urameshi yusuke, a fourteen-year-old with no self-worth. I. want to hug him.
he says this with full conviction and hero eyes. he believes it.
last arc we got to see kuwabara be tortured. now we get to watch yusuke go through it too. lovely.
this makes the third arc in a row in which Yusuke ends up bound in some way, this time beind held in place my two of the suzaku clones
suzaku puns at yusuke, who is being electrocuted, by saying the words “shock of terror” about keiko’s situation.
yusuke shouts for botan, his friend, definitively showing that romantic bonds aren’t the only things worth fighting for.
epilepsy warning for episode 20 of yu yu hakusho.
jorge just assumes yusuke is dead, or about to be
shows what he knows.
the dub gives koenma more credit than he deserves by having him freak out about potentially having to give in to suzaku’s demands for the sake of humanity. in the subs, he’s panicking about being in trouble with his dad again.
kuwabara misses by like. two feet. the idiot. he’s trying so hard to get to his boy. meanwhile, the True Battle Couple clear the way themselves.
scene transition is yusuke screaming in agony.
I hope justin cook took care of his voice
oh because he thinks keiko is dead already
genkai is the little voice in yusuke’s head.
still being electrocuted, yuuske laughs at suzaku
“training under critical conditions”
my boy has such good hero eyes
he looks so good with his hair down why is he such a little greaser.
genkai’s breaking speech to him is completely different in the dub. I’m going to have to watch the sub later, aren’t I?
shots of his friends being in life-threatening moments are interspersed with his mother sobbing over his death, and keiko kissing him back to life like the princess he is
I’m legit tearing up this is so awful I love it
it’s so fucking relatable that yusuke only finds worth in how he’s viewed by the people he cares about
“Did I miss something,” suzaku asks flatly, “or did you just get five times more powerful?”
Oh buddy. you missed something.
i love
sometimes i forget that I judge all action heroes by sailor moon and yusuke urameshi. the purity of intent, the lengths to which they’ll go for others... the clarity in their eyes as they look at a person or situation and see it as it really is. sailor moon forgiving her enemies while yusuke judges his. these are the standards I demand from my heroes. 
on a gayer note, keiko cradles botan in her arms like a dramatically fainted lover.
yusuke, about this whistle: please be close by (looks around) It’s far away. typical.
yusuke threatens a demon bird and calls her a smartass
this would be a lot better if I didn’t know there was more fight left.
jorge thinks yusuke’s telling the truth about having power left, but he’s absolutely bluffing.
there are yet more plant zombies coming in. but like. I realize now, they are.. plants?? fighting kurama??? WHY IS THIS EVEN STILL A CONCERN???
suzaku gets back up. dub suzaku says yusuke’s attack wasn’t strong enough to kill him, but the subs say it was a matter of aim.
as much blood as there are when someone is getting hurt, I’m surprised there isn’t much when someone is already injured. it’s just torn clothes
koenma seems to be... flying? around his office?
koenma also urges yusuke to use a missile launcher. because he totally has one in his school uniform pockets.
it’s off that in the commercial bumper for the show, yusuke’s spirit gun is yellow, but in the show, it’s always, always blue
the stairs our three boys are on crumble away at suspiciously inconvenient time
they used seven different zooms of the same animation to make it seem like seven different shots. anime on a budget i guess
suzaku’s second great mistake was definitely telling yusuke the requirements for actually killing him
yusuke’s fucking dying again
that was hella badass though, projecting his life energy to save keiko and botan
suzaku lives just long enough to deliver a ‘oh I understand you immense strength now’
kuwabara is just like, ‘oh, I’ll just die for him, no biggie’.
magic cpr I guess
kurama alludes back to trying to die for his own mother. good boy.
are they dead or just. gay.
oh wait it’s both
how did he explain this extended sleepover ot his parents, or, I mean. his sister???
kuwabara and kurama are fucking. pranking him.
soft haired high waisted pant boy
I mean to be fair yusuke asked botan to explain to keiko, and she just. didn’t. he left on a time limit.
keiko is so pretty and cute and so fashion. and she’s so reasonable.
I know for a fact the manga has a whole extra story in between the saint beasts arc and the yukina arc. it has one of the best gags in the series, the infamous tuxedo mask joke.
but no, instead we just get hiei delivering the tape with no fucking lead up or breathing room. if you don’t know that chapter, LOOK IT UP
meanwhile she is a nineties fashion icon
koenma is so. so full of shit
I want to make this clear to people. Yukina has been raped. They make it clear they tried “every kind of pain imaginable” to get her to cry. the most beautiful gem an ice maiden sheds is at the birth of her child. 
a fan theory states there’s a good chance she’s technically infertile due to being a half-blooded ice maiden, which might be the only things that saved her from actually having to deal witht his, because we don’t know how long they’ve had her. 
just. go read the tv tropes page, nightmare fuel.
tarukane just called her a “knockout” and a “frigid little whore”.
who even is this off-brand beatles rip off
at least tarukane isn’t voiced by jerry fucking jewell
this two-minute long bad guy is nasty looking as shit.
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skittidyne · 7 years
tagged by the amazing @h-lovely!
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets!
uhhhhhh look i think we all know what i’m capable of so i’m not apologizing for what this list contains. but hey, some short snippets!
1. bbac 27: 
“Guess you can’t do anything worse to him with all of that flopping about,” Taichi reasons, and Kenjirou shoots him a dirty look. “Where’s Tendou?”
Wakatoshi lets out a particularly pained sound, and Kenjirou hastily helps him from listing to the side so much.
“Is this something your healer friend can fix?”
Wakatoshi shakes his head, just once, then his head lolls so steeply that Kenjirou is horribly worried it might just fall off his neck. He feels sick at the thought.
Instead, Wakatoshi dies, still propped upright.
Athena lets out a warbling screech.
2. political intrigue 36: 
“You’re staring,” Koushi says, gaze still out the window of the carriage, chin in hand, lips quirked just the tiniest bit to reveal his affections.
Daichi likes being one of Koushi’s affections.
“Perhaps I’m still in awe that I’m wedded to such a beautiful man,” Daichi says, half a lie, and relishing the lack of silver on his wrists.
Keiji snorts unattractively.
Daichi ignores him.
3: the will to protect 5: 
“How much of this did Shirabu make you rehearse to say to me?”
“That’s not what you said next in the script,” Terushima replies, then dares to crack a smile.
And Futakuchi smiles right back.
Everything is still raw between them, but at least they can share the couch (at opposite ends) and talk. At least Futakuchi can kind of feel human with caffeine in his system and… when was the last time he ate? He can’t taste the bagel but his stomach welcomes it.
“You have a ring?” Futakuchi asks around the lip of his cup. “Like… a magic one? I thought there weren’t any more.”
4. snowed in sinja fic: 
Ja’far accepts a horn of something strong-smelling with a benign smile.
He tries not to drink at public functions. As much as he loathes it, he and Sinbad have worked out a seamless system of passing drinks back and forth to make it seem as if Ja’far has finished whatever spirits have been given to him. Sinbad can hold his alcohol far better, and he is infuriatingly satisfied at Ja’far being the one to hand him more.
But at least a satisfied Sinbad means he is less likely to misbehave in other ways.
As the story lulls—a necklace is not as impressive to show off as a sword had been, after all—the inevitable comes up.
5. fake dating 6: 
Mai wasn’t picking up her phone.
Kenji, all things considered, thought it a little fair to show up at her house. He wasn’t thinking, sue him. Or maybe he was thinking too much. Either way, he needed someone to talk him down from homicide. Or maybe just screaming himself hoarse in the rain like a cliche movie.
Or, more likely and worse: ruining his friendship with Aone—or making things with Kamasaki impossibly worse.
6. kaga’s bnha au: 
“You said you saw Oikawa-san,” Kageyama says, awkward as all hell. Hajime looks up at him, and Kageyama automatically studies the far wall, trying too hard to seem casual. “I didn’t see him in any of the files, sir.”
“I can see that.” Oikawa Tooru is nowhere to be found in any of this. None of the photos of the hostages or the few villains captured match up. Several more got away, but no one had heard anything about any hostages taken with them. It’s possible there is more to this, things the police or heroes aren’t aware of, but a human being doesn’t simply disappear into thin air.
But Tooru isn’t here. Hajime sees not a hair from him, including statements from other hostages. True, it’d been chaotic, and he doesn’t expect strangers to pay much attention to each other while they’re scared. (More training he’d undergone: learning to forgive civilians for being scared, for being inattentive, for being imperfect.)
Hajime sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose, and tells himself he’s too old to go through the stages of grief for a cold case six years old.
7. daisuga oneshot: 
“It’s a contrast thing,” Suga adds, smoothing both hands along Daichi’s thighs until they reach his briefs, “so maybe something like schoolgirls, except without that weird power dynamic. I really prefer thinking that I’m going to fuck my very handsome, very wholesome husband than some young girl I’d be in charge of teaching. Teaching is very unsexy, anyway, I don’t know why people are into it.”
“You’ve never seen yourself in glasses,” Daichi can’t help but reply.
“I look in mirrors. We can’t all have the burning desire to come on glasses like you do.”
“I have never once shamed you for your weird fetishes, and now you come into my house, and tell me I can’t come on my husband’s glasses—ow!” Daichi glares down at Suga again, and Suga grins against him, teeth bright against Daichi’s leg where he’s biting him. And not at all in the sexy way.
8. tequila might make kurama’s clothes fall off but yusuke and hiei sure don’t: 
“Please elaborate on that,” Kurama says, flatly.
Yusuke doesn’t give much thought to backpedaling or trying to figure out what sort of delicate demonic sensibility he might’ve offended, because well, his comment had been worded to evoke a reaction. He puts up both hands in surrender, because no one needs to get fed to flowers today.
“Don’t get your panties in a knot, I didn’t mean it like that,” Yusuke says, and Kurama’s expression doesn’t waver, though somehow it warms, just a few degrees. Yusuke wonders when he’s gotten so good at parsing out Kurama’s subtleties, but he supposes he’s always kinda been good with people. Demons, too, apparently.
(Maybe it’s just because he spends so much goddamned time staring at Kurama’s face. Probably not.)
9. kozume kenma’s guide to... something: 
“You’re moping!” Shouyou exclaims like he’s delighted by the fact that Kenma suffers from normal human emotions.
Except he doesn’t. At least not the pining, sulking, moping kind. Pining is for a far-away release date. Sulking is for when Tora calls him short. And Kenma just doesn’t mope at all.
“That one,” Kenma says, nodding down the bar to a young man with a ponytail and a lot of freckles.
“No bet,” Shouyou declares. Kenma turns to glare at him. “That’s Tadashi! He’s in my class, and he’s half-tanuki. You won’t be able to get close without him smelling all the dog on you.”
“I don’t smell like dog.”
“Do too.”
10. sugawara koushi’s guide to wearing your new girlfriend’s clothes (results may vary): 
But with two attractive people in close proximity (nevermind the way they’re both dressed; while off-duty, Akaashi prefers to dress like he’s just come from the world’s most fashionable funeral), the other patrons aren’t quite so skittish, and Akaashi is soon accosted again.
This time, it’s by a man with the ears and tails (two, both very happy) of a dog, and Suga bursts into giggles at how fast his tails are wagging. She can’t quite hear what he’s saying because of the music, but she can guess: Oh, you are the most beautiful dog person I’ve ever seen, I don’t care if you’re a werewolf, please do me the honor of stepping on me tonight and let’s howl at the moon together.
Judging on Akaashi’s tightening grip, Suga may have been narrating that aloud.
The stranger doggy man steps closer, and Suga’s best friend wolfy man steps back. Suga steps back twice to give them space, then decides it’s for her best interest to stop teasing Akaashi and maybe find another attractive stranger as company for the evening.
She gets two more steps before Akaashi tugs her back, this time sending her stumbling. It’s a good excuse for Akaashi to turn away from the man hitting on him. Unfortunately, even in flats, Suga is far from stable, and she not only manages to stumble into someone else, but she pulls Akaashi along with her.
The resulting domino chain catches nearly half a dozen people.
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sobdasha · 7 years
Do This: List some of the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they are working on. This can be anything! 
tagged by @adirotynd (you forgot me at first but then you remembered I’m so happy!)
tagging @kixboxer
I’m always currently working on everything.......somewhat.........
1) that Yuki and Machi and Who Does Mutsuki Take After prompt for anon
Mutsuki has been baby-snatched. He's been switched in the delivery room. What the nurse hands Machi to feed is not her baby boy, but someone else's several-month-old television model infant. Machi's seen newborns. Her little brother, for example. Other people's bundles of joy, shared around the office email by her various proud coworkers. Her niece Michi, whom she actually got to hold in the hospital. So Machi knows what babies look like. Newborn babies are ugly. Newborn babies are red, wrinkly little hellspawns. They are faces only a mother (or proud papa or other doting relative) could love, all red, toothless mouths in red, scrunched up faces. And the screaming, although you don't get that so much from pictures. And the stickiness, that mixture of drool and snot and tears that pools in every crease. That's what Mutsuki should be. This thing in her arms is some kind of weird alien monstrosity, in comparison. Perfect smooth skin and a creamy-pale complexion. Soft, wispy fluffs of fair hair in just the right amount. It cries, Machi will give it that, and loudly. And its face does get a bit splotchy at those times. But the way its nose crinkles up is like a cute bunny rabbit's, and instead of snot and spit there's just tears, which sparkle. "I don't know," Yuki says, tilting the baby a bit under the hospital lights, "I don't really see any sparkles."
2) Tumblr kiss meme for supes, I have only... 12 - chest kiss and 19 - forceful kiss and 20 - any of the above (I think it’s some kind of cheek or forehead or something kiss?? I...didn’t...write that bit down...) left!!! (no wait, upon further investigation I did note down basically that) since supes wanted to hear more about that last prompt, I’m posing the rough notes of it, since it’s once again in need of a rewrite to find its proper shape
anyway Link is enjoying a dip in one of those hot springs right now, eyes closed, and there's a splash and he figures it's Link the Goron getting back in until a hand that is definitely not made of rock takes his chin and Impa says “Goddesses, Link, what did you do to your face?” and Link kind of startles because suddenly Impa, and he kind of forgets about it you know until people remind him, and he's still pretty self-conscious about it and Impa is, “And I didn't mean that as badly as it sounded. It's good to see you again, Link,” she says, and she smiles warmly and adds, “You look well.”
(Impa and Zelda bathing in Sheikah body suits, and Link is either just in his leggings or else he's in fully Zora tunic because he's just so used to wearing it in any and all water pffft)
and then somehow Zelda joins them, this time around her father's still alive and still on the throne so she gets to do things like ~diplomacy~ which suck sometimes but sometimes they involve getting out of the castle and traveling and saying hi to ppl like the Gorons and that part's pretty great, so she's definitely taking advantage of Darunia's invitation to the hot springs and Zelda notices too and she's kind of “does it look gross?” and Link's sort of yeah, that's why he's wearing the eyepatch still, and Zelda is “can I see?” and Link forgets sometimes that gross scary things don't really bother her that much, so he lifts up the eyepatch so she can see and she kind of makes agreeing noises and eyelid/forehead/nose smooches, MAYBE ALL OF THEM
3) tp zelink4lyfe 95 - advertisement 97 - safety first
these are also both in a state of perpetually needing rewrites hahaha Safety First is supposed to be about swordsmanship competitions during the Festival of Farore, okay, but then a couple days ago I thought WHAT ABOUT WILLIAM TELL so now it’s either going to have a plot overhaul, or else there’s going to be sword version and outtake archery version
4) park ranger zelda AU (her park is her kingdom and link ACTUALLY RAISED BY WOLVES maybe???)
is going to be Breath of the Wild verse so NO SPOILERS FOR SUPES YET I meant to do Twilight Princess always, but never got inspiration....until I suddenly thought of changing the verse
5) link raised by rito
is also going to be Breath of the Wild! so I’m sparing supes the deets! I would have done Wind Waker but I somehow forgot about this prompt constantly?? I don’t know why else I wouldn’t have had any ideas about it?? But BotW will be fun and evil I think so.....yes
6) Link raised as a witch like Maple but more doof less sass (something like that it was too much work to quote the original prompt verbatim)
Link hasn’t been to one of Nayru’s performances in ages. And she used to give Link harp lessons, back before he got too busy being a Junior Apprentice. He wonders if these people have come a long way to hear Nayru sing. Their clothes all look weird and foreign. Another young woman, tall and dark-skinned, laughs aloud. “Well, it’s something like that!” she says. She twirls, the ribbons on her outfit and her long hair whipping with the movement. “We’re a troupe of traveling performers, you see. And when we heard about Nayru--Marin here’s a singer too.” She jerks her thumb at the first girl, who nods and inhales and opens her mouth. Link doesn’t know the language the song is in. But he knows Marin’s voice is pretty, and her notes are clear and pure and steady, and he likes the tune of the ballad. He claps, when she finishes, and she curtsies. “I'm sorry you're busy. But thank you for the directions,” Marin says, before she and the rest of the troupe get their caravan turned around and leave Yoll Graveyard. Link sighs and waits behind the counter for Maple to return from her Important Witch Business, even though it’s going to be too late for him to attend the duet that Marin is going to sing with Nayru, even though Maple comes back whistling something that sounds a lot like Marin’s Ballad of the Goddess.
(I’ve got SS OST going on in the background and just as I copy-pasted this, Zelda singing Ballad of the Goddess came on lol) (”Marin” is Zelda, because I decided that can be just as good an alias as Sheik and also for extra feels)
7) Neko Zamurai AU for Fruits Basket (quoting from the notes, which are kind of sparse SHAME ON ME but the important part is Hana-chan gets hired to kill a cat and steals it instead)
arisa questions her about the color "u kno it's not black right??" and Saki sighs and is "I would have preferred black, yes, but this was all they had…" 5 ryo and one free cat, not bad for an hour's work
she meets Tohru when she comes back to get cat food ("Man, this cat's even pickier than you, Saki!" won't eat fish, veggies, meat…), as she is raiding the house, and Tohru tearfully gives it to her because they used to have a cat until it was killed a few days ago, it's so terrible, who could do that to a cat! And Saki hugs her and pats her "Yes you're right, whoever would kill a cat is truly a terrible person" and then "is this for your cat?" and Saki says yes, she did in fact just get a cat recently, but she doesn't know how to take care of it at all and maybe Tohru would like to escape this ridiculous place and come help her? And Kyou gets dragged along too
8) halfway house for hellspawn it’s actually a collection of emails which I greatly enjoy, but I wanted to write them up more....formally and and chronologically and with less shameful caplocks etc, but that’s going veeeeeeery slowly have some of the original emails!
DOES KURAMA EVER COME OUT TO HIS FAMILY POST MANGA THO I mean on one hand I'm pretty sure he intends to take that TO THEIR GRAVES but on the other hand /how the fucking hell can he possibly keep this secret with the barrier between worlds down/
to rub the salt in, Shiori probably get, like, proactive about demons. Like at first everyone's like "um nope no thanks humans discriminate it's what we do" and "haha okay 'demons' yeah this is Japan home of weird youth trends and other shit" but then it's probably kind of unavoidable that you'd have to deal with them and. like. Shuuichi has a weirdly large amount of delinquent friends. And they're very nice! Urameshi and Kuwabara and Hiei and all, they're quite good people under their rough exteriors. Demons are kind of like delinquents, right? You just have to treat them as people!
While Kurama is on the side, KIND OF LIKE MERLIN FANFICS, going "mom pls mom no mom don't get unnecessarily involved with demons mom just don't" while Shiori is "young man I do not know what your problem is but this is most unlike you, you do not need to worry"
SO DEMONS ARE TRYING TO INTEGRATE INTO THE HUMAN WORLD. And they can chill at Genkai's old place, but like, that's way the fuck up in the mountains there aren't really any humans. To really integrate you need to like INTERACT WITH HUMANS. OKAY. AND LIKE. WHO IS THE ONLY HUMAN MOST DEMONS HAVE HEARD OF. ASIDE FROM CELEBRITIES (NOT. NOT THAT DEMON WORLD PIRATES A LOT OF HUMAN WORLD MEDIA. NOPE.) THAT WOULD BE. "KURAMA'S HUMAN MOM."
and inevitably it's always like "uh I'm a friend of your son Shuuichi he's really good at reforming ppl???" and everyone assumes it's just that Shuuichi must volunteer helping ppl become productive members of society and Shiori approves, isn't that nice, what a good boy, it's the same as all his other delinquent friends
and every demon who comes to the house probably fucks up regularly and /how is Kurama supposed to keep his secret under these conditions when he is a super-famous demon fuck u all/ either the Hatenaka family is universally really bad at reading the atmosphere, the rule of funny has come into play, or they're just patiently waiting for Kurama to come out to them, SOMETHING, YOU DECIDE
still it'd be REALLY FUNNY if they were TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS and as Kurama scrambles to cover his secret they are all just "really Shuuichi it's not like you to be this judgmental of ppl what have you got against demons they are perfectly nice"
9) well there’s SUPPOSED TO BE a Neko Zamurai AU for YYH too but I guess that’s on paper somewhere??? I certainly don’t see it on my computer. Okay then....
the important thing to note is that Kuwabara steals the cat, obviously.
10) Pearl and Garnet and writer's preference ("You did all of this for me?") or, the one where Steven introduces Pearl to Things Organized Neatly and it all predictably goes downhill from there what I have written is gonna need some tweaking so have this bit of the notes lol
(something about blog numbers, here or later? And pearl's like "if that's what a blog is, I could make a blog" and Steven with star-eyes is "o. omg. Pearl. WILL YOU MAKE A BLOG AND BECOME INTERNET FAMOUS. AND THEN CAN I TELL EVERYONE WE'RE FRIENDS.")
11) 3 suitors Lieutenant Awn had (knowingly or not) and what One Esk had to say about them.
TECHNICALLY HAVEN’T STARTED WORKING ON IT YET and this kind of prompt is not really my strong point ON THE OTHER HAND I DO LOVE ME THOUSANDS OF BABY LIEUTENANT TEARS SOAKING JUSTICE OF TOREN’S JACKETS so you can probably expect to see some baby lieutenants weeping into One Esk’s soothing arms after they crushed on but then were crushed by part-time oblivious heartbreaker Lieutenant Awn
anyway I’ve got tons of other WIPs everywhere but those were the easiest to dredge up and pretty recent
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tomioneer · 6 years
the yyh marathon continues 10 with episodes 31-33
no, I’m not making train noises
he’s amazing.
i love chu’s stupid hair, I really do. it’s so fun to like, watch move around 
10/10 would date someone with that style ponytail. not the mohawk though, that’s too tall.
better and bigger and BUFFER than I remember damn son
speaking of sons.
soft yusuke
pure, blessed, angel baby yusuke
you’ve realized by now, of course, that I prefer his hair down, but did you ALSO KNOW that i prefer this child is garishly bright coats
no wonder I love napping!yusuke so much and remember these early matches so fondly despite what horrible shit the other kids go through
reminder that they are ALL children
except for rinku. honestly, in retrospect, presumably full-demon rinku is probably older than any of them? 
except for kurama. because. youko.
hiei is somewhere between actually fourteen in human years and like. 300 in demon years, probably.
I feel like kurama, an apparently four tailed fox (I maintain this is a lie, as kitsune can willfully appear to have less tails than they actually possess) is like. four or five hundred human years old at least
koto is a standard kitsune, by the way--transforms into a pretty girl, has one tail in her human form, and is a red fox.
I digress.
chu. chu is an adult. chu is not fourteen, so I can enjoy his shirtlessness without any qualms
koto,  oh my god: ��well, they’ve burned their skin, shortened their breath, and somehow lost their shirts. altogether I’d call it a successful fight!”
they’re laughing, and it’s honestly adorable. 
they’re not hysterical, koto, they’re bonding. 
yusuke used to fight because he had nothing better to do and nothing worth staying out of trouble for, to his perception. maybe he thought it better to get killed in a fight than end up like his mom??? I can’t say
and he certainly never understood keiko’s vested interest in him
he fell in love with that kind of fighting, the carefree brawls where he always came out on top, and used them as a way to prove himself
but now he understands fighting at another level entirely, where his life really is in danger, and the stakes are higher than he’d previously imagined they could be. this isn’t about territory or revenge, he’s been saving lives
and he loves it, and so does this random stranger he’s ended up fighting
of course chu comes back as an ally later
he’s one of the first people yusuke’s ever understood on such a resonant level
thanks for the dramatic preview, kurama, but I really wouldn’t call them perfectly matched
in a fight bewtween two people of equal skill, the bigger one usually wins
or so says anita blake in laughing corpse, a book I havne’t read in ten years lol
so I have a thing for supernatural detectives, sue me
I ran out of ice cream ten episdes and 2 days ago. in retrospect, It hought I was going through these episodes faster than that
knife-edge death match
why is he australian
have I asked that yet, because I’m asking
koenma doens’t like the sound of that but I rmember how this goes and I LOVE IT
shizuru makes a dick measuring joke
watching chu remove his shoes is my new sexuality
btw if you don’t know what ‘toe off your shoes is’ in fanfiction, please watch this sequence because chu does it and yusuke does not
yusuke, I will say again, is a CHILD
yusuke loves the rules of this fight and if it weren’t amanga where he’s not aloud to use the same sort of fight more than once for fear of boring readers, I guarnatee ytou yusuke would do this more often
I can’t believe yusuke and chu are both just standing there in that position waiting with their feet on the sharpened edges of knife blades while the cimmitte decides whether or not a death match is allowed in a death match
yusuke is so small
ominous dark clouds that I missed bc I was typing lol
boys just punch okay
oooh and they even light the fight fo us, interesting
koenma somehow doesn’t recognize someone he knows and has known for years, according to the genkai tournament arc.
yusuke has to reach a lot farther to hit chu
karasu showed up like the little bitch he is
are those tiny eyeglasses on his mask, because if so that is BEYOND STUPID
karasu has a crush on yusuke, I know because his eyes shone and he’s gay
no, I don’t ship it
I could almost ship yusuke and chu though lol
I DO half-ship chu and koto
what the hell, I count them both
ship count: 6/400
kuwabara: I could watch them fight for hours... 
keiko, immediately: I can’t watch them fight anymore!
knowing how this match ends really makes it funny that  the dub, when those plant zombies showed up, had yusuke ask Kurama if he should headbutt them  
shizuru makes an totally unacceptable, but still funny, joke about yusuke having died once already (because they don’t know he pretty much died a second time against rando, and a third time against suzaku)
keiko runs off and shizuru chases her
is this why shizuru meets sakyo? he left his viewing room earlier so I bet it is
I remember shipping them as a kid, let’s see how that goes this time
this is pretty cool actually
she dresses like a first calss gay, honestly
I wishi I could pull that sort of look off
SAKYO hey who guessed he’d show up here , not me
he is beautiful
I actually forgot that this whole time, my favorite fight was going on
I can’t beleive keiko actually got into the fighter’s area and made it onto the field that girl is fucking unstoppable
Keiko, crying: Kuwabara, you have to make them stop fighting!
Kuwabara, clueless: no way, why would I wanna do that?
I read a theory online that kuwabara used to be friends with keiko and yusuke when they were all little, and it has totally changed the way I see it whenever these two interact.
kuwabra genuinely tries to explain this fighter’s mindset to a noncombatant. he is a good, patient boy
yusuke is loving this fight
so is chu
rinku’s internal observations are completely different in the subtitles, saying that chu still has something hidden up his sleeve and it waitinf or the right time to use it, where in english he says that hie wishes the reast of team urameshi had given such a good fight, so rinku could have ‘given his yo-yo a workout’ which is a terrible euphemism for... using his yo yo weapons.
I’m surprised we haven’t gotten more shots of their feet against knives, bleeding
as I went  to type that, we get the first shot of exactly that, as yusuke goes in for his own headbutt to counter chu’s
which was aparently the ‘secret weapon’ rinku meant in the subs
yusuke has beautiful eyes
chu’s head BROKE THE FLOOR
yusuke called chu mate, I dig it
yusuke and kuwabara are cute and gay
oh, they are extra gay when they do sidehugs
I can’t believe that of this whole team only two people are left
yusuke is my hero
he just yelled loudly enough to shup up the entire arena of spectators
“if you idiots got something to say, say it! but say it to my face, or else say it to my fist.” 
that’s a badly written but highly epic and kickass line
I have NO IDEA what chu just said because the audio broke and he has am AUSTRALIAN ACCENT
son of a--
the narrator just fucking punned
yusuke flipped off the toguro kyoudai, and the screen does the dramatic stylized freeze, and the narrator goes, “yusuke may be flippant now”
but also it’s a good joke I hate it
where did keiko go during the dramatic pan over the team anyway, she was down there with them.
I rewound and she is Not There.
WHYYYY did they even make Chu say anything??? he doesn’t in the japanese version, there are no subs for him
I really miss the old ED. I love the images for this one, the keiko focus. but. it doesn’t have the same energy. it’s not a jam
now that I thinka bout it, the photograph at the end of that ED could only have been taken in universe on the return trip from the tournament, so I should never have worried that hiei or kurama or kuwabara actually died.
I’m so glad for this arc if only because it’s means all these casual clothes for our cast, and I love that
look how high wasted yusuke’s jeans are, I love it, Ireally do. BOYS , wear high waisted jeans.
during purely internal monolgue, dub yusuke gives a fraction of the information sub yusuke gives by just saying “damn it” instead of “I can’t focus my reiki, why??”
kuwabara’s outside, coincidentally passing by where yusuke is, because hs’ not psychic and ISN’T LOOKING FOR HIM cuz he’s not gay
look, I realize I’m calling yusuke and kuwabara gay a lot. I don’t mean literally gay. 
they are obviously bisexual, or pan, or demi.
I just mean they fall under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella, which is in my region frequently shortened to “gay”
Kuwabara immediaetly ruins my theory by straight up admitting to looking for yusuke and wondering why he wasn’t left a note
kuwabara (paraphrased): I wanna have a team meeting
yusuke, a smarty who already knows he ain’t straight: have a meeting with yourself, then. you’ll learn a lot.
kuwabara, who clearly needs more time: what does that mean?
justas I was about to say tha tI couldn’t beleive they just--left genkai in the room alone, we see that genkai is actually stalking her student now that she’s bored of intimadting kuwabara
we just--that’s the ichigaki team
those poor men
those three poor, wonderul men
I remember nothing about those two demon members of the team but now I’m getting flashes of--delaying hiei and kurama?
thank you kurama, you nerd, for bothering to do research on the next team
yusuke, who now trains on his own time even after running out of reiki: why am I so damn tired?
is this. a filler villain? or did togashi really come up with a character who manifests rubgy balls and calls himself rugby
WHY is the dub so far off the sub right now? there’s no lip flap to match!!
this is awful
buys a fucking gymnast
well he lasted for three minutes before getting killed by his own teammate
oh man yusuke thought is was genkai and is now confused as fuck by this young voice amazing
but why the fuck does she sound young, when she hasn’t exerted herself at all that day
she just, fucking tells them about hiei fucking up his arm
baby YOU KNEW you were making that trade, you KNEW
botan looks a lot like sailor moon right now
keiko confimrs that she is aware yusuke has the hots for her, but also that she can see how happy he is here in the tournament
shizuru’s ass is AMAZING
it’s shocking to think neither hiei nor kurama could tell toguro was alive when they were just a room away from him
why are yususke’s eyes glowing
that whole team is huge, how did rugby even make it on that team lol
‘don’t you have a team?’ “of course I do, but they’re extremely lazy” amazing.
I mean, we know they brothers are famous, but it makes so much more sense WHY they are famous--having previously WON the dark tournament
I wouldn’t be opposed to a movie or something about that tournament, honestly. I want to se more of toguro when he was human. 
I wonder how genkai feels weatching him do this
toguro is sort of like an early saitama, if you strip away personality. their drive at this point is similar from what I know of OPM. 
okay so the dub has creepy-possessive implcations thanks to toguro saying (about yusuke) “that boy is reserved for me”. the SUB on the other hand--toguro just says, ‘it’s a bad day to be a large guy, huh?’ which is fucking. amazing. bold. iconic.
yusuke is sitting next to the previous LOVE of toguro’s LIFE, and he doesn’t even notice her. just yusuke. I guess amask really can hide everything?
I’m stunned they aren’t having more trouble  about sittin ght eaudience that was calling for their blood yesterday.
of course yusuke and his friends have to deal with an extra match lol. 
okay but what’s up with this reigun thing. I don’t remember it at all. 
I guess we just really need to see genkai fight.
i do love and admire her a lot.
on the other hand, I do NOT want to see the vs. dr. ichigaki fight. I remember it pretty well I think? and it was just so--upsetting. 
did we uh. ever get a NAME for the younger toguro brother???
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