#hiring nagel to continue the research he can't really do anymore
buckys-metal-arm · 2 years
How I would've done Sharon's Ending of FATWS
Okay so I wanna start by saying I'm changing 0 of how Sam and Bucky’s stories ended because I thought that was good, I'm only touching Sharon's because the Powerbroker shit is stupid and makes no sense. So what I'm thinking is during that final fight when Karli makes a reference to the Powerbroker Sharon is just like something along the lines of 'you think that's me? Oh honey I just work for him'. Final fight ends the same Sam gives his speech happy ending in Louisiana for the boys etc. happens, but we go to the after credit scene:
Basically it happens the same until after Sharon hangs up the phone, a man in a suit stops her and says the Powerbroker would like to meet her. Sharon looks shocked, because no one has ever seen the Powerbroker, but goes along. Cut to Madripor, Sharon and the suited man are in a big building, nice, but well-guarded. The man ushers her into a well-fortified office and shuts the door. Sharon walks forward and her eyes go wide as she realizes with horror who, or what, she's been working for. The camera turns to show us what she's looking at and
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This guy
Cut to credits
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