#his dobby is free shirt im HAPPY
spiffysixxsense · 4 years
Hello annoying best friend here to fulfill my duty by asking you to answer all of the cute asks
angel; do you have a nickname?
not really. my name is already short and I don't have a prominent quality to nickname me after. The only person who refers to me as anything other than my name is my boyfriend, but I don't think “babe/baby” really counts as a nickname lol
awe; how old are you?
baby; favorite color?
dark teal (blue-green? I've never found a good name for my favorite color)
bloop; spirit animal?
so because I didn't have a good answer for this, I decided to google a quiz to find out, lol. My answer was a deer. here's why;
When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are highly sensitive and have a strong intuition. By affinity with this animal, you have the power to deal with challenges with grace. You master the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach.
The deer totem wisdom imparts those with a special connection with this animal with the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the trickiest situations
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
i don't really have a favorite book, i don't read much outside of school (I wish i did)
movie: A Beautiful Mind
song: oh dear lord i cannot pick just one, but all-time favorite band of mine is Shinedown
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
a little stuffed dog that looked like Kipper from the TV show, I still have him :)
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
lmao what came to mind was when i pledged to never drink, smoke, or say bad words. two out of fucking three ain't bad i guess. 
bright; mermaids or fairies?
(honestly neither but) fairies
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
given the asker, i would say yes :) also i am lame and my boyfriend is also my best friend 
buttercup; showers or baths?
S H O W E R S. hate baths!
butterfly; dream destination?
I've never had a huge desire to travel honestly. like sure i could say Italy or Greece look beautiful, but the actual act of traveling overseas really stresses me out lol. so i would have to say more like upper midwest, like Maine, in the fall time for all the pretty trees.
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
i am neither
calm; favorite scent?
anything fruity - pineapple, mango, berries, apples. at least in terms of what candles i like lol.
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
i do not remember anything from last night - the last dream i remember involved my boyfriend, dad and i being lost up north lol
charming; have you ever been in love?
cozy; eye/hair color?
hazel / brunette 
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
the 1970′s for the fashion
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
love me a good succulent
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
well this last birthday was amidst quarantine, so I got some candles and granola (my boyfriend knows me well lol)
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
i have no idea? what an odd question? probably some stuffed animal?
cutsie; what makes you happy?
picnics, alone time, my boyfriend, my cat choosing to cuddle with me.
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
I really cant think of a time I've ever felt truly free. maybe when i drove myself to school earlier this year & didn't have to wait for someone to pick me up? 
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
as a light in others lives. happy, bubbly. things i currently am not
daylight; favorite album of all time?
gosh these dang music questions. well, Nickelback - All the Right Reasons was the first album i ever bought myself. then maybe Shinedown - The Sound of Madness (i cant pick one OKAY)
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
yes? this question makes me feel old, lol. 
dobby; dream job?
criminologist. some way to be reducing the mass incarceration rate in the US. 
doll; how do you like to dress?
comfy, v necks and leggings. As i have gotten older i have slowly wanted to be more feminine i think, because i really want some sundresses for summer lol
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
one! when i was 12ish, i swear i saw a reflection of a uniformed man (like old school soldier uniform - blue blazer with gold cufflinks) behind me in the glass of my snakes tank at the time. it was weird because the only reason i even looked that way was because my snake started shaking his tail against the glass, something that corn snakes do when they are scared, but also something that in his entire life had never done unprompted ever. 
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
want yes, have no
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
100%. no way we are alone in this universe
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
he makes my days so much better :)
fairy; do you have a pet?
I have one little old kitty :)
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
to vacation, ocean. to live, mountain
forever; where do you feel time stop?
the secretary of state? lol
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
I've never owned a plant lol
garden; how many languages do you know?
one :(
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
sepia photography/old books that have yellowed into sepia. or fresh greenery on white marble. 
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
i don't really get any anymore, but as long as they are nice or just questions/venting, im down. don't be offended if i never answer though, for some reason i never get Tumblr notifications lol
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
im compassionate
im empathetic (which is similar but im struggling to get to 5 lol)
im goal-oriented
im determined (once i have said goal. again, related lol) 
i guess i like my lips/lip shape
heart; silk or lace?
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
tea. iced, black or green really, with sugar. 
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
bird watching because it means i am probably alone and in nature as opposed to somewhere in a crowd of people. and i wont feel creepy for watching the birds lol
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
white noise, a fan running. if that's not enough, i enjoy asmr. if i am really struggling/having anxiety, i will look up sleep stories from the headspace app on youtube (life hack to not have to pay for the app lol)
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
to be outside, i enjoy just warm enough to be comfy in pants and a t-shirt (so like 65F-ish) and sunny.To be inside, i love when it is cooler (like 50F?) and raining. I love the look, sound, and smell of rain but it is usually just inconvenient to be in. 
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
well now all days are the same for me, #quarantine, so the same thing i do every day, just about nothing, lol
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
i guess laugh loudly because i am a loud person in general. i have a deep voice
kinky; do you blush easily?
i don't think so, my embarrassment turns into sweat, not blush, lmao
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
i guess being proposed to someday? but i don't have a certain dream way of it happening, just the fact that its happening is enough for me lol. id enjoy if someone (cough Elle or also maybe Michael lol) were secretly filming and/or taking photos of it? I am not sure how you'd manage that though
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
late at night when everything is quiet
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
old school three days grace (one-x album in particular)
love; what is your favorite season and why?
i always gravitate to fall for the leaves and pumpkin patches. but honestly, i think my favorite season is spring. i love the newly budding trees and flowers, the feeling of renewal, the release from the horrible Michigan winter lol, but most importantly, spring time for my whole life as of yet has always meant that school is over for the semester! as opposed to the fall when the semester starts. this is very long winded but spring final answer lol
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
I've never had a macaron and blue moon ice cream 
magic; what are five flaws you have?
ooooo boy
im short tempered/angry too much 
im unmotivated (which is confusing maybe because i said i am determined earlier. you see, once i HAVE a goal i feel determined to finish it. but i am unmotivated to create said goals, lol) 
im nonconfrontational to a fault where i always put others’ feelings before my own
i let fear of change stop me from ever taking risks/ am anxious
i am stubborn and sometimes have a hard time admitting i am wrong
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
this depends - screw pastels. warm neutrals for makeup purposes, but cool darks for aesthetic or decor purposes
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
someone who feels like home. I am not entirely sure how else to explain that. you just feel peace and content with them. 
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
something that allows you to only be with your date - so like a picnic or hike or just a walk even. my boyfriend and i liked to walk around in the fall for me to take pictures of leaves while he played pokemon go (man i miss the pokemon go summer and i have never even PLAYED it, it was just so fun to be with him while he played)
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
on youtube usually
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. if your family is toxic for whatever reason, you do not owe them your time strictly because they are family. 
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
cook, im not super into sweets & i want to enjoy the final product
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
normal? like its legible but its not pretty or cute
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
no:( wish i could play bass or drums
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
i don't :)
i really don't have an answer other than solving whatever is stressing me out, lol. i wish i had more mechanisms to calm me down but nothing i have tried has ever really worked
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
you know these favorites questions are hard for me lol. right now, i am loving watermelon, but i also love most fruits. kiwis! vegetable, i feel like i have to say potato lol
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
lol the last thing i read had to be some academic text, so that's boring
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
meeting Alex i guess, it changes my whole life path to have someone you want to do life with 
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
quarantine? lol
shine; art or music?
music is art.
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
i think so. Elle’s dog griffin loves me for some reason lol
smitten; do you collect anything?
not really
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
jolly ranchers 
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
Spongebob probably. unless we are talking like really tiny, toddler age, then Winnie the pooh
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
i live in a 2 bedroom apartment, there arent any spots. lol. my bed i guess
soothe; digital or vinyl?
i mean digital for convenience but vinyl for aesthetic 
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
i mean the only person i really actively miss ever is Alex. @cy-ne-fin sometimes, but i have also grown used to living away from each other
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
loyalty, honesty, & humor
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
if i must pick, practical. 
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
absolutely not. i feel like a burden with my feelings even though i shouldn't 
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
honestly not really. am on the fence still about ever having any 
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
not really
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
i am as average as they come man, nothing is unique about me lol
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
like a background friend? like i am not very social, so we do not have to talk every day to be friends. so like im here if you need me, but i enjoy alone time. 
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
the way my boyfriend looks at me, & as i was working on this my cat came to cuddle, which i gave as an answer earlier before he jumped up here :)
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owlllllll
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
the power to heal those who are hurting (including myself)
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
home home home home
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
not anymore, i did in high school/early college years. not I've stopped caring
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
messy? kinda in the middle really. 
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
my state, sure. my city in particular is definitely pretty boring
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
I've never seen one :(
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wildroseofarran · 5 years
Moving Day || Tristan, Meg, & Jeremiah
Tristan: It had been nearly two weeks since Tristan's meeting with Jeremiah and a full week of Ronan telling him several times a day that he needed to get in touch with him so he could get laid.
Tristan didn't plan on doing that any time soon, but he did need to get in touch with Jeremiah. Especially once his mother had told him that she'd found a couple of potential places for Jeremiah to live.
{Text to Sunshine Man} Hey Sunshine Man :)
Jeremiah: Jeremiah smiled at the sight of the message. That must mean an apartment has been found, right?! Dobby will soon be a free elf!
Tristan: Oh, god. He'd forgotten how quickly and easily this man could get a smile out of him.
{Text} I'm doing good!
{Text} You?
Jeremiah: {Text} Good!
He sent a picture of himself in a bright yellow hoodie, hugging a boxset of Batman: The Animated Series
{Text} I've clearly been VERY busy!! How's your 1000 injuries?
Tristan: Tristan chuckled.
{Text} They've mostly healed. Got some new scars to add to my collection.
{Text} Too busy to have breakfast with my mama and find a new place to live?
Jeremiah: {Text} That's good!!!
{Text} I sent that message too quickly before I finished reading what you wrote It isn't good that you're gonna have scars im sorry
{Text} Unless you think it's a good thing in which case it's totally a good thing and I take back what I said!!!
{Text} But if you think it's a bad thing I'm sorry.
{Text} You shouldn't think it's a bad thing though Im sure they look great and that you'll make peace with them!
{Text} Unless they ruin your self-esteem in which case I'll help you look into ways of removing scars, if that's what you want. In which case that's okay.
{Text} Tristan: Tristan's face already hurt, this was ridiculous. Completely ridiculous. He was far too old to be having this kind of reaction to a happy man being himself.
{Text} I'm just fine with my scars, sunshine man, your reaction is fine
{Text} How about tomorrow? I can come pick you up around 9 and we can go to the bakery
Jeremiah: {Text} 9? am? That still exists? They haven't cancelled that yet?
{Text} I'll do my best O Captain, My Captain! See you then! : D
Tristan: {Text} We could make it 9:30 if 9 is too early? Or 10 even
Jeremiah: {Text} NOW I FEEL BAD
{Text} Please make it for 10 my body would appreciate it...
Tristan: He laughed.
{Text} 10 it is XD
{Text} See you tomorrow!
Jeremiah: {Text} Thanks!!! See ya. Take care!
He should probably... go to sleep right now...
Tristan: After texting Jeremiah, Tristan called his mom and told her they'd meet her at the bakery tomorrow at ten and to save them a table if she got there first.
The next morning at 9:50, he was knocking at Jeremiah's door.
Jeremiah: Tristan would hear gasping.
"You're EARLY!!"
Tristan: "It's ten!" Tristan laughed.
Jeremiah: "Ten TO ten!" and now for frantic attempts of dressing and drying after spending forty minutes singing in the shower.
Tristan: "Close enough! Sorry, I tried really hard to be late."
Jeremiah: "You didn't try HARD ENOUGH. You have a BOAT, you could've been HOURS late!"
Tristan: "I didn't sail here!" he chuckled. "I drove. And being hours late would've been rude."
Jeremiah: He opens the door, adjusting the collar around his neck. Why is it so - oh. His shirt is on backwards. He'll just... slowly... close the door and fix that...
Tristan: Jeremiah would be greeted with a grin that slowly became a laugh as the door closed.
Jeremiah: Okay! The door swung open again to reveal Jeremiah and his wide smile.
Tristan: Tristan smiled back. "Well good morning, sunshine man. Ready for food?"
Jeremiah: "Pff. Always." He checks he has everything and then steps forward to shut the door behind him.
Tristan: "Then follow me." Tristan led them back downstairs and out to his truck.
"It doesn't smell like fish, promise," he said as he opened the door for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: "I'll be the judge of that, sir." he replies as he gets into the truck. He looks around, inspecting everything, especially what was or wasn't hung over the rear-view mirror.
Tristan: "It's clean!" He closed the door and made his way around the truck.
Which it was. He'd taken extra care to make sure his truck was clean in preparation for today, and had even hung an air freshener from his rearview mirror along with the various bits of sea glass and seashells that were already there.
Jeremiah: "Hey I've got a question." he says when Tristan joins him in the truck. "Why can people hear the ocean in seashells? What's that about?"
Tristan: "It's not really the ocean," Tristan said as he pulled onto the road. "It's the ambient noise resonating inside the walls of the shell. The pitch of the sound depends on the size of the shell, how much air is in it, that kinda thing. But, boring facts aside, that resonating happens to sound like waves crashing on a shore."
Jeremiah: "Hey! That's so not boring." He got comfortable in the seat, looking at the other. "Pretty cool, and sad. People think they're hearing something... big and open but they're really just hearing a small little shell. It's like... the illusion of freedom."
Tristan: "I think it's just this very human need to inject wonder into our everyday lives. It's sad if that's the only source of wonder in someone's life, though."
Jeremiah: Hmm...
"I think that's good. The injecting wonder into the mundane part. Like, there's nothing wrong in being amazed by everything. Look at this truck! How awesome is it that all you have to do is push your feet and move your arms and this super heavy piece of machinery does what you tell it to?! And how cool is it that your phone is literally just wires and electricity and you can TALK TO PEOPLE INSTANTLY?!"
Tristan: No one on earth would be short of wonder in their lives with Jeremiah around. His sense of wonder was healthy enough for ten people.
"You're absolutely right. We're literally living in the future we imagined as children. We've got electric cars and VR videogames and huge, colorful cities, and bullet trains and AI."
Jeremiah: "And yet we STILL haven't found a way to keep boats from tipping over when waves are a bit big!"
Tristan: "Ah well, Mother Nature can't be contained with technology."
Jeremiah: "What about with hover boats?"
Tristan: “Those defy physics.”
Jeremiah: "In WHAT WORLD?"
Tristan: “In this one,” he chuckled. “Mother Nature doesn’t keep you on the ground, gravity does.”
Jeremiah: "Listen. The more you learn about science, the less you know and understand. The possibilities are endless. Hover boats will totally be a thing one day!"
Tristan: “They kind of are. Don’t know if they actually hover but they’re called hover boats.”
Jeremiah: LOUD GASP.
Tristan: “I’d have nowhere to put it! Or any use for it for that matter.”
Tristan: "I already have a ship and a car!" he laughed. "Got land and water travel covered."
Jeremiah: "What about air travel, Tristan? What. About. That?!"
Tristan: “Plane.”
Jeremiah: "And DO you have a plane?!"
Tristan: “No, but it’s super easy to get a plane ticket whenever I need to fly somewhere, which is almost never.”
Jeremiah: "That's not the same. Soz, dude."
Tristan: Tristan laughed. “Be that as it may, I don’t think the hover boats we currently have actually fly. I think they float like...an inch off the ground?”
Jeremiah: "Huh. I wonder how much power it takes just to float an inch above the ground. They should make salt-water fueled boats and wind-powered airplanes. That just makes SENSE."
Tristan: “It does. But the people in charge rarely do things that make sense.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped, "Don't talk about the people in charge!" He whispered, "They're probably listening right now!"
Tristan: “You’re right,” Tristan whispered back. Then, at normal volume, “I mean of course they made the right decisions! And so smart too!”
Tristan: “Right? I feel so safe all the time!”
Jeremiah: "I don't know about you, but I never ever cover my laptop webcam with tape because of how safe I feel. Also Black Mirror should be cancelled."
Tristan: “Well of course not, there’s definitely not some random FBI dude watching our every move. Completely insane. Black Mirror is trash TV.”
He was trying his best not to laugh as he parked in front of the bakery.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah grinned tapped his index to his lips. Yep! Keep it shtum!
He stretched when the car parked and went to open the car door. "Is she already here?"
Tristan: “Um....” Tristan got out and looked around for his mom’s little convertible. “No, not yet. Let’s grab a table. Inside or out?”
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhh INSIDE 'cause otherwise you have to deal with flies!"
Tristan: “Inside it is,” he said with a grin.
The door was held open for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: "Damn, you really know how to treat a lady!" His smile matched Tristan's as he entered and looked around.
Tristan: “I try my best. Hey, Laura!” he called to the woman behind the counter.
“Hi! I’m out of blueberry muffins, you have to wait for the next batch.”
“And my mama says she knows me better than I know myself.”
Laura chuckled. “Your mama stopped feeding you breakfast every day. Sit, I’ll bring you some coffee.”
“Coffee and...” Tristan turned to Jeremiah. “What would you like to drink?”
Jeremiah: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Tristan is a blueberry muffin man!! Muffins must look so small in his big beefy fisherman hands.
"A STRAWBERRY MILKSHA- I mean. Coffee. Pfft. I'm an adult. Coffee. Tea. Water. Taxes. I'm-" gonna go sit down now.
Tristan: Laura's face was a mixture of confusion, amusement of delight as she looked to Tristan for some clarification.
"Two coffees and a glass of orange juice," he said, following Jeremiah to the table.
Jeremiah: .............. Dammit Jeremiah doesn't LIKE coffee!
"So excited about my coffee." he sat down and folded and refolded the napkin. "So - such a - coffee. Caffeine.  Because I don't have enough energy naturally."
Tristan: Tristan just grinned and watched Jeremiah be flustered for a little bit.
"Coffee's for my mama. Ordered you juice."
Jeremiah: "... Oh. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Thanks." he pushed the napkin aside. "I lied, I don't like coffee and I'm not an adult, I'm sorry."
Tristan: "No problem. I don't think I count as an adult either so don't even worry about it."
Jeremiah: "Really?! Do you watch cartoons?"
Tristan: "Old ones, yeah. Looney Tunes, Yogi, that kinda thing."
Jeremiah: "Awwww that's cute. Little blueberry muffin man."
Tristan: "Wait, what?" he chuckled. "Little blueberry muffin man?"
Jeremiah: "Yeah! Didn't that individual over there say you're basically addicted to blueberry muffins?"
Tristan: "Addicted is a strong word. I just have one a minimum of three times a week and prefer them over all other muffins."
Jeremiah: "That's just what an addict would say!" Jeremiah placed a hand on Tristan's, "It's okay. We'll get you help."
Tristan: He laughed. "Just wait until you see these muffins, you'll understand completely."
That was the sight Meg walked in on. Her son's happy, laughing face as a handsome man she didn't recognize touched his hand.
Could this be...?
"Oh, hey, Meg!"
Laura's voice turned her attention away at the same moment it drew Tristan's away from his companion.
"Hey, ma!"
Jeremiah: Jeremiah looked up, standing with a smile.
"Hi!" he waved, "I'm Jeremiah, the homeless guy."
Tristan: Oh, goodness, there was a lot to process here. Focus, Megan, she told herself.
"Hello, Laura! And hello to the two of you!"
She approached the table and held out a hand to Jeremiah. "I'm Meg, the fisherman's mama. And I'd say you're far from homeless, the Wayside is lovely. Lovely but not a permanent home." She sat in the chair Tristan pulled out for her and kissed his cheek in greeting.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah hesitated but didn't want to be rude. He'll just ignore the visions. He can do it!!! He took her hand and shook it, smiling widely at them both.
"Awwww." He said to the little kiss, "I won't say that I'm jealous out loud but just know that I totally am. Parent kisses are the best kisses." He returned to his seat. "Did you have to travel far to get here?"
Tristan: Meg smiled. "Well all of Tristan's friends have called me mama for as long as I can remember so if the spirit moves you, go on and do the same." She shook her head. "Not at all, my house isn't too far off the square. Ya'll been waiting long?"
Tristan shook his head. "Nope, just got here a little while ago. Ordered you coffee. Here it comes now."
"Aw, thank you, baby. And thank you, Laura."
"No problem!" Laura set down two mugs of coffee and a giant glass of orange juice for Jeremiah. "What are ya'll having this morning?"
Jeremiah: Mama?? Jeremiah probably took that a little too to heart. He had never had a mother. He wondered what it was like.
"Thank you!!! Do you do waffles?!" The deep train of thought came to an abrupt stop at the thought of food.
Tristan: Laura grinned. "Yes, we do, and let me tell you I fought hard for them to be on the menu. We do them topped with powdered sugar and your choice of fruit."
Jeremiah: "Well then you're an ANGEL and I choose strawberries and you're the ruler of all the land. Also this orange juice is the best thing I've ever had and I haven't even tasted it yet, I just know."
Tristan: Watching Laura's reaction was like a flashback to watching Elsie's. Her face lit up and her cheeks colored ever so faintly.
"Goodness! You just made my whole entire week!" she chuckled. "You're getting a whole heap of strawberries." She turned to Tristan. "Your weight in blueberry muffins for you." Not a question, a statement that went uncontested by Tristan. "And for you, Meg?"
"Give me one of the cheese souffles."
"All rightie, will do. Back in a sec."
Jeremiah: "A cheese soufflé?? That's a thing?" Whispered to Meg, as if it was a secret.
Tristan: She nodded. "Not just a cheese souffle. A four cheese souffle."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped. "People who are lactose intolerant must seriously hate it."
Tristan: "They really must. It's a shame, really. They're missing out."
Jeremiah: "I bet it's delicious. I hope you enjoy it!"
Tristan: "You should try it sometime! They make one with spinach, too."
Jeremiah: "I will! Will you come back here with me so I can? Wouldn't feel right without you. It would be like... if there was a bunch of leaves everywhere but no trees. Just wrong. And kinda scary."
Tristan: Another one bites the dust, Tristan thought, smiling as he watched his mother be utterly charmed by Jeremiah. The sunshine man had a real talent for that.
"Aren't you the sweetest? Where on earth did Tristan find you? All his friends are salty sailors."
Jeremiah: "It was my birthday so I was having a birthday meal and Tristan got sat next to me and told me happy birthday and I said 'you too' and then died and came back to life."
Tristan: Meg laughed, not unkindly. "Well it's good someone finally said it to him. He forgets it every other year."
Jeremiah: "FORGETS his birthday?" He looked at Tristan incredulously.
Tristan: Tristan squinted at his mother before saying, "I'm a busy man! Days start to blur when you have to get up before the asscrack of dawn every day."
Jeremiah: "When is it??" He brought out his phone so that he could make a note in his calendar.
Tristan: “March fifteenth,” said Tristan. “I get all the Caesar jokes.”
Jeremiah: "Wait... we met on February 28th... and it's been... so your birthday is..." He counts on his fingers.
Tristan: “In a couple of days,” Meg supplied.
Jeremiah: "OH MY - WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO FOR IT?! Or, y'know. What are you gonna do for it? I totally don't expect to be invited if you do something, even though I would definitely day yes, but you gotta do something!"
Tristan: Meg chuckled and looked at her son. “Go on, Tristan. Tell him what you’re gonna do for your birthday.”
Jeremiah: The light in Jeremiah's eyes died. He picked up his orange juice and leaned back in his seat, sipping and judging Tristan at the same time.
Tristan: “Aw, come on now. Tourist season is upon us, people are placing bigger orders.”
Jeremiah: "Theeeeeen let me help! One more person would make the whole thing quicker, right? We can do it, you can get off work earlier and celebrate without missing out!"
Tristan: “I can’t ask you to work for me on my birthday.”
“Just bother him until he takes the day off,” Meg offered. “He gets real annoyed if you send him multiple texts in a row.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed, "What?! I always send like a thousand in one go! I must seriously piss you off. Oops - sorry!" He covered his mouth, looking at Meg. "Ironic that I have the sailor mouth, huh?"
Tristan: “Oh honey, you’re fine, I’ve heard worse. The kind of texts I’m talking about aren’t multiple helpful texts.” She smiled at her son’s glare. “They’re the kind where you send one for every word in a sentence.”
Jeremiah: "I mean... I definitely do that. Do you hate me, Tristan?!" He gasped. "You should take the day off work on your birthday to decide whether or not you hate me. The fishes will still be there the next day."
Tristan: Tristan shook her head. “Nope. You’re nowhere near her level. She’s an English major, she finds the most complicated way to structure a sentence and then goes and sends me texts that only have a comma. She’ll break you.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah grinned. "Please do it to me!"
Tristan: “Look what you did, Megan.”
Meg burst out laughing.
Jeremiah: Fear and confusion flashed over Jeremiah's face. He was ready to clear the table so that her swing wouldn't knock anything other... but she... laughed...
White people... are wild...
"Did y- did- uh-" he's broken.
Tristan: “Mama has a troll sense of humor, forgive her.”
“I hang around college students all day, blame them.” She smiled at Jeremiah. “I would love to send you whole sentences in individual texts. I also still say you should talk Tristan into taking his birthday off.”
Jeremiah: He leaned across the table and whispered to her, "Do you think I have that kind of power? With great power comes great responsibility..."
Tristan: She nodded. “I really think you do. I believe in you.” Look how much you already make him smile and laugh, she added in her head.
Jeremiah: He hummed and leaned back.
"Sir Tristan! I now declare you not working on your birthday!" He grabs a napkin and pretends to bang it on the table. "COURT ADJOURNED!"
Tristan: Tristan gave a good-natured chuckle. He should’ve known her mom would take to Jeremiah enough to gleefully enter into cahoots with him.
“What if I take a half day?”
Jeremiah: "Then I'll work with you. Is that what you want? Really? I'll end up making friends with the fish or feeling bad for them and sending them back in the water. You might as well take the whole day."
Tristan: "A couple of hours early in the morning then. I have traps I need to bait and check."
Jeremiah: "Can't the dude you work with do it?"
Tristan: "I'm the one with the ship."
Jeremiah: "What's the worst that could happen if you didn't work at all?"
Tristan: "Well..." Okay, you got him there.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah slyly offered his hand down the side of the table for Meg to give him a low high five.
Tristan: She grinned and high-fived him as Laura came over with their breakfast.
"Here we go. Waffle with strawberries, blueberry muffin, and four cheese souffle. Ya'll need anything else?"
Jeremiah: "Yaaaaaay!" He made room for everyone's food. "WAIT! You gotta put a candle in the muffin, it's almost Tristan's birthday!"
Tristan: "Aww, did he actually remember this year?"
Jeremiah: "Yep! He even got the day off."
Tristan: "Well how about that! I'd say that earns him a candle. Any preference?" she asked Tristan.
"Surprise me." Might as well lean into it.
"Will do."
Jeremiah: "Yaaaaaaay..." Jeremiah quietly cheered, clapping a little.
Tristan: Tristan smiled. "Proud of yourself?"
Jeremiah: "VERY."
Tristan: Tristan and Meg both laughed. "At least there's that."
Laura returned with a candle shaped like a mermaid tail. "Felt appropriate," she said, sticking it in the muffin and lighting it with a lighter she'd also brought with her. "Make a wish and blow it out."
Jeremiah: Ooooh, yeeeees! Jeremiah clapped more. A wiiiiiish! Yaaaay!
Tristan: Tristan thought for a moment and blew out the candle, while Meg and Laura joined Jeremiah in his quiet applause.
"Did you make it a good one?" Meg asked.
"Tried to. We'll see if it comes true."
Jeremiah: "WHAT WAS IT?! Wait don't tell me!" He covered his ears.
Tristan: He laughed. "You wouldn't wanna hear it anyway, it's boring."
Jeremiah: "Is it about fish?"
Tristan: "Nope, not about fish."
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm weather? More muffins?!"
Tristan: "You told me not to tell!" he chuckled.
Jeremiah: Dammit!
"I WAS JUST TESTING YOU." nice save. Now eat your waffle, Jer.
Tristan: "Uh huh, sure." He grinned as he took a giant bite of muffin and proceeded to sigh happily.
Jeremiah: He tucks in, making a similar noise of pleasure.
"Laura you're the best!!"
Tristan: "Thanks, honey!" Laura called from the counter.
Jeremiah: He gave a thumbs up in her general direction before continuing to chow down.
"Oh! I almost forgot. Literally the reason we're here. You think you've found me a place?"
Tristan: "Oh! Yes." Meg nodded and set her fork down for a moment. "I have a few potentials, one of which I strongly advise against unless you're willing to take the risk. Charlie Brandt, the owner of O'Charlie's bar, has a little 'apartment' above his garage that he's renting."
Tristan immediately shook his head. "No, not there."
Meg nodded, that's the one I was going to advise against."
Jeremiah: "... Why not there? Who's Charlie Brandt, the owner of O'Charlie's bar?"
Tristan: "Let's just say it's the grossest and shadiest bar in Edenton. Charlie himself isn't that much better."
Jeremiah: "... It's uh- it's gonna be a hard pass on that one, Meg. What else ya got?"
Tristan: She nodded. "I figured. Another possibility is renting one of the smaller cabins that are scattered around here. The man who owns them all isn't that fussy, he just cares that your rent is paid on time."
Jeremiah: "Where are they?"
Tristan: "Scattered near the coast and around the woods," said Tristan.
Jeremiah: "Like a dead body?" He whispered.
Tristan: "I promise there are no dead bodies, sunshine man. Just pretty, peaceful cabins in your choice of scenery."
Jeremiah: "A cabin. In the woods. There's LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF HORROR MOVIES ABOUT THAT!"
Tristan: "They're not murdery, they're nice. Lots of people rent all year, plenty of people nearby."
Jeremiah: "... What's the other option?"
Tristan: "Third option is an apartment. There's a complex of outdoor apartments that might work.  But honestly, I'd go for one of the cabins. One of the ones near the beach if you don't like the woods. They a little bigger and more private. But of course, the choice is yours."
Jeremiah: "Oooh a beach! That could be cool?" He was looking to Tristan for approval.
Tristan: "I'd go for that, too. Mind you the ones I've seen aren't right on the beach. Ultimately, price is the deciding factor."
"Price wise Charlie wins by a longshot," said Meg. "But once again, no offense to Charlie, I don't think that's a good idea."
Jeremiah: "... Oh." Uh... "I don't really have... that much."
Tristan: "In that case, I have another potential. One I was only going to bring up if I liked you, which I do."
Jeremiah: "Awww, yay! What is it?"
Tristan: Meg smiled. "I have a spare room I've been thinking about renting. I don't have any pets, I don't smoke, my neighborhood is friendly, quiet, and nice. I tend to stay up late to grade papers but my home office is in my garage which I converted years ago so the light and noise doesn't reach the bedrooms. If you feel comfortable--and feel free to think about it--you are welcome to rent the spare room."
Jeremiah: "Wh..." He blinked. "I mean I - for now at least I can't pay you by card, and..." He scratched his head, "would you be okay with that?" Asked to both Tristan and Meg.
Tristan: "Card or cash doesn't matter to me. I'd actually prefer cash, cards annoy me. And I'd be willing to discount your rent if you agree to mow the lawn. Those are my terms."
Jeremiah: .... Tristan???? This offer is sounding really good???? Are you okay with this???
Tristan: Tristan simply smiled. He wasn't even surprised; this was exactly the type of thing his mother had done all his life. Probably all her life.
All he said was, "Her yard isn't too big, it's a good deal. And there's always cookies in the cookie jar."
Jeremiah: "YOU HAD ME AT COOKIES. I'd love to! I swear I'll be SUPER clean! Thank you so much!"
Tristan: Meg laughed. "All right, good. I was serious about the lawn thing. I will discount your rent to avoid ever touching the lawn mower again."
Jeremiah: "I'm crazy clums- I mean. I'm epic at mowing. I promise you won't regret this! Yay! Thank you!"
Tristan: "I believe in you, sunshine man," Tristan said with a smile.
"I do, too."
Jeremiah: 'Awww. Gonna make me blush."
Tristan: "It's a risk we're going to have to take." Meg finished off her coffee just as Laura swept by with another. "Just let me know when you wanna come see it and then move in."
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now? Wait, this isn't like a Get Out kinda situation, is it?"
Tristan: "Sure, we can do it today," she chuckled. "What's Get Out?"
Jeremiah: "You haven't seen Get Out?!"
Tristan: "Name doesn't ring a bell."
Jeremiah: "Guess when we're living together we're gonna have to have loads of movie nights, huh? And Tristan can come! Have you seen Get Out?"
Tristan: "No, but I can tell you now you're neeeever gonna get her to watch it. Megan don't do horror movies."
"It's a horror movie!?"
Tristan smiled and gestured as if to say 'see?'.
Jeremiah: "ACTUALLY according to the Oscars or whatever some people think it's a comedy so you're okay!"
Tristan: Meg squinted. "But is it really a comedy?"
Jeremiah: "To... some people. Some parts. Kinda."
Tristan: "I'm gonna have to disappoint you, honey. Can't do it."
Jeremiah: "Even if Tristan holds your hand?!"
Tristan: "Tristan thinks it's hilarious to see me suffer during horror movies."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped.
"Bad son!" He threw a napkin at him. "Actually I need that--" he's gonna have to reach over and get it. Waffles get messy.
Tristan: "I do not think it's hilarious to see her suffer," he chuckled, offering Jeremiah a clean napkin. "I just think it's funny when teeny little things make her jump."
Jeremiah: He took the napkin and shook his head. "I'll protect you, Meg!"
Tristan: “I couldn’t even watch those parody versions of scary movies. But I will give it exactly one try. And I reserve the right to go hide in my room.”
Jeremiah: "... We also have to have ice cream with us."
Tristan: “Oh there’s always ice cream in my house.”
Jeremiah: "We're gonna be best friends, Meg."
Tristan: "I rather think we are. Oh, almost forgot. My house pretty much doubles as a library at this point so you're free to borrow any and all of my books."
Jeremiah: "What kind of stuff do you read?"
Tristan: "Biographies, poetry, sci-fi, classics, plays, you name it."
"And, get ready for the ironic twist of the century," Tristan deadpanned around a bite of muffin. "She has a dedicated section of horror novels."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed, "Aweeeesome! I'm super into philosophy and science and comic books! Do you read any comics? Oh! What's your favorite horror book and did you see the movie for it if it had one??"
Tristan: "Frankenstein, and yes, I've seen nearly all the adaptations of it. I've also read a number of graphic novels, but not really comics like the ones Tristan read when he was younger. I don't share the public's infatuation with superheroes."
Jeremiah: "Ooooooh shit. Oops, sorry!" Bad, Jer! Bad! "You don't?? You know I'm a superhero?"
Tristan: "You're fine," Meg chuckled, leaning back in her seat with her coffee now that she'd finished her souffle. She really was having a lovely time, and was so far pleased with her decision to bring up her spare room for rent.
There was always a chance it wouldn't work out, of course, but she doubted it wouldn't. Jeremiah seemed like a truly lovely man to know.
"Really, a superhero? What powers and qualifications do you possess?"
Jeremiah: "It's a secret... but I'm awesome." He wasn't exactly joking, but he wasn't exactly being direct, either... He had woken up to a strange man bestowing powers upon him. He didn't know what he was meant to do with them yet, but he's sure they held some greater purpose.
Tristan: “I thought superheroes were supposed to keep their identities a secret,” Tristan said with a grin. “He said I had to get to level 5 friend before he told me his powers.”
“Oh?” Meg smiled as well. “What level is he currently at?”
Jeremiah: "Hmmm... three. Not long left, but there's some room for improvement."
Tristan: “I’m already at three? That’s good progress. How did I get that high?”
Jeremiah: "You watched Star Wars with me and offered to help me find a place to live." Those are obviously on par.
Tristan: “That’s what any friend would do, regardless of clearance level.”
Jeremiah: "But you did it the first time you met me."
Tristan: “Call it small town hospitality.”
Jeremiah: "I've been in this town for fifty years and nobody else has done that!"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. “Fifty, huh?”
Jeremiah: He put on his best old man voice and trembled, "I'm old!"
Tristan: “Oh yeah, you’re ancient.”
Meg shook her head at them. “How long have you been here Jeremiah?”
Jeremiah: "I don't..." he laughed anxiously. "I don't remember."
Tristan: “Feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it?” She sighed wistfully. “Time feels like it moves slower here.”
Jeremiah: He rubbed his arm. Yeah. Let's go with that. He smiled sadly and finished off his food.
Tristan: Meg studied Jeremiah for a moment. She'd only known him for about an hour but already she could tell that wasn't his usual smile.
"Do you have family in the area?"
Jeremiah: "Uh... no." He twirled his fork anxiously.
Tristan: She gave him a sympathetic look. “That must be hard. But for what it’s worth, you’ve got us now.”
Jeremiah: He smiled, scratching his head. "Awww, don't make me cry in public!"
Tristan: She just laughed. “I mean it. Just call me mama.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped in excitement, "I've never had one of those before! I mean, y'know, apart from I obviously have some kind of mother. I'm not a test tube baby... that I know of. But, like, in the concept sense of a mother - growing up with one. In the grand scheme of things."
Tristan: Tristan was having real trouble not smiling. "He has two dads," he said, simplifying.
"Gotcha," Meg chuckled. "Well now you have a mama, too. My first act as your surrogate mama is to ask how your breakfast is. Good waffles?"
Jeremiah: "Delicious!" He grinned. "How's your orange thing I forgot the name of?!"
Tristan: "The souffle? Incredible. Josie--Laura's mama--really knows how to bake. Everything they sell is delicious."
Jeremiah: "Aww sweet! How's your muffin, Muffin Man?"
Tristan: Tristan just sighed contentedly in response. While the two of them had been talking Laura had brought him his second muffin and he was already halfway through it.
Jeremiah: With another laugh Jeremiah nodded. "I'm happy for you and your muffins."
Tristan: “So am I,” he said with a grin. “Want one?”
Jeremiah: "Ohhhh nooo I couldn't poooooss- yes, yes I do."
Tristan: “Laura! Can we get another muffin?”
“You haven’t even finished that one!”
“It’s for Jeremiah!”
“Oh, okay, I’ll bring it right over.”
Jeremiah: "Thaaaaaaaank yoooooooou!" He called out to her.
Tristan: "You're welcome, honey," she said, coming over with the muffin. "Anyone want more juice or coffee?"
"Coffee," said Tristan.
Jeremiah: "Uhh no thanks! I'm god - good. Not God. Yet. Wait is that blasphemy? I'M GOOD."
Tristan: "For what it's worth, I think we'd be better off if you were God," Laura said as she walked back to the counter. "Did you want any coffee, Meg?"
"I'm good, darlin'."
Jeremiah: Oh, that's an interesting compliment. He smiled at Tristan, as if silently asking how he felt about the whole God matter.
Tristan: Tristan found himself agreeing with Laura, although the only outward sign of that was a smile.
“Try the muffin, sunshine man. I promise your life will never be the same.”
Jeremiah: "YOU TRY THE MUFFIN." He was objecting for no reason other than to object. He'll reach out and break a little piece off to try anyway.
Tristan: He laughed. “What a contrary superhero we have. Whatcha think?”
Tristan: "Laura makes really good custard," said Meg. "I think she only makes it in tart form though."
Tristan: Meg gave a sage nod. "Genius. Laura, honey, can you bring us a custard tart?"
"Coming right up!"
Tristan couldn't help but laugh again. "This has got to be the most unhealthy breakfast in the history of the universe."
Jeremiah: "YOU'RE WELCOME! Happy birthday!" He grinned and put his hands in the shape of a heart.
Tristan: "Thank you," he chuckled, finishing off his own muffin and his coffee as Laura brought Jeremiah his custard tart.
Jeremiah: "Thank you, Queen!" He pushed it closer to Tristan. "You try it first."
Tristan: "The tart or the dunking the muffin into the tart?"
Jeremiah: "Dunking. Dunk away, sir!"
Tristan: "All right." Tristan grabbed a piece of muffin and dunked--more like scooped really--into the tart. The grin that broke out across his face when he tried it was instantaneous and blinding. "Holy shit. That's so fucking good."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed. "RIGHT?! Come with me and you'll see a world of pure imagination I guess?" It was his turn! Yum, yum.
Tristan: "Done. Got any other brilliant food ideas?"
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhh......................... OH! CANDY! ADD SUGARY CANDY TO IT!"
Tristan: Meg shook her head. "You two are going to have so many cavities."
Jeremiah: "WORTH IT! Try it, Meg?"
Tristan: "The dunking or whatever sugary candy concoction you're dreaming up?"
Jeremiah: "Dunking!"
Tristan: "I'll try a dunk." Which she reacted to in nearly the same way as her son.
"Next time I make muffins I'm making custard to go with them."
Jeremiah: "This is why you should always listen to random people you meet on their birthday after you've been attacked by the ocean."
Tristan: "That's a damn good quote for one of those inspirational posters."
Jeremiah: "You gonna make one?" He smiled, getting more custard and muffin into his face hole.
Tristan: "My artistic talents aren't good enough to make one."
Jeremiah: "I believe in yoooooooou - HOM." he stuffed his face.
Tristan: Tristan laughed and shook his head. “Thanks, sunshine man. Maybe I will one day.”
Jeremiah: He giggled with his mouth full. "Good! I'll be counting the days."
Tristan: "Just don't count too many." Maybe he could get someone else to make it, give it to Jeremiah as a surprise.
Jeremiah: "I can't count past twelve so you're okay."
Tristan: "Okay," Tristan chuckled. "I'll be right back."
He slipped away to the counter to pay before either of them could stop him.
Jeremiah: "Okay!" Jeremiah doesn't notice, he immediately starts having a chat with Meg about... nothing in particular.
Tristan: Meg noticed, but she said nothing. Just smiled and talked to Jeremiah until Tristan came back.
"Ya'll ready to go?" he asked. "Jeremiah's got a house to get acquainted with."
Jeremiah: "Yeah!" He grinned, standing. "I bet the hotel is gonna be SUPER glad to get rid of me."
Tristan: "You kidding? They'll be devastated."
Jeremiah: "No way. They're totally betting on how long I'll end up staying there for... maybe I should enter the bet and then take all of their money!"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. It...actually wouldn’t surprise him at all if the inn staff had a pool going. He knew for a fact they’d had them before.
“You’re too sweet to bet on. They know a good guest from a bad one, trust me.”
Jeremiah: "Sweet? You're full of compliments, Tristan. You're like a compliment machine- oh! They should SO have those! I bet everyone would want one!"
Tristan: "You know, they really should," said Meg. "Maybe you can invent the first one ever and make your fortune on making people smile."
Jeremiah: "THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! Gotta think of some good compliments though. Hmm.... oh! I can use inspiration from people around me..." he pointed at Tristan, "You're the type of person other people appreciate." then at Meg, "You're the type of person other people can rely on." he pointed at Laura, "You're the type of person who brings other people delicious food! Without you we'd be hungry!" he laughed, "I'm good at this!!"
Tristan: Tristan just smiled. "Yeah, he's going to make ten billion dollars without breaking a sweat."
"Ten? Don't be silly. Twenty, easily."
Jeremiah: "Twenty?? Who needs THAT much money. I'll give it all to Laura."
Tristan: "I knew you looked like an angel," came Laura's voice from somewhere in the kitchen.
Jeremiah: "Awwww. That's gotta be blasphemous."
Tristan: “God’ll forgive me. I make the communion wafers.”
Jeremiah: "So you're gonna turn his son into a wafer and you think that'll earn you points? Nu-uhhh."
Tristan: “Other way around,” Meg chuckled. “The wafer becomes his son. I think. I don’t know. Point is, you’re very sweet for giving Laura your imaginary twenty billion dollars.”
Jeremiah: "The secret catch is..." He whispered, "I want a lifetime supply of waffles."
Tristan: Meg laughed. “I say that’s a fair trade. Mine aren’t as good as Laura’s, but if you’re lucky I might make us some waffles for breakfast sometime.”
Jeremiah: "Ooooooh! Breakfast AND a bed all in one place - OH MY GAH - THAT'S WHERE 'BED AND BREAKFAST' COMES FROM!"
Tristan: She laughed again. “Exactly. Just with less cat themed decor. Oh! Speaking of, are you allergic to them? There’s a feral one that kinda lives in my yard.”
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhhhhhhh...." Is he allergic to cats...? "I don't... think so."
Tristan: “Okay, good. He doesn’t really get close enough to pet or anything but it’s best to be safe.”
Jeremiah: "What's his name?"
Tristan: “He doesn’t have one. I just call him Cat.”
Jeremiah: He frowned. "How could you be so meaaaaan?"
Tristan: “Names have significance. I don’t know him well enough to choose one that suits him.”
Jeremiah: "Maybe that's exactly why you should name him! Something like... 'Mysterious'... 'Secat' (instead of secret. Get it? Get it?)"
Tristan: Meg smiled. "Maybe 'Mysterious' is too on the nose. We should scour movies, TV shows, and literature for a name."
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmm.... What colour is the cat?"
Tristan: “Orange and white.”
Jeremiah: ".... Garfield?"
Tristan: "Sold," said Tristan. "He'll be Garfield the feral cat."
Jeremiah: "Yaaaas! We should get him a cute little hat too! With bells!"
Tristan: Tristan chuckled. "He doesn't let people near him, remember? No hats."
Jeremiah: "That's because you didn't name him! It will all change now."
Tristan: "You hold on to that hope."
Jeremiah: "What do we have if not hope?!"
Tristan: Meg nodded. "A very good point. Shall we go meet Garfield and your new home?"
Jeremiah: Gasp! "YES! Please! Yay! Thank you!"
Tristan: "All rightie, let's go."
"We'll follow you," said Tristan, getting to his feet. "Come on, sunshine man."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah stood, waving to Laura.
Tristan: "Bye, angel!"
Tristan chuckled and shook his head. "Got better game than every straight man in this town."
Jeremiah: "Game? Huh?"
Tristan: "You've managed to charm three women in the short time I've known you." He held the door open for Jeremiah and his mother.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gestured for Meg to go first.
"I have literally NO idea what you're talking about. Did Laura put drugs in your muffin, Mr. Sailor Moon?"
Tristan: "The muffins are the drug, sunshine man."
Jeremiah: "Ooooh. I'm banning you from muffins! No more! Ever again! Muahahaha!"
Tristan: "I regret to inform you that your ban is not enforceable. See you in a bit, ma!"
He waved to his mother and opened the passenger door for Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: "Thank you kind gentleman," he grinned, stepping up into Tristan's truck. The moment the other sat down he had a question coming his way. "You won't mind if I live with her, right?"
Tristan: Tristan shook his head. "Not at all. I think it's great, actually. You'll like living with her."
Jeremiah: "Do you visit her a lot?"
Tristan: "As much as I can. I try to have dinner with her at least once a week."
Jeremiah: "Huh. Guess I'll be seeing you once a week."
Tristan: "Guess you will. How you feel about that?"
Jeremiah: For some reason, that question had him fidgeting with the seatbelt he hadn't yet put in place.
"Uhh why don't you tell me what you think I feel and I'll tell you if you're right?"
Tristan: That caught Tristan off guard. He could suddenly hear Ronan's voice in his head.
"Well..." He pulled onto the road. "I like to think we're becoming friends, so hopefully the thought of seeing me on a regular basis doesn't disgust you."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed. "You're just trying to wiggle your way to level five to get to know my powers. I've unveiled your evil master plan! You can't slip anything past Doctor Jeremiah Jordan!"
Tristan: "Sure," he chuckled. "That's exactly what it is." He paused for a beat. "Seriously, though. You okay with seeing me all the time?"
Jeremiah: Why this weird tension? This weird ENERGY? Jeremiah could cut it with a knife. A huge knife! Not a butter knife - it would need to be a butcher's to get through this air.
"Why wouldn't I be? Like you said we're... friends. It's nice to be around someone familiar. You're the most familiar I've got."
Tristan: Tristan's expression softened. "I'm flattered, sunshine man," he said softly.
Jeremiah: "Whaaaaaat about you? You okay with seeing my epic face all the time?"
Tristan: "Of course. Still gotta get to level five."
Jeremiah: "You've got a lot more movie marathons to sit through before you get there!"
Tristan: "Bring it on. Next time we need popcorn and slushies."
Jeremiah: "Oooooh yaaaas. I looove the way you think!"
Tristan: “We can turn the living room into a movie theater, like my mom did for me when I was little.”
Jeremiah: "That's so cute!!! We HAVE to!! When??? Tomorrow! Your birthday!"
Tristan: "Well since I'm apparently taking the day off, my birthday seems like the perfect time. We also need pizza."
Jeremiah: "Yaaas, Tristaaaaan! You read my mind!"
Tristan: He laughed and turned onto his mother's street. "Might as well lean into my birthday festivities, right?"
Jeremiah: "Damn straight!" He wiggled in his seat. "Your car is so comfy. I could totally take a nap in here."
Tristan: "Well thank you. I've taken it camping a few times, makes a great tent."
Jeremiah: "Ohhhh I bet camping here is awesome! Like, the stars and stuff!"
Tristan: "It is, accounts for a good bit of the tourism. Used to camp out in the woods behind my mom's house all the time when I was a kid. Found a frog once."
Jeremiah: "There's a WOOD behind her house?! Can we camp there?! We SO should! Are there frogs? I feel like there would be frogs for some reason. Am I right? Do I have froggy-senses?"
Tristan: "There's a little creek that runs back behind there so yeah, there are some frogs. And we definitely should go camping."
Jeremiah: "Yay! That's awesome! When? Tomorrow? Your birthday?"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. "Why don't we leave all the fun stuff for my birthday?"
Jeremiah: "But then it will all be over in one day!"
Tristan: "There's no limit on camping trips and movie nights, sunshine man."
He pulled up in front of his mother's eclectic, colorful house.
Jeremiah: "Ooooooh. You're saying you wanna spend muuuuuultiple days with me, I s- is this it???? I'M GONNA BE LIVING IN, LIKE, A DREAM HOUSE!"
Tristan: That got another laugh. Jeremiah would consider this a dream house, with its myriad plants and garden gnomes and sun catchers and windchimes. It was distinctly bohemian, a reflection of the woman herself.
"Wait until you see the inside. No two rooms are the same color."
Jeremiah: "WELL THEN!" he opened the door and eagerly went to jump out, but his seatbelt caught him flung him back. "Argh! I'm trapped!"
Tristan: "Jesus, come here." He fought a laughing fit as he freed Jeremiah from his seatbelt. Never in his life did he'd encounter this situation in real life. "There you go. And there's mama," he added, nodding over to her approaching car.
Jeremiah: "Yay, my hero!" He hopped out of the car and shut the door behind him. "This place is awesome!"
Tristan: "Thank you, sweetie!" Meg called. "I agree. It's a mess of styles but it's my mess of styles. Come on, I'll give you the grand tour."
As stated, the house was much of a cheerful mess on the inside as it was on the outside. Books dominated rooms painted in soft earth tones and all sorts of knick-knacks and photos sat on nearly every surface. It was utter chaos, yet somehow neat. The house was pristine and the various mess carefully and deliberately organized.
"Tristan says he thinks this is what the inside of my head looks like," Meg was saying as she showed Jeremiah around. "I'm inclined to agree."
Jeremiah: Jeremiah would be amazed and captivated by every single detail in every single room. It was the type of utter chaos he could get on board with. It was new, different, exciting! He felt right at home already. It was incredible. He was... so... lucky. He couldn't remember any other home, not really. He remembered bits and pieces, he remembered rooms, but couldn't put them together.
This house... it would be his first house. This would be the first of many, perhaps... but this is where it would begin. This is where he would start to create memories. Hopefully these memories would last.
"That's so cool! Can I make my room look like the inside of my head? What would that even look like? Really dark and probably kinda gooey?"
Tristan: "Absolutely, go crazy! Hang up posters, get plants, make a fort, whatever you want. Make yourself at home."
Jeremiah: "A FORT!" he grinned at Tristan and tugged his sleeve, "Tristan, a FORT!"
Tristan: Tristan ginned. "Do it, sunshine man. Make a fort around your bed."
Jeremiah: "I WILL! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED - it will be the mightiest fort of all time!"
Tristan: "In that case you should see what you're working with," said Meg, opening the door to a bedroom at the end of the hall on the second floor.
It boasted a big bay window, soft teal walls, and a queen-sized bed.
"This is it."
Jeremiah: "Oooooooooooooooooh! This is way too nice for me. We'll need to tone down the niceness by at least 40%."
Tristan: Meg laughed. "You kidding? This is the bare minimum. I've got some end tables in the attic that'll make great bedside tables. They don't match, but barely anything in this place does. One of them has a stained-glass top."
Jeremiah: "So fancy! I'll be sure to get a top hat so I can fit in."
Tristan: "Get outta here with your fancy, I got it at the flea market."
Jeremiah: Gasp! "You can afford FLEA MARKETS?!"
Tristan: "Oh yeah, we're living in the lap of luxury over here. More than half the furniture in this house came from flea markets."
Jeremiah: "Woooow. You never told me you were so fancy, Sailor Moon!"
Tristan: "Eh, I try to be modest. And get this, the furniture that isn't from the flea market is from garage sales."
Jeremiah: "Woahhh. I don't think I can stay here, sorry. Thanks for the offer but I'm just not comfortable living above my means."
Tristan: Meg laughed in utter delight. "Oh yeah, we're gonna get along just fine. You keep exploring. Tristan, come help me get the end tables."
Jeremiah: "Cool! Thanks!" Jeremiah would begin by sitting on his new bed.
Tristan: While they retrieved the furniture, Meg wasted no time in gushing to Tristan, utterly delighted with her decision.
"He's so sweet. He's gonna be a great roommate."
"Yes, he is."
"I'm glad you met him, you need more friends."
"Hey, I have friends."
"You need more friends who aren't Oliver and the cook at the Inn."
Jeremiah: If Ronan could hear the conversation he'd be offended. His name should definitely come before the Goddamn cook at the Inn! RUDE!
Jeremiah bounced a little on the bed before standing. He inspected the curtains with his fingers, felt the walls and drawers.
He was filled with sorrow that he couldn't share this with his fathers. He swallowed at the thought of moving forward with his life, this unfamiliar life.
Tristan: Tristan was also offended by this. "I have Ronan!"
"Ronan is married. You need single friends to do single man things with you."
He squinted at his mother. "You mean boyfriend."
"You said it, not me."
Tristan didn't get a chance to say anything else before Meg entered the room.
"We've got end tables!"
Jeremiah: At the sound of someone approaching Jeremiah quickly wiped his face. A smile followed a little sniffle.
"Cool! By the way, where should I leave my shoes? I still have them on but I know some people don't like other people wearing shoes in their house. Is it like a Leave-Them-By-The-Door kinda situation or a Take-Them-Off-Wherever, or?"
Tristan: "I don't mind either way. The floors are all hardwood so there's no worry about anything getting ruined."
Jeremiah: "Okay!" he stepped out of them and used his foot to push them aside neatly.
Tristan: Meg and Tristan each took an end table and arranged them beside the bed.
Meg looked at them thoughtfully. "You need lamps.  I might have some of those up there, too. Be right back."
"And a mirror," Tristan called after her.
"Oh, I'll grab the one you made!"
Jeremiah: "Thank you!" he grinned, bouncing a little, "You MADE a mirror?"
Tristan: "Not the actual mirror, just the frame. Used driftwood and sea glass."
Jeremiah: "That's so cool! Are you SURE you want me to have it in my room?! I'm suuuuper clumsy!"
Tristan: "It'll be on the wall," he chuckled. "It'll be fine."
Jeremiah: "That's a lot of responsibility!"
Tristan: "I'll still read it to you. I've actually never read it so we'll both get to enjoy it."
Jeremiah: "Awww CUTE! Okay! You've got yourself a deal, Mr. Sailor-Moon. I'll buy the books... I've never read them either, I just know they're long."
Tristan: “That means we’ll have plenty of reading material. I recommend getting them from my friend’s store. Gotta support local businesses.”
Jeremiah: "Mmm tooooooottally. Plus... friend discount, right?!"
Tristan: "Yep.  He calls it the childhood friend discount."
Jeremiah: "Sounds like we'll be spending a helllllllll of a lot of time together, huh?!"
Tristan: Tristan laughed. "Looks like. Gonna be able to handle seeing me that much?"
Jeremiah: "I could ask you the same thing, old man." he put his hand in a fist as if holding a microphone and moved it closer to Tristan, "Tell the audience, Mr. Sailor-Moon. How does it feel?!"
Tristan: "To be called Mr. Sailor Moon? Interesting to say the least. To be here with you? Great. To be helping you move? Also great."
Jeremiah: "Awww SO ROMANTIC!"
Tristan: He chuckled. "Yep, helping someone move is the absolute height of romance."
Jeremiah: "Daaaaaaaaaamn Tristan. ESPECIALLY moving in with his mom! You're just too good for me, I can't handle it!"
Tristan: Oh look, his face was starting to hurt from smiling again. “I’m a regular Mr. Darcy. I don’t know how I walk down the street with all the floating hearts and chirping birds I leave in my wake.”
Jeremiah: Jeremiah laughed but stopped just so he could jokingly gag.
"I'm more of a... Dorian Gray guy myself. Gotta have that bit of danger y'know? Corruption makes romance!"
Tristan: Danger was the last word on earth he would associate with Jeremiah, but he still smiled.
“Hopefully without the creepy secret painting.”
Jeremiah: "ESPECIALLY with the creepy painting. How dare you?!" Of course, he was being sarcastic.
Tristan: Tristan just grinned and shook his head. “We have interesting conversations, don’t we?”
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nah. Ya basic."
Tristan: “I’m wounded to my very core.”
Jeremiah: "To YA BASIC core?!"
Tristan: “To the very core of my core.”
Jeremiah: "That one-" he went to poke Tristan's core only to- "woahhhh, dude!" Poke, poke, poke! "You're, like, Iron-Man! What the hell?!"
Tristan: Tristan had to laugh. “It’s all the manual labor.”
Jeremiah: "Sharing is caring you know! Spread some muscle around!"
Tristan: “You want my to share my manual labor?”
Jeremiah: "Uhhh I really don't. Just the benefits. Thanks!"
Tristan: “Sadly it doesn’t work that way, sunshine man.”
Jeremiah: "Then be GONE from my presence. I have to jump out of your car now, your muscles offend me."
Tristan: “I’ll throw on a burlap sack when we get to my mom’s.”
Jeremiah: "That would be nice of you, thank you. Think about other people when you go around like that! UGH!"
Tristan: “You’re completely right, I should be ashamed of myself.”
Jeremiah: "Uh huh. Now eat some cake and think about what you've done."
Tristan: “I accept my punishment,” he said with a sage nod.
Jeremiah: "Good 'cause I'm gonna get you SO much cake for your birthday."
Tristan: "I am but one man, there's a limit to how much cake I can eat."
Jeremiah: "Hmmmmmmmmmm OKAY! How about this: I will get... three cakes. Just three. If you eat them all - you have the whole day, so you don't have to do it in one sitting - then... uhhh... you get one wish!"
Tristan: "Three cakes? You have a very high opinion of my metabolism."
Jeremiah: "So does your big buff... booty? I COULDN'T THINK OF ANOTHER WORD BEGINNING WITH B."
Tristan: Tristan told himself not to read too much into that particular choice of words. "How about body?" he chuckled. "A bit obvious, I know."
Jeremiah: "... OH, DUH! How did I miss that?! Anyway. Deal or no deal, sir?!"
Tristan: He just smiled as he pulled and backed into his mother's driveway. "Deal."
Jeremiah: "Ssssshhhhweeeet. Imma tell your mama about it and she'll referee!"
Tristan: “She’ll referee my cake eating?”
Jeremiah: "Yeah. Who knows if you might try to cheat!"
Tristan: “I never cheat. Especially when ice cream cake is involved.”
Jeremiah: "Can I trust a man who's been hiding an eightpack this whole time?"
Tristan: “How have I been hiding it? I don’t think wearing clothes counts.”
Jeremiah: "Uhhhhhh PRETTY SURE IT DOES."
Tristan: "I call foul. I'm innocent on all hiding charges!"
Jeremiah: "How DARE you!!"
Tristan: "Oh, I dare. I dare so hard." He grinned as he got out of the truck.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah gasped as he followed, pointing at the other. "You ADMIT it! I'm sorry, Tristan. I'm gonna have to arrest you now."
Tristan: He laughed. "You're gonna arrest me, huh? Can't eat cake if I'm arrested."
Jeremiah: "I didn't realize every cake business in the universe would shut down if you went to prison! You must eat a LOT of cake if you're the one guy keeping them all open."
Tristan: He nodded with great emotion as he grabbed the box from the truck bed. "It's a heavy burden to carry but I do my best."
Jeremiah: "Awww." He went to do the same, taking the suitcase and what contained his laptop, "Not all heroes wear capes, some wear... uh... scuba gear? What do sailor's wear?? Those little white h- OHHH Em GEE. Do you have a little white hat?! I bet you look like a little puppy in it! PLEASE tell me that's a thing. If it isn't I know what I'm getting you for your birthday."
Tristan: Tristan laughed his head off all the way to the front door. "The only place I've seen those hats besides a box of Cracker Jacks is on Navymen. I just wear work clothes. Boots, gloves, that kinda thing. The only time I wear scuba gear is when I'm diving for fun or diving beneath the ship to clean her up."
Jeremiah: "You mean you don't have a uniform?! Boooooooor-RING."
Tristan: "It's about utility, sunshine man. You know how many pairs of pants I go through?"
Jeremiah: He laughed, "No!? How many?!"
Tristan: "Six so far this year."
Jeremiah: "... What the heCK do you do?" he knocked on the door with his elbow.
Tristan: "They get torn, they get stained, they get wet, they get mysterious marine stuff on them, so many things. I put my work clothes through the wringer. Gloves, too."
Jeremiah: "Huh. I bet you keep the uh... clothes-washing... people... in business. Y'know the ones I mean. With the machines!"
Tristan: "Why yes, I do keep myself in business. I do great work."
Jeremiah: "You wash it all yourself?"
Tristan: "Who else is gonna do it? Ma, we're back!"
Jeremiah: "Woooow, impressive! You must be a pro at getting out mysterious marine stuff by now! You should start your own show. I'd totally tune in every week."
Tristan: "Oh, I definitely am. Wanna know my secret?"
Jeremiah: Gasp! He leaned in closer. "Yes."
Tristan: Tristan leaned in conspiratorially. "Irish Spring."
Jeremiah: "Eh??"
Tristan: "Irish Spring soap. That stuff can get out anything."
Jeremiah: "I've never even HEARD of it."
Tristan: "Seriously? It's all over the place. I get out the stains with that and some hot water and then toss whatever it is in the washing machine."
Jeremiah: "You'd make SUCH a good househusband."
Tristan: "Good? I'd be the BEST househusband," he declared as he started up the stairs.
Jeremiah: "Wait wait WOAH WAIT-  what are your cooking skills like?"
Tristan: "Seafood wise? Excellent."
Jeremiah: "Hmm your husband will really have to get used to the smell of fish."
Tristan: "Well that's a given."
Jeremiah: "Maybe you should marry....... a merman!"
Tristan: He chuckled. "If there were any around these parts, I would've found them ages ago."
Jeremiah: "Take ALL the magic out of life, why don't you..."
Tristan: Another chuckle. "There might be one or two that managed to evade me. Hell, there might be a whole colony of them that's managed to live their lives without me ever so much as detecting their presence."
Jeremiah: "Let's hope that's true, Tristan!"
Tristan: “Let’s hope what’s true?” came Meg’s voice.
“Jeremiah thinks there are mermaids around here and that I should marry one.”
Jeremiah: "Yeah. Duh!"
Tristan: “I feel like my mermadic son-in-law would take issue with Tristan’s chosen profession.”
Jeremiah: "......................... Uhhhh... I didn't think about that!! Okay. Maybe some kind of pelican-man. Pelicans eat fish, right? I bet he'd appreciate it!"
Tristan: Tristan paused and turned to look at Jeremiah. "A pelican?"
Jeremiah: "... They're real right? Or was that just a thing for Finding Nemo?"
Tristan: "Oh my god, Jer. Yes, they're real. And real weird first choice for marine bird for me to marry."
Jeremiah: "... Is there a LESS weird option?!"
Tristan: "Ignoring the general weirdness of this conversation, there is a very obvious first choice, yeah."
Jeremiah: "... Like what? Owls don't eat fish, Tristan." DUH.
Tristan: "........Seagulls."
Jeremiah: Lips part and his back straightens. It's as if he has a response... but... "Fine. YOU WIN THIS ROUND. SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE... FISH-MAN. FISH- fisherman."
Tristan: Tristan just laughed and shook his head, continuing on to Jeremiah's room.
Jeremiah: Once in his new room he set everything down and collapsed back on the bed with a groan. "Arrrrrghhhhhhh so comfy!"
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