#his playlist is a bit more hodgepodge than the rest of my character playlists but hey it works
kaaytea · 4 years
welllllll.... if you say so ☺️😅☃️
how bout some Christmas dates with our best boys, the Kominato bros!! 🙆🏻‍♀️
and maybe... Nori too since we both love him too UwU
take your time though ok bby? Christmas is still a month awayy and ily, dont overwork yourself plsss 💛
~ryou🗑 anon
Oh ryou anon.... you really just voluntarily asked me to write my 3 babies 🥲 thank you for this my dear. Also, mwah! I love you too 😤💖
Christmas dates pt.4!!
⤷Includes: Ryousuke, Haruichi, Kawakami
I feel like Ryo would like Christmas because it's time he's spends with his family
He's got a lot of fond memories associated to Christmas of him and Haruichi when they were younger
But I think he'd truly start enjoying the holiday more with his significant other
If you had to take a guess at what Ryousuke's favorite thing about Christmas was you'd honestly guess decorating
Specifically because he's seemed to have secretly put mistletoe in evERy room of your apartment
You didn't even know where he got all of it?! Nevermind when he got to time to put it all up, where the hElL do you get that much mistletoe?!
It's like his weird version of that elf on the shelf thing. You wake up and scan each room looking for the damned decoration trying to map them out for the day
And Ryo just sits there smirking at you while drinking his coffee.....it's a bit scary how much power he holds
It's like walking in a mine field. One wrong step and Ryosuke swoops in, kisses you, smiles, then walks out of the room
I mean kissing him all the time wasn't a problem but him just aPpeAriNg out of thin air has spooked you a few times which adds to his amusement
So Ryo has made up this elaborate game and has kissed you over 100 times in the past week, you decided it's time for a little pay back
And what better way than using his own game against him >:)
You woke up earlier than Ryo and staged your plan
You sat innocently in the counter top swinging your legs back and forth when he walked in
"what are you doing up so early?"
"I didn't sleep very well last night so I just decided to get up"
You felt a little bad because he gave you a concerned look, but you had a plan and you were going to stick to it!
Ryo went over and opened the cabinet that had all of your mugs and glasses
This is when you hopped down and stood in front of him with the same sly smile he always gave you
He knew instantly what was going on
He looked up and found the small sprig of mistletoe you had taped to the inside of the cabinet
He laughed slightly at the situation and rested his hands on your hips
"Haa...my protege is outsmarting me"
"Maybe I've always been smarter than you, Kominato"
"Enjoy this moment because it won't happen again"
He got you back during Christmas dinner at his parents house
Same boat as Ryo
Likes Christmas because of the memories he has tied to it
Loves being able to make new memories with you!!
It had become a tradition for you and Haruichi to put up the Christmas tree on the last day of November
That way you'd be officially starting the holiday season with all your decorations up and already surrounded by the holiday vibes~
You were currently pulling out the boxes you kept the ornaments in while Haru set up the tree
Carefully, you walked back into the main room with both boxes and placed them down on the coffee table
You looked over at Haruichi who was pulling out two bundles of Christmas lights
"Do we want to use the colored lights or the normal ones?"
"hmm, let's do colored this year"
"I was hoping you'd pick the colored, I was kinda sad we didn't use them last year"
While Haruichi tackled the lights, you opened the two boxes in front of you. You gently looked through the box to check for any ornaments that might have broken; thankfully none of them had
The ornaments you had were all very random. Ornaments in the shape of food, movie and video game characters, ornaments paying homage to old pets, a few were ones your parents had passed down to you, and of course there were some baseball ones :)
You and Haruichi had agreed early in that you liked the look of a more mix-matched tree rather than a themed one
Your tree was a hodgepodge of your personalities, interests, and chock-full of memories
With the lights on the tree and the ornaments out it was time to start decorating!
It was mostly quiet as you both hung the ornaments on the tree, the atmosphere was very soft and light
The two of you were now curled up on the couch, tucked under a blanket basking in the only source of light in the room: the tree
You looked over your shoulder and were instantly enthralled by Haruichi's eyes. The multicolored lights from the tree reflected in them, giving the appearance of fireworks glittering in his eyes
Haruichi returned your stares with a soft smile and rosy cheeks before looking back at the tree
"For some reason I feel like it's missing something.."
"yeah you're right"
He's another person who loves Christmas music
I mean Nori loves music in general but Christmas music is special because you can only listen to it for a select period of time
Likes very domestic Christmas activities
To sum it up he likes indoor activities where he can hug the living day lights out of you and wear fluffy socks :))
Nori was meeting up with Shirasu for lunch so it was the perfect time to wrap his present >:)
(you got him a record player)
You were sitting in the middle of the living room surrounded by different papers and bows trying to decide what color scheme to go with for the wrappings
You decided on a light blue paper with lil penguins on it and a silver bow to top it off 🥺
The box was only half wrapped when Nori walked into the apartment, poor thing gave you a heart attack as you rUshed to cover his present
wHy was he home?! He only left 15 minutes ago, theres no way you can grab lunch with a friend that fast
"I'm assuming that's a present for me"
"yEs it is so turn around while I finish wrapping it. Why are you back so early anyway? You said you'd be gone for a few hours."
"We decided to reschedule, apparently the snows supposed to get heavier and we didn't want to get stuck out in a storm"
After Swifty wrapping Nori's present and, confirming he was allowed to turn around, the pitcher joined you on the floor
His knees brushed up against yours as he quietly situated himself in the spot next to you
You expected him to just sit with you but instead he reached over to the small pile of presents still waiting to be wrapped (they were small things the both of you had gotten for his family members)
Nori got right to work in wrapping the present. He was very careful with everything he did, taking the time to mix and match paper and bows and making precise folds when wrapping the box
Knowing Nori enjoys having music on, you took out your phone and put on some Christmas tunes
The little smile on his face could end wars, he's absolutely adorable when in his element just humming along to the jazzy Christmas song :')
The both of you worked to get all the gifts wrapped, goofily singing along to the playlist you had on resulting in giggles here and there
Somehow you ended up on Nori's lap after you finished your little gift wrapping party. The moment was peaceful, the two of you just holding on to each other enjoying the feeling of being together
There was a red bow sitting next to Nori on the floor that caught your eye, it was just begging for you to put it on his head
"What are you doing (y/n)?"
"Don't you usually save the best gift for last, Norifumi?"
Kawakami Norifumi.exe has stopped working, please stand by while we attempt to fix the problem
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