flavescant · 7 years
20 followers you’d like to know Tag
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to know.
ndlr: I haven’t tagged 20 followers, I tagged 20 people (some don’t follow me) who I’d geniunely want to know more about.
I was tagged by lovely @doucechimere. I honestly did not expect this because this blog is basically a huge mess. But thanks a lot for mentioning me anyway ! :)
Nicknames: I don’t really have a nickname. My real name also doesn’t require a shortcut.
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: About 1,64m which equals 5′4″
Hogwarts house: That grunge ravenclaw who reads in the back of the bus
Favorite Animal: Birds
Average hours spent sleeping: A living corpse. mostly between 4-6 hours
Dogs or cats: Cats! It’s not that I don’t like dogs - they can be cute as well - , I’m just hella afraid of them. They bark and jump at you and need so much attention, making me flinch everytime one gets near to me so I’d rather watch them from afar than interacting with them.
Number of blankets I sleep with: 3 to 4
Dream trip: Honestly as much as it’s possible for me to travel around! Some countries I definitely want to visit (again) like England, Italy, Scottland, Japan, Korea, Canada and Australia :)
Dream job: I’ve always been interested in being a journalist! I like to write and read but I’m way to insecure to publish any of my works.
When I made this account: Probably 4 to 5 years ago ?
Why I made this account: Because I was curious and thought tumblr was cool but hey, now I’m caught in hell
Number of followers: 70 lovely human beings !
Some of you probably already did this but you deserve to be mentioned ♡
@areistotle @1boba @blt-prf @charrytommoto @chiefcupcakesworld @clairelions @dontpanicwerenotatthedisco @dtagustd @ehitsali @hogwartstudies @honeyhopes @iu-jjang @jjks @jungkookjimins @larissahow @mellonjin @no-more-diamond @paillettes @raysofgay @sappharah
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