#holding him like a beefy five layer burrito
12 things i've learned by the 12th grade... about high school, life... boYS
1. apologize. apologize for something that happened two days ago, or two years ago... don't hold grudges. it will only lead to disaster 2. there are no strangers, just friends you haven't met 3. be brave!! I pride myself in being courageous, and saying what I want, and telling people how I feel, when I feel it. 4. you're in complete control of the direction your life is going. so work hard, and persevere. but if that fails, then go in the direction of the guy handing out hummus samples at costco 5. it's cool to have opinions, and be educated, and know what's going on in the world. It's cool to be smart. No doubt about that. But, remember, you are not eDgY, or different, because you have a controversial opinion. Think about that before you jump into your next twitter fight 6. "comparison is the thief of joy" 7. eat that taco bell. you're only young once. "nothing tastes as good as skinny does" my BUTT. do you think bella hadid has ever tasted a beefy five layer burrito? I rest my case. 8. that boy you like? text him. you know what?? text him twice! THOU SHALT NOT BE IGNORED. 10. it's ok to cry. i cry every 2 hours about something new. it's no biggie. let it out. 11. when is it ok and not ok to be involved in twitter beef? not ok: politics ok: zayn malik leaving one direction HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A FANGIRL SCORNED 12. don't set your alarm clock to your favorite song. just don't do it. i can never listen to "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5 ever again. Ever.
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