leejinkie · 3 years
me having a good time vs remembering that i have a 2000 word essay due in less than a week
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spit41 · 10 years
NATAS Fair is not for me ...
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Went to NATAS Fair 2014 last week to book our Turkey Trip
So was actually juggling between deadlines + researching for reliable group tour agency.
Thing about NATAS Fair is everyone will seat you down and force you to sign up their package on the spot! So you better have the dates / place and narrow down the tour operators if you really wanna purchase your tix @ a bargain price. And also free luggage.. hehehehehe
A mistake I made last year was that I thought we could just go there to see see look look and come back later - but noooooo – Imagine goin thru 10 tour operator – each app 30 mins – talking about the same itinerary – forcing you to confirm your slot else “if you come back again” the price will be different – SAY WHUTT?? This one stock market or whut?? Worse was we didn’t even have a date or place in mind..
So overwhelmed ok!
No matter, so this year we have the dates – narrowed down the tour operator and place in mind. But still we were bogged down with airlines / flight timing / hotel room / hidden cost / etc etc
But that’s not even the worse part – what’s worse is that the only dates that we are available are those UNCONFIRMED TOUR – so unconfirmed tour are cheaper if you are among the first to book, less crowded and (I just want to save up 1 of my leave because of Public Holiday ok!!!!) BUT confirmation of the tour will only be known 2-3 weeks before the date of departure (so kill me already!!!)
Anyway, if they can’t reach the min size, the trip will be cancelled. BOO!!
They will either give you alternative dates which could lead to (top ups etc) or refund (which can take up to more than a month – so I’ve been told)
Since when it get so fucking hard to plan for a holiday???
Well at least – if we ever managed to get a full refund back – at least we get a luggage bag … zzzzZZzzzZZzz…
Know what – after this – no more group tour! Na-ah not even if it’s cheaper by  99.99999999999%
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