#holis reinis
cxjng · 9 months
@noisuwa envió : ‘ si tienes hambre podemos ir a cenar. ’
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' ¿sabes? ahora que lo mencionas, me muero de hambre ' suspira pesadamente. ' vamos, escuché que hay un vagón donde venden comida ¿tendrán hamburguesas o un menú específico? ' mataría por una buena hamburguesa, si es honesto. ' ahora dime ¿estás pensando en invitar a alguien a bailar? en un plan ya sabes, más romántico ' en aquila mucho hablan de las vidas amorosas, pero siente que de noi sabe poco o nada.
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ikcrhn · 1 year
"¿puedes creer que tuve que volverme a casa caminando? aún me duelen los pies." @corqzon
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' ouch, ¿tú también? ' es lo que pregunta, porque él no había tenido mejor suerte que la pelinegra ' yo no pude esperar a que solucionaran el transporte así que huí ' comenta como si nada, encogiendo el hombro derecho. ' ¿no regresaste sola, verdad? estaba todo muy oscuro por el apagón. '
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ccrato · 2 years
*     @dahllias / @plumdeux / @wargcdess​ ha enviado —  DESCANSO.  
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‘  una misión nos persiguen perros de caza y pandilleros, después nos mandan a vacacionar.  ’  conoce la posibilidad de que haya otros canales auditivos sintonizándoles, pero poco le importa.  ‘  cada vez se ponen mas absurdos.  ’  tal como inicio pensamiento, concluye, sin mucho más que decir o hacer dentro de dominios de alew, resignación reflejada en acto de extender brazos por borde, cristalinas gotas descendiendo desde mechones a faz.  ‘  ¿las personas solo se sientan aquí y— esperan?  ’
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blvthes · 2 years
    #   𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗘   dijo:   no nos pondrán a tomar el té, ¿verdad?  
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‘ más les vale que no. ’ que ya se siente lo suficientemente incómoda, con ese vestido que le hace tensar mandíbula cada vez que siente la tela picando en su piel. ridícula ni siquiera empieza a describir la forma en la que se siente. ‘ ¿qué se supone que quieren que hagamos, a todo esto? ’ porque aún mantiene algo confundida sobre misión. quizás se coronaría victoriose el últimx en perder los estribos. ‘ no sé si es lo más ridículo o lo más jodido que nos han hecho hacer en todo este tiempo. ’   *   @cassicpei4​
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thaoworra · 1 year
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I’ll be presenting at LITERARY BRIDGES, on May 7, 2023 starting at 2:00 PM at Next Chapter Booksellers, located at 38 S. Snelling Avenue, St. Paul.
“Well April snowstorms bring May?…” says Stan Kusunoki, co-host/curator of the Literary Bridges reading series. “…May poets, of course! This month’s roster promises a wide-ranging, yet interconnected group of writers. It will be fun to chase all the threads of connection—in other words, a classic Literary Bridges!”
The roster includes: Claire Wahmanholm is the author of Wilder (Milkweed Editions 2018), Redmouth (Tinderbox Editions 2019), and most recently, Meltwater (Milkweed Editions 2023). Her work has most recently appeared in, or is forthcoming from, Cream City Review, TriQuarterly, Sierra, Ninth Letter, Blackbird, Washington Square Review, Copper Nickel, and Beloit Poetry Journal. She was a 2020-2021 McKnight Writing Fellow, and her poem, “Glacier,” won the 2022 Montreal International Poetry Prize.
Lynette Reini-Grandell is the author of Wild Things: A Trans Glam Punk Rock Love Story, (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2023) and the poetry collections Wild Verge (Holy Cow! Press, 2018); Approaching the Gate (Holy Cow! Press, 2014), winner of the 2015 Northeastern Minnesota book award for poetry. She teaches English and creative writing at Normandale Community College and the Loft and has received support for her work from the Finlandia Foundation and the Minnesota State Arts Board. A multidisciplinary collaborator, she performs at spoken word venues with the Bosso Poetry Company and the jazz collective, Sonoglyph, and her poetry is part of a permanent installation at the Carlton Arms Art Hotel in Manhattan. She lives in Minneapolis on the ancestral homeland of the Dakota people. Bryan Thao Worra presents internationally on science fiction poetry and the Southeast Asian diaspora. He has presented at the Singapore Writers Festival, the Smithsonian Asian American Literature Festival, the Library of Congress, the League of Minnesota Poets, Poets House, Kearny Street Workshop, the 2012 London Summer Games, and more. His newest collection is American Laodyssey (2023) from Sahtu Press as his community marks 50 years since the end of CIA Secret War in Laos.
Marion Gómez is a poet and teaching artist based in Minneapolis. She has been awarded grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Loft Literary Center. Her work has appeared in La Bloga, Mizna, Waterstone Review, Saint Paul Almanac among others. She is a member of the Latinx spoken word collective Palabristas.
Moheb Soliman is an interdisciplinary poet from Egypt and the Midwest who’s presented work at literary, art, and public spaces in the US, Canada, and abroad with support from the Joyce Foundation, Banff Centre, Minnesota State Arts Board, and diverse other institutions. He has degrees from The New School for Social Research and University of Toronto and lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he was Program Director for the Arab American lit and film organization Mizna before receiving a multi-year Tulsa Artist Fellowship and this year a Milkweed Editions fellowship. His debut poetry collection HOMES (Coffee House Press, 2021), explores nature, modernity, identity, belonging, and sublimity through the site of the Great Lakes bioregion / borderland. Moheb has been a finalist for the Minnesota Book Awards, Heartland Booksellers Award, and others, and was showcased in Ecotone’s annual indie press shortlist and the Poets & Writers annual 10 debut poets feature. See more of his work at www.mohebsoliman.info.
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jiahnk · 2 years
‘ 𝐁𝐄𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐒 ’ / @bloomruk, @bluecpanhan​
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          ‘ pst~ ’ ocultándose de la vista de quienes están a cargo del puesto de bebidas, busca llamar la atención de la persona más próxima a sí. ‘ ¿me consigues una bebida? ’ le pide, curvando los labios en una sonrisa que pretende lucir amigable y, al mismo tiempo, inocente. ‘ es que hay alguien que no me agrada a pocos metros de ti, y no quiero arriesgarme a que me vea ’ le comenta, ahora acercándose un poco más a ella, pero inclinando un poco su postura para ocultarse de la vista, casi buscando usarla de escudo. ‘ ¿de casualidad traes un espejo contigo? olvidé el mío en el saco que casi me pongo hoy antes de decidir cambiar mi atuendo completamente ’ le cuenta, y es que no habría precisado de ayuda contraria si fuese capaz de hechizar propia apariencia gracias a la magia con espejos. 
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queenofbaws · 3 years
revival, sk au plsssssss
For someone who was meant to be on the clock, Valsia had sure spent a lot of time at their table that night, perched happy as could be at the edge of the booth’s bench, her hands always moving - fingers twisting around her hair, drumming at the table, stealing their drinks for surreptitious sips - which would’ve made him nervous, had it not been for everything else. Namely, he could see everything she was doing, since she’d decided to sit on his side of the booth...something that hadn’t made a whole lot of sense until he realized it meant Reinis was the one, uh, reaping the benefits of her ridiculous ‘shipwrecked sea lass’ uniform.
She looked up when someone barked an order from the kitchen, rolling her eyes and sucking her teeth as, for the faintest flicker of an instant, her sugar-sweet work facade dropped and the scrappy girl he’d seen shove Reagan on his ass shone through; “Duty calls,” she said, heaving a sigh way more dramatically than was called for, which was also, he figured, to Reinis’s benefit, as he all but fell out of the booth altogether as he craned his head back to watch her leave, the tatters of her Halloween store skirt swishing in her wake.
“If I get fired,” Izaiah said, speaking in the slow, measured tone he always used when other people were around (the tone that magically managed to convince just about everyone that he wasn’t just as bad as the company he kept, which he, of course, was), “After putting in all that time and energy to get hired...all just because you woke up one morning and decided nothing would bring you more joy than getting close enough to a witness to sniff her hair...I swear by all that’s holy, Reinis, I will smother you to death in your sleep - remember I know where you keep the spare key.”
“I don’t want to smell her hair,” he drawled obnoxiously, snatching the milkshake glass from him and finishing what was left of it like it was a shot if only so Val would have another reason to come by their table. Wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand, he leaned in even closer to Izaiah, close enough to draw a questioning glance from a few nearby patrons, setting his head against his shoulder and sighing, “I mean, unless you think she’d let me...” until he was shoved away, guffawing at the look on his buddy’s face.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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sammyrammy · 6 years
001, Camp Camp :o
Ayyy, thanks for the ask.
Camp Camp
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: 
Harrison or Petrol.
Least Favorite character: 
Hmm, most likely either Dolph or Daniel. Dolph because obvious reasons, but for Daniel, I most likely grew to hate him because of the fandom’s representation of him. It’s… hard to explain? I still kinda hate Dolph more though.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
That’s a tough one. Honestly I’m not really too keen on the ships for this show, so I’ll probably make this decision based around their interactions and how I think they’d work as a couple. 
From greatest to least: 
I’ve always liked this ship, I really appreciate how much they care for each other in canon, plus they balance each other well. If they did ever get together, their relationship would be healthy and they would be really supportive of each other.
It’s hard to pinpoint why I like this damn ship so much. It’s probably because I see Neil as a tsundere, or maybe because they started getting along better in season two and I thought it was really cute? Besides that, I don’t have any fucking idea. Soooo… yeah.
Angry Neil and conceited Harrison is my aesthetic though. And that… sums up their relationship quite a bit in Mind Freakers.
I’ve also noticed that Harrison doesn’t take Neil too seriously? At least when compared to when Nerris insults him?
What can I say? Their rivalry is absolutely adorable. Plus, I’ve always seen rivalries as a good thing (I MEAN IN A TOTALLY HEALTHY WAY, JESUS). Because when you have someone to compete with who also has similar interests, you strive to better yourself and can improve a lot faster? I feel like together they could learn more things about their magic in this way… but I feel like that would be the same even if their relation was only platonic.
Uhhh… my only issue though is Nerris putting down Harrison (Mainly from what I’ve seen in s2e3). I know that’s a part of Nerris’s character.. but I just hope that Harrison doesn’t take it to heart to the point where it lowers his self esteem.
Ummm... Neil/Preston?
I know this isn’t a really popular ship.. but I like it a lot? I think it’ll be cute and I don’t know why, but I’ll probably ship it more when they actually have some more on-screen interactions (or maybe even a good fanfic, who knows). I did have the cute idea of Neil helping Preston by revising some of his screenplays, so maybe I might just write it myself.
Okay, now I’m going to be listing ships I don’t really… ship but I like their relationship and since I still have one more left I kinda have to… 
I just found it super adorable how Neil stood up for Nikki against the Flower Scouts. 
Like... think about it for a sec. In “Jermy Fartz” Neil stated that he has trouble fitting in and is picked on most of the time, and in s1e3, he fit in with the Flower Scouts. You can see how happy he is by his facial expression when Sasha calls him an honorary Flower Scout. He finally fits in somewhere and isn’t bullied for being himself. (Yes, he was posing as Neenacy, but at the same time, I think he was being himself personality-wise)
However, though, after seeing them belittle Nikki and after hearing that they actually kicked her out, he tosses away his spot in the Flower Scouts in order to defend her. He could have so easily just said something mean about Nikki and disown her as his friend in order to say with the Flower Scouts, but no, he decided to do what was right, which is what I really love about Neil’s character honestly.
Also, in other episodes, Neil is shown to be concerned about Nikki, such as when she got sick in “Into Town”.
Nikki also showed concern for Neil, was even willing to attack some of the other campers in order to gather clues on where he was in “Reiny Day”, and was super worried when Neil disappeared behind the wall in “Journey to Spooky Island”.
They really do care for each other, and have had many moments like those in the course of two seasons.
Anyway, I put this here, mainly because there aren’t many other characters I like to pair besides the ones above, and while I don’t really ship these two romantically, I really do like their relationship.
...Well shit, this part got long, whoops.
Character I find most attractive:
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
Probably… Gwen. I feel like we would be good friends.
a random thought:
It would be hilarious if there was an obvious parody of Camp Camp that David lectured the kids for watching.
An unpopular opinion:
Probably that I don’t like Daniel? Can’t think of anything else.
My Canon OTP:
This is difficult… there’s not much canon ships but… I suppose Nerris’s mom and dad because I love them and they are great parents.
My Non-canon OTP:
Gwenvid for the reasons stated above, ahah.
Most Badass Character:
Most Epic Villain:
The Wood Scouts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pairing I am not a fan of:
INAPPROPRIATE SHIPS ASIDE (Y’ALL KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT), I can’t stand DAN///IEL/DAV//ID. Uhhh, sorry? I honestly don’t think David would EVER date someone who tried to hurt the kids at his camp.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Dolph. They could of easily made him an actual good character that likes to draw, but nope, he’s just a Hitler joke. …And that’s why I hate him.
Favourite Friendship:
The main three. Hands fucking down. They are adorable, balance each other well, and their friendship is what made me like and appreciate Camp Camp so much in the first place.
Runner up is Preston, Harrison, and Nerris because they’re great.
Character I most identify with:
Max or Harrison. I can’t decide because I relate to both a lot.
Character I wish I could be:
Definitely David. I want to positive and see the good in people like him.
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warlorddoom991 · 7 years
JUST SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Genji and Mercy are standing in the hanger bay of the base after they and the rest of the team got back from their mission.
The two are looking at each other, they both wishing to tell the other how they feel for them but unable to find the right words.
Genji: “ ah..Angela I eh.....”
Mercy: “ Genji I eh....I aah.....” 
Loud Crashing sounds and a heavy Thud and genji and mercy look to see a large black armor man getting up from the hole in the ground, the huge guy looks at both them.
Both Genji and Mercy: “Eh...who the hell are you!?”
The man turns around and sees Reinhardt with Ana, solder 76, McCree and a few of the others hearing the crash and seeing the black armor guy.
Ana: “ Reinhardt, you know who this is?” 
Reinhardt walks up to the black armor man and stands eye to eye with him.
Reinhardt: “ Yes....It’s been a while....Brother”
Blackhardt: “ Reiny!!! Long time no see! HAHAAH! How’s the wife?”
McCree: “Wait say what now?”
Solder 76: “ EH.....Brother!?”
Reinhardt: “ I don’t have a wife and you know that”
Blackhardt looks behind Reinhardt and sees the others.
Blackhardt: “ Oh! Are you sure? So all that talk about how Beautiful Ana is means Nothing? HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!”
Reinhardt tense’s up and looks like he was going to punch Blackhardt in the face which would had happen if Blackhardt didn’t turn around and start to run towards to the exit.
Reinhardt and the others start to chase after him while Genji and Mercy just stand here, trying to figure out what just happen.
Before Reinhardt and gang could grab Blackhardt, a HUGE Dragon Pops out of nowhere and lands in front of Blackhardt who jumps on to it’s back and it flies away.
Deathwing: “ WHY THE F#$K AM I HERE!?!?!”
The END!:)
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ccrato · 2 years
♡ *     @p0isonivy​ ha enviado —  REFUGIO.
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frente descansa contra rodillas, comenzando a acostumbrarse a punzadas con el solo hecho de ingresar oxigeno a sistema.  ‘  podría ser peor.  ’  murmura, alzando rostro un poco e intentando distinguir semblante daroir inclusive con penumbra que acecha.  ‘  podría estar lloviendo y eso sí que sería el colmo.  ’  entona mejor intento cómico, fallando estrepitosamente por resoplidito que prosigue.  ‘  ¿tú estás bien?… tengo algo de agua aún por si la necesitas.  ’
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