mreenh-blog · 6 years
M'reen House Whisperer. Introduction.
Nature and man leave energy traces that affect our emotions and abilities. They also affect your surroundings, the home you live in and your place of work. As a House Whisperer I help to re-balance these energies and to give you tips as to how to help yourself and how to heal your surrounding area. The ancient battle field may be a present day argument, the cursed necklace may be something you bought; your mirror may be reflecting your negative self talk. The workings of our mind and energy print is a fascinating and absorbing topic. Enjoy.     Podcast coming soon! 
Additional information to the video.                                                                         I was first introduced to House Healing by Ann, a fellow dowser and geomancer.With our group of dowsers we were singing the Mary Ley Line at Bury St Edmunds.  The Mary ley line ‘kisses’ or touches the Michael ley line in the Abby gardens in Bury St Edmunds. UK. Imagine these ley lines as tubes that meander, sometimes together, across southern England. I understand that in the past, in Britain, fires would be lit along the Michael-Mary axis at Beltane as part of welcoming the sun's fertilising qualities upon the land. Currently each year, at an appointed time, people gather along the ley to ‘sing’ the lines; I see this as a celebration and re-connection with the ley lines which we first dowse to ascertain the diameter of the ley line which becomes significantly wider in a very short space of time. https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/18306470-ley-lines-and-aboriginal-songlines  When House Healing we check out a multitude of lines both natural lines of the earth, stress lines created by man’s industry and stress lines created by man’s emotional state. We also include underground water courses and that is the most common known use of dowsing.
Moving up a little we check the building’s foundations, particularly the deep foundations of a tall building as they can be the cause of earth stresses.        Also the earth has other energy forms that may affect your home or garden.
You may find it surprising that we check the ‘fabric of the building’ but man has been involved in every part of the creation of the materials and in the ultimate construction; particularly if some of the material has come from e.g. a monastery that Henry XIII had demolished. Human detrimental emotional energy can and is absorbed into the timber, brick or plaster work. This same energy type can and is absorbed into furniture, ornaments or anything else in your home. 
You home can be the host of uninvited guests such as trapped gnomes, earthbounds (ghosts) or fractured souls (parts of ghosts – “when you left/died, part of me left/died.” Why? You need that part back so that you are whole.)   
In the subsequent videos I shall be giving you an insight into my work as M’reen House Whisperer as most of House Healing is conducted in my office using the plans of your home which you send to me and these do not lend themselves to a video description. Eventually I shall publish my podcast M’reen House Whisperer and you will be able to hear how I have woven my different experiences into stories to be listened to.                                                         Also I shall be interviewing other house healers who may have a similar or completely different approach to House Healing.                                                   I welcome your comments and questions and enquiries. M’reen 
Check out my  YouTube channel: Turbo Charged Reading.
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