#honestly I wouldn't have lasted a week at Mansfield park
bethanydelleman · 26 days
Why I am NOT an Austen Heroine:
-If I was Anne Elliot, I would have married Charles Musgrove in a heartbeat just to get away from my family
-If I was Elinor Dashwood, I would have ugly cried when Lucy Steele told me she was engaged to Edward until I couldn't breath
-If I was Fanny Price, I would have married Henry Crawford just to get away from Mansfield Park
-If I were Elizabeth Bennet, I would have probably just said yes to Darcy (highly loss adverse and very concerned about my age)
-If I were Emma, I wouldn't have lasted until Box Hill to insult Miss Bates. It would have happened years ago and far more often
-If I were Catherine Morland.... oh... at 17? Oh... yeah, girlies I would totally accuse my crush's dad of murder because I was reading too many Gothic novels...
I AM a Jane Austen Heroine
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