#honestly don't know what i was expecting but tom ceo was not on my list
clairevoyant813 · 1 year
gonna be honest. and this is just how i feel about these types of endings. i detest when writers and directors end things without at least one neat bow at the end of a story. this ending...
Tom ceo? shiv reduced to housewife and stay at home mother duties? not a single death? kendall just staring out at the water? roman happy i guess? waystar bought by gojo bc shiv self sabotaged? im honestly upset. i don't know what i wanted to be the ending, but i didn't want a sopranos ending.
if there's one thing about hbo shows: they don't often stick the landing w their show finales. ill be curious to hear about barry's ending. because while the episode was really entertaining and great, the endings were not so.
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