#honestly its the holiday season i'm so sorry but it makes me sappy
imbellarosa · 4 years
I’d like to say a really quick thank you and love you to a few people that have truly been gifts this year. All of you are amazing and made 2020 bearable, and brought a lot of joy, love, and friendship in a time where it would seem difficult to find that. But, in fact, you all surprise me time and time again with your heart, your kindness, and your capacity for friendship. Thank you all so very much. 
@belgianreader2 -> Do I? Even have to say it??? My love you have been my best friend since we were sixteen, and you will forever be the sister of my heart. A true tequila. You celebrate with me, you cry with me, you stay awake with me, and you listen to all of the random trivia for fandoms that you aren’t even in! But more than that, you’re family, and I wouldn’t have made 2020 without you. 
@asmicarus -> My partner in crime!! The world is not ready for us, but give us a year and we’ll have fixed all of the world’s issues. I LITERALLY cannot wait. Our energy is unmatched, your support is constant and your sense of humor literally ALWAYS makes me laugh, no matter what. Don’t ever change - or at least not until we finish our grand Julie Andrews plan, make loads of money, and take over the world. Thank you for being you, and for loving me! 
@dalek-in-heels -> my beta, my fellow magicians vet, FRIEND! There are so many things I would never have been able to do without you, and I can’t believe we met over a year ago bc of the shitty magic show. Truly the only good thing it brought into my life was you, and for that I will forever be grateful. Your art, your smile, your wit, your kindness, and your grace are a gift and a blessing - always, but especially this year. 
@queenlokibeth -> I have no words. I would not have made quarantine without you, chica! We became friends when I badly needed one, and since then we’ve been suffering together through fandom drama, school messes, human issues, and a BUNCH of wacky stories. I am SO glad that I had you for this, because you are one of the BEST people, and I wouldn’t have stuck around for more fandom fun without you. I CANNOT wait to go to a concert either in sparkly HAZmat suits or our matching T-Shirts! 
@dependsonwhospitching -> my WIFE!!! my KNIFE WIFE!!! what other words do I have for you??? Literally, since July, you have become one of my closest confidants, someone who I turn to when I am sad, and who I laugh with when things are good. I am SO grateful for our Taylor dates and our election night phone call and the plans to GET TOGETHER soon. You, my love, are always in my heart, and you are, of course, LEMON OVER ICE!!! But you are also one of the best people I know, and I don’t have the words to express how much I adore you. 
@thewestishharpooners -> you’re one of the biggest TALENTS and biggest HEARTS I have ever met in ANY fandom!! From the first time we chatted, I was like THIS ONE I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THIS ONE! And weirdly enough, you agreed! We became a squad with art trades and book recs and hottakes and your capacity for kindness ALWAYS astounds me. I am so very glad that you wanted to talk about My Policeman with me. The book might suck, but I’m grateful for it, anyways <3 
@lascitateognesperanza -> my badass friend who ALWAYS has my back. There has never ONCE been a second where I thought I would have to face anything on this website alone since you and I became friends. Any time someone comes at me, they’ve come at both of us, and I cannot tell you how much love I have for you. AND BESIDES THAT: you’re a Taylor stan and we’re doing a SUPER British bookclub and going to a Niall and a Taylor concert how could we NOT have been friends?? it’s like an invisible string tied you to me <3 
@evilovesyou -> EVI!! *sings* Vienna waits for youuuuu. We became fast friends and it DEFINITELY feels like I’ve known you longer than I have but that’s because of your kindness and your ability to just. Be so cool 100% of the time. Your writing and your art is AMAZING, you have SUCH a passion for what you do IRL and you have never had a take I disagree with. You are a gift to the fandom and your friendship is a gift to me personally, and I CANNOT WAIT to go to a concert with you we are gonna TEAR UP THE CITY! 
@louciernagas -> my friend you said it best: you make me feel warm, like the sun, but when I see you on my dash I always think of the moon. Beautiful and brilliant and reflecting light of everyone around them. I am SO grateful to get to hear your thoughts, your analysis, your love for your friends and the fandom. 
@statementlou -> pointing_spiderman.gif. No other words necessary. Thank you for your friendship and all the laughter, support, kindness, friendship, and sheer joy you add to my life. Truly a Louis in the world at large <3 
@goldenistheantidote -> thank you for your kindness, your art, your love, and your willingness to open your family to me. The sheer amount of joy that you exude and love for everyone and anyone that you interact with floors me, and I’m very glad to have met you and become your friend this year
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