#honestly naruto gets to punch him as a crowning moment so that's probably more likely
soaringpigeonshovel · 7 months
While the interpretation of Minato as a bit of a bastard will always be close to my heart, I think if you need a positive reading of him, I'd argue for an orphan who's sensei is a loud and passionate guy and the love of his life is a loud and passionate lady and so he just... never really learnt how to confront the people he cared about. Hell, maybe he never felt secure enough to with his sensei always running off and disappearing, or maybe he was just an even-tempered kind of guy. For most of his life, it's a benefit: he's a Hokage beloved by all.
But it also means that when Kushina wants to have a child with him, he doesn't really know how to say no. And he does want to say no. He just got two of his kids killed and is dealing with the sinking realization that he fucked up the third. He hasn't really even figured out how to grieve yet.
In his head, though, he dated and married Kushina knowing she wanted kids—a family. He doesn't wanna be the guy to then say 'actually I decided i'm not really for kids now! psyche!' so he feels like he can't reject her. (even though Kushina would have understood! if he'd asked!)
So he goes along with it. They have the kid.
But the whole time Minato struggles to see the child as his as opposed to Kushina's child. So when Kushina's fate is sealed and Minato sees the future of trying to raise and definitely fucking up Kushina's child, he crumbles. Then he sees a technically defensible way to die without betraying Kushina. It's his only chance. He grabs it. Hiruzen would definitely be a better guardian for the kids than him, anyway, right? All three Sannin were at least alive. Weird, sure, but alive.
And that's why he feels so... odd? detached? when he's undeadified. He doesn't quite feel like Naruto is his son. And why he barely seems able to look Kakashi and Obito in the eye: how can he, when he's failed every kid he's ever been put in charge of? He cares-he's visibly somber-but again, this is a Negative Situation and confrontation isn't his strong suit. So, even with his brief second chance, he passes on again without ever, in his entire life, really getting upset.
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Top Five Yuki Kaji Roles
Just starting this, I know I’m going to be leaving out a bunch. To be fair, he has too many (good) roles. Sometimes he doesn’t fit the role (which is the fault of the casting director), but I think he does a good job with whatever he plays.
Not going to lie, this list is influenced by: - How much I liked the series as a whole - Casting decisions - Character development (how much I liked the character) - Other things that have to do with my personal opinion
In this list, I will also not be including any series that I haven’t watched. An exception in this list is Attack on Titan because I have watched a lot of Eren’s pivotal scenes, and I feel like (even though I avoid the horror genre), he still deserves a spot here.
Due to me not watching all the anime he’s in, I will just list the shows that won’t be included on this list because of this reason alone: Haikyuu (Kenma), Guilty Crown (Shuu), High School DxD (Issei), Donten ni Warau (Soramaru), Servamp (Kuro), Black Butler (Finnian), Black Bullet (Rentarou) Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Kouichi). 
I also won’t even be mentioning Ao Haru Ride. I don’t like Kou. Voice didn’t match, anime wasn’t my thing, etc. I cringed too much watching that anime. That is all. 
Honourable Mentions:
Walker Yumasaki (Durarara!!)
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Ironically, this character is an otaku. He’s so goofy, and I remember hearing his voice and going, “I recognize him.” And considering the fact that I watched Durarara before I really got into voice actors, that’s quite something. He makes a lot of pop culture and anime references, and I can respect that. Walker and his partner in crime Erika are a very iconic duo.
Ayato Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
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We just went from a one to a ten, didn’t we? Well, that’s voice actor range. I hated this casting decision at first. I thought that it was bad and wanted nothing to do with that. I eventually did change my mind. Could they have done better? Yeah, but I eventually grew to like it (love is too strong a word).
Naoya Nifuji (Wotakoi)
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Back to the pure, are we? Ironically, Kento Itou (who plays Hirotaka) is born in 1988 (according to the Idolmaster Wikia while Yuki Kaji is born in 1985. Anyway, Naoya (sometimes called “Nao-chan” is honestly such a pure kid. He’s kind of bad at video games, but he gives it his all for the sake of others. Watching him just makes you want to give him a pat on the head. His innocence and purity are definitely exemplified by Yuki Kaji who nailed this role despite being a supporting character this time.
Sonic (One Punch Man)
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RIP Sonic’s ballsack. Okay, but seriously, that scene was painfully hilarious with emphasis on the pain. He did a good job portraying it (along with Madhouse’s animation which just added the absolute torture on his face along with the jiggle). I thought this didn’t standout voice-wise at first, but I rewatched the scene a few times and have had the whole thing grow on me... as horrid as it was. Here’s the scene.
Meliodas (Seven Deadly Sins)
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Okay, this is partially because I didn’t like the Seven Deadly Sins. Ban is a much better character than Meliodas. I didn’t like Meliodas as a character, but it was no denying that he had a good voice actor backing him. Meliodas’ English counterpart was none other than Bryce Papenbrook (who I don’t like). Go figure, I think he portrays the perverted hero quite well even if I don’t like him.
5. Shion (No. 6)
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I have so many thoughts on this anime that need to be saved for another time. Shion is one half of the dystopian duo (*cough* SHIP SHIP SHIP *cough*). He’s an intelligent sheltered kid at first, but then he gets wrapped into stuff that’s way bigger than him. Shion has a painful “Eren-like” transformation scene. Every protagonist has to experience pain on a large not-human scale, right?
4. Shouto Todoroki (Boku no Hero Academia)
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Who can forget that Shouto vs Deku fight? That was full of epicness. I was almost jumping in my seat when I watched it. The “Handcrusher” isn’t always the most perceptive socially (same), but he has so much power... as long as he gets his sleep. He might not have the most emotional range, but he does have a lot of good moments. It weirdly took a while for this role to set into place for me, but now he’s one of my favourite characters.
3. Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan)
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*intense screaming* Yeah, that’s kind of this role in a nutshell. “I will kill all the Titans even though I am one!” It’s not every day where you see a bunch of giant nudists eating smaller clothed what people. There are too many scenes that Yuki Kaji has crushed in this series, and this is probably his most iconic role. He does a lot of stuff to support the show too which I respect. Get ready for season three people!
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2. Yukine (Noragami)
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Okay, Yukine is already dead, but you can tell that the little dude has been through a lot. Give him a break. He’s kind of witty and childish at times, but a lot of people don’t seem to like this character. This is partially because of how he was introduced to the series. He was bratty at first, but guys, look at his circumstances and where he’s coming from. He lives with a guy who doesn’t pay him. The guy he works for can do whatever he wants and experience little pain whereas he thinks one dirty thought and everyone goes wild at him. Yuki Kaji portrays the emotional pain of this character so well. That’s partially what I missed in the dub. He weirdly has a lot of youth in his voice despite being so old (I think anything over 30 is old). He really put his all into this role, and I really like Yukine and what Yuki Kaji did with this character, and I can’t stress that enough.
Here are some seiyuu event clips. The slipper incident is infamous. Miyuki Sawashiro is a legend for starting that. The cleansing scene was epic and a pivotal moment for Yukine’s character. The last one is a live voice acting session of that scene (Slippers Incident) (Cleansing Scene - Cast Comments) (screaming in real life)
1. Alibaba Saluja (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
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It’s kind of hard to find people who have: 1. Watched this show 2. Watched it subbed But if you have, I commend you. I have watched both seasons and reads a couple arcs of the manga (I’m still about a hundred chapters from finishing the whole series). I’m really bad at explaining how much I love this character/role and why, but I’m going to try. If you don’t get it (or even if you do), go watch the show. It’s one of my favourites to this day. Alibaba is one of my favourite shounen protagonists. He’s goofy, makes honest mistakes, and tries his best. He’s similar to Naruto in ways, but I prefer Alibaba because he’s so much more relatable, and he has logic. According to his weaknesses, he gets fat easily. But anyways, this character has been through a lot. He has lost so many people along the way, and his life is a rollercoaster with him just grabbing on and hoping for the best. Yuki Kaji makes me laugh when the story’s funny and moves me when the story’s emotional. He makes the character who he is, and when I read the manga, I still read it in his voice. I can’t see it any other way. I love this character a lot, and I wouldn’t have anyone else voice him. As much as the dub is good, I refuse to watch it dubbed because I have so much attachment to the Japanese voice cast. This was the first non-Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh anime I watched. I have a massive soft spot for it. Can I just add how it also does a great job with its female characters? Morgiana is one of my favourite anime characters of all time. Here are some funny moments (part 1) (part 2) Here’s the seiyuu event subbed (part 1) (part 2)
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kalira · 6 years
Word: "Him"
Hedging your bets pretty securely there Mousie. XD
(Okay I limited myself to WIPs I’ve actually opened to work on lately. Er. This is still . . . a lot. You have definitely fulfilled my request to distract me.)
Harlock rarelyresisted him very hard - he enjoyed being coaxed, and even more so spendinglazy mornings tangled up in bed and half dozing with his lover . . . or fuckinginto him warm and slow.
also this one
Yama yawned and letHarlock’s sleepily insistent arms tug him back down.
and this
Harlock claspedYama’s shoulder and directed him down a slightly narrower corridor.
“Oh, is kiddo upset I was there first?”Kate said, tsking at him.
Adrian’s eyes swept over him admiringly - he had yet to donhis clothes beyond breeches, particularly that godawful shapeless heap he called a cloak, leaving a rathernice view.
and this one, same line from M’s word
“Would it kill you not to leave your filthy articles ofclothing flung everywhere?” Alucard asked dryly, flicking a neatly-patchedshirt that was half-sodden in demon guts at Trevor and making him duck to getout of its path.
Kotetsu carefullydisengaged his faceplate, pulling it away, and a bit of tension seeped out ofhim along with a sigh when he saw Barnaby’s bright eyes were open. 
Lee Hwon/Woon (The Moon Embracing the Sun)
Woon had grownquieter since the Crown Prince had chosen him to be companion and guard, everat the Prince’s side.
Okay there’s a lot so . . . Naruto, ATLA, and Voltron WIP lines are all beneath the cut.
Gai has touched damnnear every inch of him through one challenge or scrape or another and there’sno one Kakashi trusts more in the world.
more KakaGai
“Kaka- I- I wouldnever-” he stuttered out as Kakashi cocked his head, eyeing him.
and again
Kakashi identifiedthe presence immediately, of course - his sleeping brain had categorised theintruder as Gai and thus not a threat even before the bright shout had wokenhim.
oh look again >.>
Kakashi stared at himas he postured a little more.
and this one is part two to the one before
“Jan Ken Pon!”Kakashi said hurriedly, because Gai looked like hell, everyone in the villagewas still giving him half-confused, half-pitying looks, and . . . well, Kakashiwasn’t actually great at reacting in a hurry outside of battles.
It was a warm, softvoice calling him, one he didn’t quite recognise, though there was a strange,barely-there edge of familiarity.
also this
Lee leapt out of bed,tangled in the blankets enough that he stumbled and it took him a moment tofree himself, though he managed to do it without crashing about.
Iruka unrolled thescroll and only long experience with pre-genin and jounin - and no tellingwhich group was worse than the other - prevented him from reacting.
and this one!
Iruka only pulled him in closer, tuggingthe blankets over him, ignoring the fact that he was still mostly dressed and,indeed, cold and wet.
MadaKaka (that’s a new one for me and IDK if I’ll write them again after this request is done or not. . .)
Madara bounded overthe fence without touching it, following the silvery streak of Kakashi’s hairthat was the most visible part of him as he fled into the shadows under theheavy canopy.
It will be all right she willed him to realise, assuring him with her eyesthat she knew what she was doing, as best she could without giving any hint orground to the Elders before her.
as is this one
“You shouldn’t be here.” she whispered, moving towards him, her kimono rustlingaround her.
“I’m . . . sure he can be romantic if hetries!” Sakura said, trying to sound more certain than she actually felt,because she remembered Sasuke, andshe knew him now - or liked to think she did - and. . .
so’s this one
Beside him Kanamisnickered and stretched out her forelegs, then slid slowly onto her side, hermuzzle almost reaching his ankle.
and this
Hatred and confusion resonated through him,and he allowed his strength to seep through to his jinchuuriki.
Zabuza approached himand trailed his hands up over Haku’s arms.
His strong armsturned and tugged gently at the ribbon binding him to the headboard, but hedidn’t fight too hard.
Sokka doesn’t knowwhy this feels like a revelation; Zuko has alwayssmelled like fire, since the first time Sokka faced him, hot and angry in thesnow.
Zukka again
Zuko had made thechoice and gotten caught, Sokka had gone with it, abandoning it now wouldn’thelp and would only land him in acell too.
Zuko looked at him,and Sokka’s attention refocused.
you guessed it!
He grabbed Zuko’sshoulders to hold him closer, then cupped his jaw with one hand, tilting hisown head to mesh their kiss a little more comfortably.
yep still (I’ve been poking at a lot of my Zukka WIPs lately trying to get back to these boys)
It felt way too soon for him to be woken up.
still Zukka
Katara just stared athim, and Sokka fidgeted uncomfortably.
yes still
When Zuko might notbe able to get to him.
look there is a reason I’ve been trying to get back to Zukka and that reason is I need to finish some of my bajillion WIPs for them
“Is your prospective title really what you’re worried about,Sokka?” she asked, watching him even though he was making her slightly dizzy.
yes this one as well
He ducked his headpolitely and slid the cups in front of the two merchant ladies sitting primlyat one of the tables, murmuring a reminder to call for him if they neededanything else.
several of them are requests too! (although not this next one)
Although perhaps itwas best he hadn’t spouted that off at Suki, she had laughed at him enoughalready this summer - he had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth when shewas around.
whoops not done yet
He had spokenhonestly when he offered her respect, and when he said she was welcome, it wasstrange for him to be troubled now.
I don’t really like kid!fic that much why do I keep writing it? (well at least for Zukka there kind of needs to be offspring at some point for royal heir purposes)
“There there. . .” hecrooned, scooping Kiran up and cradling him close with a gentle pat.
this one is sort of Zukka but actually it’s labelled Sokka/Zuko/Mai
Sokka would haveknocked, but the royal guard waved him in through the doors without pausing -they were standing ajar, but . . .royal quarters?
Maiko (and the first one I ever started for them still not done)
He would learn, she knew, and she supposedshe didn’t really know how to please him,either.
That concludes the ATLA portion holy sheesh.
“I am from Altea.”Allura told the child, bending down to come closer to eye-to-eye with him.
okay brace yourselves because here we go again
They all turned tolook at him.
yes there will be a lot
His throat tightenedwhen Keith patted him lightly and switched back, pushing him into flexing hisarm at a different angle - Shiro felt like he was dragging the weight of hismetal arm painfully, barely able to move - before beginning again.
even filtering out WIPs I haven’t worked on lately
Shiro ignored him,and Hunk sleepily shoving at him from his other side, probably in attempt toget him to be quiet.
I have . . . a lot of Sheith you guys
Kuro woke feelinglike his bones had been electrified until he shut down, and it took him a whileto realise he had other hurts as well.
I think it may be the only ship I have more of than Zukka in fact
Pidge shooed herbrother gently forwards onto the Castle, feeling bubbly and delighted tofinally have him here with her.
the series/AUs may have something to do with that
“He wouldn’t rest ifI left him alone. He kept crying.”
like that one and this next one are both from The Empress’ Elite
Allura would have himsubdued if necessary, but if he recognised Pidge enough to let her help,recognised Allura enough to let her touch, then he would be no hindrance, andAllura wouldn’t spare the time.
but mostly not actually
I could change it, Shiro thought, eyes wide as the possibility yawnedbefore him.
this one is connected to the last
He bumped into thefirm feeling of someone else’s skin and leaned up, then froze as more lightfiltered around him.
okay I think that’s it for Sheith with this one
Keith punches him in the face as hard as hecan.
Her paw was curledinwards, offering him support and sheltering his body behind the metal of herleg.
“Fine, I won’t puthim in a prison pod, but he’ll be locked in his bunk.” Allura said sharply.
all of the ones for this ship are from the Unbalance series
“Keith?” Shiro looksconcerned, for him, and that’s-
I am actually still trying to work on that
“I knew that . . . sort of; she wasn’t alwaysvery . . . happy with him.” 
a couple pieces are just so close to ready to post, too. . .
“Kuro,” Shiro began,the name feeling oddly comfortable on his lips, though he still twitched to seeKuro, to see an almost-me, turntowards him with a familiar movement, strange golden eyes gleaming, “I... May Ispeak with you?”
there’s also this one frigging Klance piece from 80s Voltron
Keith let the doorsslide closed behind him.
Holy cow how many sentences even was that oh lord I have so many WIPs *mad laughter* 56 holy fuck. So. That’s not even all the WIPs I’ve worked on lately there were a handful that didn’t have him in them. . . (Including some femmeslash. :P)
So hey! Send me a word and I’ll share a line from my WIPs!
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