#honestly not sure where i stand on milgram's depiction of neurodivergence
randomidiocyncrazies · 2 months
My pal and I got through most of T2 (only Mikoto and Kotoko left), so. here's what i think happened for each case:
Haruka: killed a bunch of animals to get his abusive mom's attention, so the mom had him institutionalized (for his violent behavior and/or implied developmental disabilities...?) and then he killed a little girl while institutionalized bc his mom left him there to rot/didn't care about him. no idea how he got his hands on the girl though; maybe she's a visitor (so most likely a relative) or a fellow ward??? idk
Yuno: yes it's an abortion (maybe multiple abortions). has intimacy issues and can only get fleeting warmth when she's playing a role for her clients. i'm honestly not sure why she's even here in the first place—i assume it's cultural differences at play?
Fuuta: what we thought in T1, and we clearly see that his victim was just a young teen (uniform looks like middle school). really fucking regrets it, especially after he's unforgiven and brutalized by Kotoko
Muu: my pal and I thought it was weird that she seemed way more vindictive towards the girl who ignored her but also didn't bully her (which we thought was her best friend/crush) in T1, but with T2 it turns out Muu was a bully herself and the girl she killed seemed disgusted by her actions/was the target of bullying before something changed so Muu became the target of bullying instead... so maybe Muu hates her the most because she sees it as the girl "not knowing her place" and blames her for her misfortunes?
Shidou: a confirmation of what we thought from T1, except it's brain-dead patients; at one point my pal thought he just failed to save people and blamed himself, but the voice drama makes it clear he's been pressuring relatives to euthanize brain-dead patients to facilitate organ donation.
Mahiru: she didn't accidentally kill her boyfriend in a fight like we thought; looks like the bf tried to break up with her, but she's oblivious to it and kept talking like they're gonna get back together so that pushed him over the edge maybe? it's really sad bc her self-esteem clearly comes from "being in a relationship" and her obsession with love implies that it's the only achievement she feels she can long for/try to achieve? also it's her 1st relationship and the bf also fed her cake, so i kinda think the relationship was a bit messed up on both their ends (she treats him how he treats her), and by the time bf noticed how unhealthy it was, it had progressed to the point where he felt like there was no way out but death
Kazui: this man is gay, and his wife killed herself when he came out to her after being in the closet pretty much his entire life. (i've also seen theories that he's alloaro, but given his first love was "probably [his] elementary school teacher" in the Q&A & "if I said i like-liked you (omae), what would you do?" in Cat, i think that's less likely than him being gay)
Amane: cult upbringing confirmed, and she killed her mother for violating the teaching of "living things must live out their ordained destiny"—the mom killed the cat Amane was caring for, which deffo interferes with the cat's ‘natural destiny', and the same dogma was used to punish/torture Amane for giving medical attention to the cat in the first place.
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