#hope that doesn't backfire lmaoo
huevokinder24 · 3 years
Okay so I've seen many people rage and basically disown He Yu after the latest chapters, and all I can say is that you guys are overlooking quite a few things here:
Firstly, I don't think HY should be held to the same standards as a normal, mentally stable person. He's a sociopath, and yet he hasn't acted like one till now. "but he's sexually assaulted someone before" yes, and he did that while having an attack. that's true. but here's the thing, he did it because he knew it was wrong. If you look up ASPD you'll see sociopaths make no distinction bt good or bad, and they do not feel any guilt. Doesn't sound like HY, does it? he did feel sorry and tried to make it up to XQC. he was perfectly aware that he'd done something horrifying. He said so himself, "if I can't make someone love me, at least there will be hate in the future". He was so desperate to have any connection to someone he was willing to go to that extreme. He wasn't in his right mind back then, yet he knew what he was doing.
This brings me to the second point. HY's backstory, aka pain and trauma and child neglect and all that jazz. I believe even a sane person would have snapped way before him. People are not saints, we're humans, and we all have our limits. Expecting someone to act like a saint and condemn them when they do wrong just because they're fictional is ridiculous. Humans are flawed. They make mistakes and bad choices. It's human nature, which is something always present in MB's novels.
You can't expect a normal person to endure all that and not break, much less a mentally ill one. And yet, it took HY 23 years and a lot of pain and trauma to fully give in to his demons.
The third point is that we still don't know what happened to HY in Australia, we've barely had his pov since he came back. We don't know what's going on in his head, really. Is that actually him? or is it something else? Doesn't seem like he's pretending, but he's also a lot different from the previous HY. Is he being controlled? manipulated? Did he go nuts? De. Don't. Know. For. Sure. What we do know is that MB always writes with a purpose. We simply don't know which one it is for now.
Also, rn HY is dealing with A LOT of trauma. He basically lost all the will to live in the naval battle. He thought he was betrayed in the worst possible way, he was dying and all he could think of was how unloved, unlovable and alone he was. Add that to the rest of his backstory and you'll get a fucking bomb. Ffs, the kid literally hallucinated someone who cared for him, how sad is that??. No wonder he snapped. No wonder he wants revenge. He's like a wounded animal, hurt and out for blood. If that's what this is about.
Does that justify his actions? hell no. Does it explain it? I'd say so. MB doesn't write likeable characters. She writes realistic characters, fucked up characters. She writes about humans and human nature, and that's hardly ever pretty, but fuck if it isn't real. That's why her novels are so good.
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