#hope that secon one isnt too dark
prpledusk · 4 years
My tablet is dead so Im gonna write some headcannons about Luxu.
Luxu wasnt was born completly alone, picked up by MoM as a baby that was abandoned and left to die off in dark forest somewhere. MoM knew exactly who he was and how to use him immediatly.
What MoM did to Luxu and ultimatly to the other foretellers was Grooming. Clear, blatant, cultish Grooming. From infancy to now MoM would teach Luxu the ins and outs of well, everything. Darkness, light, grass, sky, sea, everything. And as Luxu grew and grew MoM also saw Isolation as a way to prepare Luxu for what was to come. Completly isolating him from the others and keeping Luxu cooped up in the clock tower...dispite all this Luxu did have *something* of a relationship to the foretellers.
For Ira, Invi, Aced, and Gula Luxu was the baby of the family, the youngest foreteller and the quiet sibling who was always hiding behind MoM seemingly because he was shy. But to Luxu, they all where a fascination and a scource of frustration. He would never activly speak to them on purpose because of MoMs orders but he would often watch them from a distance, often wondering whT things would have been like where he allowed to physically be with them. Hug them, hold their hands, spar with them...
Then theres Ava. Luxu deeply hates Ava. She was as young as he was when she joined and Luxu ended up projecting alot of his own frustrations onto her, knowing that like him, her role was to preserve the Keyblade wielders and take them to a new age without unions ans competition...their own lil piece of heaven, where she's allowed to have all the friends and connections she wants. And like a greedy fox she wants to hoard everyones love, sacrifice herself for the surviving weilders sake, causing them more pain in the end. To Luxu, Ava is selfish, greedy, and is willing to do anything for the sake of the master, just like him. And he hates her very existance for that.
Luxus gone through hundreds of semblances over the years, at one point, he even had a few relationships. He played the pawn, the poet, the king and the beggar, he's been a father, a mother, an uncle, and a great great grandfather a hundred times over. But all of that just means he's suffered loss, over and over and over again. He's faught lived and died for hundreds of lifetimes all for the Masters Mission.
Luxu doesnt view himself as a person. He's a tool born for The Masters use, and every loss he experiences only hammers this belief further and further into his heart untill all thats left of his heart station is a cracked image showing the Master towering over Luxu, thatd been completely corrupted and rusted over in darkness. He means nothing, he is nothing, all he makes and spawns into the world are seconeds in a vast eternity of an unfeeling cosmos. He is the Masters, and no one elses.
Ghost braig territory:
Luxu and Braig are in the same boat. Both are chained to Xigbar and both have their heartstations right accross from eachother with Xigs station right in the middle. Both are being contained in Xigbar, him being an empty puppet makes him perfect as a vessal but Luxu and Braig can influence him in small ways. Braig doesnt like doing it, it feels just wrong and any attempts to fully take over Xigs body end with him being shoved inside Xigbar and his heart station getting cracked from the pressure, while Luxu can fully puppeteer Xig and even force him to break his own bones if it means getting a job done.
Luxu has trust issues. Its obvious that Luxu isnt really one to trust others, especially not Braig any members of the organization, because of this, he often has Xigbar remain aloof and secretive with others, even to those who can be deemed "close" to the sharp shooter, not too dissimilar to the Masters own Isolation of him.
Luxu doesnt like a n y o n e. Nope, not one person, Xemnas "stay away from Xigbar you beefy creep" Xaldin? "If he looks at you one more time we're blinding him and taking his teeth." Literally anyone who so much as looks in his direction? "Your all going to die in agony and I'll be right here watching with popcorn." The guys full on not okay with anyone looking at Xigbar in anyway that isnt professional, so you can imagine how he feels about Demyx...
He's a sadistic lil fucker too. The years of loss and isolation more or less turned him into a monster with zero empathy for those around him. His teasing and bullying of Braig being a clear show of this.
Luxu hates Sora. Sora is selfish, he's selfish and is constantly on about how devoted he is to the light, and how his friends are his power. He hates looking at him and seeing all that hope and womder in his eyes, and how bright his smile is, he hates how friendly he is to everyone and how even people who hurt Sora in the past get free passes just because sora 'decided' to forgive. He hates how bright he is. He hates him...
Luxu is Jelous of Sora.
Luxu was Jelous of Ava.
He hates the nickname Braig gave him, "baby goat"
He hates that Xigbar is willing to do everything for him even if it might hurt him.
He hates that no matter how cruel he is to braig braig never fights back or tries to devour Luxu's heart.
Braig and Xigbar dream of Luxu's memories and can see the eons that Luxu whent through and both are aware of MoM
Luxu wants to dissapear.
Luxu hates MoM
Luxu wishes he had friends.
Luxu hates to be alone.
Luxu is touch starved and craves attention and affection but wont get it because he's constantly pushing others away.
Luxu is complicated.
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