#hopefully it'll bring more fans to the girlies
hyeonsuk · 8 months
cignature's belle (hyeonju) made the lineup for universe ticket 😮
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
happier | t.h.
tom holland x singer!reader
warnings: swearing and sad. fluff if you squint
summary: you wish tom the best with his new relationship in your new song. {listen to happier by olivia rodrigo (if you want)}
wc: 3.6k
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'We broke up a month ago,'
"I've been thinking," your heart sunk at his words, "I'm always working." he grabbed both of your hands.
You locked your gaze in his. Sat in the living room of his shared flat. Inches apart yet you could already feel the separation between the two of you growing.
He avoided your eye contact, "I-I can't be in a relationship unless I can give one hundred percent of myself to the other person. A-and I know I haven't been doing that to you, which is c-completely unfair." he wiped away a tear from your cheek that you didn't know had fell, "You've been so, so good to me. I'm sorry I wasn't better, but I can't keep putting you through this." his voice was barely audible.
You finally tore your eyes away from his face. His tear soaked face. Choosing to stare at a spot over his shoulder instead. You took three deep breaths. In and out. Something about his words made you confused, but your pain overpowered it.
"Please say something. Anything." he whispered against your knuckles. Holding your hands to his lips.
You gently removed your hands from his grip, "Thank you for being mature and honest with me." you started with a sniffle, "Thank you for all of our memories and for showing me what love is," you cupped his face, "Thank you for everything, loser." your light laugh lacked any humour, but it still brought a slight smile to his face.
He held your hand that was resting on his jaw, "I love you more than life itself, darling." he kissed your palm and you felt your heart shatter. "Never hesitate to call, dummy."
You nodded with a sad smile. "I love you, too." You stood up and made your way out of the door. A year and a half down the drain within ten minutes.
'Your friends are mine, you know I know you moved on. Found someone new.'
"Do you guys wanna do something on Saturday? I don't have work. Maybe karaoke?" you asked the group without looking up from your phone.
Harrison made a confused noise, "Did you forget? We have Nadia's birthday par—" you heard a loud smack, "—Ow! What? Oh, shit."
You looked up to see Zendaya, Jacob, Harry, Sam and Tuwaine all glaring at Harrison.
"Absolute div." Tuwaine muttered.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Who's Nadia?" you looked at all of them as they avoided eye contact. "Daya?"
She let out a long sigh before clearing her throat, "Um, Nadia is- Well she's kind of- you know, um—"
"—Tom's new girlfriend." Sam finished for her.
Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you processed the information. His new girlfriend. It'd been a month and four days since he ended your relationship. And he had a new girlfriend.
It took him a month to move on. A month to be able to give a hundred percent of himself to someone.
You couldn't tell if you were more angry or sad. Maybe a mixture of both. Angry that your friends were hiding information from you, but at the same time you understood their intentions. Sad and upset because the boy who told you he wasn't ready to give a hundred percent of himself was already with someone new.
You slowly nodded, "Oh, okay. Well, I hope you guys have fun." you gave a tight lipped smile before looking back at your phone.
Everyone glanced at each other worriedly before allowing their gazes to fall on you again.
"How do you feel?" Jacob asked cautiously.
You locked your phone and set it on your lap, "I'm fine." you faked a smile, "I think I'm gonna head home, though. It's getting late and I have an early studio session. Bye." you quickly grabbed your purse and left with a small wave.
"Y/N! Wait—" the slamming of the front door cut Tuwaine off.
It was three p.m. and you weren't supposed to be in the studio until noon.
'One more girl who brings out the better in you,'
"Y/N/N. You need to talk about it sooner or later." Zendaya reminded you as she sat at the end of your bed with Harrison beside her.
You removed the covers from your face, revealing your tear stained cheeks, "Does she make him happy?"
There was silence from your two friends before they hesitantly nodded. Both weren't completely sure, but they assumed she did.
"Does she bring out the best version of him? Does she stroke his hair while they cuddle? Does she cook with him? Does she walk Tessa with him?"
Harrison sighed, "Y/N/N, we—"
"—Because that's what I did. I brought out the best side of him. I stroked his hair while we cuddled. I cooked with him. I walked Tessa with him. I did it all. Every single thing." your voice broke towards the end as you let the sobs rack through your body.
Harrison and Zendaya went to either side of you and held you. They just held you. Because even they didn't know what to do.
'And I thought my heart was detached from all the sunlight of our past,'
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Zendaya asked as you walked towards Tom's front door.
You nodded and smoothed down your sundress, "Yeah. We ended on good terms. It's been two months or so. We're friends. Plus, I miss hanging out with all of us." you assured her.
She sighed before knocking on the door, "Alright."
A few moments later the door swung open revealing Tom. Dressed in black jeans and a white button-up. Sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Curls dangling over his forehead. A sweet smile on his lips.
You felt your stomach lurch. Air leaving your lungs involuntarily. Heart rate quickening. You could smell his cologne and every single memory with him clouded your mind.
"Hey! It's great to see you guys—"
"—Sorry. I-I think I left something in the car. One second." you rushed out the words before turning on your heel.
Zendaya let out a long sigh, "Fuck."
Tom frowned, "Did I do something wrong?"
'But she's so sweet, she's so pretty. Does she mean you forgot about me?'
"Y/N!" an unfamiliar voice called out to you from somewhere in the boys' backyard.
It was Harrison's annual barbecue get together. Nearly three months since your break up with Tom.
You turned towards the source of the noise and found a girl walking towards you. Brunette. Tight black dress with black heels. Body and face of a model.
"I've been dying to meet you! I'm such a huge fan. I basically live off of your music." she giggled as she hugged you.
You smiled, "Aw! Thank you! That means so much to me. You look amazing, by the way."
She laughed, "Thank you! But you're absolutely gorgeous! Sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Nadia, Tom's girlfriend."
Of fucking course.
You raised your eyebrows, but managed to keep a smile on your face, "Oh! I've heard so much about you! Well, Tom's one lucky guy," you chuckled, "I'd love to chat some more, but I need to use the washroom. Excuse me. It was a pleasure meeting you." you gave her a hoaxed smile before quickly walking away.
You were two feet away from the washroom when Zendaya grabbed your arm, "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost or something."
Your breaths were coming out in short puffs, "I just met Nadia?"
Her eyes widened before she dragged you towards Tuwaine's room, "Okay. Let's sit down."
'Oh, I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me. I'm selfish, I know. I can't let you go,'
"You should move in here." Tom mumbled against your shirt.
You let out a small laugh, "You already have four roommates, love. One more might turn this into a barn."
He lifted his head off of your chest, "I'm serious. Driving from Manchester to Kingston all the time is such a hassle for you. We have recording studios here and it would make me the happiest man in the world if I could wake up to your gorgeousness everyday." he planted kisses on your forehead, nose and lips.
You chuckled at his boyish grin, "It's only a three hour drive and I'm sure the boys don't want me imposing on your time with them."
He quickly shook his head, "I already talked to them about it and they want you here, too."
You raised your eyebrows, "Well, if you're sure it'll make you the happiest man in the world, I'll think about it."
"You already make me the happiest man in the world, but I needed something to convince you." he rested his head on your chest again as you laughed.
'So find someone great, but don't find no one better. I hope you're happy, but don't be happier.'
"Are we ordering pizza?" Harrison yawned from beside you on the couch.
"Sushi?" you grinned hopefully.
Tuwaine shook his head, "We had sushi last night."
"Tom and I are making dinner for you guys!" Nadia reminded you from the kitchen.
Her arms wrapped around Tom's waist as he stirred whatever was in the pan he had on the stove.
You really hated their open floor layout at that moment since there wasn't a wall to block them from your view.
"Oh, yeah. What're you making?" Sam asked.
"Salmon with rice and steamed veggies." Tom answered without looking up from the pan.
Everyone made noises of realization as you turned to Harry, "Aliens or a tiger. Which do you think you could beat in a fight?" he asked.
You laughed before replying, "Hmm, depends. Are the aliens small or—"
"Tommy!" you heard a girly giggle and turned to see Tom with Nadia over his shoulder as they laughed and ran around the kitchen.
You quickly diverted your gaze to the coffee table. Forgetting about Harry's absurd question. All eyes were on you.
"What?" you asked when you finally looked up at your friends.
"Are you okay?" Harrison frowned from beside you before resting his head on your shoulder.
You let out a dry, quiet laugh, "Of course. As long as he's happy."
The looks of pity you received were almost as painful as the scene you witnessed moments ago.
'And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen? An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean,'
"Premiere day!" Zendaya walked into your shared hotel room with a bright smile, Nadia following behind her.
You faked a smile as you applied another coat of mascara, "You girls look gorgeous."
Zendaya was in a red and black sequin gown. Hair down and heels on. Nadia was dressed in a maroon silk dress with a slit on the side. Black heels dawning her feet. Both had makeup and accessories on matching their attire.
You were in an emerald green gown with a slit running down your left leg. Silver heels and silver jewellery to match.
"So do you!" Nadia exclaimed as she sat on Zendaya's bed.
"Are the boys coming soo—" Zendaya got cut off by three loud knocks on the door.
"I'll get it!" Nadia jumped up and opened the door.
Tom was stood before her in a maroon suit. Matching her dress. Black dress shoes. Matching her heels. Glasses on and a bright smile.
You watched as Tom ran his eyes down Nadia's outfit, "Well, aren't you just the most beautiful girl in the world?" he planted a kiss on her lips as you witnessed with envy.
"Aw, Tommy. I love you."
"I love you more, darling." he grinned before looking behind her.
Heart wrenching pain struck you again.
You watched as his mouth fell open by the slightest bit. Eyes growing wider.
He quickly snapped out of his daze, placing a pearly white smile on, "You two look absolutely stunning."
You acknowledged his compliment with a curt nod.
Zendaya let out a laugh, "Yup. About to out do you at your own premiere."
'Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me?'
"Green or white?" you held up both dresses against your body.
Tom looked up from his phone, "Both of them will look amazing on you, love."
You sighed, "I appreciate the compliment, but I am meeting Sebastian Stan tonight. Now is not the time for indecisiveness. One of them will make me look bad and I need to know which one."
The Infinity War premiere was in two hours and your anxiety was growing by the minute.
"C'mere." he motioned you towards him with a 'come hither' gesture as he sat on the edge of the hotel bed. You made your way towards him. Standing in between his legs as he wrapped his arms around your waist, "You are the most beautiful girl in the world. Absolutely gorgeous. You could make the ugliest dress look like something from a fairytale."
Your smile grew as he kissed your stomach, "Thank you, mi amor." you bent down and placed a peck on his forehead, leaning your head against his, you whispered, "Now, green or white?"
He chuckled and pecked your lips, "White."
You smiled before making your way to put on the white dress, "I love you."
"I love you more, darling."
'And now I'm picking her apart. Like cutting her down will make you miss my wretched heart. But she's beautiful, she looks kind. She probably gives you butterflies.'
"I don't like her." you murmured.
Zendaya chuckled, "Nadia? You barely know the girl."
You nodded, "And I don't like her. I don't like her giggles and her nickname for him. I don't like her hair."
You knew you were looking for things to dislike, but there weren't any. She was a fan of your music, she complimented you all the time. She was genuinely a great person.
She sighed, "No, you don't like the fact that she's dating Tom. If she wasn't, you wouldn't be saying any of this."
You rolled your eyes and glared at her, "Can you let me be angry?"
She laid herself down on your mattress, "Nope. If you wanna be angry, be angry at Tom. Nadia hasn't done anything to you. You're better than this."
"God, I hate your optimistic side sometimes." you threw a pillow at her.
She laughed, "One of us needs to be the optimist."
You sighed, "Do you think he misses me?"
"Yes." she replied without hesitation.
You sat up and furrowed your eyebrows, "What makes you say that?"
She let out a long breath, "You need to talk to him about that."
'I hope you're happy. I wish you all the best, really. Say you love her, baby. Just not like you loved me. And think of me fondly when your hands are on her. I hope you're happy, but don't be happier.'
"And you're dead." you dropped the controller on your lap as you defeated Harrison in Super Smash Bros again.
He huffed like a child, "Unfair. I taught you how to play, how'd you get better than me?"
"Actually, I taught her how to play. And I am ten times better than you." Tuwaine corrected him.
Harrison scoffed, "Whatever. Sweaty nerds, the both of you."
Nadia spoke up from Tom's lap, "Can I try?"
You nodded, "Who do you wanna go against?"
She chuckled, "I think I'll verse Harrison. Seeing as how Y/N just kicked your ass, I wanna at least have a chance."
Her comment made you laugh as you handed her the controller and watched them pick their characters. You watched as Tom set his phone down and focused on the screen where his girlfriend chose Pichu.
"Choose Kirby." Tom told her.
She furrowed her eyebrows, "Why? Pichu is so cute."
"Y/N always plays as Kirby and she always wins. With that stupid power absorbing ability." he chuckled as his eyes landed on you.
You felt your heart skip a beat at the small detail he remembered before you played it off with a light laugh, "Not my fault you thought Luigi could beat Kirby everytime we played."
'Ooo-ooo, ooo-ooo, ooo-ooo,'
You pressed on the keys of the piano in the boys' home. Singing your heart out. You still had your spare key and Harrison told you no one was home.
You were waiting for them to return from golfing so you could have your Sunday night dinners. It's been nearly four months since your breakup with Tom. Your album was due to be released on May twenty-first and you were letting the still evident pain fuel your lyrics.
"I hope you're happy, just not like how you were with me. I'm selfish, I know. I can't let you go. So find someone great, but don't find no one better. I hope you're happy, but don't be happier." you faded out the piano and pressed stop on the recording on your phone.
Writing down small notes about the song and things to tweak, your thoughts were quickly interrupted.
"I'm not."
Your head snapped up. Tom was leaning against the doorframe behind you. Tears escaping his eyes.
"T-Tom. I'm sorry. Haz told me the house was empty and I just started playing and- Wait. What did you say?" realization dawned on you.
He stepped closer and sat beside you on the piano bench, "I'm not happier. Hell, I'm not even happy." he gave a pathetic attempt at a laugh, staring straight at the black and white keys.
Your mind was trying to catch up with everything happening, trying to register his words, the state he was in. Grey sweats, black tee. Messy hair and red eyes.
He released a heavy sigh, "There's so many things you could be asking 'why' about. Why did I break up with you? Why am I with Nadia? Why am I not happy? Why the hell am I crying? Which one is it, Y/L/N?"
You blinked a few times, "All of them."
He sniffled and rubbed his face, "I felt like I was holding you back." he started, catching a glimpse of your confused expression, he continued, "You hadn't released any music in over year. There were so many articles saying that I was the reason that the biggest pop star in the world was quitting music. I didn't want to be the reason for that."
"You weren't and you aren't." you assured him.
He shrugged, "I just felt like you would do a lot better without me. And you are. Look at you, your fifth album is coming out next month." he nudged you with his shoulder, "I'm proud of you," he smiled.
"T-thank you."
He nodded, "Anyways, why am I with Nadia? Um, a few days after we broke up, I went to a friend's place to distract myself, as one does. She was there. She was a distraction. I never meant for it to get this far. You know, she actually asked me to be her boyfriend." he chuckled dryly to himself as you listened intently. "I guess, I thought it'd be easier to move on if I had something else to pour my love into?"
You nodded slowly, "Okay, I somewhat get that. So you really do love her?"
He quickly shook his head, "No, no, I don't. I mean, I can't. No one can truly love two people at once. And I think that answers the question of why I'm not happy." he paused and faced you completely, "I'm crying because hearing that song and hearing how evident your pain in it is, that will make anyone cry. I'm crying because I miss you and I miss us. I-I miss what we had and what we were. I miss your kisses and your stupid jokes that only you laugh at. I miss going on walks with you and Tess. I just miss you."
There was a long period of silence after his confession. You were trying to process all the information he was giving. He was cursing himself for being so straightforward. The longer it went without a response from you, the more anxious he got. He grabbed your hands, holding them to his lips.
"Please say something. Anything."
Déjà vu.
You swallowed, "You want honesty?" he nodded, "Okay, I was so mad at you. I-I was infuriated. Y-you told me you weren't ready to give a hundred percent of yourself and that you couldn't be in a relationship until you could give all of yourself to that person. Then a month later, you're with her. Making me feel like you just couldn't give yourself to me." you paused and shook your head, "You could've told me the truth. You should've told me the truth. We could've talked about it. We could've avoided months of awkward run ins and no communication." he nodded, still holding your hands in his, "I'm not gonna lie and say I don't miss you because I do, I miss you more than anything, but we shouldn't be doing this or saying these things while you're with her." you removed your hands from his.
He spent a moment looking down at his fingers. Releasing short breaths. "I don't want to be with her."
"But you are. And I don't want you to break up with her for me. Because that's not how things work, Tom. But you shouldn't stay with her either. Especially if this is how you're feeling. That's just unfair to her." you shook your head and felt your mind clear.
He nodded and met your gaze, "This is the end of us, huh?"
You shook your head, "I don't think there will ever be an end to us." you laughed dryly.
He agreed with a smile, "For forever and a day, remember?"
You nodded, "For forever and a day."
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