#hopefully ive had topsurgery at that point so i AT LEAST won't have to wear a binder underneath though i doubt that would even be necesary
thirdsonofeve · 1 year
As my life long dream is to be a medieval blacksmith I started making bits of chain mail like 2 months ago (the piece is now 4×9 inches it takes so fucking long and my hands get so fucking tired) and I just find myself staring at Roche's coat of mail once in a while bc it’s just so fucking stupid... he's waging guerilla warfare in the most cumbersome mail I've ever seen it doesn't even have a slit between the legs to ease movement he couldn't even ride a horse in that! How the fuck does he piss?!
And it must have taken so fucking long to make like I assume that it's sleeveless bc I would go mad if I found out it has sleeves but I don’t even wanna know how many rings that thing is made up of I don't wanna know what he Foltest had to pay for it. I don't wanna think about how heavy it is nor how annoying it would be to walk (or worse run) up stairs in it. Why is it so long that it covers the upper parts of his shin guards?? Your knees are, I hope, protected by the shin guards and the mail doesn't really give you any additional protection it's just in the way!
So I am partially pulling this out of my ass but plate armor (which is seen worn (at least in pieces) by both northern and nilfgaardian soldiers in tw3) is more effective against projectiles (arrows, not bullets) especially in open fields but less convenient for someone who has to dress himself and move long distances on foot and fight at close range (i. e. with swords or a fucking mace i guess) and a full plate armor is probably considered above someone of Roche's social status (given how plate was considered knight's armor in actual history). It can't easily be fixed while in the field or worn if too banged up so mail is probably the best choice for someone like Roche but the way it's done drives me nuts.
I just cannot stop imagining Roche getting the bottom of his mail stuck on low foliage while chasing Iorveth and just nosediving into the forest floor. His thighs and calf muscles gotta be so thick from carrying that thing around all day. And what's up with the top leather straps on his arms? They don't look like they hold the elbow-guards up? Is it just a kink thing? I do like the leather band at the bottom of the mail though, that's a nice touch. Don't get me started on the boots/shin guards though, they look like he'd use his legs the way wonder woman uses her fucking forearms why would you add weight THERE of all places?? It's relatively easy to carry weight on your chest/back/shoulders but fuck he has to be the strongest human character in this universe to wear full metal guards around his calves holy shit. Put on a fucking helmet and start taking your job seriously you idiot.
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