#hopefully this doesn't come across as hate btw it's just crit. i just have more admiration for the fandom atp
rosesradio · 2 years
Despite liking the newest Sander Sides video I'm still a bit disappointed in it. 1: Its been 9 months since the last proper one, 2: The last one being the 5 year anniversary was just filler. 3: It was an Advertisement. 4: I'm starting to get over the whole Depression Arc, like its okay to have conflict but with everyone just being awful to one another for several videos spanning years is making me depressed. Like there is very little progress being made here. Last but not least: No Janus.
wow, my first non-anon in a minute. saying something with your name attached and everything. what's up 💅
this might get a bit lengthy...i'm not sorry & i have no shame haha--
i...wasn't a fan of the new video tbh, for nostalgia reasons it was nice to see the guys again, though it felt stale and repetitive. i'm sure you've heard...and i'll probably say more than wanted lol
it seems to me that the last almost half a dozen videos have been fillers. i mean, it's almost worse than when i was posting fics to wattpad at 14, posting a chapter, three author's notes, then another chapter six months later 😭
literally, when we backtrack we have:
1.) the plush ad
2.) the gavin sides (nothing wrong with gavin though the vid was really cute)
3.) bloopers
4.) the five year anniversary
5.) bloopers
and then, finally, working through intrusive thoughts, which came out a little over a year ago. that was the last legitimate sanders sides video in my eyes, at least. the others may have had more plot hints, but that was the last one with actual plot that i can remember.
to advertise that advertisement as a legitimate video, to place it in the playlist, is an insult to fans that have been excitedly waiting for content. what thomas & crew should do is take advantage of the asides playlist and put more of this stuff in there (to be honest, they should have three playlists: the actual sanders sides videos (ex: intrusive thoughts), the asides (ex: gavin's sides, the anniversary) and the bullshit sides (ex: any and all overhyped and just-slightly emotionally manipulative advertisements))
but i digress
to address your next point, you are absolutely right. the arc is tiring. seeing characters in constant conflict with no resolution or end in sight makes for terrible fic motivation, trust me. you'd think with all the fillers there would be room to breathe, but it just seems so off-kilter with the original content that it seems fabricated.
i wonder what the finale will look like. but that's a whole other can of worms.
no janus.
yeah, no janus and no remus, except for the bit of his hand in one frame. another ts crit user on here went into a bit of discussion on why they may have not included their plushies, and i can link it if you want, but it basically boiled down that they probably only wanna market the "core four" and not any of the "freaky" sides. not quoting from anyone, just a theory.
i'll admit janus and remus scared me a bit as a 14 y/o lol, so i never bothered making or taking in content with them, but for the sake of other fans, i wish they were included too. we've waited long enough
just like you've waited for the end of this ask lol. i think that was all, thank you sm for the ask, i enjoyed breaking this down. until next time <33 (no, we're not gonna take it easy guys gals and enby pals--)
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