#hopefully y'all wont hate me too much for this i just couldn't help it
noahtally-famous · 1 year
Alright looks like we’re doing this. Let’s talk abt Chase! I’m ready to dissect this guy like a frog.
Pretty sure it's already thought up, idk, but this thought randomly popped into my head while in the shower so I’m making it everyone’s problem :D
So Chase. Oh, you dumbass child. Keep in mind I’ve only watched the first four episodes so these are based off of them and the posts of Chase I’ve seen on here.
Let’s start with why ppl don’t like him: he cut the brakes of his (current at that time) girlfriend’s car while doing a stunt and didn’t know why she’s still mad at him. (this is as far as I know—if there's any other reason, lmk!)
I decided to start with that in my quest to delve into aspects of Chase’s personality and analyze certain actions he’s done.
(disclaimer: I'm not saying I'm picturing him in a good light for what he did and with this analysis. I'm just trying to figure out just why he would do this. Bc no one just cuts the frigging brakes of their girlfriend's car and not tell her abt it. So everything here is as objective as I can get unless otherwise specified.)
Chase is a stunt person. He has his own yt stunts channel and stunts gang who do crazy stuff along with him. So if you look at it that way, it’s no brainer that this guy is a huge adrenaline junkie. A thrill-seeker; a danger-lover. Even his name fits--Chase--because of his hobbies, he always seems to chase that thrill.
Characteristics of ppl like Chase can be: impulsive, irrational at times (not all the time), and almost always trying to 'get that high' no matter the costs.
(In real life, most ppl (there are always exceptions) who share these traits would also be more easily interested in drugs/drinks, sex, relationships in general, etc, along with doing physically dangerous stuff, and bounce around a lot in regards to them, just to get that feeling of thrill--but we're not talking abt that rn as it’s not part of this post)
As far as I've watched of the season, you can see these characteristics, the thrill-seeking part of him who loves the idea of danger, in certain things Chase does. When he's one of the ppl blindfolded instead of safely above calling direction in ep1; when, instead of staying back and holding the fort, he's at the front lines trying to get the other team's skull in ep4. You can see that side of him rear its head almost constantly. He's not as impulsive in the season so far as many thrill-seekers may be, but that could be bc he's tamped that side of him down so well due to past mistakes. Either way, he's an adrenaline junkie. That's obvious.
Moving on to my reasoning of why he cut the brakes.
Being a thrill-seeker isn't necessarily a bad thing. Some ppl just like to hover at the edge of the cliff rather than stay safely back, and while that can be concerning if done consistently, it's a valid characteristic of a human being. It only gets worrying when it's taken too far, which I feel like is the case with Chase (oh that rhymed!). I'd even say it can be considered a major flaw—a fatal flaw, if you will—of his.
He loves danger, to such a point that he forgets to prioritize other people and their lives over it. He's on the extreme side of thrill-seeker.
He cut the brakes of Emma's car likely bc he was at the crest of that wave of high--that thrill of danger, the adrenaline, it was one of those moments that made him think irrationally and strive to stay on that ride of adrenaline despite the consequences. He forgot abt the fact that it wasn't him at the wheel, but Emma, his girlfriend. Or maybe he may have considered that fact, but not deemed it as important bc 'hey Emma's in this gang too, so she must feel the same way as I do abt danger and adrenaline!'
(Sorry dude, not everyone thinks the same way as you).
Which I feel is another aspect of Chase's personality that creates a greater flaw; his first priority is himself, it's a habitual thing, so when he sees other ppl in the same situation as him (fellow competitors in total drama, the gang in Three Guys And A Girl In A Beach House) his instant conclusion is that they're also thrill-seekers like him, so he shouldn't give them much 'special treatment' or consideration. In his mind, other people will always be secondary bc that's just how his mindset has been honed. He can be a bit of a narcissist and/or selfish.
This portrays him as a Major Asshole, but, to him, he genuinely doesn't understand what he did wrong. Bc like aren't these people like me? why are they so upset when I just helped them feel more of that adrenaline?
Nope. It just makes you look rlly shitty, mate.
Hence why he doesn't even think abt apologizing to Emma. In fact, his words were "You're still mad about that?!" as if he actually cannot understand why she was so mad that he'd cut the brakes. He thought she would laugh it off and revel in the 'high feeling' like he would. And in the confessional when we first meet Chase, when he's talking abt Emma breaking up with him, he sounds annoyed—the kind of emotion someone who doesn't know/understand they're in the wrong act/sound like.
To him, he feels like they can handle themselves. Maybe he'd help if worst comes to worst (I'm giving him the benefit of doubt bc I haven't finished the season), but not right away bc he thinks there's no reason to. It could be seen as a "positive" bc he deems them 'capable' of facing extreme danger, but it's a very twisted positive--it's such a warped positive that it's considered a negative lmao
Some examples: cutting the brakes of Emma's car, and not warning Priya and Millie of a potential Emma Attack in ep4 when they were going to take the other team's skull.
Again, I'm not at all saying that's a good thing in fact, I did say these two aspects are his fatal flaws, but I think this is a reasonable dive-in abt his character. These two flaws of his make up a huge part of his character, and ties into the reason why ppl don't like him a whole lot. I tried to analyze these actions more bc despite how much of a dingus he's being, I can't help but be interested in his character. He’s not just Some Nice Guy, he’s smth more and that’s the interesting part.
idk if this analysis will hold up once I finish the season and actually know what happens lmao
Based on this character analysis, I feel like the type of relationship best suited for Chase is not someone like Emma.
(And no, it's not bc of my hc that Chase and Emma end up like fanon stranger things stancy, and remain friends (after much-deserved apologizing on Chase's end) and become mlm wlw solidarity; I'm remaining unbiased here, shhh)
Idk much abt Emma but I do know she’s fricking terrifying abt Chase. She literally said she wants to get a huge screen so she can watch Chase get hurt over and over, like any relationship they have would not be healthy nor long-term, realistically. It’ll be like Duncan and Courtney getting together in All-Stars after all that shit that occurred. It doesn’t make sense. And I’m pretty sure Chase didn’t even apologize either?? If he did, my bad. But overall, it’s not even just their pasts, it’s their individual traits that aren’t compatible.
Emma was a part of that stunt group too. So I’m assuming she’s into stunts, doing crazy stuff, shit like that as well just to a lesser degree than Chase. To me, Chase does not need another danger-lover, no matter if they’re not as extreme as him. The guy’s already a one-man powerhouse of adrenaline-adoration, he doesn’t need someone else to encourage him to dismiss his well-being and other ppl’s.
What Chase needs is someone who can ground him. Someone laidback enough to not want to make him change the parts of him that make him Chase (bc that wouldn’t be healthy either), but steady enough to hold him back when he starts to go off the deep end. Someone who will help him realize that prioritizing danger over lives is not cool, and who is patient enough (without being patronizing) to help him or let him work things out. Having someone like that by his side will not only help Chase try to be the best he could be and become a better version of himself, but also it’s healthy and two-way if Chase decides to help them with any of their emotions too.
Not only that, it’ll be two-way in the sense that they’ll ground Chase and make him realize that his extreme thrill-seeking isn’t super healthy, but Chase can also get them to ‘feel the wind in their hair’ and face danger head-on and be brave. Now that’s a solid relationship and I want it to happen so fucking badly.
Oh, Kit. But what abt Emma? What sort of person would work for her? Someone who isn’t Chase!
I hope td portrays abusive relationships correctly bc that’s what this is. And I’m hoping in the next season, they break up bc nothing abt that is healthy at all.
No but bisexual Emma lives rent-free in my head and so does bisexual Chase
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