#how could you make me didn't include cats in this loyd
keykittygirl · 4 months
Not counting cats what’s your top 5 favorite animals?
You just make me can't include cats in this answer dude...
Let see my top 5 favorite animal :
1. Butterfly
What I will love to see every time I was sad and overthinking and just lost is butterfly flying around, especially when there two of them, the way the float and fly and glide around send peace through my veins, it's reminded me on how something simple and small can be so beautiful and complicated, from some research I've done about them, butterfly also sometimes the symbol of life and also dead, and they also have many other different meanings about them. And sometimes everytime I saw two butterfly fly together I'll imagine some fake scenarios about a love story whether it full of angst or just fluff.
2. Bunny
Because they are so cute and fluffy, to bad I can't let them nibble my hands without hurting myself, I have interacted with some bunnies before, a wild one and also the one that my friend have, but yeah majority of it didn't really energetic like cats do, but I'm still loving their long ears and especially the way they eat, in the past I keep giggling while feeding them ^^
3. Birds
I can't really be specific about it here, but some things that I love about birds also the things that I love from butterfly, but sometimes just looking at how those birds fly on the sky freely just reminded me on how we can't just giving up so easily in live, I mean just look at those birds, their journey is not easy just like us, they faced predators, storm, and else. And I also love their feathers, everytime I found a pretty bird feathers on the ground and it still new and hasn't damaged yet, I'll pick them up, and save them in my room. And fun fact I also love it when a chicken annoy my dad :D
4. Fish
It might seem weird to you all, but I like fish (both as a mean and a friend). I started to like them since one time in the past when my parents buy my brother a pet fish, but yeah I ended up taking care of them for about three weeks before they died because my dad told me to put them outside at one night. I also love it when I visit a pond and there many fish in it, I'll just grab some fish foods and throw them toward the water, the sound of the water splashing when they eat those fish foods just calming. And just seeing them swim in the water, sometimes I'll just stare at them without saying a thing like I just got hypnotized.
5. Hermit crab
I started to like them the time my parents buy those for my brother, but I ended up doing most of the job taking care of them till the end of their breath. I love how small and cute they are, the way they hide inside their shell, how colorful their shell is, and else. That time I always let them climb my hands and let them sit on my fingers, the way they grasped my fingers just bringing me comfort and make me know that they trust me enough to climb on me. After they died I always keep their shell in a safe place in my room.
Thanks for asking anyway ^^
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