#how would one hypothetically go about acquiring a fake id
rosecolored-gay · 6 years
All them questions bitch
1. Are you a side, back, or front sleeper?
- Side or stomach, mainly stomach.
2. When you hum random music what song is it?
- Probably the jeopardy theme song.
3. Explain your username
- I am a gay, and rose colored because of the Paramore song.
4: Explain my username
- Anon?
5: How did you fall into the tumblr hellpit?
- Lol, my friend Tuna from high school marching band.
6: What fan interest of yours would you least prefer to explain in your workplace?
-My hidden love for Degrassi, and other shows from when I was kid.
7: What fan interest or yours would you most enjoy explaining in your workplace?
- Definitely my love for Grey’s Anatomy
8: Last song you listened to?
- High Hopes - Panic! At the Disco
9: Weirdest thing on your dash today?
- Not weird, but saw a lot of porn
10: In a perfect world, what animal would you most like to adopt?
- A polar bear!
11: What animal would you most like someone else to adopt?
- This question doesn’t make sense to me
12: What’s something trivial you have strong opinions about?
- OOH man, if you want to get me fired up, I have a strong opinion on LGBTQ rights, gender inequality, a woman’s right to choose, and race inequality. I’m a sociologist, so.
13: What would your super-villain finishing move be?
- Spiderweb like Tom Holland did in Homecoming.
14: Explain your icon.
- It’s me, looking hella gay.
15: You meet your true love(s) today. Possibly again. Describe your ideal hilarious romcom meetcute. (can be aromantic)
- Ummm, I always love the idea of two people picking up each others coffee order by accident and then they go to switch it and the one person is like “why’d you order this like this?”, idk and it leads to conversation, lol. I have a wild imagination when it comes to writing.
16: Your comfort food, and why.
- I really really really love Matzo Brei made by my dad. 
17: What type of mad science will you Show Them All with? (ex: mad chemical engineer, mad library scientist, mad linguist). Which of your creations will probably turn on you?
- I have no clue
18: Favorite cheesy trope?
-The having to share the bed trope
19: Favorite trope nobody writes enough of?
- Fake dating
20: Rec me a book, comic, or anime, or other piece of media you wish there were more like.
- Mmm, I could always go for more LGBTQ fiction.
21: Wierdest tumblr drama you’ve been a part of or stumbled across.
- Uh well, someone was harassing me on anon for a while. 
22: You know those things from a million years ago your brain suddenly reminds you to feel embarrased/guilty/bad about in full technicolor? Tell me one of them.
- L O L, how about the time I decided not to listen to my mom, and I was swinging my body back and forth on my grandmother’s walker, and it was on concrete, it moved, and I fell on my ass and bruised my tailbone so bad I couldn’t sit for a week.
23: What is something you collect?
- Notebooks
24: Pens. Do you know where the one closest to you came from? Would you be distressed if someone took it?
- Its a pilot precise pen, it belongs to my mother and if I took it she’d murder me.
25: The last game you played is crossed with the zombie apocalypse and now going down outside your window. How boned are you?
- Like video game? Uh, Super Mario Bros.
26: What was the last thing that made you cry?
- Getting a job that I really wanted.
27: Most embarrassing/weird/personal body thing you’re willing to talk about.
- Umm, I have a lot of freckles just randomly placed all over me.
28: Your icon is now the voice of your inner therapist. How is this gonna go?
- So, I’m my own therapist?
29: Name a kink you only like hypothetically.
- I’m so vanilla
30: Name a kink you find bewildering.
- Anything with animals is just fucking weird
31: You have acquired: a mouse, a lizard, a rabbit, a spider, a domestic fox. Name them! Who gets to sleep on the bed?
- Mouse is definitely now named Mickey, the Lizard is Godzilla, Rabbit is Dash, Spider - No way in hell am I keeping a spider.., Fox is named Zeus
32: What was your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it?
- It was a barney plush, and he’s in a box in my closet
33: Hit “shuffle” on your media player and tell me your favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
- “Did you take him to the pier in Santa Monica? Forget to bring a jacket, wrap up in him cause you wanted to? I'm just curious, is it serious?”
34: What fan media (of yours or someone else’s) would you most like to see art/fic for?
- These Strange Steps, it’s a Faberry fic on AO3. 
35: What do you ship that you think would be hard to explain convincingly to other people? Attempt an explanation.
- Uhhhh, I kinda shipped Arizona and April from Grey’s Anatomy.
36: What meme gets on your nerves?
- The salt bae one I guess
37: Showers or baths?
- Showers
38: Who was your biggest childhood nemesis and why?
- This kid Talia, she lied to a kid that liked me and told him I hated him and almost ruined our friendship.
39: First writing prompt that comes to your head.
- AU on fake dating
40: Least favorite color.
- Purple
41: What was the last thing you got really obsessed with?
- Cutthroat Kitchen
42: What’s the weirdest experience you’ve ever had on a mind-altering substance? (prescription, recreational, otc, or food)
- Uh, got high and drunk at the same time and just felt hella fucked up
43: Shuffle up a random song on your media player. Now tell me what ship/story goes with it.
- Wowwww, its How To Save A Life by the fray, it just means someone on Grey’s is prob gonna die.
44: What’s making you happiest recently? :)
- Rach
45: What’s scaring you these days? :(
- Writing 60000 papers, will my brain turn to mush
46: Post a funny video for me.
- Too much work
47: Did you ever have a dream/nightmare that stuck with you for years?
- YES, ok make fun of me all you want, but one night I had a nightmare that a hippo chased me up a palm tree, been scared of hippos since. Absolutely the most irrational fear ever
48: What’s a movie you thought you’d hate but you turned out to love?
- Honestly, I thought I’d hate marvel movies, but I love them now that I’ve given them a try
49: Tell me a really obscure fact you know.
- There’s a spot in the brain where if someone smoke cigarettes and you injure this part of the brain, they’ll immediately quit cold turkey
50: Hot or cold?
- I hate hot weather, love the cold
51: How did your parent(s) punish you as a kid? What do you think of that?
- Taking away my phone or something I wanted to do. It was good incentive not to misbehave anymore
52: What’s something you thought was true about yourself that your feelings have changed on over the years?
- That I wasn’t smart
53: Write a story in seven words.
- uhhh
54: What is your favorite curse word?
- fuck
55: Favorite food for every color of the rainbow.
- pink - cotton candy, green - broccoli, yellow - pineapple, red -strawberry, blue - acai berry
56: If you were a poltergeist where would you haunt and what would be your preferred style of prank?
- I’d haunt my enemies, scare the shit out of them
57: What is an art style, craft, or skill that you can’t do, but you really admire in others?
- anything art like
58: What is a skill you have that people probably don’t know about?
- I can write poetry well
59: Name a pet peeve you have, and something you do that is probably a pet peeve for others.
- PEOPLE THAT CHEW WITH THEIR MOUTH OPEN, uhh i click pens constantly. Sorry lmao
60: Dragons, dinosaurs, or aliens?
- dinosaurs
61: What was the last big fight you had with someone about?
- About what show to watch at dinner, with my mom.
62: Insult the asker of this question creatively.
- too lazy
63: In an ideal world, what would you like done with your body after you die?
- do that thing where i become a tree
64: Find me a weird stock photo and post it.
- no
65: What was your bedtime ritual as a kid? Did you have one?
- my dad used to come in my room and open my closet and check under my bed for monsters and yell at them to leave
66: What are the three traits you value the most in others?
- humor, loyalty, honesty
67: What are the three most interesting wild animals you’ve encountered in your life?
- manatees, elephants, trump supporters
68: What is a word you really enjoy saying?
- shitballs
69: Answer number 60 like it was a “fuck, marry, kill” rhetorical.
- dude no thats nasty
70: Describe something that happened to you today as if you were a narrator in a film noir, nature documentary, or 50s teaching video
- ummm no
71: Create five new nicknames for yourself as quickly as you can.
- hey you, asshole, gaymo, flaming homo, queerer than a deer
72: Shorts, pants, skirts, or other?
- basketball shorts, or jeans
73: What’s a song you hate and why?
- Anything by Meghan trainor or taylor swift
74: If you were a superhero, what would be your one weakness?
- id stop on my way to save people if i saw a cute puppy that id want to pet
75: Describe a weird encounter you had with a bug.
- I killed a spider yesterday that had hitched a ride in my car
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