#however it looks like it's that or *some* kind of account login
doodle-zine · 4 months
So, I've been a bit distracted by other things and lost some momentum on this project, but I do have a google form all set up for zine submissions. Unfortunately I've hit a snag. I think I know how I want to deal with this, but it's just turned into one big stressful knot in my plans, so I'm here to check in and see how people feel about the possible solution.
Problem is, I realized at the last second that google is going to require a log-in for any form with a file submission (for security reasons, which is reasonable if inconvenient). I need a file submission question because I need images of doodles to be submitted to me so I can compile the zine. I have configured the form so I would not be able to see the email address of anyone who submits, but it would still require a gmail login to submit to the form.
I don't have an obvious alternative for filesharing that's convenient, anonymous, and doesn't require a login (because to be honest there's reasons those don't exist). What I'm thinking of doing, if it wouldn't put too many people off, is using the google form and offering anyone who doesn't have a gmail login to use the alternative option to DM me and submit through DMs or email or whatever we can work out.
Just wanted to get a temperature check on how well this solution would work for people:
Just to clarify, for all of these you would be able to have your submission appear in the zine with no name attached. Only the google form would be anonymous to me. Obviously DMing me would involve me knowing your username but you'd still have the option to be anonymous in the zine. I know DMing strangers is intimidating but I'm super chill I promise.
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arakawa-division · 3 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Hoàng Diệu
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~~ July 8th ~~
"Sometimes a perceived obstacle is just an opportunity in disguise."
Login Lines:
"Thank you much for your patronage! Please come back again soon!" *Sighs* "Another productive day at Lotus Bloom Jewelry, each piece a fragment of my soul on display. ...Oh, another customer? Welcome, how can I help? Oh, you're not here for a request? Then what is it?"
"What's this? A... birthday card? ...Ah, today is my birthday? How could I forget? And what's this? ...A request for a date? Haha~ how cute. ♡ Sorry Tiger, you're adorable, but I'm afraid I'm quite busy. Maybe next time. But thanks for the card, nonetheless."
Voice Lines:
"Arakawa has been more lively than usual today. A stream of well-wishers and hopeful suitors have come through Lotus Bloom, each leaving their mark—a birthday wish, a shy invitation. It's almost routine now, the way they look at me with anticipation. I'm accustomed to it, the attention, the offers." *Sighs* "If only time were a gem I could shape and polish at will, perhaps I'd indulge in the luxury of a 'yes.'"
"I received a call from 'Auntie' today. She wished me, in her little, special way, a 'happy birthday'. She's never truly been the 'touchy, feely, emotional kind-of person'. But still, to know she took time out to wish me a 'happy birthday' still means something. She even sent money to buy whatever I want. It was nice, but... I think she forgot I've got multiple accounts with more than enough money in them. Still, it's the thought that counts, as they say."
"31 years… The lotus blooms anew, each petal a year of triumphs and trials. The shop is quiet now, the day’s end near. I lock the door, the click echoing like a toast to the year ahead. To freedom, to the dance of shadows, to the art that is my life and my legacy."
"Alexis, so nice to see you this fine day. ...Ugh, are you still upset about that? I apologized. I'd no idea those photos were important for your project. Really, it was a mistake on my part, and I'll... try to make sure it doesn't happen again. But no promises. Oh, nothing. Please ignore me."
"So, was there a reason for you coming here? ...Oh, a birthday gift from you? How shocking. ...A personalized planner? It even has my name on it! Thank you so much for this, Alexis. This was very thoughtful. ...Of course, dear. Of course."
"Ivy, dear. Thank you very much for the birthday wish. ...I know I promised to join you for yoga. And you know me, I'm not one for breaking promises. However, work and... other things have been keeping me busy. I'll try to make your next one, but no promises, dear. ...Thank you for being understanding."
"What is this now? ...Oh, meditation beads? Hmm... some of these look like some of the gemstones from my store. Wait... is that what you wanted those stones for the other day, Ivy dear? ...How... beautiful. I didn't know that you were skilled at this sort of thing, my dear. Thank you for this, truly. I'll be sure to wear them the next chance I get. Thank you again, dear."
Alexis Lines:
"Happy Birthday, Diệu. ...Yes, I’m here, though really, I should be getting to work on replacing those photos you deleted. Yes, I’m still annoyed about those photos! Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused? Those were for a client! Now I have to take time off to re-take them! ...I heard that, Diệu. Normally, I'd hurt you for this, but since it's your day, I'll save it for later. For now, let's just let’s focus on today."
"Here's your gift: a custom planner. It's got everything you need to keep track of your… activities. Just promise me you won't use it for anything mischievous. I can see that smirk, Diệu. You’re not fooling anyone. But it's your day, so I'll let it slide. Just try to keep it professional, alright?"
Ivelisse's Lines:
"Diệu-san, Happy Birthday. It is good to see you. You were missed at my last yoga class. ...I know how the currents of life can sweep us away from our intentions, so I don't bear you any ill will. ...No need for promises, just flow with the tide when you can."
"...These beads, yes, they are from your collection. I wanted to give you something that resonates with your spirit. Each stone is selected with care, imbued with a wish for tranquility and balance in your whirlwind life. ...I'm glad they've found a place in your heart. Wear them in health, wear them in silence, or in the midst of your dance. They are a reminder of the peace that's always within reach, even when the world outside is anything but silent."
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Section I, Chapter I - “Friends in Different Gensokyos”
“Gensokyo is full of many different kinds of people. Humans from outside… seemingly ageless youkai… practitioners of magic and medicine… people from the Moon… magicians like me… there’s a little bit of something for everyone. But with the Lost Word Incident going on, we’ve met a lot of different faces in a lot of different worlds. Some of them look the same as our friends back home, but could easily have a completely different story altogether!” -Marisa
“When you first start your journey in Gensokyo (as a new account), you’ll have L1 Reimu and Marisa to compose the basics of a new team. However, you’ll also get a third L1 friend from a very limited group depending on your decision in Remilia’s Roll of Fate (the opening deal to start your collection) composed of six 3-Star Story Cards, four 4-Star Story Cards, and one of the following L1 characters: [Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, Reisen Udongein Inaba, Cirno, Sakuya Izayoi, Sanae Kochiya, Youmu Konpaku]. If you aren’t satisfied with Remilia’s dealt hand, you can always decline and roll again until you have something you’re happy with! As this is a new account you’re working with, there’s no limit or currency penalties keeping you from re-rolling over and over again until you get what you want.” -Marisa
“Ayayayaya, here’s something else to consider too. Pick Reimu or Marisa in the roll, and you’ll already have a copy to use for your first Limit Break!” -Aya
“If this starter base isn’t convincing enough, a new player login calendar provides an Exchange Ema for a standard L1 character of your choice, while L1 Medicine Melancholy will also eventually follow you after you finish Chapter 1. These opportunities and more provide generous opening formulas for useful starting teams, but knowing their limits is key to knowing where and when you need someone else to resolve your latest incident. Depending on when you create a new account, events and Prayers exclusive to new players containing high-tier characters are made visible to you in order to gather the resources you need to resolve the incident in its early stages.” -Patchouli
“Buuuuut… just know that the playable friends you have differ from the story’s main cast when they actually appear in the story. How? It’s explained early on that our Incident Resolver from the outside world has a journal that she uses to summon them like shikigami to join the fight. And those friends also aren’t gonna just drop all their story-based plot points on you just because you know them well… usually. There are a few exceptions that aren’t meant for this opening and more appropriate for the characters’ pages themselves because of specific spoilers.” -Yukari
Friends, also referred to as Units, are the playable characters in Touhou Lost Word. While all of them have different abilities and capabilities, they each have their own kit that makes them unique. Although everyone has their favorites there’s a catch. Just like any other live gacha game, there’s always someone out there that outshines the others and is more preferable for late-game content for simply having a better kit. The real challenge is building a team that works based on what you get in the gacha. And one more thing. Powercreep implied through release sometimes results in more recent characters doing better in gameplay compared to others of matching or similar rarities… but not always. Characters sometimes just resist being powercrept by newer ones because they fill all the right roles for content back then, right now, and in the future.
Guide to Understanding Your Friends
Page 1: Understanding Their Kit - The Uniqueness of Friends & Danmaku
Page 2: Leveling Up - Experience in the Field
Page 3: Enhancements - How to Use Incense
Page 4: Upgrades - Expanding Boundaries & Skillsets
Page 5: Limit Breaks & Parting Ways - Duplicates & You
Page 6: Awakening - Trust in the Heart of the Spell Cards
Page 7: Equipping Story Cards - Bolstering your Spell Cards
Page 8: Fantasy Rebirth - There & Back Again
Page 9: Customization - Creativity in Design
Page 10: Bonds of Friendship - Becoming Closer with New Friends
Page 11: Capacity - Did You Buy Enough Pages?
Page 12: Rarity - You Checked the Specifics, Right?
Page 13: Feeling Lucky? - The New Section on Luck as of Valentine’s 2024
[Character List and light Universe Descriptions begin beneath the break. Heads up, it’s long. All characters are sorted in lists by universe, so some (un)expected spoilers might follow by universe association.]
Total Known Playable Characters: 285
“As for the universes themselves, each of them has a letter/number combo denoting the specific universe. This is usually followed by a number that represents the divergence factor of that universe within the larger multiverse. The higher the number, the lower the stability and the further a universe and associated person diverges. At least, that’s the cipher we came up with. It just stuck with a number of other people, and then we adapted the version in-game to publish here based on that cipher. However, upper management’s breakthroughs are making these codes slightly more complex to record, although I’m sure they had a reason for it.” -K4 Marisa
Friends here will be sorted alphabetically.
Universe L1 - Our Gensokyo
“Home sweet home. This is where you’ll usually meet a lot of Gensokyo’s residents who’re willing to help out and resolve this incident like how we resolved countless other incidents in the past. Several masterminds behind those past incidents are even willing to help, although some are less cooperative (and usually more annoying) than others.” -Reimu
“This universe has the most stability of this series, although universal convergences and divergences are VERY commonplace here. Is it due to the looming Lost Word Incident and the constant stream of Events that happen here? Or the fact that the costumes meant for your Friends in this universe can cause larger deviations? Everything has an explanation as to how those things aren’t tearing this universe apart, but it’s most likely due to its stability factor of 1 and how everyone in this Gensokyo’s gone through every recorded incident and event recorded on the internet. It’s almost as if there’s other outside people like Sumireko that are documenting everything going on here in this Gensokyo! Maybe even the fan-made conceptual works as well…” -K4 Marisa
Universe L1 features many, MANY characters from the “canon” universe of the series. Roughly half the roster of playable characters come from this universe. Every standard Friend can be found here and pulled from any Prayer pool, but a few of them are Festival characters and only appear in certain banners and events, as well as the “My First Exchange Ema” which allows you to choose a friend from this universe to meet directly with some restrictions. Eika specifically appears in two permanent banners which you can only access after gaining special tickets from Divergent Spirit boss fights. Yuuma is simply just a Festival-limited friend. But regardless of whether they’re General or Festival, you can always use Paper Dolls to Limit Break them, which makes them relatively to max out at level 100 depending on how much you play the game and clear tasks if you don’t pull any duplicates.
Known Entries: 121
Alice Margatroid
Aunn Komano
Aya Shameimaru
Benben Tsukumo
Byakuren Hijiri
Chimata Tenkyuu (FES)
Doremy Sweet
Eika Ebisu (Divergent)
Eirin Yagokoro
Eternity Larva
Flandre Scarlet
Fujiwara no Mokou
Hata no Kokoro
Hatate Himekaidou
Hecatia Lapislazuli
Hieda no Akyuu
Hina Kagiyama
Hong Meiling
Ibaraki-Douji’s Arm
Ichirin Kumoi
Iku Nagae
Joon Yorigami
Kagerou Imaizumi
Kaguya Houraisan
Kanako Yasaka
Kasen Ibaraki
Keiki Haniyasushin
Keine Kamishirasawa
Kohasa Tatara
Koishi Komeiji
Komanchi Onozuka
Kosuzu Motoori
Kutaka Niwatari
Kyouko Kasodani
Letty Whiterock
Lily White
Luna Child
Lunasa Prismriver
Lyrica Prismriver
Mai Teireida
Mamizou Futatsuiwa
Marisa Kirisame
Mayumi Joutouguu
Medicine Melancholy
Megamu Iizunamaru (FES)
Merlin Prismriver
Mike Goutokuji
Minamitsu Murasa
Minoriko Aki
Misumaru Tamatsukiri
Momiji Inubashiri
Momoyo Himemushi (FES)
Mononobe no Futo
Mystia Lorelei
Narumi Yatadera
Nemuno Sakata
Nitori Kawashiro
Nue Houjuu
Okina Matara
Parsee Mizuhashi
Patchouli Knowledge
Raiko Horikawa
Ran Yakumo
Reimu Hakurei
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Remilia Scarlet
Rin Kaenbyou
Sagume Kishin
Saki Kurokama
Sakuya Izayoi
Sanae Kochiya
Sannyo Komakusa
Satono Nishida
Satori Komeiji
Seiga Kaku
Seija Kijin
Shiki Eiki, Yamaxanadu
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
Shion Yorigami
Shizuha Aki
Shou Tomamaru
Soga no Tojiko
Star Sapphire
Suika Ibuki
Sumireko Usami
Sunny Milk
Suwako Moriya
Takane Yamashiro
Tenshi Hinanawi
Tewi Inaba
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Tsukasa Kudamaki
Urumi Ushizaki
Utsuho Reiuji
Watatsuki no Toyohime
Watatsuki no Yorihime
Wriggle Nightbug
Yachie Kicchou
Yamame Kurodani
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo
Yoshika Miyako
Youmu Konpaku
Yukari Yakumo
Yuugi Hoshiguma
Yuuka Kazami
Yuuma Toutetsu (FES)
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Universe L10.1 - Neverending Music Festival
“Eh?! Is that… US?!” -Reimu
“I think so! That’s you and Marisa right there! And they’re… holding a rock concert like the ones in the outside world! We gotta find out more about this!” -Sumireko
Universe L10.1 is a sub-universe that was added a few weeks after LostWord’s 3rd anniversary containing two Epic Friends. More research is needed to understand their kits. However, we can assume they’re gonna perform highly based on their rarity, their release date, and the fact that this theme exists because of an IRL concert based on music from this game and possibly the greater Touhou series.
Known Entries: 2
Marisa Kirisame
Reimu Hakurei
Multiverse L? - Hifuu Investigations
“This is where our examinations into this side of the situation began.” -K4 Renko
“Examinations? Situation? What are you anyway, some kinda incident resolver?” -Reimu
“It’s a complicated process that I’ll talk with you about later in private. Too much to explain, and I don’t think some of the people here would understand the entirety of this side of the incident, nor the reasoning for how these codexes were drawn up. But to answer your question directly, yes I am indeed an incident resolver in my home universe.” -K4 Renko
The answers found in the characters of this multiverse can be found mainly in the “Hifuu” story of the game; a side story that follows another presence of the protagonist that is actually a different perspective of the whole plot altogether, as well as her interactions with Hifuu Club members Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn. Their side story also includes interactions with Universes B3 and E9, both of which also have a role to play in the main story somehow… but that’s for you to find out until we make spoiler pages. This sub-divided multiverse features kits that are known to take top tiers in both the discontinued Wiki’s tier list and current tier lists found in the official Discord server.
Renko Usami
Maribel Hearn
Sanae Kochiya specifically is the only “Pure” character in the game so far as of May 10th, 2024, where you can Limit Break her with ONLY her own duplicates. This will make things very difficult for you if you have Shion’s bad luck with her banners or don’t have enough money to force-buy her pity prize when she appears.
For Renko and Maribel, they are “Genic” characters that only appear in highly selective Prayer pools and form tag-teams with other characters. How does that work? The Hifuu Club member interacts with you in the lobby while the being they’ve teamed up with does the actual fighting with a kit slated to their lore… so in actuality you’ve got PC-98 characters Shinki and Mima and Gengetsu and Mugetsu as playable characters while Renko and Maribel are just here for lore reasons. Their rarity is stated as equal to Relic characters, so they also use Relic Paper Discs to Limit Break. Consider it an advisory on the potential difficulty on maxing them out if you don’t prepare properly for their banner (or buy/stockpile some spare paper discs).
Known Entries: 9
Renko Usami & Gengetsu (LR1)
Maribel Hearn & Mima (LM1)
Maribel Hearn & Mugetsu (LM1)
Sanae Kochiya (L0g - Broken Line of Forsaken Rites)
Renko Usami & Shinki (LR1)
Universe Lr - [Shikigami Unclear]
“This was always a bit of a tricky one for us back in our office, but we’re doing what we can to make sense of it… I hope. What did they say the ‘r’ stood for again?” -K4 Marisa
“Idk lol. Ran?” -Sumireko
“Don’t put those shorthand expressions in these grimoires. But seeing how the Violet Detector Incident went as we review the feasibility of your actual answer… the others might let it slide anyway.” -Patchouli
Universe Lr has four Ultra Festival Friends that are currently exclusive to Ultra Festival events and specific Prayer banners. They tend to do much better in battle than their L1 counterparts due to their abundant breaks and modifiers, but situations may dictate who’s the better parallel presence for the job. Their temperaments have changed to adjust to two separate temperaments coming together: their own, and the shikigami they’ve inherited.
They all have special roles in both sides of the plot, but I’m not saying what those roles are here. What I can say here though is that they’ve essentially become the servants of another universe’s Yukari Yakumo (Aya/Nitori) or Okina Matara (Kokoro/Flandre).
Aya Shameimaru (Pseudo-Shikigami: Zendouki Gugaku)
Flandre Scarlet (Pseudo-Servant: Nishita)
Hata no Kokoro (Pseudo-Servant: Teireita)
Nitori Kawashiro (Pseudo Shikigami: Myoudouki Giken)
Universe L80 - The Edge of Oblivion
“There it is… the End of the Line. This is what happens when the Lost Word Incident erases a massive part of a world and sends it into forgotten oblivion. But these ladies aren’t going down quietly. No, not yet. Far from it. Once you put the pieces of their stories together, they’re just getting started, and they’re on the hunt for the mastermind behind this entire Lost Word Incident. And I think we’ve found their paper trail…” -K4 Marisa
“And each one comes with a super rocking music video from a dev-side massive collaborative MV project! That’s what makes the appeal UBER COOL!!!” -Sumireko
“Their stories and elemental resolve indicate multiple factors. They are all Relic Friends that exclusively require Relic Paper Disks to Limit Break them as substitutes. Their power through danmaku is almost unmatched by anyone else in any Gensokyo, often featuring a large amount of bullets with elemental breaks, shot add-ons, and multiple killer-bound critical factors. Two such killer modifiers seen on almost every shot they have are ‘Parallel Presence-Killer’ and ‘Mastermind (LW)-Killer’ which pinpoints their intentions to find the mastermind or masterminds of the Lost Word Incident… whoever they are.” -Patchouli
“Wanna cross-examine who might be the mastermind? Enter a danmaku battle- er- ‘battle of bullets’ with anyone from this list against someone who you think seems suspicious, then check their bullet lines while you’re targeting the one you think seems suspect. If the ‘Mastermind (LW)-Killer’ modifier on any of their bullet lines flashes red while you’re targeting someone who has this trait, then AYAYAYAYAYAYAYA! You just found a bad guy potentially before they do their big reveal!” -Aya
Universe L80 is completely composed of Relic Friends that only appear in specifically-listed Prayer banners and Exchange Emas. The soundtracks which play by default when they play Spell Cards are based on music videos produced as part of a collaborative project with the LostWord development team, and the specific song associated with each character is also that character’s title.
They perform significantly better than their counterparts in almost every other universe- often breaking the EX-tier- and have exclusive access to the “Mastermind (LW)-Killer” modifier, which targets “Someone Else” who is revealed in the main storyline to be the mastermind of this game’s main incident. Their abundance of breaks, modifiers, (de)buffs, barrier status controls, and skill depth make them stand out as primary top-tier characters, but their reliance on Relic Paper Disks as stand-ins for dupes for Limit Breaking makes them significantly difficult to limit break for free, often resulting in lengthy grind fests for the few events that offer these Paper Disks for free.
This universe has not directly appeared in any part of the main plot, but each character has their own story which you can access for free in the “Ruins of Memory” section of the Special subheading in the Explore menu. Each of those levels feature the highlighted character as a Guest, which allows you to experience their playstyle to certain extents depending on their release date (because they changed the accessibility/power of those guest kits over time, EX: Remilia’s abilities being extremely limited in her guest level since she was one of the first characters of the rarity to be introduced) on your first round in said stage. These stages explain a different story featuring other characters who you really shouldn’t know about until you go deeper into the main storylines.
Known Entrants: 19
Alice Margatroid (Sporadically Margaret)
Flandre Scarlet (I’m Alright!)
Fujiwara no Mokou (Silver Gale)
Hong Meiling (Be the change)
Kaguya Mouraisan (Moonlit Festival!)
Kanako Yasaka (Blue Goodbyes)
Kasen Ibaraki (PHANTOM PAIN)
Koishi Komeiji (Moon Reverie)
Marisa Kirisame (Night-Splitting Light)
Okina Matara (Sorrow’s Exit)
Reimu Hakurei (Karma Speed)
Reisen Udongein Inaba (Moonlit Festival!)
Remilia Scarlet (The Heat of My Fingertips)
Sakuya Izayoi (The Moon and Izayoi)
Sanae Kochiya (Hand in Hand With a Miracle)
Satori Komeiji (NAЯAKA)
Suwako Moriya (TataeLost)
Youmu Konpaku (Disillusion)
Yuyuko Saigyouji (Boundary of Time)
Multiverse Type A - Alternate Incidents
“This universe class requires a different approach regarding the cipher we use to refer to those universes. The number that is attached after the A doesn’t refer to a universe divergence scale. It instead refers to the number a game holds in the canonical Touhou series starting with 6, also known by the outside world as the start of the ‘Windows Era.’ A1 to A5 do not pose any threat in terms of universal stability and inhabitant behavior, to which everyone in what the outside world refers to as the ‘PC-98 Era.’ Most of the people we have on this list come from a universe that indicates their first notable appearance, but numerous exceptions are also present. But one question still remains across every universe here: did each universe’s source incident get resolved at all? Or are they still going…?” -K4 Marisa
“Nue’s recent presence as of June 13, 2024 as our first EX friend with a sub-codex in universe A12 is making everyone’s job that much harder. But then again, she is unidentified for a reason. However, Eternal Larva’s appearance on our radar with the same “&” symbol in her universe codex as a subset of universe A16 might suggest a correlation on how these EX-grade people appear.” -K4 Renko
“Wait… if Rumia appears as an EX character from universe A6& or something, that’ll cover a popular fandom interpretation on a lot of people’s lists!” -Sumireko
All A-Type Friends with a simplified universe code are considered Festival Friends who only appear in select Prayer pools and events such as Forever Prayers. They tend to do better when compared to their L1 counterparts due to their increased shot modifiers and elemental breaks, but these cases can sometimes be situational depending on the roles you need to fill on your team. Their Killer modifiers will often target opposing factions depending on their role in their introductory/highlighted game, while their dialogue often refers back to them during the events of a specific universe. Some characters might appear multiple times and even in universes featuring games before their own formal introduction.
As for the characters with a “&” symbol in their universe code, they are Festival EX friends with currently exclusive prayer banners that feature them in a completely different light. Specifically, they are portrayed as their potential grown-up selves. To Limit Break your EX characters, you either need a duplicate of them or a Jumbo Paper Doll found in very specific events and exchanges.
Known Entries: 53
Universe A6 - Embodiment of (Scarlet) Devil
Alice Margatroid
Flandre Scarlet
Hong Meiling
Lunasa Prismriver
Lyrica Prismriver
Marisa Kirisame
Merlin Prismriver
Patchouli Knowledge
Reimu Hakurei
Remilia Scarlet
Sakuya Izayoi
Sunny Milk
Tenshi Hinanawi
Youmu Konpaku
Yukari Yakumo
Yuuka Kazami
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Universe A7 - Perfect (Cherry Blossom)
“If some of them appear twice here, it’s no mistake. It’s the conception of multiple ideas held by the same person which manifests in two completely different kits.” -K4 Marisa
“This is also a reference to how each playable character had two different shot types which you would choose from before starting a new game of Perfect Cherry Blossom.” -Meringue
Alice Margatroid
Marisa Kirisame (A7A - Magic)
Marisa Kirisame (A7B - Love)
Ran Yakumo
Reimu Hakurei (A7A - Spirit)
Reimu Hakurei (A7B - Dream)
Sakuya Izayoi (A7A - Illusion)
Sakuya Izayoi (A7B - Time)
Youmu Konpaku
Yukari Yakumo
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Universe A8 - Imperishable Night - (Eternal)
Eirin Yagokoro
Fujiwara no Mokou
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Tewi Inaba
Universe A9 - Phantasmagoria of (Flower) View
Aya Shameimaru
Universe A10 - Mountain of (Faith)
Kanako Yasaka
Nitori Kawashiro
Sanae Kochiya
Suwako Moriya
Universe A11 - (Subterranean) Animism
Koishi Komeiji
Satori Komeiji
Universe A12 - Unidentified (Fantastic) Object
Byakuren Hijiri
Nue Houjuu (A12& - The Unidentified, Overly Fantastic Flying Girl - Fantastic EX)
Universe A13 - Ten (Desires)
Seiga Kaku
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Yoshika Miyako
Universe A14 - Double Dealing Character - (Shining)
Seija Kijin
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
Universe A15 - Legacy of (Lunatic) Kingdom
Clownpiece (A15&)
Universe A16 - (Hidden) Star in Four Seasons
Eternity Larva (A16& - The Butterfly Fairy Who Approached God - Hidden EX)
Multiverse Type B - Another Lunar War
“The B-Series Multiverse is a complicated universe of significant progress in mechanical engineering and technology. For some, this is due to their abilities being sealed away by a Lost Word. For others, it is to keep their abilities concealed while living within the heavily-advanced Lunar Capital.” -K4 Marisa
“Did another Genso-Lunar War break out?” -Reimu
“We can assume some conflict is happening due to the nature of the people in this subheading, including another Reimu, although we can’t necessarily draw battle lines or assume endgames yet due to the changing nature of this region, the large number of factions at play here, and the incompleteness of the ongoing investigations we’re conducting. The only conclusions we’ve drawn so far include the major point of deviation- Universe A8- and the events that happened in that universe. Besides that, this multiverse tends to converge with a LOT of other universes, so we can assume that a definitive conclusion would happen somewhere.” -K4 Marisa
“Reports from the L1 Secret Sealing Club have also turned up here as their first point of interest after meeting with our Incident Resolver… or at least that’s what we think. Incidents are still happening there at this moment.” -K4 Renko
All B-Type Friends are considered Ultra Festival Friends that only appear in Ultra Festival events, specific Prayer banners, and for some of them, in Exchange Emas. Their shot modifiers will often include common Killer modifiers with other members of their faction- usually depending on the faction a specific character is aligned with and their roles in said faction- although other Killer modifiers are also present in their kits. Most of their temperaments are modified to specifically resist one element (and that element resistance is- once again- mostly shared by everyone in the same faction) and remain neutral to the rest, drastically reducing their chances of taking a Barrier Break or being Full-Broken.
Universe B3 is also the first universe studied by the Secret Sealing Club on the Hifuu storyline, where they learn more about the everyday life of the people in that world on multiple sides.
Known Entries: 28
Universe B2/B3/B5 - Kaiju and Moon Enemies
Junko and B5 Reisen Udongein Inaba remain as outliers in the temperament template in Multiverse B because of Junko’s purification ability. Neither of them have elemental weaknesses nor resistances.
Hecatia has no allegiances, as she is an ancient goddess who was banished from the Lunar Capital, but she has a killer modifier set for the Capital’s residents. Her temperament boasts three resistances and one weakness.
Junko (B2 - Nameless Space Terror)
Hecatia Lapialazuli (B3)
Reisen Udongein Inaba (B5 - Lunatic Space Youkai)
Universe B3/B5 - Lunar Base
All Lunar Base combatants resist Moon Essence and have killer shot modifiers that name the Lunar Capital’s inhabitants as targets.
Marisa Kirisame (B3 - Lunar War Enchanter)
Sakuya Izayoi (B3 - Lunar War Servant)
Sanae Kochiya (B3 - Lunar War Oracle)
Reimu Hakurei (B3 - Lunar War Shaman)
Reisen Udongein Inaba (B3 - Lunar War Soldier)
Youmu Konpaku (B3 - Lunar War Gardener)
Fujiwara no Mokou (B5 - Defiant Blue Phoenix)
Universe B3/B5 - Underground Waste Ward
Many of the Underground Waste Ward’s inhabitants resist Moon Essence AND resist Star Essence. They also boast multiple killer shot modifiers that target multiple subfactions aligned with the Moon ranging from the Lunar Capital to Moon Rabbits in general in additions to other modifiers that mark targets based on their canon lore. As an added bonus, some characters like Komanchi and Medicine have modifiers that allow them to target Kaiju.
Benben Tsukumo (B3)
Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu (B3)
Hata no Kokoro (B3)
Komanchi Onozuka (B3)
Kutaka Niwatari (B3)
Yatsuhashi Tsukumo (B3)
Alice Margatroid (B5)
Lunasa Prismriver (B5)
Lyrica Prismriver (B5)
Medicine Melancholy (B5)
Merlin Prismriver (B5)
Universe B3 - Lunar Capital
All Lunar Capital inhabitants of this universe resist Earth Phase and have killer shot modifiers that can target opposing Kaiju, whom are mostly present in Universe H5 if not in this multiverse. Why? That’s a spoiler alert if I have to say it.
Kaguya Houraisan
Sagume Kishin
Watatsuki no Toyohime
Watatsuki no Yorihime
Multiverse Type C - Eternal Seasons
“Wow…! That’s a lot of water! Is that what the sea looks like?” -Nitori
“Only someone like Yukari could be so chill on the beach, yet retain a team-healing kit so broken that they put her at the very top of EX-Tier. She oughta see the beaches of the outside world someday, they can be really cool! …and usually very expensive to think about. I bet if I mind-read one of those hoteliers, they’re thinking about their trending profit margins.” -Sumireko
“How’d a beach form there? I thought Gensokyo was landlocked…!” -Aya
“That’s the main feature of this Gensokyo stuck in an eternal summer. After much of the land flooded for an unknown reason an unknown amount of time ago, a lot of the residents moved out quickly and settled down by the beachfronts, which turned the area into a thriving beach town. What still remains underwater is under investigation as we speak, although we might know where on the original Gensokyo landmass everyone moved to. Recent reports also suggest that this universe converges with a lot of other universes, but this report is subject to further study. Points of divergence can’t be determined either, as there are just too many divergence points and not a lot of other reference universes that we can use for comparison. This is because the universes of Multiverse Type C are filled with a tremendous amount of water, as if there’s enough water to swim from the shoreline to Hell or maybe even the Moon. As for everyone else that hails from that world, they’ve never been so carefree and relaxed in their new lives on the beach. It makes me wonder how they’d fare in an actual emergency… but I’d rather not imagine the worst case scenarios. That’s for our research team and that other Marisa to work on.” -K4 Marisa
“What about Universe C5> then?” -K4 Renko
“That… well… we just started that file on May 10th. Y’know… the 3rd Anniversary. I don’t know why the office decided on creating the codex for C5> with that symbol. I gotta check in with them with that since Cz1 is self-explanatory enough with Marisa from Universe Z1 coming to Universe C3. As for the > symbol, that was stated by a close friend that this refers to a major shift in temperaments. In this case, C5> is stuck in perpetual spring instead of summer.” -K4 Marisa
The Multiverse C Friends are considered Epic Friends and only appear in specific Prayer banners, with some of the newer ones having yet to appear more than once. They tend to do significantly better than Standard and (Ultra-)Festival Friends due to their increased stats and shot modifiers. Their temperaments are modified to suit their everyday lives in their universe instead of usual elemental attributes, affecting what elements are strong and weak against them. This usually results in multiple resistances and one weakness.
All Friends in Universe C3 have one things in common: they all have the “Swimsuit” attribute. Despite their lax lifestyle, a lot of their kits have gotten some really high-tier ratings according to various tier lists. Yukari in particular was singled out as the best character in the game at least once. Curiously though, Miyoi is playable here while the one in L1 isn’t.
Most of the “newer” characters of universe C3 (and Cz1 Marisa) are playable on select stages in chapter 4 (including the EX stories) as guests until your first win in case you missed their trial event, as that chapter takes place in that universe.
Koishi and Flandre from Universe C5> have only appeared in events since their debut and have not appeared in the main story yet.
Known Entries: 20
Byakuren Hijiri
Flandre Scarlet
Hecatia Lapislazuli
Joon Yorigami
Kogasa Tatara
Koishi Komeiji
Marisa Kirisame (C3 - Magician on Vacation)
Miyoi Okunoda
Reimu Hakurei
Remilia Scarlet
Satori Komeiji
Shion Yorigami
Tenshi Hinanawi
Youmu Konpaku
Yukari Yakumo
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Flandre Scarlet (C5> - Vibrant Sister of the Devil)
Koishi Komeiji (C5> - Blossoming Eyes of Love)
Marisa Kirisame (Cz1 - Witch of Scarlet Dreams on Vacation)
Multiverse Type E - Pseudo Paradise
“What do we have here…” -Alice
“This looks like more trouble than the Scarlet Mist Incident.” -Reimu
“Is that… is that me?” -Patchouli
“We can confirm that one of them is indeed another Patchouli. Many residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion are reflected much differently here, although Remilia in particular is a subject of concern because she has a divergence factor of 9 while the other residents are much lower.” -K4 Marisa
“What we do know is besides Remilia being rated as a 9 on the divergence scale, everyone else in this timeline is at a 1. This can theoretically generate a suggestion that something there took place before the events of Universe A6.” -K4 Renko
“The L1 Secret Sealing Club has investigated this universe as their second point of contact, although claims are surfacing that the residents of this timeline are getting involved in other affairs found in other universes.” -K4 Maribel
E-Type Friends are all Ultra Festival Friends exclusive to Ultra Festival events, select Prayer banners, and Exchange Emas. Their performances compared to their L1 counterparts tends to be better, but certain situations regarding their roles and traits may suggest the employment of different schools of thought. The nature of the Scarlet Devil Mansion as a whole makes almost all of them weak against Sun essence, but each of them has one resistance based on a defining trait they each have… with some exceptions.
Patchouli blocks out both Sun and Moon essences to defend Remilia as her best friend, while Sakuya- who stands against them- solely resists the Moon because of her unclear stance on accepting/denying the existence of mysticism and the occult while being completely neutral against Sun essence. Both of them are instead weak to Star essence instead for their own reasons.
Universe E9 in particular is the second universe showcased in the Hifuu side storyline, where the Secret Sealing Club gets a firsthand glimpse into the life of the inhabitants of this alternate Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Known Entries: 6
Flandre Scarlet
Hong Meiling
Patchouli Knowledge
Sakuya Izayoi
Remilia Scarlet
Universe F1 - Formulas to the Gods
“That’s the one where the Blue Reimu came from?!” -Marisa
“That’s the one. Our investigation and research teams haven’t gotten around to studying this universe yet, as we only have three useful leads from their universe to observe: Reimu, Sanae, and Koishi. However, recent reports traced back from the Resolver’s journal- which we could do thanks to our Yukari and yours- suggest that we might be putting Suwako and Kanako in a similar yet different list as tiny versions of important figures like their ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️.” -K4 Marisa
“What the- Yukari, did you tamper with her journal again?!” -Reimu
“Perhaps. How else would we trace her findings back here?” -Yukari
“Due to the low divergence scaling of 1 and almost identical divergence points reflecting those of Universe A10.3 (Silent Sinner in Blue), we can infer that this universe closely follows the timeline where Yukari taught Reimu how to summon gods. This is a reminder that ‘Silent Sinner in Blue’ is a manga and not a game, so you’ll have to read through it for reference… like how me and Meringue haven’t read it in full yet and just skimmed through the summaries of both the Touhou and LostWord wikis to write out these articles. If we’re summarizing this wrong, tell us ASAP.” -Kit
“Don’t worry about trying to find a physical copy of the manga, there’s an article of it on the Touhou Wiki (click here to access the wiki’s article on SSiB 🔗).” -Meringue
Universe F1 is composed of Epic Friends which only appear in specific Prayer banners. While they have less- if not as many- shot modifiers and status effects as their counterparts of Universe L80, their kits as of now are so highly-rated that I could consider them to be OP in their field. Something to use to T-Pose over a number of annoying bosses you face. Their temperaments have shifted due to their circumstances to portray their stories only to be slightly held back by something else, resulting in 3 resistances and 1 weakness.
Known Entries: 3
Koishi Komeiji
Reimu Hakurei
Sanae Kochiya
Universe H5 - Kaiju Central
“K-kaiju?! Like those things in those giant monster movies?!” -Sumireko
“It’s a long story. For some reason we’ve tracked some of their movements to universe B3, which may explain the nature of some of those inhabitants’ behaviors and bullets. Reports trying to study their own universe have come up completely empty. The definition of kaiju has changed from what you probably knew in the outside world.” -K4 Marisa
Universe H5 consists of Ultra-Festival Friends that only appear in Ultra Festival events and specific Prayer banners. Their presence in Exchange Emas has not been mentioned much. They perform on-par with other Ultra-Festival characters and generally do better than their counterparts of L1. Everyone in this list also has the “Kaiju” attribute, which is specifically listed as a “Kaiju-killer” shot modifier seen on multiple characters of Multiverse B. The reason for this can’t be explained without spoiling part of a side story in the overarching plot.
Known Entries: 5
Doremy Sweet
Keine Kamishirasawa
Mystia Lorelei
Wriggle Nightbug
Yuuka Kazami
Multiverse Type R - Hakugyoku Arena
“Finally! A place we recognize!” -Marisa
“Alright now, let’s not forget that we’re going low spoilers for the chapter headings, remember? We’ve got a major part of our research team covering this universe, and they’ve got a lot to unpack.” -K4 Marisa
“…right. Things got very complicated, but we always somehow end up back here for incense.” -Marisa
“For newer players reading this part, this banter will make sense soon enough. But as the parallel Marisa said, minimal spoilers on this heading.” -Yukari
The R-Type Multiverse has two Ultra Festival Friends that are exclusive to Ultra Festival events, select Prayer banners, and Exchange Emas. Their performances are on-par with other Ultra Festival Friends, but their temperaments have changed due to their associations with various concepts pertaining to life and death. This change translates to at least three elemental resistances and as little as one weakness (3 and 1 for Youmu, 4 and 2 for Yuyuko) defined by their stories.
Hakugyoku Arena also appears as two permanent challenge modes after you clear Act 1 of Chapter 3, as that chapter takes place in that universe. In these modes, you can find randomly-generated daily and weekly gauntlets that you can take on for extra superior incense and incense burners among other miscellaneous rewards. It’s also the only mode where you can take on regularly changing weekly gauntlet battles in Phantasm difficulty- one step higher than Lunatic- as a callback to Perfect Cherry Blossom’s Phantasm stage, where seriously meticulous planning and high-ranking character progression is necessary to win and not get stomped in one turn.
Known Entries: 2
Youmu Konpaku
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Multiverse Type S - Synonym in Former Hell
“Did Satori change the way she rules the Palace of the Earth Spirits, or are her friends’ new uniforms my next big scoop?!” -Aya
“I doubt those outfits are new to them, so there’s nothing new to report on for our world.” -Reimu
“But despite having minimal defining or exceptional elements in her universe, Satori DID show up in latter ongoing investigations as a subject of interest as of now. Her multiverse shares many identical divergence points with Universe A11.” -K4 Marisa
“Field notes suggest that only the Underworld exists in this multiverse, thus changing their temperaments. Thus, the outside world is… gone…? I don’t know why I was assigned to research a region where my ability doesn’t work.” -K4 Renko
The S-Type Multiverse has three Ultra Festival Friends that are exclusive to Ultra Festival events, select Prayer banners, and certain Exchange Emas. Their performances seem to surpass other Ultra Festival Friends based on the amount of breaks and modifiers listed, but their temperaments have changed due to their entire lives being in Former Hell- and by extension the Underworld. This makes them all resistant to Sun, Moon, and Star essences, but each of them is still vulnerable to one phase element that represents a hindrance in their daily lives.
Known Entries: 3
Rin Kaenbyou
Satori Komeiji
Utsuho Reiuji
Universe T5 - Wasteland Track
“Ayayayayaya?! Why are they going so fast?” -Aya
“And what’s with those loud metal machines making them go that fast? Clearly those aren’t kappa-produced! Can’t they just settle things with bullets?” -Nitori
“Doubt it! Looks like those two are having a motorcycle race to settle something. And with a setting like that, things have already begun to get real.” -Sumireko
“And the fact that they’re doing this in a desert of all places when there’s clearly no desert in your Gensokyo has raised eyebrows with our scouting team. Research beyond these two divine people being deadlocked in a desert motorcycle race hasn’t started yet, although a footnote regarding Crazed World Temperaments has been made known by our scouts.” -K4 Marisa
Universe T5 has two Ultra-Festival Friends exclusive to Ultra Festival events, select Prayer banners, and certain Exchange Emas. They both have the “Racer” attribute (and “Racer-Killer” modifier) and an unusually high number of shot modifiers and killers with barely any shots that don’t have an element attached to them. Their temperaments have changed to allow them to survive in the “Crazed World” which results in two elemental resistances representing specific hardships they’ve learned to overcome in their world’s harsh conditions. They don’t have any elemental weaknesses, which makes it considerably harder to Barrier-Break and Full-Break them, more or less allow a similarly-leveled opponent to do any serious damage to them.
This universe has not appeared in the main plot yet.
Known Entries: 2
Byakuren Hijiri
Tenshi Hinanawi
Multiverse Type W - New Land of Oni and Faith
“Don’t ask much about this one yet, we just started a new wing of our research here recently.” -K4 Renko
“Besides the number of oni declarations here, Sanae appeared at the end of chapter 🔳 act 🔲 and ended up getting grouped here due to her matching aesthetic and factions.” -K4 Marisa
“Uh oh! Looks like I’m gonna have to gap those numbers out there and there… and also in Section F. This isn’t me trying to cause a Lost Word Incident, it’s just a matter of late end spoiler prevention, but I’ll put the words back after later story updates. If you know the words, you know. We’ll also put spoiler story content inside individual pages beneath other breaks.” -Yukari
“Was the use of that much ink really necessary to block out a few words?” -Marisa
“Yes. I’ll get those spots off the page later when details roll out.” -Yukari
The W-Type Multiverse has six Ultra-Festival Friends that have only appeared in their premiere Prayer banners so far, as the characters showcased in this universe have only been introduced very recently. It’s currently unknown when they’ll appear in future events and/or Exchange Emas.
Suika Ibuki (W1)
Kanako Yasaka (W2)
Suwako Moriya (W2)
Kasen Ibaraki (W5)
Sanae Kochiya (W5)
Yuugi Hoshiguma (W5)
Universe Y5 - Bunny Rebellion…?
“There’s not much to say here. It’s just Tewi, but she’s a rabbit from a world of divine hermits.” -K4 Marisa
“Almost no research has been conducted successfully on this universe due to lacking resources, as our supervisor put all our resources in other research areas. Besides our surface files on this Tewi, investigations confirm that she has aligned herself with the Lunar Base of Universe B3/5. But that’s just about it. We haven’t completely crossed the boundary into this universe yet.” -K4 Maribel
Tewi Inaba is the only friend (and an Ultra Festival one) who we know of in this universe. Unfortunately, her scarce presence in events and banners makes her harder to find than most characters of this class. But despite being from a completely different universe, she has aligned herself with the Lunar Base faction of Multiverse Type B and shares most of their shot modifiers and attributes… but mostly with B5 Mokou because the Killer modifiers she has can cover every major faction of B3’s storylines, including the Lunar Base. Is this because they’re trying to train their teammates to win? Or is there another endgame I don’t know about?
Known Entries: 1
Tewi Inaba
Multiverse Type Z - The Scarlet Devil Tower
“I remember this one. The residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion turned the whole building into a tower.” -Reimu
“Yeah, you did. This was the second incident in our Lost Word Incident Portfolio that you- the you of your universe specifically- resolved. But there are a few more things here you missed that we covered that we can easily file into one category: Magical Girls.” -K4 Marisa
“Magical what now? Aren’t those just magicians like you and my world’s Marisa?” -Reimu
“Oh… those. As in, like those characters seen in anime from as early as the 90s. Colorful transformation sequences and girls wearing costumes filled with magic, hearts, ribbons, and stuff like the power of friendship. My classmates from school talk about them sometimes, but it’s hard for some people to choose a favorite, especially when some of the newer shows of that genre tend to delve into considerably darker topics. Meri! You’re what I think is a tengu that came from the outside world, so you know what I’m thinking of, right?” -Sumireko
“Meri-?! Uh… Yes I do, but I might need to look into that genre a bit more and watch some full-length episodes. And don’t look now Alice, but there’s you.” -Meringue
“Me as a magical girl themed after constellations and western-style knights… interesting… but I love the way the outfit matches those of her dolls!” -Alice
Multiverse Type Z consists of multiple Ultra-Festival Friends, of which only Marisa appears in consistent Prayer pools and Exchange Emas. Everyone else just appears periodically, which makes it hard to find them. As such, this multiverse is split into two distinctive parts.
Universe Z1 primarily focuses on the Tower itself and someone’s changing role in the story of this universe, which has barely deviated from the original story seen in A6 and the original EoSD. As such, the rest of the SDM residents haven’t changed much as a result of this and appear more like their L1 counterparts. After finishing Chapter 2 Act 1, a challenge mode with its own story which takes place post-Chapter 2- also named Scarlet Devil Tower- unlocks for you to take on at your leisure (although you’ll want a decent team if you want to make significant progress in one day). A side story in the “Special” tab also named Scarlet Devil Tower allows players to take a short look at this universe and its events after the events of Chapter 2, and although it’s available from the beginning and has both very low level enemies and a full set of Guests for new player lore accessibility, you should really finish Chapter 2 before attempting either side mode so this universe’s story makes sense and to avoid early spoilers, as Chapter 2 of the main story takes place in this universe.
Universe Z3 primarily looks at the concept of magical girls and the influence that the Witch of Scarlet Dreams had in turning some people into magical girls. Not much is known about this universe canonically beyond what we know about this universe’s Remilia and Alice. However, the real question is why Flandre isn’t here, but every parallel presence of her in every other universe in this game exists with the “Magical Girl” attribute like these two. In any case, both of them have had their temperaments changed to harbor Z1 Marisa’s temperament as a result of her influence while also retaining their own at the same time. This universe does not appear in the main plot yet.
Known Entries: 4
Marisa Kirisame (Z1 - Witch of Scarlet Dreams)
Alice Margatroid (Z3 - Magical Girl of Constellations)
Remilia Scarlet (Z3 - Magical Girl of Scarlet Stars)
Satori Komeiji (Z3 - Astrological Magical Girl)
Extras Subheading
“We’ve yet to see their bullets as playable characters yet, but they appear somewhere in our investigations of the Lost Word Incidents. Sometimes as enemies that haven’t been added to the playable character list yet, while some don’t do danmaku battles at all. One of them might even be a mastermind…! Universe cipher denominations might not be accurate.” -K4 Marisa
This section is simply an extras list for universes that haven’t been elaborated on significantly, and for miscellaneous characters who aren’t “playable” yet or appear as an NPC, although bosses can also get lumped in here. However, due to the LW Wiki unexpectedly going down without a backup… we *might* have some trouble finding accurate data. Once data goes up on these, view with caution since they might be major plot spoilers. And by “might be spoilers” I mean “will be spoilers.”
Recorded Entries: 20
Aya Shameimaru (L?)
Eirin Yagokoro (B3)
Kanako Yasaka (L?)
Kasen Ibaraki (C3)
Koishi Komeiji (L?)
Komanchi Onozuka (C3)
Marisa Kirisame (??) - glasses?
Marisa Kirisame (??!?!?)
Marisa Kirisame (L?) - the purple one
Reimu Hakurei (L?) - her first design
Reimu Hakurei (…?) - ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️
Rin Kaenbyou (L?)
Rinnosuke Morichika (L1) - also appears in C3
Sakuya Izayoi (??!?!?) - ⬛️⬛️⬛️
Sanae Kochiya (L?)
Satori Komeiji (L?)
Suwako Moriya (L?)
Utsuho Reiuji (L?)
Yukari Yakumo (??) - tiny, also appears in some side events
Yumemi Okazaki (??)
0 notes
officedemy · 1 year
Google Forms & SurveyMonkey Comparison and Analysis
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Google Forms and SurveyMonkey are both very popular and convenient online survey tools. Each of them has different features, integration capabilities, and customization options. In this article, we are going to look into pros and cons of each. Here, we will demonstrate the comparison and analysis for both tools.
Is Google Forms better than SurveyMonkey?
Google Forms and SurveyMonkey are both very good online survey tools with millions of users. They do differ by features and options available. It is hard to decide which one of them is better. The answer to this question depends on your requirements about what kind of form you are trying to make. Before we decide which one of the 2 tools is better, let’s have a look at the creation of a Google Form and a Survey through SurveyMonkey.   How to Create a Google Form You can create a Google Form by going to Google Form’s website.
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Now as you can see, there are buttons that say “Go to forms”. There are two of them, click on either one of them to create the Google Form.
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Now, on this screen, you can see your forms that you’ve made already. Or you can select from one of the templates provided by Google. There are some very nice templates. You can select one of the provided templates and edit it to your liking.
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However, we will be starting a completely new form and will make it from the blank. Click on “Blank” as:
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Here is the blank body of our new form.
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Now let’s finalize the form by adding a title, description, and some questions, etc.
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With these simple steps, our form is ready using Google Forms. How to Create a SurveyMonkey Form In order to create a MonkeySurvey, we need to create an account on MonkeySurvey first just as we did with the Google Forms. Go to the “MonkeySurvey” website. Once you’re on the website, click “get started” as displayed below:
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You will be prompted to the sign up page. Now here you’ve two options. 1. Login to an existing account. 2. Sign up. 
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You can sign up using one of the accounts on Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, or Apple if you already have. Or you can create an account on MonkeySurvey. Let’s create an account on MonkeySurvey. Enter the email address, check terms of use, and click on “Next” as:
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Now is the time for providing the password of the account. Type in password in both fields and click on “Create Account”. SurveyMonkey has some instructions for the password like, using a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
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  Time to get started. So here we have two options. 1. Start from scratch That means creating a blank form (as we used earlier in Google Forms) 2. Use Starter Survey Use MonkeySurvey’s starter survey. It will have a few questions which we can edit and start adding out content.
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Additionally, there are some free templates that you can use from the website. We also checked out the sample templates in Google Forms. Here is how the samples of SurveyMonkey looks like:
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Alright, let’s start with a blank survey.
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Now you will get a pop-up screen. It asks for Survey name, Category, and Advanced settings to copy questions from a document. You may also notice the sentence, “Does your survey need to be HIPAA compliant?”. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that requires the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.
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  Now let’s fill in the required information and click on “Create Survey”. Let’s keep it the same as our Google Form so we can actually see the difference.
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We could also choose to copy questions and answers from a document which we did not have, in our case. Here is the blank form.
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Now let’s start by adding some questions to the survey. Enter the question title in the designated field.
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Now as you may have noticed, “Answer Genius” is toggled on. That means specifying the type of answers without manually. Let’s look at the type by clicking on the drop-down button.
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  There are so many options to choose from. That helps with saving time but unfortunately our question doesn’t fit in any of these categories. So we won’t select anything from here.
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Now, add all the required options and click on “Save” as:
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If you require options like “Other” and “None of the Above” in your questions, you can also add them automatically by checking the respective box as you see in the screenshot above. Now add more questions by clicking on “next question”. If you’re done with the form, click “Done” as:
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I am finishing it here. So click “Done”.  Preview the MonkeySurvey Now the next part is “Preview & Score”. Click on “Next” at the top right of the screen to go to the next section.
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  Here is the preview. You can change the view by device by clicking on the tab or mobile option at the bottom left of the screen.  Once you’re done with the above, click “next” to go next section which is “Collecting responses”
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Send Monkey Survey As we would send our Google Form using many of the options available. Here, we have two options. 1. Send  the survey. That means sharing the survey by email, link on the different social medias, or embed on the website. 2. Target your ideal respondents. That means buying responses from the right demographics on SurveyMonkey’s global survey panel. I will go for the free option and send the survey to my desired respondents.
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Now here are a number of ways you can share your survey. 1. Share survey link 2. Post on social media 3. Send by text 4. Buy responses 5. Send by Email 6. Embed on a site 7. Embed on a mobile app 8. Add data manually 9. Use kiosk mode Kiosk mode means to run a survey in a loop and turn your tablet or mobile device in a survey station on the SurveyMonkey Anywhere app. Option 4 to 9 are all paid options. I will go with “Share Survey link” as:
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Now click on the copy button and share it as you like.
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Analyze Results in Monkey Survey Let’s check out the next section “Analyze Results”.
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The Analyze results section has 3 sub-sections. Summary shows the responses summarized. It shows it in the form of a bar. Google Forms response summary is in the form of a pie chart which is much more convenient for viewing results, in my opinion.
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Insights and Data Trends in Survey Monkey Let’s have a look at “Insights and data trends” now. It shows insights like how much time respondents are typically taking in filling the form. And Trends show when form is being filled. We don’t have much data here as our form is quite new.
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Now let’s look into “individual results”. This shows the individual responses. You can see each response by clicking the arrow button. 
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Now that we are done with our form, let’s discuss some key differences that will help us answer which one of these tools is the better one. 
Key Differences between Survey Monkey and Google Forms
Pricing Google Forms are completely free to use for everyone. Be it an individual or businesses, as long as you’ve a Google account, Google Forms are free to use. SurveyMonkey offers both free and paid plans.  User Interface SurveyMonkey provides a more advanced and attractive user interface however Google Form’s interface is quite simple and clean and provides a better usability for new users. Design and branding SurveyMonkey allows a lot of customization options like adding a logo, changing colors to match your brand. Google Forms also has customization options but they are limited compared to SurveyMonkey.  Question Types and Customization SurveyMonkey offers a big range of question types, including multiple choice, open-ended, rating scales, and more. It also provides advanced customization options, such as skip logic. Google Forms also has some basic question types and customization options but compared to SurveyMonkey, they are quite limited. Integrations Google Form has a big advantage in terms of integration with other Google products in the Google ecosystem. This makes it easier for data collection, storage, and analysis. SurveyMonkey offers integration with several third-party platforms but compared to Google ecosystem that’s quite limited.  Data Analysis and reporting SurveyMonkey provides detailed data analysis and reporting features such as summary reports, advanced filtering options, and cross-tabulation. Google Forms offer basic analysis options but for advanced analysis you may have to move data to other products like Google sheets.  Overall, both the tools are one of the best tools in the field of survey and form making. It is all about individual choices and requirements to decide which one is a better choice for the user.
Things To Remember
In this article, we discussed the pros and cons about Google Forms and SurveyMonkey. We discussed that it is all upon user requirements to decide which of the 2 tools is better for a specific survey. Google Forms is a simple, easy-to-use, Google Ecosystem providing tool. While SurveyMonkey has an attractive interface, having more customization in terms of Question Types and designing, etc.  In this article, we compared the Google Forms and Survey Monkey by the means of following: Create a Google Form Create a SurveyMonkey Form Preview the MonkeySurvey Send Monkey Survey Analyze Results in Monkey Survey Insights and Data Trends in Survey Monkey Key Differences Thanks for reading! Read the full article
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imrreviews · 1 year
What Do You Should Know Regarding Video Game Boosting Services?
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These services aim to help players level up their game fast. The services provide players with expert guidance to aid novice and unexperienced players achieve greater levels and compete against the best players.
The industry of gaming is changed by these platforms. By democratizing gaming success and providing a viable alternative to grinding gaming, they're changing the ways that gamers enjoy their favorite games.
Game boosting services are provided by professionals who will take your gaming performance to the highest level. For a small cost, they'll access your account and play for you until it has reached the desired level or rank. Additionally, they will ensure that all personal details are secured.
For MMORPGs like MMORPGs, a boosting service can aid you in gaining experience quickly as well as unlock the latest weapons and abilities which are hard for someone who is new to the game to attain by themselves. You can save both time and money, as well as benefit from an advantage over other players.
Before engaging a csgoboost service, it is advisable to conduct some background research. The internet is full of references to the company's standing and reputation in gaming forums are important to look for. Additionally, get suggestions from your friends and fellow gamers. You will avoid being scammed by fraudulent boosters. In addition, it will assist you in selecting a firm that offers a wide range of game boosting services.
Games on the internet are an excellent way to relax, but you must also make sure to combine your time playing games with other activities. Gamer's can cut down on time using boosting services and concentrate on other areas in their lives, while enjoying the most enjoyment from their favorite game.
An excellent reputation is crucial when choosing a reputable boost in game. If the company is known to have a bad reputation, word will spread quickly and others will be wary of making use of their services. Also, it's a good idea to select a firm that offers a money back promise.
The services of boosting involve professionals taking over the account till it reaches the level you want or. These players are experts at their respective games and can protect your account from hackers and other issues. The progress of your booster can be monitored and you are able to communicate in private with the player. You can hire them for individual coaching in order to help to improve your performance.
Game types
If you're trying to improve your performance rapidly in video games, you may want to look into a boost service. They are operated by experienced players who will assist you to reach the most advanced level of your games. They can also help players in finding rare items and unlocking content hard to attain by yourself.
However, it is important to keep in mind that this kind of service goes against the rules of service for many gaming platforms. The result could be the suspension of your account. Choose a service provider who has good reviews.
It's also essential to pick a business that offers a wide range of products. It will save you time by not needing to look for boosters every time you play. A reliable company should also offer top-quality services at reasonable prices.
Time required
It can take a while to advance in video games. Many gamers find it can be frustrating to grind for the next level or obtain the most exciting game-changing character unlocks or boosts. You can avail elo boosting lol Services that will give you an advantage over your competition.
You can play on the most advanced accounts, saving the time and energy. These services offer great value and are reasonably priced. They also guarantee the security of your account.
In order to use a booster service, you must first choose the game you want to boost. When you've made the payment you'll have to provide your login details to play the game. Once the gamer has confirmed the account, you'll be able to track your progress. It is also possible to email them with any questions. It's advisable to check certain that the boost service you're looking at has a good reputation.
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chatgptsaius · 1 year
Chat GPT: A Free Chatbot That Can Do It All
Chat GPT is a free chatbot that can do it all. It can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. Chat GPT is still under development, but it has learned to perform many kinds of tasks, including:
Following instructions and completing requests thoughtfully
Using knowledge to answer questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open ended, challenging, or strange
Generating different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc.
Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be used for personal use, such as keeping you company, helping you with your work, or simply having a conversation. It can also be used for business purposes, such as providing customer service, generating marketing content, or conducting research.
How to Login to Chat GPT
To login to Chat GPT, you will need to create an account. You can do this by visiting the Chat GPT website and clicking on the "Sign Up" button. Once you have created an account, you will be able to login by entering your email address and password.
Features of Chat GPT
Chat GPT has a number of features that make it a powerful tool. These features include:
Natural language processing: Chat GPT uses natural language processing to understand your requests and generate responses that are relevant and informative.
Generative text: Chat GPT can generate text in a variety of formats, including poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc.
Knowledge base: Chat GPT has a vast knowledge base that it uses to answer your questions.
Multilingual support: Chat GPT supports a number of languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, and Chinese.
Benefits of Using Chat GPT
There are a number of benefits to using Chat GPT. These benefits include:
Increased productivity: Chat GPT can help you to be more productive by automating tasks and providing information that you need.
Improved customer service: Chat GPT can help you to improve your customer service by providing support to customers 24/7.
Enhanced creativity: Chat GPT can help you to be more creative by generating new ideas and content.
Reduced costs: Chat GPT can help you to reduce costs by automating tasks and providing information that you need.
Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is free to use and has a number of features that make it a valuable asset. If you are looking for a way to increase your productivity, improve your customer service, enhance your creativity, or reduce your costs, then Chat GPT is a tool that you should consider.
Here are some additional tips for using Chat GPT:
Be as specific as possible when you are asking Chat GPT questions. The more specific you are, the more accurate and informative your responses will be.
Use natural language when you are talking to Chat GPT. This will help Chat GPT to understand your requests and generate responses that are relevant and informative.
Be patient. Chat GPT is still under development, so it may not always be able to answer your questions perfectly. However, it is constantly learning and improving, so the more you use it, the better it will become.
I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. https://chatgptsai.us/
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Get Cash App contact to unlock your Cash App account.
The widely used, industry-leading, and user-friendly Cash app is a mobile banking system that offers a variety of features, functions, and services. Using the Cash App account, you can transfer and receive money in addition to that. You can also pay your utility bills. On the other hand, you can withdraw your money using a cash card from the ATM. All you need to do is to set up an account on the cash app to leverage it in a hassle-free manner. Sometimes, due to various reasons, you might get your account locked out and you find out difficulties in getting it unblocked. To Unlock Cash App Account, you should thoroughly read out the blog post carefully and find suitable assistance.
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How does a closed Cash App account affect you?
Users of the Cash app who have had their accounts blocked are notified within 24 to 48 hours that an inquiry has been completed and their accounts have been unlocked. Following that, a person can access their Cash app account once more.
How Do I Recover My Cash App Account?
To recover your Cash app account, just follow the below-mentioned steps:-
•          Launch the Cash app on your device and submit your credentials.
•          Now, you will be needed to tap the “profile” icon.
•          Find and tap on the “sign out” option.
•          Enter your email address and contact number associated with the Cash app account you would like to access.
•          Follow instructions accordingly.
What makes Cash App lock your account?
Your Cash app account could be locked due to the following reasons which you can see below:-
1.        When the Cash app finds out many repetitions of suspicious activities on your Cash app account, it locks your account after which you can’t log in to your Cash app account.
2.        If a cash app user enters the wrong payment details several times, it also leads to the closure of the Cash app account.
3.        Entering an incorrect PIN many times at the time of money transfers, also makes your Cash app account look suspicious.
How Can My Cash App Account Be Unlocked?
Losing access to your Cash App can be terrifying, particularly if it could result in the loss of transactions involving your Bitcoin wallet, stock trades, and money. The algorithm has mistakenly flagged your account as dubious. Though, a locked Cash App account is for a short period but can be easily recovered. To keep your information safe from hackers follow the guidelines.
To unlock your cash app account, given below are some steps:
•          On your iPhone or Android, open the Cash App
•          Next, from the home screen, choose the option “Profile”  
•          Now, click “Support”
•          And then, in the menu bar select the option “Unlock Account”
•          Here, enter your email address and complete the form
•          Lastly, within 24 hours you will receive confirmation that your account is unblocked.
However, if they know whether you are participating in a scam directly or indirectly then your Cash App account will be deleted. Besides, sending too many payment requests to unknown users may also block your account.
You must also know that if your account is locked then your Cash App card will also get locked. Though, if your account is still working then it is also possible to disable your Cash App card.
Why Is My Cash App Temporarily Locked?
Are you looking forward to knowing the main reasons behind the occurrence of Cash App Locked Account problems? Several sorts of valid or invalid reasons play an important role in leading your cash app account to show such kind of problems. Once you determine the main cause of the problems you are suffering from, you will be able to easily find out the best possible solution regarding the same.
Here Are Some Common Yet The Main Reasons Behind It:
1.        Many incorrect Cash app login attempts.
2.        How Long Does The Cash App Take To Unlock An Account?
3.        You are somehow violating the cash app rules and regulations.
4.        You are using wrong details while sending or receiving money.
5.        And many more…
Sometimes, you come across various problems and glitches while trying to unlock your Cash App Blocked account. In such a case, you can quickly go to the help and support of the official cash app. Here, you will be able to find out the best possible solution so that you can fix it completely from the root. Apart from that, you can also get in touch with the cash app troubleshooting geeks who will help you out to deal with all such troubles flawlessly in a couple of seconds. Here, they will suggest you the required solution to annihilate all your worries and hurdles with optimum ease. Apart from that, you can also ask for additional help about the cash app and its services. On the other hand, you can also have a look at our website and find out additional details regarding the same.    
Can your Cash App get locked?
The Cash app has taken the large user base in the United States due to which millions of people can easily send and receive their money over the secured network. And despite this fact, your Cash app can get locked if the Cash app finds out that you are violating its terms and conditions. Or you are just repeating the procedure of re-installing and re-logging into your Cash app account. Avoid making mistakes at the time of sending money and click on the mentioned link here to easily get in touch with the Cash app support team.
How to cash out on locked cash app?
The Cash app is an efficient way to send and receive money and its benefits are not just limited to the send and receive money but with the easy-to-features, users can also invest in the stock and bitcoin industry. But when users violate Cash app rules and regulations or conduct their online transactions against the Cash app policy and guidelines then, in that case there is a high chance of getting the Cash app account locked. If someone sends money to a blocked Cash app account then that money is sent to that blocked account but it is pending status.
How long does it take cash app to unlock your account?
The Cash app has been a trouble-free payment service app for people and businesses in the United States but when users break or not pay attention to Cash app terms and conditions then, their Cash app gets locked. If you have also committed the same mistake then, you can unlock your Cash app account easily by contacting the Customer support team of the Cash app. Once you report this issue to the Cash tech support then, it may take 24-48 hours to unlock your Cash app. Click on the link to get in touch with Cash app customer service.
Buy unlock Cash App account
The Cash app is an easy-to-use and straightforward payment service app through which one can easily send and transfer money with ease. People usually get their Cash app account locked, when they do some invalid things in their Cash app account that are against the guidelines or rules of the Cash app. In order to unlock the Cash app account, users can contact the Cash customer tech support team. And in between 24-48 hours, the Cash app account can unlock. Click on the provided link here to easily contact the Cash app support team.
Cash App account locked email
There are various reasons due to which your Cash app account can get locked. The unlawful activities such as entering incorrect details multiple times for transferring Cash, installing and logging to the Cash app account several times, so many other things that are against the rules and regulations of Cash app, can lock your account. Once the account is locked, you cannot access your account. And the Cash app does not give any warning or email message to the users before locking their account. Click on the link to get help.
Can someone lock your cash app with your email?
Although the Cash app is developed under the strict protocols and latest authentication technology to securely store confidential and financial records of the users, your Cash app account can be hacked. In order to lock your Cash account, it will have a requirement of various things such as your Cash app PIN, your full name, phone number, email etc. But with just using your email, no one can lock your Cash app account. To get more clarity on this, just click on the given link here to contact customer support of the Cash app.
Cash App blocked my Card
The Cash app has become the first choice of many people in the United States, especially when it comes to sending and receiving money from one account to another. But when the Cash app notices some suspicious activities and violations of its terms and conditions by any account, then there is no option left for the Cash app except blocking your account. If you are also facing the same situation then, you can click on the link mentioned here to easily get in touch with the customer support team of the app.
Why Cash App did block my account?
Why Cash App did block my account? This is a commonly asked question by many people. The cash app usually blocks your Cash app account when it finds out a breach of its rules and regulations by the users. And that’s why it is suggested to many people they should not attempt things that are against the Cash app policy. In order to unlock your Cash app, users can easily contact the customer support team of the Cash app by clicking on the given link here.
Cash App account locked phishing email
In case you are receiving the Cash app account locked phishing email then this is an attempt by phishing sites that pretend to be the real identity of something so that they can easily take your confidential and personal details. You are suggested by the Cash app itself that you should not trust such emails or messages. When the Cash app blocks your Cash app account then, it is done without altering or giving a warning email message to the users. Click on the link to learn more.
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Web Facilitating Registries
Facilitating (Web facilitating/Web facilitating) is the business worry of serving, lodging and noticing documents for at least one Sites, and permitting Web access. Facilitating gives people or associations the chance to store data, photographs, video, or other substance reachable to clients. The scope of facilitating administrations veers broadly.
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The most essential is page and minor record facilitating, where information document can be transferred through Record Move Convention. Customized site facilitating is normally liberated from cost, commercial supported, or modest. Business concern site facilitating frequently requires a higher cost. The host could likewise give a UI or control board for dealing with the Internet server and introducing play scripts as well as extra administrations like email. A couple of hosts work in distinct programming or administrations. They are ordinarily applied by bigger organizations to re-appropriate organization base to a facilitating organization. For the most part mechanized registry accommodation programming framework takes your login data about many (once in a while into the large numbers) social bookmarking or articles catalog finds and logs you in. It direct courses to the consistence page and presents an articles, blog entry or all page to it webpage.
Taking into account the manner in which the whole world has gone web slanted nowadays, individuals at present understand that a web presence is a fundamental and not an extravagance. Having a web website is extraordinary in light of the fact that it displays or exhibits your items or administrations to the entire world with a solitary snap. Having the option to arrive at a huge number of individuals all around the world will help your business or character a development. In any case, it isn't adequate to have a site in particular, you should be certain you have the right sorts of web facilitating. Web facilitating just alludes to a help that has your site and getting it open to individuals concerned, whom you hope to cook or sell. There are an alternate kinds of web facilitating so you really want to dive more deeply into and what makes every one novel, to choose the web facilitating that will meet your requirements.
Also Read : Less expensive Web Facilitating Value With Web Facilitating Markdown
Web facilitating is perhaps one of the main possibilities of any site or web upheld business yet it is in many cases the most ignored, extraordinarily the determination between shared or devoted facilitating. The vast majority are more intrigued with how their site will look and the cool capabilities it will include than how or where it is facilitated, which is a vital viewpoint too.
Web based business web facilitating is one sort of web facilitating administration. Hostgator is one such help. At the point when you come to web based business web facilitating, you want not know about every one of the choices available to you. It's perfect to have choices, however it additionally implies there is part of work to do to conclude what best meets your requirements. You might be keen on beginning another business that exploits the web-based space, or you may be a business that might want to venture into the universe of online business. Be that as it may, you ought to get your work done and have some familiarity with the nuts and bolts of web facilitating prior to hopping into a web based business web facilitating administration.
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Efficient Approaches to Come Up With A huge selection of Website Article Ideas
Do you discover it tough to develop great visitor and blog post ideas?
For many bloggers and content marketers, here is the case.
Should they don't get excellent ideas they won't develop excellent - or any - content.
They'll often procrastinate and delay publishing their blog posts since they don't know how to start and what would produce for a good blog post.
And when they don't develop, they won't have the ability to get the outcome making use of their blogging.
But to be able to be successful on the web with blogging and visitor placing, you have to be consistent. So if you're maybe not often publishing content, then it'll be tough to achieve any kind of traction and construct an audience.
If you're however locating Energiesparen it tough to develop excellent blog and visitor article ideas, then it's time for you to take to something different.
You need to use these 6 methods to generate an infinite volume ideas for your blog and visitor posts.
Applying Quora - a website that aggregates questions and responses to topics - is good way to get a lot of ideas for your content. By searching the Quora repository for your topic, it'll provide you with the top questions people have about that topic, along with responses from experts.
To be able to use Quora, you'll need to subscribe or login with one of your social networking accounts.
Once you're in, to discover a excellent blog or visitor article strategy just enter your topic and then view the top FAQs.
Like, if you decide on "start-up assistance and strategy" for the start-up class then you'll get these results:
One of the top questions is: What are some very nice on the web methods for startups?
At the time of nowadays, the article has obtained 166 responses and 174, 629 views.
This shows that people are thinking about that topic and wish to know the very best methods and methods available.
If this is your market, then for your blog post, you may develop your list of most readily useful methods for startups: 5 Market Study Methods for Startups, or the 7 Methods That May Increase Your SEO, etc.
The theory is to look for the questions which have probably the most activity in your market, and develop your blog or visitor posts around it. You can find virtually thousands of questions for every topic, therefore it's unlikely you'll come to an end of ideas any moment soon.
Alltop can be an aggregator internet site that posts all the top experiences from the very best websites and websites on the web. It responses the issue, "what's happening?" for practically every topic imaginable. It filters out all of the sound, therefore you're only remaining with the very best of the best content online. So if there's just one position to get great ideas for blog posts, this would be it.
You can find all the top websites and experiences by doing a seek out your topic and then choosing it. Like, if your topic is business, you'd click on "work" and then "business" ;.
Once you've landing on the business class site, then you'll see all the most recent websites and experiences from the top sites.
One way to remain at the top of all the newest experiences, is to donate to probably the most applicable and interesting websites in your category. You'll need to generate an Alltop account to do this. Once you're logged in, all you could need to do is to choose the site and add it to your Alltop feed. In this way, you'll only be notified when those websites article the most recent experiences or blog posts.
In the event that you don't like guessing, and wish to know what content is doing well today, then Buzzsumo can help you do this with ease.
You need to use Buzzsumo by searching a topic of your choice, and see which content that gets probably the most shares for all the social networking channels.
You can even filter by content type on the remaining to narrow your search. Like, if you plan to generate an infographic for your article, then you can pick it, and Buzzsumo will simply display the very best infographics most abundant in shares.
You can even filter by date, therefore if you wish to see the most used content of the past 24 hours or previous week, then you can pick it from the left.
There is a reason why Buzzsumo is employed by probably the most prolific and authoritative influencers on the net - since it is effective for locating the very best content that people wish to read. It's yet another incredible source for generating content ideas.
Another good way to develop blog post great ideas - as well as blog subject ideas - is to use Scoop.it. Scoop.it is just a content curation and content marketing pc software that allows you discover, curate and submit great content.
Even although you don't plan to curate and are you're only wanting to get ideas for content, then scoop.it continues to be very helpful as a tool.
You can find great blog post ideas by using their search bar for your topic. This may display all the top posts for the your category.
You are able to search through the top posts and see what topics you are able to write about. Even though you won't exactly the same amount of analytics as some of the other methods available, it's however a great way to easily find applicable content ideas for your blog and visitor posts.
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How To Delete Cash App Account? Download A Copy Of Cash App History And Clear Pending
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Deleting a Cash App account is not a big deal if you have decided to continue with your account closure. However, you don’t need to worry at all if you are looking forward to doing the same due to many reasons. In today’s post, you will learn How to Delete Cash App Account in a proper and seamless manner. Moreover, you can also determine several essential points to keep in mind while deleting your Cash App account.
Here is How to Delete Cash App Account without any kind of trouble:
Following are some guidelines and instructions you need to implement as carefully as possible to delete your Cash App account:
On your very first step, you will need to open Cash App mobile application on your smartphone.
Secondly, you should consider accessing your Cash App account via a web browser if the application is not working.
After that, you will need to sign in to your Cash App account with your login credentials. 
As quick as you log in to your Cash App account, you will be able to reach out to the home screen of your Cash App account.
Apart from that, you also need to click on the "Settings" option.
A new page will arrive where you will have to click on the "Download" option under your info.
In the next step, you will need to check your payment history by clicking on the "Activity" option.
Hereafter, you should consider tapping on the Statements and then clicking on the 'Export' option.
By going through the above steps as carefully as possible, you will be able to download your transaction history with optimum ease. Once you download a copy of your Cash App data, you don’t need to worry at all if you are looking to delete your Cash App account permanently.
Related Article-  Can You Send $10000 Through Cash App?
Essential Things To Keep In Mind Before You Delete Your Cash App Account:
If you don’t want to run into any kind of loopholes during the course of deleting your Cash App account, you should keep the following tips in mind:
Tip 1)
Before you consider deleting your Cash App account, you should first download your payment history. Once you download the history of your Cash App account, you will be able to take future reference. 
Tip 2)
Having some remaining amounts of money in your Cash App account won’t let you delete your Cash App account. So, if you would like to be eligible to delete your account, you should first clear the pending fund. As quickly as you move funds from your Cash App account to your linked bank account, you can delete your account freely. 
Here is How to Cash out Money If Some Money Is Still Available in Your Cash App Account:
To cash out funds from your Cash App, you should implement the following procedure in a step by step manner:
First of all, you will need to sign in to your account by launching the application on your smartphone.
On your Cash App home screen, you should locate and then tap the ‘Balance’ option. 
In the next step, you need to press the ‘Cash Out’ option.
Choose an amount of money you would like to transfer from your account to your linked bank account and press the ‘Cash Out’ option.
Select a deposit speed either the ‘Standard’ or ‘Instant’ option to send money to your linked bank account.  
In addition to this, you have to confirm with your Cash App PIN to complete the procedure. Alternatively, you can also make use oftouch ID to initiate the procedure of sending money to your bank from your Cash App account.
Tip 3)
You will need to cancel and clear upcoming billing on your Cash App account. In addition to this, you also have to cancel your Cash App subscription before deleting your account.
Tip 4)
You should also clear your bitcoin wallets by selling the available bitcoins. Moreover, you also have to check with your stocks if available in your wallet. If you will not clear all such pending from your Cash App account wallet, you won’t be able to delete your Cash App account.
How Does Cash App Support In Deleting Your Cash App Account?
Due to the lack of problems, you might not be able to delete your Cash App account. However, you may also have some difficulties in understanding How to Delete Cash App Account. In such a critical situation, you should consider taking help from Cash App support executives.To have a word with these specialists, you have to make a call at the official Cash App helpline number.
Luckily, the above helpline number remains active all the time round the clock to let you have a candid discussion with experts regarding your Cash App problems. Furthermore, you will also need to take a quick reference from the official Cash App help page. As quickly as you reach out to the official help section, you will determine the right channel to delete your account.
Moreover, if you are one of those who are looking to be updated with the latest Cash App news, updates, and recent features, you should keep checking our website from time to time. Here, you will be able to determine all necessary instructions along with more details about the same. 
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hulu-login-blocked · 2 years
Hulu Login Has Been Blocked : Easy Fix 2022
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There’s not anything greater traumatic than being locked out of your personal streaming accounts. But don’t worry, there’s generally an easy way to get your Hulu account unblocked. In this article, we’ll tell you the most common reasons why Hulu login has been blocked and the way to fix the problem!
Hulu is a streaming service that lets you find new TV shows, movies, and movies to watch. Hulu has shows in all kinds of genres, from drama to horror. Hulu came out on September 29, 2007, and the Walt Disney employer owns most of it. You may even watch live sports on Hulu, and you don’t want cable to stream movies on Hulu.
Since it came out 15 years ago, Hulu has gotten a lot of attention from its users as it offers them a great streaming experience and low-cost subscription plans. Hulu even has its own movies and TV suggests that people can watch. Even though Hulu has movies, most people use it to binge-watch TV shows and series. It has become a hub for TV shows.
Hulu has through some distance the most paid users, with 43.8 million and 99.7 million overall views. Hulu is aimed at humans between the ages of 18 and 49, and the content material at the site is suitable for this age range. Hulu is the simplest to be had in the United States, however it has become famous because most of the most modern TV shows and films are to be had on it. This is why it has grown in reputation in the 14 years since it became first launched.
Is your Hulu login blocked? Have you tried to log in but couldn’t? Have you been having trouble? Keep reading to find out the way to fix the error: your login has been blocked hulu.
Why Has My Hulu Login Has Been Blocked?
Hulu error: your login has been blocked means that you might be using the incorrect username and password to get into your Hulu account, or that there are problems with your subscription plan or the Hulu server. Your login can also be blocked if you are using a VPN.
1. Using the Wrong Login Information
If you keep trying to log in and keep making mistakes, Hulu may block your login. If a consumer continues looking to log in with the wrong login information, the try and log in may be blocked.
2. VPN
VPN, which stands for “virtual private network,” lets you switch from one server to another. If you operate a VPN to stream on Hulu, you may get a message that says “Hulu has blocked your login.” If you circulate from one apartment to another or to an exclusive city, your IP deal will alternate to mirror your new location. If you try to log in to Hulu after moving, your login may be blocked.
3. App is Not Up to Date
When a newer version of the app comes out, you shouldn’t keep the older version installed. Instead, you must cross and set up the newer model. If you have an older model of Hulu on your device, you may get the message “Hulu has blocked your login.” The antique app won’t get any new features, and the developer won’t paint on it to repair any troubles or bugs.
4. Issue With Hulu Server
As usual, the Hulu server can go down or have problems, causing most users to be logged out or have trouble logging in. Like all servers, Hulu’s can have problems and be down for a while.
How to Fix Hulu Login Has Been Blocked
When you get an error like “Hulu has blocked your login,” you could clean the app’s cache, flip off the VPN by letting the app understand where you are, and take a look at for app updates. There are numerous matters that could reason Hulu to give subscribers this form of error. There are some methods to fix those mistakes indexed below. Read them quickly and then repair the problem.
METHOD 1: Turn Off VPN
You might have installed a VPN for work or an app and left it on. Hulu only works in certain places. If you use VPN, the vicinity changes, so Hulu won’t paint in the locations in which it's far unavailable.
So, pass in advance and open the VPN to your device, whether it’s a phone or a computer, and then turn it off. When you switch off the VPN, your device’s location will change to where it is right now. You can try opening the Hulu app again to look if the hassle of trying to sign up has been fixed or not.
METHOD 2: Update Your Hulu App
By putting in a more newer model of the app would possibly resolve your problem and insects from the older model may be gone. You will then have a newer model of the app for your tool that has greater features and works better.
If you're an Android user:
Find the app for Hulu at the tool
Tap on it and maintain for some seconds
There may be a choice to uninstall
Tap on it after which observe the stairs to uninstall it
Go to Google’s Play store
Use the hunt bar to search for “Hulu”
Click at the photo of Hulu
Then tap “Install”
For iOS:
Find Hulu app
Hold it down and faucet the choice to uninstall it
Give a affirmation which you need to uninstall
Go to the App Store
Find Hulu App
Click “install”
Fow Windows:
Go to the Microsoft Store
Look to your apps
Find Hulu and click on “Uninstall” subsequent to it
Go to the Microsoft Store again.
Use the hunt bar to search for Hulu
Click on Hulu after which click on on download
After you’ve established the app, you could open it and log in to peer if the “Hulu Your Login Has Been Blocked” mistake has been fixed.
METHOD 3: Contact Hulu Support Team
If you still can’t get into your Hulu account after attempting all the above solutions, you may want to touch Hulu. The trouble is probably at the Hulu server, or you would possibly have tried to log in too many times, so they blocked your try and log in. You also can write about your trouble in the Hulu network and communicate to other folks that are having the same problems.
If the trouble is with the Hulu server and all of us have the same trouble, you may be affected and look ahead to the Hulu group to restore the server trouble. If it isn’t constant after a positive quantity of time, you may touch the Hulu guide group. When you touch the group, you want to ensure to speak about your troubles in the proper manner and supply them with a clean concept of what’s incorrect together with your tries to log in.
Hulu has been an area wherein we are able to move a number of films and TV shows for our entertainment. There can be issues even as the usage of the app, however they are able to all be fixed. We wish that we helped you discern out what became wrong.
Your Login has been Blocked Hulu
Hulu your login has been blocked
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shanghaifree · 2 years
Mikrotik scripting
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It adds a new item with the values you have specified, usually at the end of the item list, in places where the order of items is relevant.
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This command usually has all the same arguments as a set, except the item number argument. Almost everywhere, where you can write the number of items, you can also write a list of numbers. You can specify multiple items as targets to some commands. Also, numbers are assigned separately for every item list, so ip address print will not change the numbering of the interface list. Item numbers are assigned on a per session basis, they will remain the same until you quit the console or until the next print command is executed. But the results of the last print commands are memorized and, thus, once assigned, item numbers can be used even after add, remove and move operations (since version 3, move operation does not renumber items). Item numbers are assigned by the print command and are not constant - it is possible that two successive print commands will order items differently. Generally, item names are more "stable" than the numbers, and also more informative, so you should prefer them to numbers when writing console scripts. However, there are all kinds of obscure situations possible when several users are changing the router's configuration at the same time. Thus, they would not change on their own. You do not have to use the print command before accessing items by their names, which, as opposed to numbers, are not assigned by the console internally, but are properties of the items. There you can use item names instead of item numbers. Some lists have items with specific names assigned to each of them. To change the properties of an item, you have to use the set command and specify the name or number of the item. All items in the list have an item number followed by flags and parameter values. Such arrays are displayed in similarly-looking lists. Many of the command levels operate with arrays of items: interfaces, routes, users, etc. On our account server Current installation "software ID": ABCD-456ĭec/10/2007 10:40:06 system,error,critical login failure for user root from via telnetĭec/10/2007 10:40:07 system,error,critical login failure for user root from via telnetĭec/10/2007 10:40:09 system,error,critical login failure for user test from via telnet Command PromptĪt the end of the successful login sequence, the login process prints a banner that shows the command prompt, and hands over control to the user.ĭefault command prompt consists of user name, system identity, and current command path />įor example, change the current path from the root to the interface then go back to the /ip/route> /pingĢ packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet /ip/firewall/nat>. To upgrade, register your license "software ID" (avoid re-installation and re-configuring your router) If the number is not present then the implicit value of the parameter is used.Įxample: admin+c80w - will disable console colors and set terminal width to 80. If the parameter is not present, then the default value is used. Login OptionsĬonsole login options enable or disable various console features like color, terminal detection, and many other.Īdditional login parameters can be appended to the login name after the '+' sign. Please consult the Scripting Manual on some advanced console commands and on how to write scripts. This manual describes the general console operation principles. The console is also used for writing scripts. The console is used for accessing the MikroTik Router's configuration and management features using text terminals, either remotely using a serial port, telnet, SSH, console screen within WinBox, or directly using monitor and keyboard.
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jetonline · 2 years
Black desert online character creation internal error
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Gear – top-tier best-in-slot gear in characters are definitely better than those that aren’t.
The grind to get from 62 to 63, however, is harder than getting from 61 to 62, and even tougher in levels past 63.
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It has a soft level cap at around 56 to 61.
Level – Black Desert has a strange level cap.
This is true for all aspects of character progression, namely: True to its Korean MMO roots, Black Desert is all about the grind. For now though, it’s a game I’d definitely recommend setting to the native language.What to Look For in a Black Desert Online Account? I’ve been playing through it the first time in English just to get a complete sense of everything a bit more easily, as well as learn names (they, for the most part, seemed to have been properly coached on how to say Chinese words). If it’s not her, it’s a near doppleganger for the voice, lol. In fact, her voice in English sounds an awful lot like the voice of the woman that did Lara Croft in the recent reboots (Camilla Luddington). Most of the rest hover somewhere around decent (kind of FFXIV A Realm Reborn quality in places, to give a comparison), with a few stand outs – Yilang is pretty well voiced, as is another major character you meet – Li Lingshuang. Tends to sound like some young guy dropping their voice an octave and trying to sound slightly out of breath. Voice quality is also hit or miss – biggest misses are kids or old characters, especially the latter. Throw in the apparent technical issues that were/are preventing English VO that is in the game from playing properly, and that’s where we’re at for now. Grammatically correct for the most (minus typos), just awkwardly written at times, and doesn’t always match the subtitles. Some parts of the localization were clearly more directly translated than localized, so dialog on our side ends up sounding stilted or awkward, which doesn’t help with understanding parts of the story (most notable when an idiom or metaphor was clearly used – “tomatoes over the eyes” is the example that comes to mind from one conversation) just from the conversations and action on the screen.įortunately it’s not gibberish or “just a Google translate” like some have been claiming in chat and the Discord. Also, bad mermaid lady wants to free her evil dragon husband.įortunately, the redone “Sword Master Adventure” menu, which is sorta like a Main Quest or Main Objective tracker, has a decent enough description of the events of each chapter you go through. Swords (notably an evil sword used to cause all sorts of problems, both in the past and more recently) and spirits is the gist of it. Many players are pointing out that the decision to have servers in Germany or the east coast of the US is causing massive lag problems for anyone wanting to play in certain regions like South America or Oceania, but overall players seem to be enjoying themselves, with one review likening the game to a combination of Genshin Impact and WoW. Otherwise, SOLO’s debut seems to be going reasonably well, as Steam user reviews have it sitting at “ Mostly Positive” at the time of this writing. This prompted a round of emergency maintenance along with a patch with some voiceover updates, but the maintenance didn’t solve the issue, resulting in Gameforge having “ a long call with Microsoft” to pin down the problem.Īs of this moment, the game has had a second emergency maintenance this past Saturday, which appears to have solved the problem, though the devs stated shortly after the maintenance that they would continue to monitor things. EDT that morning, with players running in to false maintenance notifications, disconnects, and login problems. The problems were noted just after 10:30 a.m.
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This past Friday saw Swords of Legends Online arrive to our side of the world, but as is the way of pretty much all MMORPG launches from here to forevermore, there were some technical snarl-ups that publisher Gameforge had to navigate, specifically for the NA server.
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newbuildfibres · 2 years
Selecting an Independent Link Provider near me.
There are many independent link providers in the location, how do you know which one to select? An independent connection carrier need to use a high quality solution that fits your demands, and also they must be able to offer client assistance when you require it most, regardless of the number of times you call them. Below you will certainly get the aid to pick the most effective independent link carrier near you by discussing what to look for when searching for an independent link carrier, Multi Utility Connections .
One of one of the most essential consider selecting a provider is cost. It is necessary to consider both the price monthly as well as the complete cost over the entire agreement. The less costly carriers could feel like a bargain, yet their prices might rise after the introductory period. On the other hand, several of the much more pricey service providers might offer discount rates if you sign up for a longer-term contract.
A good independent connection provider will have the ability to supply you with a plan that fits your requirements as well as budget. They should also provide you peace of mind if your service decreases by providing you 24/7 customer service, a regional workplace, and also a dedicated account supervisor. The business needs to have stayed in business for a minimum of five years so they can ensure they are updated on all present policies and also needs. The company should additionally have favorable reviews online as well as an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
There are a great deal of various things to consider when selecting which independent link service provider to make use of, as well as it can be challenging to know that you can trust. Fortunately, there are some things you can look out for that will aid you make your decision. Inspect the firm's BBB ranking. You should also take notice of for how long the firm has actually stayed in business and also whether they have any type of awards or recognitions. Another thing to look for is the kind of security procedures used by the business, such as if their network is encrypted. Make certain that you recognize what kind of service plan you're signing up for prior to authorizing anything.
Information file encryption is among those points you don't consider up until it's far too late. This is why you ought to ask your independent link company if they encrypt all data utilizing SSL links. Security makes certain that only people with access to your account can see what you're sharing, whether they intend to or not. If somebody acquires your login qualifications and also tries a brute force assault, your link continues to be secure thanks to security, New Build Utilities !
Technical support
Great customer support is vital to any business, however it's even more crucial when you're dealing with a business that doesn't featured the resources of a large company. If you choose an independent connection carrier, make certain they have accessible and also receptive technological assistance available 24/7 by phone, live chat, or e-mail.
When looking for a link supplier, it is important to make certain that they are making use of one of the most updated and dependable tools available. A business's durability should be considered too, as there is safety in numbers. You should ask yourself if they have a back-up plan in instance something goes wrong.
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jennieisn · 2 years
What Disney Plus Offers.
It's a bit surprising that it offers many films priced at $6.99 each month. You can, for example have access to many Disney Plus films like Frozen, Moana, and The Lion King. They also offer an extensive range of original series such as The Mandalorian, Lady and the Tramp and High School Musical: The Musical The Series. It also offers the entire collection of classic animated movies such as The Lion King, Aladdin and Toy Story. It also offers the most extensive range of sports-related content such as NBA, NFL, and MLB.
How do I get disneyplus login? How do I start?
Even though it first launched in November, Disneyplus.com/begin has become an well-known provider in the field of online streaming. With one of the biggest collections of films and TV shows, including some of the most popular original series, including ones from the MCU and Star Wars franchises -- Disney+ has shot up to 129.8 million subscribers worldwide by February 2022. This puts it up against competitors like Netflix, Apple TV+, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, and others.
You can get DisneyPlus at $7.99 each month, or $79.99 for the entire year. Disneyplus currently offers an deal that allows you to purchase Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ for as low as $13.99 per month. It can be increased from $19.99 monthly for no-ads option on Hulu.Your budget may not allow you to sign up for any streaming service, so you may be wondering if Disney+ is worth it. It's all about the kind of content that you like to watch.Disney has an benefit over the other services due to the extensive collection of Disney films they have. Disney+ also offers movies and shows that are part of Disney's Marvel Universe, Star Wars, National Geographic and Pixar.
Sign Up on Disney Plus.
These are the steps you have to follow to join Disney Plus. Disney Plus:
* Visit the Disney Plus website and click on the "Sign Up" button.
* Enter your name , along with the email you use to sign in and your password.
Select your country and then enter your credit card information.
"Click" for"Create Account" and click the "Create Account" button.
 Activate Disney+ and ESPN+
If you have purchased The Disney Bundle or Disney+ Add-on* from Hulu or if you signed up to Hulu + Live TV now with Disney+ and ESPN+ you'll have be able to sign up for Disney+ and ESPN+ in order to gain access to content and stream. A link to activate your account is provided at the time of sign-up and is sent by email. However, you can also do it from you Hulu Account page.
●      Log into your Account page , then look for the section Activations
●      Select Activate next Disney+ and ESPN+
●      Create your brand new Disney+ and ESPN+ accounts, and then start streaming!
This offer is available to eligible Hulu subscribers who are directly charged by Hulu and do not possess already purchased the Disneyplus.com/begin Bundle, a standalone Disney+ subscription, or the ESPN+ Add-on.
General Disney+ Troubleshooting Tips
●      Verify your internet download speed on your device (if you're experiencing slower that 5Mbps it could be the cause of your problem).
●      Connect your Wi-Fi internet or mobile connectivity from any device you're usingit on, take 30 to 60 seconds then reconnect. Sometimes all you require is to refresh your connection.
●      Reset your Wi-Fi modem.
●      Be sure to check for any updates that might be available to the application.
●      Remove your cache, and clear your data.
●      Close and reopen the application Try leaving  Disney plus  on all devices and then sign back in.
●      You can delete your Disney+ app and re-download it from the app store. Then, log back in.
●      You can try Disney+ on a separate compatible device or the web browser.
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lasclhs · 2 years
Fortnite download ps4
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You might be missing out on some better graphics, but you'll enjoy your time much more. Not only is that version of the game specifically optimized for mobile devices, but it plays better thanks to the controller layout.
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If you're looking to play Fortnite on the go, simply head to the Android or iOS app shop and download it there. However, thanks to the mega-popularity of Fortnite, the game isn't so small to make streaming that way a requirement. The competition is extremely good, and that may put you at a disadvantage.īeing able to stream a video game onto your phone is an incredible thing, and doing so with Fortnite feels just as amazing. The one major downside to playing any mobile version of Fortnite is that you'll be loaded into lobbies with players using PCs.
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This allows cheaters always to find everyone. First, you can switch on the Application Update Files option from the Automatic Downloads tab in your PS4 settings. All downloads come with CHAMS or ESP, which displays the location of every user at all times.
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Not only do you have full access to the Battle Royale portion of Fortnite, but the mobile version (available on Android and iOS) includes all of the features of its console and PC counterpart. Some of the top Fortnite Leaders are using cheats If you check out the Fortnite forums or talk to some people they swear up and down that you can’t win hacking Fortnite.
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The pro builder setup of the Playstation keys is for all who want to build a lot.The mobile Fortnite experience may not be a perfect one, but it's surprisingly near identical to the version found on consoles and PC. Play both Battle Royale and Fortnite Creative for free or purchase Fortnites PvE Campaign mode, Save the World. To get even better checkout our Fortnite skill guide section. While the recording, you can add arrow, text, line. If youre the owner of a PS4, be sure to take a look at our brilliant range of. If you want to download a Fortnite replay file, you have to record it again. Step 3 Click REC button to start the recording process. The combat controls are for all the Fortnite players who love to fight and shoot alot, with this setup you will be faster in fights. Step 2 Whether you want to download Fortnite replays, or directly capture your Fortnite gameplay, you should set the screen recording area and audio source. To create an Epic Games Account you can choose the PS4 social login to connect with your Playstation account.You also have to enable the Discord overlay for the hack to work. Make sure you run it in administrator mode to get maximum benefit. Once you download the cheat file, you can run it on your PC. The download will take a while, just wait for it. If you want to hack the game of Fortnite, you will need to download the hack file from the link below.Now you are on the official Fortnite Playstation 4 page and you can simply download the game to your PS4.Now search for “Fortnite” and choose Fortnite Battle Royale on the results page.Fortnite is available on PS5, like PS4, and even comes with a. Rock all kinds of cosmetic combinations to create a look unique to you and. Express Yourself - Winning never goes out of style. Build huge forts, find loot and squad up with friends to earn your Victory Royale. When running, the game will prompt you to link an Epic account to your PlayStation account if you havent already. The Battle is Building - Explore a large, destructible world where no two games are ever the same. Select the first result for Fortnite, and press X to download. Game Features: Fresh Aura Outfit Minty Multipack Back Bling Minty Mountaineer. Type ' Fortnite ' and press R2 to search. Requires full Fortnite game to be downloaded to redeem and use content. Finally, just press cross button once you’ve found i. From the PS5s home, press Triangle and then X to enter Search.
#Fortnite download ps4 install#
You can then either search for fortnite or go to the ‘games’ section, then ‘free games’ and look around there. This Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 update download and install size guide tells you how big the update for the new season is on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch.
Start your Playstation, go to the main menu and open the Playstation Store. Just go to the PSN store by navigating the PS4’s main menu.
How to download and play Fortnite on PS4? PlayStation 4 owners can access Fortnite by going to the PlayStation Store in the consoles main menu and opening the. The size can change with all of the new patches of Fortnite. What is the download size of Fortnite for Playstation4?įortnite Battle Royale has a download size of 7 GB.
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