#huedhaut x reader (isekai'd as mc)
fateinthestars · 6 months
Hello! Gathered the courage to put in a prompt for fic - completely up to you if you'll take it :D Yesterday I had dream (sign I should take a break lol) about SCM: I woke up in Hue's room. Everything looked like I was transported from real world to anime/genshin like graphic world. I instantly recognized my surroundings and launched myself from the bed to the pool ont he floor. I needed to check out how I looked and sure enough, my features changed like under anime filter. So the prompt: Isekai'd reader, who played the game before and basically both Clotho and game MC are her avatars, extension of herself in the game world. How would Hue take this revelation that MC is gone, replaced by the puppeter, who is essentially the blend of the two women he loved and at the same time not quite so? Because whilist the reader's feelings towards Hue were and are real, the reader couldn't excatly regulate the actions and speech of the in game avatars (Clotho and MC) and therefore reader's personality is bit different. Really... I just wish to see his reaction to bookworm and quite sarcastic reader 😂
I think I've finally got something for this. Hopefully it's what you had in mind and you'll enjoy. 😅 To anyone else considering reading this: Yes, this fic is very meta. Hopefully it works though! (I'm torn over whether to put this one on AO3 😂 )
Title: Sarcastic Smiles
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Pairing: Huedhaut/Reader (isekai'd into MC's body from our universe)
Main Characters: Huedhaut, Reader
Minor Characters: Ichthys, Teorus, Karno, Scorpio, Leon, Zyglavis
Rating: T
Genre: Isekai, um I dunno how else to tag this... rediscovering relationship?
Word Count: 2,961
Summary: You wake up one morning to find you are in a bedroom you thought only existed in your favourite otome game, only to find you are now inhibiting the character you have been controlling in said game. How will Huedhaut react to his Main Character no longer being the human he fell in love with, but still with knowledge of their relationship?
A/N : Spoilers for Huedhaut's path.
Sarcastic Smiles
Turning over in the bed with a groan, you blinked a few times as you blearily opened your eyes. This wasn’t your bedroom. It didn’t even look like the real world. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes a little in an attempt to clear them. Whilst you had been playing your favourite otome game late the night before, this seemed far too real to just be a dream.
However, it was then that you realised whose bed you were in and you quickly stumbled to your feet, almost tripping over as you knelt down beside the pool in the middle of Huedhaut’s room. Looking into the water you froze. Swallowing hard, you tried to calm down as you reached up and brushed your hair back a little… or should that be the hair of the character you usually played in the game? Looking closer, you shook your head slightly. No, that wasn’t quite right - the features were shifting ever so slightly. This wasn’t just the main character of Star Crossed Myth’s features, it was also those of Clotho’s.
Well, you supposed that made a little sense considering which God’s bedroom you had woken up in. Wait… nothing about this makes any sense! You quickly snapped out of your investigation, instead pinching yourself hard. Nothing changed except now your arm hurt. You’d watched plenty of isekai anime so this phenomenon wasn’t entirely new to you, but if you ever imagined it was actually possible, let alone that it would happen to you of all people, well… “So this really isn’t a dream…”
“I should hope not. I rather hope if you were dreaming of my room, I would actually be here with you. Or do you find my room more interesting than myself?”
Your breath hitched. Even though the game only had a few voice acted stories, you immediately knew who was talking to you. Even if you had not recognised his voice or simply assumed that it was him due to this being his room, his wording laced with his usual sarcasm was more than enough. Speaking of which…
Smirking briefly to yourself, you turned round to face the God of Aquarius, before responding just as sarcastically, “Yes, I thought maybe I was dreaming of your room so I could look at all these books without you interrupting me.”
Huedhaut initially flinched, briefly making you wonder whether you’d pushed that too far, but then he knelt down beside you, looking into your eyes with a thoughtful look. “Trying to beat me at being sarcastic? You’re probably a million years too late for that,” he teased, smirking as he reached a hand out to brush your hair back.
As you were about to retort back to that, determined to get the upper hand on him for once now you could use your own words, you suddenly realised he had stopped short of touching your hair, his deep blue eyes wide with shock. “Hue?” You tried softly. Had the other noticed that you weren’t quite who he was used to?
“... Clotho? But… how…” he muttered, glancing down at the floor, clearly in distress. “Was that why you thought you were dreaming, do you remember what you did…” he muttered to himself.
You grimaced. Clearly it hadn’t just been the water showing you that you could be either of the game’s avatars because you were in Huedhaut’s route - it was because you hadn’t got full control over which you were outwardly showing. Now you had upset the other. You knew from the game that the other didn’t want Clotho back. He was in love with the Main Character and that was in the past. You frowned at that point, realising you didn’t know where exactly in the game’s timeline you had been deposited. However you then looked back at Huedhaut, swallowing hard as you watched a mixture of emotions actually go across his usually poker-faced expression for once. What had already happened didn’t matter right now, what you needed was to say something to reassure Huedhaut. “Hue, I’m not Clotho.”
Huedhaut looked sharply back up at that comment. He frowned as he looked at you once more. “... Well now you look more like yourself, but…” He sighed heavily. “Did Ichthys make you look like your previous self? If he did then he’s gone too far this time…”
It was almost tempting to pretend that that was what had happened, but you also knew that you probably still didn’t have a handle on who exactly you were presenting as to him. “No, it’s a bit more complicated than that…”
“If this is that Godforsaken’s King doing, I might -”
As a flash of anger flickered in the other’s eyes, you quickly leant forward and grabbed his hands in your own. “Hue. This is not related to the others. I…” where did you even start with explaining? “I’m not either of the women you think.”
Huedhaut let go of your hands and got to his feet. He looked at you with a frown. “If this is payback for all the teasing…”
Quickly, you stood up as well. “... This is not even my own world. From my point of view, you are just a character in a video game.”
The other looked at you, initially smirking as he went to retort to that, but then he seemed to realise that you were near tears. Quickly he moved back to your side. He sighed heavily. “You are being serious.”
“I’m sorry. I really don’t know how this happened… but know that I know you… please don’t tell me to leave…”
Huedhaut hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. “That is the last thing that I should do right now. You say that you are aware of this world, but the more people who see you like this, the more questions you will face. I need to find a way to fix this and get you home…”
“And get her back?” You muttered, your voice cracking a little.
“...” Huedhaut looked down.
“I do not think either will be possible… unless this is different to the shows I’ve watched in my world, being isekai’d is a one way process.” 
The other didn’t respond to that, instead starting to look through his books at a rapid pace, reminding you of a certain special story when the main character had briefly ended up with powers.
That, however, gave you an idea. If you were controlling both the Main Character and Clotho then did that mean you could use them? About to raise your hand and try, Huedhaut suddenly looked sharply back at you. You stepped back a little at the gaze he was giving you. 
“Maybe I should call one of the others after all,” he muttered, now regarding you suspiciously.
It was then that you noticed the book still in his hands appeared to be details of the under-realm. Well you could hardly blame him for being suspicious. “I’d never want to hurt you!” You snapped, your breathing a little strained. “Will you please hear me out some more?”
The other nodded and hesitantly sat down with you on the edge of the bed. It was at this point you felt overwhelming relief that it was Huedhaut’s main character you had changed into, with some of the others you’d either be in immediate severe trouble with or you’d never be able to explain this. 
“So… according to you I am a character in a game?”
“Uh huh,” you responded, before taking a deep breath. You then motioned to the body you were now inhibiting with your hands. “And I… I mean she… um… I mean the human you are in love with was controlled by me.”
Huedhaut glanced away for a moment, seemingly still trying to take this all in. “If you were controlling her as you believe in your world would you not be able to form her responses better than this? Perhaps I would never have noticed…”
You shook your head, impulsively grabbing his hands. “But you already did notice, Hue,” you reminded him. “Because parts of the game exist where the human was Clotho, I’m not appearing as just one of the two to you. Besides…”
“Besides?” Huedhaut asked, finally looking back up at you.
“In the game the input was limited to one of three replies.” This time you averted your own gaze. “There… there is so much I would like to say to you.”
A stifling silence fell over the room after that. Just when you were starting to worry that perhaps you had pushed your explanation too far, you felt strong arms wrapping tightly around you accompanied by a loud sigh from your companion.
“You are always causing me so much trouble,” he muttered.
He looked thoughtfully at you. “Do you remember everything about our time together?”
“I… that rather depends whether it was covered in the game or not,” you muttered awkwardly. “I haven’t actually pinpointed where exactly in the timeline we are right now.”
Huedhaut managed a tired and rather exasperated smile. “I suggest you look at your hand.”
Doing so, your breath hitched as you saw the ring from the fountain of love. “Oh. We’re already married…” you pulled a face.
“Is that a problem?”
“N-no,” you quickly reassured him. “At least, not from my end. It’s just… if we were before that…” you trailed off. “It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry, Hue, this must be hard for you…”
The other actually seemed calmer now then when you had first started to explain. “Hard for me? From the sound of things you thought that this was a fictional world. That sounds far more alarming.”
“But… what now?”
Huedhaut frowned. “Now that is a good question. I feel like we need to try to get to know one another again before that can have a coherent answer. Even if you were the one sometimes inputting her answers, you still are not quite the person I fell in love with. Just asking you to tell me everything you remember right now though I think would be embarrassing and awkward for the both of us…” his expression changed into a smirk. “Unless you want to talk about yourself at length?”
“Hue!” You snapped.
Chuckling briefly, Huedhaut then sighed softly. He got back to his feet. “Before we do anything else I should probably see whether there’s a way to make sure you appear exactly as before to the other Gods. This might be a little over some of their heads. There’s no need to make things more complicated unless we absolutely have to.”
Later that day you were in the mansion living room with Huedhaut, the other having stabilised your outward appearance for now. 
“Hey! Still here today, huh?” Ichthys asked happily, as he came into the living room.
“No, I have gone home,” You replied with a smirk.
Ichthys’ eyes widened momentarily, it initially not clicking, but then when he realised what you were doing he snapped out of it and instead frowned at Huedhaut. “Have you been giving her lessons in sarcasm? That was weird…”
“Yes, we have spent all day perfecting this just in case you turned up. That would be a great use of our time,” Huedhaut responded with a smirk of his own. He shared a glance with you.
“...” Ichthys grimaced and ran over to Teorus who had just returned from the Heavens. “Teo! Could we have a straight conversation please?”
Teorus looked over to you both. “Hue, are you winding Ikky up again?”
“When would I ever do that?” Huedhaut asked. 
“... You’re in a good mood,” Karno muttered as he joined the commotion, feeling a little perplexed at the current state of things.
Huedhaut faltered at that point. He glanced down. “... Not quite…” he muttered to himself. 
Reaching over, you squeezed his hand briefly, trying to remind him not to act in a way that the others might find suspicious but also trying to reassure him that things would somehow work out.
“What's all this damn commotion about?! Tch… I see, it's mostly you pain in the ass Wishes Gods here…”
“O ho? Do you have a problem, Scorpion?” Leon added as he headed into the living room just behind the Vice Minister of Punishments. “Judging by who is present, if there's any comotion I suspect that fish is to blame.”
Ichthys stepped back behind Teorus, his eyes wide. “I've not done anything! She and Hue are the ones acting strangely!”
“That's quite enough from all of you,” came a firm voice from the doorway.
Everything became eerily quiet and you tensed a little as you looked towards Zyglavis. 
Huedhaut seemed to recognise that you were on edge now. He shifted closer to you on the sofa so that your shoulders were touching but not in a noticeable way to the others.
The Minister of Punishments glanced at you briefly but did not say a word. Instead he looked over to Leon who was shooting a glare and a scowl in his direction. “Is there a problem?”
“I won't have you telling me what to do, Minister Ponytail,” Leon snapped back. “Instead of telling all of us to be quiet as though you own the place, perhaps you should talk to your Vice Minister and that Prankster Fish!”
You shared a glance with Huedhaut as Zyglavis stormed over to Leon and the other nodded. Standing up you both went to leave the living room before things got any more chaotic.
“Going somewhere a little quieter? Can't say I blame you,” Karno murmured softly so the others didn't hear, having noticed you trying to slip away. He glanced at Huedhaut thoughtfully. “If I was wrong about you being in a good mood earlier… is everything alright? Nothing I should know about?”
“We're fine,” Huedhaut responded firmly before you could do so yourself. 
“Well then, enjoy the rest of your evening. I suppose I best see whether I can placate Leo before we have a real problem on our hands.”
Huedhaut shared a sympathetic glance with the other before inclining his head in way of thanks. He led you away from the room a little, before snapping his fingers.
Appearing in the oddly familiar yet never seen in real life before apartment, you glanced around and took a deep breath before looking back at the other. “Why are we here?”
“I think that is more than enough of the other Gods for your first time here in person,” Huedhaut muttered. “We are much less likely to be disturbed here than if we stay anywhere in the mansion. Besides, I think that was enough data to tell that the spell I used is masking your appearance back to how it was for the others.”
You nodded and tried to relax. “Yes, if Zyglavis didn't notice I guess we won't have to worry about questions for a bit.”
Huedhaut pulled your sleeve gently and got you to sit down on the edge of the bed with him. He smiled softly at you. “Zyglavis turning up gave me more information than that.”
“What do you mean?”
“You became extremely tense when seeing him. I suspect some of that is because you suspected he would be the most likely to see through the mask, and I believe you are correct in that assumption. However, to know that you would have to be familiar with all of us, and… well…”
“Hue?” You asked softly, taking his hands once more as the other averted his gaze.
He hesitantly looked back up after a few moments. “Forgive me. I fear there was a part of me that was still uncertain whether what you claimed happened to you was entirely factual, of if not that at least concern that your memory might not be there at all or even incorrect…” he sighed softly, forcing a tender smile at you as he held your hands tightly. “However, when you saw Zyglavis I knew in an instant that you knew how he'd tried to destroy you in the past. I know now that even if our memories are not quite the same, we can probably get back on the same page.”
You forced an uneasy smile at him. “Don't apologise, I'm sure today has been a lot, even for you.”
“Yes, it has,” Huedhaut agreed with a taunting smirk, his deep blue eyes glinting from the sunset visible from the balcony window. “So, what are you going to do to make it up to me?”
Taking a deep breath, you hesitated for a moment, worried that you could push things too far. However, remembering his admission that he genuinely believed everything you had said, you wrapped your arms around him before pulling him into a brief kiss.
When you parted, Huedhaut reached a hand up to your face and brushed your hair back. “Well, if that is how a short kiss from you feels, I rather hope you do indeed have knowledge of our relationship, otherwise it may become rather too intense down the line…”
You rolled your eyes at his familiar smirk, and smirked back yourself. “Really? I thought I was restraining myself…”
“!!!” Huedhaut's eyes widened briefly, then he averted his gaze, flushing bright red. “Comments like that are against the rules,” he grumbled, but then looked back up at you with a genuine, caring, smile. “As by your own admission you aren't who I was expecting, I cannot say that I love you, yet, but rediscovering each other and reminiscing over old memories may not be such a bad thing.” Wrapping his arms around you he hugged you tightly to him. “I just hope you can be patient with me.”
“However long it takes, Hue. I'm not going anywhere.”
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