#hwasa psy
kpoploveblog · 1 month
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PSY - PSY 9th The 9th Album (2022)
Track List: 01. 9INTRO 02. That That (Prod. & Feat. Suga de BTS) 03. Celeb 04. 감동이야 (Feat. Sung Si Kyung) 05. 밤이 깊었네 (Feat. Heize) 06. GANJI (Feat. Jessi) 07. 이제는 (Feat. Hwa Sa) 08. Happier (Feat. Crush) 09. 나의 월요일 10. Everyday 11. forEVER (Feat. Tablo) 12. 내일의 나에게
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k-star-holic · 11 months
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Jessie and Hyuna and Dawn Leave Final Destination, PSY Kingdom' Reconstruction with Hwasa Sign'?
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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kpophottakes · 9 months
Hwasa fans having faith in P Nation after the L’s with Hyuna and Jessi are stronger than me. I’m calling it now that she’s in a new company by 2025. Mark my words.
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kpopdramanews · 11 months
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Top 8 Kpop Artists Who Bring the Heat
Featuring picks from Kmuse, The Maknae, and Drama Geek, this week's top #kpop picks are ALL about the SIZZLE. #Huta #ATEEZ #JHope #BTS #SeoInGuk #HwaSa #PurpleKiss #JacksonWang
Sometimes summer is about avoiding the sun and sitting in front of the AC unit, praying for fall to come. But SOMETIMES summer is about embracing all things sizzling hot! The Fangirls will tell you — these artists know how to bring the heat. (more…)
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lalal-99 · 2 months
of sex at parties {h.j.} | track 4
©June 2023, April 2024 by lalal-99
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Han Jisung x afab!reader | trope: slice of life, coming of age | word count: 6k
Synopsis: The one where you play Truth or Drink and things get a little heated.
Check Chapter Overview for complete list of warnings
Note: I know, I know... I wanted to have shorter chapters and update more frequently. But life happens. And it just so happens that I rediscovered my love for music making and production (not that anyone cares or even reads my notes). These things tend to engulf me fully and don't let me go until I'm forced out of them. When will I post the next chapter? Who knows? Could be tomorrow. Could be in two months (not likely...).
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“That’s almost too easy! Fuck Psy, Marry Bang PD and Kill JYP. Next!”
Yuqi’s answer sent Hwasa into a fit of laughter, almost bursting her pipes as she spat her drink into the nearby sink.
“Girl, you got some explaining to do about that.” When Wheein had prompted the blonde, she likely hadn’t expected an answer within two seconds.
“What do I have to explain about that? JYP was the obvious choice for Kill. Psy is famously known as the mother-father gentleman, so Fuck. And Bang PD…He has that TXT money. So, marry him and hopefully prevent him from signing any kind of prenup.” Yuqi took a sip from her cocktail, shrugging. The answer sent Hwasa straight into another breathless cough while her girlfriend steadied her. Otherwise she would have also sent her head straight into the marble countertop.
Two hours of dancing and three of Yuqi’s mysteriously strong cocktails after your arrival, you found yourself back in the kitchen. While all your closest friends surrounded you, everything seemed just a bit brighter. And a bit more funny too, with the alcohol running through your system. You were so relaxed even, you had somehow agreed to playing a few rounds of Truth or Drink. That you barely knew these people, or maybe because of it, you found yourself enjoying it more than usual.
So much so you had played it for the past 20 minutes, passing around questions with one simple rule. Either answer or empty your drink.
Sure, the gamification of drinking wasn’t the most intelligent decision. But it also gave you the perfect opportunity to get to know each other better. So, what the heck!
“Okay, fair.”
Yuqi spun the bottle once Wheein had passed her answer as acceptable. The rim landed on Changbin this time, the only male in your group. Leaned back against the counter, you had almost forgotten he was present. Well, almost, hadn’t it been for his visible affection for Yuqi. He always laughed at her answers a bit too loud, looked at her a little too long. She had ignored him for the most part, though you doubted it was out of spite or disinterest. She didn’t even realise his attempt to grab her attention; too drunk and into the game.
Changbin waited for her question, watching her lips move as she phrased it seconds later.
“Body count. Go!”
A little cliché, yes, though the boy seemed indifferent about it.
“Depends. What body count are we talking about?” Changbin counter-questioned as he crossed his buff arms over his bottle.
“What kind of freaky stuff are you into that you have several types of body count?”
Redness spread from Changbin’s cheeks to his ears as he shifted.
“I’m not into anything weird,” he defended, embarrassed by her suggestion. “I was talking more about sex or, like, mouth and hand stuff.”
“Alright. Let’s do sex.” That gave him base to answer.
“Then two.”
“Two?” Hwasa was surprised, leaning forward as she propped herself onto the countertop. She was a little shaky, swaying back and forth on her elbows.
“Yes. You sound shocked.”
“Why so few?” Yuqi’s filter had subsided somewhen between drinks four and five. The words simply tumbled out of her mouth at this point.
“Because,” Changbin shifted his weight onto the other leg, stalling. Not that his answer was particularly weird as it was double your body count, after all. But you couldn’t deny your own surprise. Until now, he had seemed very sure of himself. Carrying himself with a fair amount of self-confidence; almost oozing sex-appeal. You, too, had expected his body count to be much higher. “I don’t sleep with anyone I’m not involved with. I had two long-term relationships in High School, back-to-back. So, two people’s not weird.”
“What about the hand and mouth stuff body count?”
Changbin smirked at Yuqi’s curiosity, bringing his bottle to his lips, “Only one question per round.”
“Suspicious,” Yuqi’s eyes narrowed, “but alright.”
“Great, my turn then.” Changbin spun the bottle and the cap-part landed on Hwasa. She straightener her back, daringly waving her hands at him.
“Hit me!”
Contemplating his options, Changbin took a few seconds to find an appropriate question. Which wasn’t easy seeing he didn’t know and had barely spoken to her. “Okay. What was the most public place you ever had sex in?” Considering the expected sexual direction this game had taken, the question was fitting.
Hwasa ran her long nails through her hair, eyes fixing on Wheein in deep thought. “There’s been a few. What do you think, babe?”
“I don’t know. The whirlpool at my parent’s house?”
“Nah. That’s still pretty private. Your parents weren’t even home.”
Searching the mental drawers of her brain, Hwasa found a more fitting memory. She sent a knowing look towards her girlfriend, logging in her final answer. “I know. When we did at the movies.”
Wheein cocked an eyebrow as she took a strong sip from her drink. Her gaze, meanwhile, remained fixed on the colourful liquid, avoiding eye contact. “Yeah... That wasn’t me.”
“Of course it was!” Hwasa exclaimed, gesturing with her hands to revive the memory. “We watched that awful Tom Cruise movie.”
“I’ve never seen a Tom Cruise movie in my life.”
Hwasa should have left it at that, but her intoxicated brain didn’t take the hint. Knowing the crucial details of their backstory together—courtesy to Yuqi and her impressive interrogational skills—you sent her warning glares. Though she was too focused on her girlfriend to notice.
As extroverted as you had learned her to be, Hwasa had her fair share of relationships in the past. She had been with many men and women alike; some more serious and others not so much. Like her friends-with-benefits situation with Jackson, for example. After dating a lot through High School and the first two years of college, she eventually met Wheein. They loved each other very much, as anyone could tell after spending a few hours with them. An unspoken dynamic remained nonetheless, with Wheein being far less experienced.
She had been with men only for the first 20 years of her life. It took her another year to realise why her interest in them had never stuck. And another year after that to come to terms with her sexuality. That’s when she met Hwasa, their eventual relationship the first serious one she had ever been in. Let alone with a woman.
For as much as they loved each other, Wheein became insecure whenever Hwasa mentioned her previous partners.
So, yes. Hwasa should have probably let it be. But she didn’t.
“Erm, we sure did. I can’t believe you don’t remember. We got one of those loveseats in the last row, but the movie was so bad we started making out and stuff.” She didn’t need to explain and stuff further for you to know what she was hinting at. “I distinctly remember because my hair kept tangling up in your earrings. Almost lost an ear for sex that day.”
Clearing her throat, Wheein stepped back to lean against the counter, arms crossed. “Wasn’t me. See.” She lifted her hair, showing her ears to her girlfriend. It took a few seconds to realise her ears weren’t pierced. “It must have been one of your exes.”
A veil of tension spread over you at the hint of malaise in her voice. Hwasa’s cheeks heated up, a manicured nail between her teeth at the realisation.
Despite the music blasting through the speakers, the silence was thick. It broke only once Yuqi spoke up. You had never been happier about her ability to find the place to pick up previous conversations.
“I had sex in a whirlpool once.” Heads turned in her direction as her face scrunched up at the memory. “Very sexy, but not comfortable. And then there’s the issue of protection. Who in their right mind carries a condom when sitting in a whirlpool?”
“So? What did you do?” Changbin’s curiosity was very sparked.
“We took a chance.” A shockwave overtook the crowd as though Yuqi had said something controversial. “I know. I’m not proud of it, either. But as I said, it was very sexy, and we didn’t want to ruin the mood.”
“I definitely do not recommend taking a chance. Especially not for the sake of not ruining the mood.”
All eyes turned to you as you spoke, only acknowledging your words once they had come out of your mouth. Maybe you should go slower on the alcohol, as your body started to act on its own account.
“Speaking from experience?” Hwasa questioned with a smirk as you took another sip from your drink before finally setting it down.
“A friend of mine,” you explained, crossing your arms as you leaned against the fridge behind you. “She winged it once and got pregnant.”
“Damn! How old was she?”
“14 and a half.”
“That’s rough. Did your friend keep it?”
“He’s turning four in November.”
Most colour drained from Yuqi’s face at those words and a shudder ran through her body. “Now I’m kinda glad the only thing I got from my story was a cold.”
The crowd fell into a bunch of giggles at Yuqi’s honesty, the tensive mood finally fading. She should consider her ability to cut right through tension a gift.
Your gaze tiptoed through the doorway into the living area where they met a familiar figure. Over the past half-hour, you had searched his attention on occasion. The alcohol in your system encouraged the search for proximity to Jisung. Now that you had reached the early morning hours, the crowd started dissolving, and it became much easier for you to follow his movements. That he had the same urge for your closeness hadn’t gone by you. Several longing gazes had found you, which the vibrating egg inside you had at least some part in.
Jisung was still with most of his friends—sans Changbin, who was with you, and Felix, who had left a while ago. Instead, a few girls had entered the chat, most prominently a girl around your age and height. Why was she so prominent? Well, she seemed to find anything and everything your boyfriend said hilarious. She threw her black bob-cut-hair back so much, you feared she'd break her neck. She had started a conversation with your boyfriend earlier and now hung on his every word.
While you had checked their whereabouts at first, you stopped once you noticed Jisung’s nonverbal cues. The constant gazes your way and his lip wandering between his teeth with every uncomfortable chuckle. They told you he did anything but enjoy the banter the skimpily-clad girl had engaged him in.
Your suspicion proved correct when Jisung reached into his pocket and the vibrations picked up. Reassurance, that while he was talking to someone else, his mind was still entirely with you.
You probably should have helped out your boyfriend. You knew he couldn’t act on his unwillingness to continue talking to her. Though Jisung had to learn to handle such situations at some point. And you were having such a blast with your friends, so you let him be. The group was still debating their most public sexcapades and your head turned back as your lips wrapped around your bottle.
Apparently, your diverting glances hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Are you not bothered by that?”
Looking down at yourself, you feared your outfit had malfunctioned in some way. You knew you shouldn’t have worn a skirt to a frat party, but Yuqi had convinced you out of your faded black jeans. You always wear them. Spice it up a little. Unbeknownst to her, you had already spiced it up, the egg inside you rubbing against your walls with delicious pressure. But you still let yourself be talked into the skirt. Now, you regretted all your life decisions as a group of people stared at you.
“Why? What is it?” You searched your outfit for the origin of Hwasa’s statement.
“I’m talking about your boyfriend. Talking to another girl.”
You found the two of them again, eyes wandering up and down the girl’s sporty figure. Her long legs were clad in skin-tight jeans that reached her narrow waist. A crop top and pair of spotless white sneakers rounded off her athletic look. Her hand ran through her jet-black hair and that was all it took to detect that she was flirting. If her longing glances at Jisung hadn’t already been hint enough.
“And a pretty one,” Yuqi added as you focused on the group again, shaking your head.
“Not really, no. Why? Should I?”
“I don’t know. I’d be if it were my girlfriend, talking to her.” Wheein blushed at Hwasa’s words, damage control overshadowing her previous insecurity.
“I wouldn’t be too worried,” Changbin interjected, grabbing your attention. “She’s been coming on to each of us at least once tonight. She started off with Chris and made her way down the line.”
“Even if she didn’t. They’re only talking.” You met Jisung’s gaze, his lips morphing into a smile once he noticed. The vibrations spiked on cue, and it took a little more focus from you not to react. “I trust him.”
Little could have destroyed the trust you had for each other. Either of you understood that you had gotten lucky. Being with your best friend and finding your soulmate this early on. Apart from that, neither of you had ever given the other a reason to mistrust them. You were smart enough to not let anything risk what you had.
When Jisung excused himself from the group, your sense of awareness was proven yet again. He left the girl mid-conversation to join your separate party which filled you with pride. His cheeks squished into their usual round shape as he beamed at you until he landed at your side.
“Are you talking about me, or am I so pretty you can’t keep your eyes off me.”
Your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you from behind and his chin landed on your shoulder. “It’s when he says things like that, that I know I’m stuck with him for life.”
The girls and Changbin chuckled at your words, Jisung meeting your gaze with a frown.
“Nothing, baby. I love you.”
The stupid grin forming on his lips warmed your heart. “Love you, too.”
Your group picked up their game of Truth or Drink while your boyfriend stood wrapped around you. You tried focusing while Hwasa spun the bottle to land on you. The alcohol in your system caused a constant buzz, goosebumps rising as she asked you about secret kinks.
Your friends went positively berserk when you told them about your exhibitionistic tendencies. Not you. Not well-behaved Y/N, who never even swore. You refrained from further mentioning how you sometimes ditched underwear in everyday situations. Yuqi’s eyes would have probably bulked out of her skulls, comic-book-style. You also didn’t note your fondness of public play, fearing Hwasa would suffocate, forgetting to breathe.
“Sorry, but I can’t believe we could walk in on you two getting your freak on, entering a lecture hall. Or the cafeteria. Or the football court. Although…Would we walk out on you in that case?” Hwasa questioned once she had found the brainpower to pick her jaw up from the floor.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” you told your friend in amusement. “We’re pretty good at hiding. You wouldn’t even know we’re there.”
A whole new set of toxins filled your bloodstream as you talked something so dirty. Quickening palpitations were enforced by your boyfriend, pulling you closer against himself. The mere mention of your spicy secret was enough to drive him crazy. He seemed even more excited, being the only one knowing you were living your kink right that second.
Your very sexy, very tempting boyfriend shared your interest in all things exhibitionist. Although you usually kept the PDA down whenever around people. Sure, you exchanged kisses here and there. But even hugging typically only occurred when no one was around. It was somewhat precautional. So people around you weren’t even slightly suspicious when you decided to go commando. Or if either of you controlled whatever Bluetooth vibrator the other was wearing. No one would suspect anything like that from the couple that hardly held hands in public.
Your friends accepted your revelation after many more questions, which remained unanswered. They went off-topic—or rather, off you as the focus of it—as they debated their willingness to have sex in public. And you didn’t dare complain.
This way, no one noticed Jisung’s hand creeping up the back of your thigh until he reached your ass. He kissed the back of your neck, blowing cool air against the moist skin as it tickled you. Trying to stay calm and keep your secret antics secret from your friends was half the fun. You bit the inside of your cheek as his breath tickled you, his teeth soon moving to nibble at your earlobe.
The two of you swayed to the music, concealing your ass which was grinding against his growing bulge. It was no surprise when you felt him stiffen against the movement, a proud smirk appearing on your face.
Your ability to turn each other on in seconds was still as present as during the first few weeks together.
“Baby,” Jisung hummed against your ear, hands grabbing your hips to still you.
The music was loud, and the people around you were drunk enough so no one could follow your conversation.
“It’s been about three hours of me playing with you like this. How about we tend to that upstairs bedroom situation?”
“I don’t know.” The wondering tone in your voice was fake, teasing, and Jisung could tell. “I’m not convinced. Also, kinda having a blast here.”
“I don’t think this is a matter of conviction,” Jisung whispered, lips wandering over your neck. His hands travelled under your shirt, fingers digging into your flesh as he manhandled you towards the exit. “It’s been over a week since we last did it. You’re as desperate as I am.”
“Am I?”
“We should go upstairs. You know, to check.”
Inspecting your surroundings, right now seemed the best possible moment to leave. Everyone was deep in conversation, attention straying from the two of you.
“Okay. But let’s make this quick. Wouldn’t want to miss too much of the party.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m gonna be real fast.”
Jisung took you by the hand, leading you out of the kitchen and towards the staircase at the back of the room. You looked back at the group as Oohs and Get Its were thrown your way and gave your friends a thumbs up.
From that moment on, your mind was on Jisung.
You ran up the stairs behind him, and into the dim, unoccupied hallway. Once you had ensured you were on your own, you pulled Jisung back to finally kiss him.
His hands came to your hips on impact, keeping you steady against him as your mouth opened to let him in. Tongues intertwining and teeth clashing, he stepped forward, pushing you against the wall. Jisung didn’t take a breather, grinding himself against you and giving you no time to think. People could have come out of one of the rooms at any point, catching you. Not a hint of secrecy remained as the alcohol and your boyfriend’s tasted roamed your veins.
Soon enough, his mouth travelled down your jaw, tongue meeting the skin of your throat in a longing suck. He went all in, his hands running up your body until he met your breasts. The pressure against your throat provoked a throaty moan.
You hummed at his actions, feeling even more desperate for his full attention.
With your hands in his hair, you pulled him closer to your chest, his lips soon pressed against your cleavage. It reddened under his kisses and your breathing accellerate as he rubbed over your nipples. H knew your body better than you, strong arms keeping you in place as he handled you the way that always made you go crazy. Made you crave him.
“Baby—” you groaned into the air, head thrown back to grant him more access to your neck.
“Told you, you were as desperate as me.” The smugness in his voice remained uncommented as both his hands dipped under your bra. He pinched your nipples between his forefingers and thumbs and you ground yourself against him. A gush of wetness filled your panties as though they weren’t already soaked. It had been hours of him, controlling the vibrations inside you. “I bet you’re leaking out of your panties.” Jisung’s hand ran down your side until it reached the edge of your skirt. He felt below it, fingers dancing over your hot skin until his palm landed at your centre, cupping you. A groan left his lips. “Mhm, just like I said. You’re dripping.”
“Fine. You caught me,” you admitted with a sigh. “What are you gonna do about it, though?”
His face remained close as he turned the vibrations to the max, giving you no chance to prepare. Bending your knees at the rush of pleasure, you moaned into his mouth, pleading up at him. With his hand still cupping you, he could feel every contraction of your walls. Two of his fingers pushed the egg deeper into you. His palm against your clit further increased the electricity coursing through your veins.
“Did you say something?” Your mind blurred from the vibrations as mumbled pleas tumbled over your lips. Jisung smirked at your inability to form words, the toy slowing down after a while. “Didn’t think so.”
When he opened the door to the first bedroom he found, you followed him inside. Before he could even ask you to strip, you were already starting to undress. You were about to take your skirt off when Jisung stopped you with a request you couldn’t find it in you to deny.
“Leave it on.”
Of course, your insatiable, horny boyfriend would want to fuck you in a mini-skirt. You hadn’t worn anything that short in years. Add stockings and a cropped Rolling Stones shirt, and this would have come close to the outfit you had met him in.
Jisung removed his clothes, tight jeans requiring more attention as he struggled pushing them over his erection. After watching him take forever to rid himself of the confines, you decided to help him. Guiding his hands away from his crotch, you took over. A suggestive smile played on your lips as you held eye contact, dragging the pants over him and down his toned legs.
He expected you to lay back down once he was freed, letting him push you back into submission. Though, you had other plans at that moment.
Stripping your boyfriend of his briefs, his length looked too delicious to let the moment go by. So, you leaned in and took him into your mouth.
First, you concentrated on the head. You let the tip of your tongue dance over him before adding further lip action. After mere seconds, he was red and swollen, droplets of white crawling down the sides. He was twitching against your lips, head rolling back at the delightful dissatisfaction. Slow-paced ministrations were as arousing to him as they were frustrating, so you already expected his irritation.
Not a minute later, Jisung’s hands crept to the back of your head, attempting to guide you further down. In the current power position you found yourself in, you wouldn’t have any of that.
“Don’t move, baby. Let me take care of you.”
“’s not enough,” Jisung mumbled but complied, hands resting on your cheeks instead. “I need more.”
“I know. Just enjoy.”
You moved back to his head, sucking at him as your fingers dug into his thighs. They twitched against your touches, every other suck making him weak in the knees as they buckled.
Once Jisung started panting, you sped up, fitting more of him into your mouth. You could tell it became harder for him to hold back, hips bucking into your mouth on occasion. You didn’t stop him, enjoying his despair for the warmth and the lustful sight only you could provide him with. It made you feel powerful, the dominant side overtaking the logical one as you took him as deep as possible.
Gagging around him, a breathy “Fuck!” escaped him as he got oh so close to his orgasm. At some point, he must have taken the remote control out of his pocket. As he was nearing the edge, the vibrations increased, causing a moan to slip past your lips and around his length. He stifled an ecstatic scream with the back of his hand.
Your performance suffered for a mere second and Jisung took the opportunity to pull out. With new-found energy, he shoved you to lay on your back.
Typically, you held the more dominant position in bed. Sending your boyfriend to heaven by riding him like there was no tomorrow. All the more exciting was it when Jisung was so on edge he couldn’t stand your teasing. When he couldn’t wait to be inside you. That’s when he used his physical superiority to overpower you and have it his way.
You definitely had a soft spot for how he dominated you when he was particularly desperate.
With your back against the mattress and his arms on either side of your waist, there was no way for you to get up. Jisung used this advantage to connect his mouth to your breast, sucking at your nipple like you loved. Your eyes rolled back at the incredible sensitivity of each of his touches. After spending significant time at your chest—granting both sides the same amount of attention—he kissed his way further down. He flipped your skirt up and over your stomach, your underwear long stripped and you left exposed.
Desperate to get inside you, you expected him to remove the vibrator and replace it with himself. When he started kissing your thighs and stomach, you were surprised. Though you didn’t dare complain. Not when his lips burned your skin, threatening to leave lingering marks.
“So sweet.”
He didn’t mean for you to hear the whispered words against your core. The smile creeping onto your face turned to a loud moan as Jisung dove in. His lips found your clit, wrapping around it in a harsh hug. When he started sucking on you, the vibrations speeding up again, you believed you saw stars.
Your vision blurred, eyes moving to watch him, but you could barely make out shapes. Too overwhelming was his mouth on you, hips soon rolling against him to urge for more speed. A smirk against your flesh was followed by him repositioning your legs over his shoulders. It made him feel so much closer, your bodies basically becoming one. His mouth practically glued to your cunt.
At first, Jisung kept an agonising slow pace, eating you like he had all the time in the world. After a while, as your breathing sped up, so did your boyfriend’s mouth. For every count that your heartbeat accelerated, so did he. Licking a little preciser, sucking a little fiercer. All the while, he was grinding against the mattress, chasing his own release which was fast approaching. So much so you could tell from the humming against your core that sent shivers up your spine.
“Sungie—” you breathed out, hand coming to his hair to stop him. “Baby. Inside. Please.”
As he didn’t react at first, you thought he hadn’t heard you. You repeated your pleas, and finally, with a wall-tightening pull on your clit, he removed his lips from you. “I heard you the first time. Just couldn’t bring myself to stop yet.”
His words caused a breathy chuckle out of you as he took the vibrator out of you before kissing his way back up your body.
“You have protection?” you questioned as your fingers grazed his cheeks, heart eyes staring into your boyfriend’s.
“Always.” Connecting your lips in a soft kiss, Jisung got up for a few seconds to search his pants.
“Good thing we’re always prepared, huh?” You propped yourself up on your elbows as you watched your boyfriend take his wallet out of his pocket. All the talking about public sex and taking chances had unlocked some long overwritten memories, and you chuckled with an uncomfortable shiver. “At least now we are.”
The look on Jisung’s face faltered as he went through every compartment of his wallet. Once, twice, and then a third time. You could tell from his expression that something was wrong. “Actually, about that…”
“Don’t tell me you don’t have condoms.”
“It seems like I forgot to fill up my stock. Don’t you have one with you?” Jisung asked, searching for your clothes on the bedroom floor.
“Have you seen my outfit? I barely have enough room for my phone.”
“Oh, I have seen your outfit, alright.” A suggestive smirk followed his reply as he climbed back over your body. “That skirt is doing things to me I can’t possibly put into words.”
Kissing you with more passion, Jisung’s lips soon wandered down your neck again.
“I could pull out.”
The laugh coming through your lips as you tilted your neck for better access was much sarcastic. “Have you learned nothing from the past? We are not taking chances.”
“So, we’re supposed to not have sex instead? Have you learned nothing from the past 20 minutes? We need this.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, view roaming through the room. Jisung’s gaze said something along the lines of ‘You have a plan, right?’. And a plan you had. Rolling out from under your boyfriend, you crawled over to the nightstand. “What’s one thing every frat always has at hand?” You pulled open the upper drawer, feeling its content as a smile spread on your lips. “I knew it.”
With an overjoyed “Yes!”, Jisung grabbed the silver square from your hands, opening it with his teeth. “This screams for a celebration?”
“What did you have in mind?”
The ambiguous grin crossing your boyfriend’s face made you curious and aroused you simultaneously. From experience, you knew his ideas in this area never quite disappointed. Most of them added into your bedroom routine; adapted into your standard practices.
Jisung soon crawled back over your body, erection pressing against your entrance as he held the vibrator between his fingers. “Baby?”
“Ssh.” One of his fingers came to your mouth as he smiled at you, happy. “Just enjoy.”
When he slipped inside you, your walls instantly wrapped around him. Sculptured for his exact shape and size. Having him this close, hitting your spot as though he himself had placed it right at his tip, filled you with complete satisfaction. You could have remained in this position for hours. Being close to him. Warming him. Though soon enough, the calm inside you was forced to evacuate, the electrifying vibration of the pink egg meeting your clit.
You jumped at the feeling that was only enforced as Jisung started moving. Rapidly. Sending you to heaven within seconds as you crumbled around him. Nothing but his name escaped your lips, like a holy mantra.
It didn’t take either of you long to finish, both of you on edge from having waited over a week to be together like this. Which, quite frankly, rarely happened. And when the orgasm finally hit, toes curling and walls crashing, it sent him into his own high.
It took you minutes to come back down to earth.
“Damn.” You chuckled, agreeing, and your eyes met when you tilted your head to look up at him. You rested on his chest as it rose in unison with your breathing. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You kissed for a while, simply enjoying the intimacy before you pulled away to get up from the bed.
“You want to go back already?”
While you retrieved your clothes from the floor, your boyfriend still laid in bed, naked, propped up on his elbows. “What? You need more aftercare or something?”
“Nah. I thought you might. That was really intense just now.”
You pulled your top over your head, tugging it in your skirt before strutting towards him. With your fists planted on the mattress, you bowed over him, giving him a long, heated kiss. He bit your lip as you drew away, one of his hands coming to your jaw to keep you still.
“I need to pee.”
“Wow,” Jisung replied with a giggle, letting go of your face. “You’re nailing the dirty talk, baby.”
You blew a kiss at him as you walked to the door, leaving the room to find a bathroom.
A long hallway with a handful of doors on each side opened before you. The house was much more spacious than it appeared from the outside, fitting around a dozen people. And that was just the first floor. Any of these doors could lead to a bathroom but this was somewhat urgent. So, you opted for a rushed yet systematic approach.
You chose the door next to the one you had come out of, finding nothing but an empty bedroom. Much like the one your boyfriend was currently dressing in. The door after that was some form of storage unit, the only thing close to a toilet a bucket on the floor. If your search came up empty, you might revisit the idea.
One after another door led to more disappointment. Not until you opened the last door on the left side you found a room that wasn’t an unoccupied bedroom. It still was a bedroom—very much so—but it wasn’t even close to vacant.
The layout came into focus, illuminated by a ring light standing in the corner. As you further roamed the room, you spotted two bodies pressed together in the comfort of one of the two beds. You had no idea how you even got a close enough look to realise you knew one of the two people. It was likely your eyes, meeting for a second. That’s when you recognised his signature freckles, his face dropping as panic overshadowed.
“I’m sorry.” As fast as you had entered the room, you left it, eyes wide in confusion and surprise. It took you less than a few seconds to add two and two together.
Before you could think further about it, you got pulled out of your haze by none other than your boyfriend.
“Found a bathroom, baby?”
“Huh?” He tiptoed towards you and a grin spread on his features as he inspected a stinging hickey on your neck.
“Oh, no. I didn’t find one.” You smiled as he pulled you closer, kissing the dark mark. “I’ll use the one downstairs.”
“Let’s get back then. Wouldn’t want to miss out on all the fun, right?” A wink followed his question which you didn’t have the mind to return properly. You couldn’t quite forget what you had seen, hands entangling with your boyfriend’s as you threw one last look back into the hallway.
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Next Chapter >>>
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dosieslesbian · 11 months
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flashing tw
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serenababy4ever · 10 months
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Not my gif..... but Hot d@mn BangChan is So Fine 🥵
16+ readers only past this point
Idol y/n female and Idol Bangchan (obviously male) public relationship,smut
Side note : In next post y/n's girl group will be fully introduced with yn having a actual name
Y/n mind pov
I scrolled through my phone during break And saw a photo of my idol boyfriend Bangchan with blonde hair I wish he would go back to blonde hair it makes me feel so needy full of love and lust . I want to make love to him so bad and show him how much he drives me crazy . My group's leader Yena tells us break is over and we continue to practice our covers on Blackpink's How You Like That, Pink Venom , Mamamoo Hwasa Maria ,Solar's Honey and all I can focus on besides the choreography is "I can't wait to be done with dance Practice " .with my 8 member group Eclipse . I hope Stars (Fandom Name) will like our covers of BlackPink and MamaMoo songs . Each of us cover serperate songs. In the How you like That choreography the members Yena (gg leader) dances to Rosé's part , Lilac(main dancer) dances Lisa's part , Olivia (song producer, rapper) dances Jisoo's part and June(maknae,dancer,visual) is Jennie's part. For the Pink Venom choreography Hanna (vocal, dancer) is Rosé's part ,Bailey (producer,dancer,rapper) is Jennie's part,
Y/N (rapper,visual,producer, dancer,"ace of the group") is Lisa's part and Min-Lee is Jisoo's part. For the last two dances Y/N and Olivia are doing the choreography to Hwasa's Maria ( dor the dance olivia does the first half then y/n does the second till the near end then they both do the rest together) . For solar's honey dance Yena and June do the choreography (the same style as the same dance is parenthesis) while watching the leader and maknae do solar's honey dance our manager ,JYP and PSY walks in and they tell us to take a break and still down because they have a important announcement for us. Jyp speaks first " hello Eclipse I wanted to share something important with you girls today about my company " he turns his head to look at psy then psy speaks " hello eclipse Jyp no longer owns jyp entertainment but I do now named Psy entertainment because jyp is retiring from the company because he is getting into state in his old age where he can't do normal every day things while owning the company. With that being said you all don't have to sign anything since I already took care of everything but one important detail is since i own this company now you guys can officially when you feel like it go public with your significant other relationship. That goes for my other company p nation aswell . With sayjng that you girls cab take the rets if this week off to rest " .Jyp then says " that is all we needed to tell you all and we will be telling rest of the group's here aswell have a good day ladies " my group and I bowed as saying goodbye and our manager ,new boss psy and old boss jyp bowed aswell before all leaving the room me and my group cheered with excitement then grabbed our stuff . I wonder what Chan will think ...
Let me know for a part 2 on this fanfiction also next post will be introducing the group Eclipse and revealing y/n's name
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wannabeabogwitch · 1 year
Fem!TWST Headcanons - KPop songs that suit them/what they listen to
TWST Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/wannabeabogwitch/713354988973342721/twisted-wonderland-masterlist?source=share
I know a lot of these are the same groups, but it's because I am biased. LOL Also, these songs are bangers, at least, imo and I just felt like some of them really fit the characters or they'd definitely listen to these songs. Some of them are there Japanese releases, just because I feel they'd fit too. I had a lot of fun with this! lol
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Rina Rosehearts:
Wonderland - Alexa (It was a song for American Song contest, but Alexa is Kpop artist and not only is the song title fitting, but some of the lyrics too, referring to the rabbit hole and 'off with your head', at least in the English version, it's different in the Korean version, but still very fitting.)
Hear The Wind Sing - GFRIEND
Renaissance - WJSN/Cosmic Girls
Don't Look At Me Like That - Song Ji-eun
Queendom - Red Velvet
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Trinity Clover:
Ice Cream Cake - Red Velvet
House of Cards - BTS
Awake - Jin (BTS)
Coffee - BTS
Wonderland - Dreamcatcher
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Kate Diamond:
Noir - Sunmi (The song is about people being addicted to social media and doing anything for likes, so it's very fitting.)
The Feels - TWICE
Helicopter - CLC
PSY ft. SUGA (BTS) - That That
Mascara - XG
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Alice Trappola:
So What - LOONA
Pierrot laughs at us - IU (cover) (Original is by Kim Wan-Sun. (The lyrics feel fitting. Like, behind this character, they might not be as happy or playful as they seem on the outside.)
FIRE - BTS (Troublemaker through and through)
Trap - Dreamcatcher
Lucky One - EXO
Eve, Psyche and The Bluebeard's Wife - LE SSERAFIM
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Diane Spade:
Begin - Jungkook (BTS)
Growl - EXO
Can't Stop Me - TWICE
If You - Big Bang
Tomboy - (G)-Idle
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Leona Kingscholar:
Lion - (G)- Idle
Who Dat B - Jessi
Uh Oh - (G) - Idle (I feel like the lyrics fit her, idk)
If I Ruled The World - BTS
Kitty Run - Alexa
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Roxie Bucchi:
Hann - (G)- Idle
Cookie Jar - Red Velvet (Okay, it's one of their Japanese releases, but I'm gonna put it here anyway.)
Sahara - Dreamcatcher
Spine Breaker - BTS
Catch Me If You Can - Girls' Generation/SNSD
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Jacqueline Howl:
Not Today - BTS
Wolf - EXO
Break The Wall - Dreamcatcher
Revolution - Alexa
Yes I am - Mamamoo
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Azula Ashengrotto:
Mermaid - United Cube
Disturbance - BoA (I just feel like she'd listen to this song for some reason)
Jazz Bar - Dreamcatcher
Piano Man - Mamamoo
Wind flower - Mamamoo
Ditto - New Jeans
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Jade Leech:
Still With You - Jungkook (BTS)
Rain - BTS
Who am I - Weki Meki (I just feel like she'd listen to this song, idk)
Lo Siento - Super Junior, Leslie Grace and Play-N-Skillz
water color - Wheein
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Florence Leech:
Why Not - LOONA
CRAZY - 4Minute
Fantastic Baby - Big Bang
No Dot - SuA (Dreamcatcher)
Monster - EXO
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Kalima el-Asim:
Fancy - Twice
Dionysus - BTS
Happiness - Red Velvet
Hope World - J-Hope
Dazzle Dazzle - Weki Meki
Some Love - Dreamcatcher (The lyrics are very positive and I feel like it fits such a ray of sunshine!)
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Jamillah Viper:
Shadow Play - Pink Fantasy
HATE - 4Minute
Red Sun - Dreamcatcher
Cypher Part 3: KIller - RM, SUGA and J-Hope (BTS) ft. Supreme Boi
Hello Bitches - CL
Black Mamba - aespa
Impurities - LE SSERAFIM
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Viola Schoenheit:
Pose - Red Velvet
Vogue - Alexa
I'm a B - Hwasa
Woman - BoA
Snapping - Chungha
Movie Star - MIJOO
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Rochelle Hunt:
Love Shot - EXO (She's a Huntress and a total simp, so this song feels fitting somehow. lol)
BEcause - Dreamcatcher (She a stalker, so this song is quite fitting and I feel like if a character were likely to go yandere, it'd be her. lol)
Peekaboo - Red Velvet
Psycho - Red Velvet (She ain't actually psycho, but the song just sounds like something she'd listen to.)
I Like It Pt.2 - BTS (Another Japanese release)
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Elise Felmier:
District 9 - Stray Kids
I Will Show You - Ailee
Fairytail - Dreamcatcher
The Great Mermaid - LE SSERAFIM
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Idia Shroud:
Blue & Grey - BTS (For when she feels down)
Red Light - F(X)
In The Frozen - Dreamcatcher
Bomb - Alexa
BBoom BBoom - Momoland
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Orthea Shroud:
Alien - Lee Suhyun (It's a bop and Idk, I feel like it just works somehow)
Blue Bird - April
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Mallea Draconia:
Let Me In - Haseul (LOONA)
Fantasy - Pink Fantasy
Entrancing - Dreamcatcher (Siyeon solo)
Full Moon - Dreamcatcher
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Lillia Vanrouge:
Poison - Pink Fantasy
Tension - Dreamcatcher
Delight - Rolling Quartz
Lucifer - SHINee
Sins Of Society - DUOXINI (Okay, so this group is a thrash metal group, but they are still Korean and well, when I put Kpop, I meant other genres of music in Korea too.)
No Celestial - LE SSERAFIM
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Rainy Day - Dreamcatcher
Be Calm - Hwasa (Mamamoo)
Rain - Taeyeon
Fifth Season - Oh My Girl
Dreamcatcher - GFRIEND
Bicycle - RM
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Serena Zigvolt:
(Had some trouble thinking of songs for this character.)
MAISON - Dreamcatcher
Kill This Love - Blackpink (It has that military-like sound and it feels pretty fitting)
Picky Picky - Weki Meki
Overdose - EXO
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m4rtuuu-u · 9 months
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songs that i'm currently obsessed !!
bcs i'm just bored lol
Sacrifice- Enhypen
Teddy Bear- STAYC
Party O'Clock- NMIXX
I love my body- Hwasa
The girls- Blackpink
Bet On Me- ITZY Back For More- TXT (ft. Anitta)
Blue grapes- Le SSerafim
Yes or Yes- TWICE
Social Path- SKZ (ft. LiSA)
Crazy Stupid Love- TWICE
Back Door- SKZ
Magic- TXT
Better Things- æspa
Poppy- STAYC
Run 2 u- STAYC
Bubble- STAYC
Salty & sweet- æspa
Alcohol free- TWICE
Good Boy Gone Bad- TXT
That That- PSY (ft. Suga of BTS)
I do- (G)I-DLE
Eleven- IVE
ETA- New Jeans
Hwaa- (G)I-DLE
That's all, byeee :3
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k-star-holic · 9 months
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PSY Final Destination It was Shin-Ae Ahn who made a new song, Hwasa
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thekpopgossip · 9 months
Roundup: Freshest Releases
BLACKSWAN "Cat & Mouse"
Now imagine my surprise to see BlackSwan put out one of the best songs of the year. This is something Doja Cat could have released a few years ago, and her songs aged really well. This is solid and the group's best track yet, and hey, you know never know who the next 50/50 in k-pop is.
Hwasa "I love my body"
MAMAMOO's Hwasa is under Psy's label now and changed up her style accordingly. I actually liked the song (60's swing vibes), until the pre-chorus hit. There are not enough melodies and no dynamic in any of the verses, it's also simply too short to build up to anything. We got a forgettable beat with an empowering message, only the music video is filled with beautiful, skinny girls, so even in that regard, Hwasa and P-Nation failed at messaging.
Lee Chaeyeon "Let's Dance"
"Knock Knock" did pretty well, so Chaeyeon got an early comeback, but the song is not as good as "KK". It's a little too hype for me, not in a good way, it's just too loud and that "let's dadadadada-dance" is annoying after a while. The bridge is terrible too, I actually would have not minded this song only being 2 minutes long.
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kpopmultifan · 11 months
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gyeonyeong · 11 months
[ amber ]  which is your favorite season? why? [ canary ]  do you have pets? if yes, how many and what? [ blonde ]  what is your favorite type of music? favorite artist? favorite song?
inverno. parte porque ele ama tudo que envolve época desde o chocolate quente as roupas, porque ele ama pijamas de frio estilo kigurumi, tem também a neve e o natal, porque é a maior confraternização em que ele vê todos que ele gosta juntos.
infelizmente não, ele e nem hajun tem tempo pra cuidar direito de um pet então eles nunca pensaram em ter um no apartamento, mas yeong adoraria adotar qualquer bichinho um dia.
kpop e electro-pop, principalmente as musicas que soam animadas e que passe aquela sensação de felicidade mesmo quando você está triste? é o que o yeong gosta basicamente musica chiclete. atualmente ele é fã apenas do psy apenas mas ele também já foi ainda é fan boy da @heavenstarr e sua musica favorita no momento é maria da hwasa.
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soulminyg · 1 year
@schnaf tagged me💜 ty
Rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from Spotify or the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks.
Since I don't use Spotify, I don't have an "on repeat" playlist, but I do have my most listened songs from the last season so that'll do.
1. Songcord by Zoe Saldaña
2. Music Session Vol. 53 by Shakira and Bizarrap
3. Run BTS by BTS
4. People by Agust D
5. That that by Psy ft. Suga
6. Lonely by RM
7. Maria by Hwasa
8. Stay Alive by Jungkook and Prod. Suga
9. Freefall by Slot Machine
10. Fever by Enhypen
I'm tagging: @wintrbears @yellowjellobean @outpastthebrakers @itookjiminsjamz feel free to do it or not, however you feel more comfortable <3
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fywheesa · 2 years
220820 Hwasa - Twit + Melody, @ Psy's Soaking Show 2022 - Busan
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