#hydroblading low enough to kiss the ice
neverendingtrove · 3 years
A long chaotic post about Yuzuru Hanyu
I accidentally wound up watching the figure skating European Championships this year and then I realized there was one more big competition (Four Continents Championship) and then the Olympics. Well, of course I was interested to see who was going to get Olympic gold for the multiple disciplines in figure skating. And like this, I ended up finding out about Yuzuru Hanyu.
It was weird because I had heard of Yuzuru Hanyu before, but never made the connection that this willow boy (well, 27yo man athlete and artist) was him. Imagine my surprise when I did a quick research on him and found out about his passion for the sport, the heart and soul he pours into every performance, the way he constantly challenges himself to become better and better - he does not care that much about winning, he cares about achieving his own goals in the sport - and that's something to be admired. Besides his dedication to figure skating, he also seems to be an extremely polite, generous and genuine human being. The way he talks to other people, the respect he shows to others on and off camera, it's awe-inspiring; there are not many people like that anymore.
I decided that before the Olympics, I would watch all his programs in various competitions (from his first senior season back in 2010 until now, 12 years later). I am impressed by how much he has evolved as an athlete in these years and am much more so impressed as I realize Yuzuru chose to stay true to himself in this somewhat unfair judging system of figure skating competitions.
As I watched Yuzuru's programs, I was taken by him, especially by several gala performances in more recent years. I started rooting for him so deeply than when he came on the ice in the Men Single's Skate Short Program at the 2022 Olympics, I was so nervous for him. I was mesmerized by him, almost forgot about that first mistake - a hole in the ice. There was still hope for him in the Free Skate, and you know what? I hoped with him! I had tears in my eyes as I waited for him to jump the 4A. It may not have been ratified, but it was close enough, Yuzuru's best 4A to this day, and that's something to be proud of. Remember, injured ankle, painkillers and he still did that. Yes, a second mistake followed, but so what? Yuzuru Hanyu made history once more and proved that he's the GOAT of figure skating. My heart broke when I read a translation of one of Yuzuru's interviews: "I don't know what I did to offend the ice". Considering how reverently he treats the ice, I broke for him. This man... I can't imagine the disappointment he must have felt right after. But he wanted to know that he helped people, that he did something that people who watched him enjoyed and when he saw the positive response, he was overjoyed. I don't know how one cannot get inspired by someone like Yuzuru Hanyu, who doesn't take, only gives.
Today was the EX Gala of the Beijing 2022 Olympics. Yuzuru skated to Haru yo, Koi, a beautiful piece of music. His skate brought once more tears to my eyes, I cried from the emotion he evoked, the moment his hydroblade went so low that he kissed the ice... no one can send emotion to the public like Yuzuru Hanyu does. And after this emotional performance, what does he do? Smile, laugh, fool around with BDD, the mascot, enjoys every moment he can on Olympic ice.
And what happens off stage? Before getting for the last time in 2022 on Olympic ice, he skates his heart out on a huge number of old programs ON AN INJURED ANKLE because he wants to show those watching the missing parts of various programs that he did not get to properly show off in previous settings. So he created a medley of previously missing pieces.
There are so many other kind and exceptional things he did behind the scenes, but that'd take too long to talk about. This was a rant as I tried to illustrate the reason why I'm so inspired by Yuzuru Hanyu.
I hope he now gets the rest and healing time he needs because I think we haven't seen the last of Yuzuru Hanyu. I am looking forward to seeing what else he has in store for the future.
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lazuliblade · 6 years
2019 Worlds - EX Gala rough report
I am, so tired. I slept about 3 hours last night. Apparently at the small medal ceremony Yuzu said he slept 3 hours last night. We’re comrades in sleep.
Ahhh, “Haru yo, Koi” was amazing. The Exhibition Gala was such a nice note to end on. I’m sad Yuzu didn’t get a chance to do an encore since he didn’t win -- we could have had it all. Haru yo Koi costume in the sakura-themed Kiss&Cry. Origin skated with the Haru yo Koi costume -- can you imagine? Dark overlord god of the universe, but in pale white-pink? That Ina Bauer with the arm choreo, done in the beautiful ruffly costume. The final spin into the dramatic triumph pose. It would have been glorious. But ah well.
Again, a proper report will follow later when I’m not as dead. Likely Tuesday since tomorrow I won’t be able to use my laptop. For now, some rough highlights:
Yuzu’s costume is so sparkly
When the skaters were gathering in the entrance to come out for the introductions, I saw sparkles from across the rink. I was in the corner on the same long side as the entrance but all the way on the other end, so I didn’t have a clear view like yesterday when I could see them enter/exit without obstruction. Immediately I thought “I bet that’s Yuzu” and I pulled up my binoculars. Yes, it was Yuzuru. Bless him for having beautiful costumes.
The costume was actually a really pale pink and looked almost white from a distance. I realized that it literally is the color of not just any pink sakura you see printed on containers/marketing ads/everything, but it’s the color of THE sakura you’d see in person. The nearly white flowers that don’t actually look pink until you get close. The sakura people people refer to when they mention flower viewing. The sakura trees that line the roads in many neighborhoods, the trees that the meteorological agency bases the cherry blossom forecast on. So he was dressed up in the color of the live flower.
Yuzu’s low hydroblade covers SO much ice, and he held it forever. He did two revolutions. It was in my corner, so I was able to see him sink deep into that position, and get lower still. It covered maybe a fourth of the rink? And the diameter was huge - covering a good chunk of the width of the rink. He had a moment where his head came up abruptly (he was facing away from me at that moment - but apparently it’s because he leaned far enough down to kiss the ice and then jerked back up), and then sunk lower yet again into the second revolution. The lady next to me was just in awe saying “wow, it looks like he’s gonna fall, doesn’t it?” There was like a centimeter between his body and the ice -- it almost looked like he was laying on it, but he was going so fast.
His Ina Bauer was luxurious. That’s it. That’s the one word that came to mind when he so smoothly slid into position and then smiled and tilted his torso back. Then leisurely did the arm motions like he was unconcerned about running out of speed or ice. 
It covered a lot of distance as well. This started on the long side heading into my corner again, and wrapped around the entire short side of the rink and back to the middle of the opposite long side.
Also, holy heck he’s so fast. He was in the corner directly diagonal from me waaay on the other side of the rink, and he took just TWO crossovers and suddenly he was at full speed halfway across the rink doing those steps before the 3Lo - which was also landed in front of me.
The delayed Axel was so airy and high
His spins are crazily centered. The Sit Spin is a stationary point of twinkling stars in a vortex. It’s mesmerizing to watch because he doesn’t move from the position AT ALL. 
Then he unfurls upward with the piano note runs, and everyone in the audience stood up before he hit his last spin upright position.
He changed the first spin early in the program where he reaches down to touch the ice with his fingertips and leaves those finger tracks - he didn’t reach down this time. I guess he didn’t want to slow down the speed of the spin? Who knows.
His smile when he threw the snow in the air. The atmosphere was of anticipation for this moment, and we all started clapping and shouting when he did it.
I have a lot of stuff from other skaters too, but this is getting super long already without it even being a properly polished post, so I’ll put it all under a cut and mention just the highlights that come to mind.
Nathan’s program was a great one to end on
He uses his arms well when he doesn’t have to focus so much energy into jumps - his choreo is always interesting and refreshing.
The upbeat song really got the crowd going. It was like sunshine after we had Sui/Han, Alina, and Papadakis/Cizeron.
His encore to the Nemesis choreo sequence was sharp, and I’m glad I got to see that skated with the energy he had way back in the 2017 GP Rostelecom.
Sui/Han were magnificent. They looked like one person in two bodies out there - which is exactly what Pairs is about. Everything was seamless. I’d seen this EX on video before, but seeing how smoothly they transferred the fan, how fluidly the cloth moved. I was really struck too by how beautifully intimate that last lift was where it looked like Wenjing was entrusting herself to his care, and he was cradling her close. It was so powerful especially with how they missed the first half of the season because of injuries and weren’t in great shape heading to Worlds.
The Italian skaters in general know how to do EXs
the audience around me were confused about him coming down the stairs from the stands, and the sudden stripping - yes, they’re losing their robes. It’s a “boxing” EX and you’re in for a good time. 
Matteo Rizzo was a lot of fun, and I’m sad the crowd didn’t understand the song lyrics/were too hesitant/polite/whatever to be able to shout out “Ghost Busters” when the singer literally asks for listeners to shout the name. People loved the entire opening sequence with the beeping machine, and the middle part when the ghost scares him and he loses his backpack.
Michal Brezina and his island retreat skate. It was such a chill way to start off this entire gala.
Keiji’s JoJo program was amazing and the crowd loved it. He’s so in character and the lighting people really went all out with the effects. Yuzu fixed his hair/was fiddling with it afterward when they were in the finale getting ready for the group bow.
Shoma has such nice edges, and his 3A covers a lot of distance. The crowd was really supportive and I feel they just wanted him to skate freely.
Yuzu was so bubbly, smiley, giggly, it was effusive. He looked like he enjoyed it all more than anyone else. His smile was like sunshine.
When the Ice Dance teams were together doing their opening intro spins/lifts, the Men were by the boards on the far side from where I sat, so I could clearly see them stretching. Which is odd, because you’d think they should be warmed up to skate already, and the Ladies and Pairs weren’t doing anything like that. Yuzu was stretching his shoulders, reaching back as if trying to get his zipper, so I thought for a moment that he was fixing something, but the other guys were also stretching their arms and legs, so I figured he was stretching his shoulder blades. Yuzu looked like he was testing/envisioning something. The Ladies did their spins, and then the Men go out and do...a spiral side-by-side in a straight line heading towards the short side. They did the basic arabesque pose, and then Yuzu goes and does a catchfoot spiral - so I guess we did get a Biellmann after all. Kind of.
The Men getting in the center to put their hands together and do the whole “go team!” thing, Shoma was off somewhere in his head or forgot or something and then ran to catch up and throw his hand in. The audience laughed because that’s so Shoma.
The finale, we were wondering where Yuzu was, because all the skaters had gathered at the entrance ready to step out onto the ice, and then once on the ice he still wasn’t there. That’s when Nathan goes and brings him over like he’s the guest of honor - I don’t know if the choreographer planned it from the start, or if someone mentioned during practice that it would be nice to do that, but it was a beautiful sentiment.
When all the skaters lined up joining hands for the final bow, I couldn’t help notice how tall Yuzu looked next to Gabby Daleman. She skates so big I didn’t realize she was only 155cm (just the tiniest bit over 5ft).
and when the skaters skated up to the boards in a line holding hands, Yuzu did an arabesque spiral - like he did during the early FaOI shows in the summer.
He was being all cute when all the skaters were doing the two laps around the rink. Lots of peace signs up to his eyes and jumping/bouncing around/skating backwards
He tried to offer the mascot to join the group picture, but it seems the mascot couldn’t see what Yuzu was pointing to/intending, so Yuzu did exaggerated motions, and then when the mascot still didn’t get it, he did a full-body head tilt and there was lots of “are you not going to join then? Oh wait-yes? No, then? (hesitating halfway between turning for the group and the mascot)...wait, that IS a yes?” He helped hold the mascot and skated backwards with little wiggles tugging it along.
When the gold medalists were taking their customary picture, Yuzu was at the exit of the rink and did his final “arigatou gozaimashita” so the audience all screamed back acknowledgements and thanks.
Alina went back after all the pictures were over and did a revenge 3Lz that she fell on in her encore.
They tried to tug Nathan into doing a jump too, but he refused. (Nope, not going to repeat that mistake again when he broke his hip doing a 4T in a gala. Smart move.)
It all passed by so quickly. Look out for a polished retelling later.
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lazuliblade · 6 years
Cherry blossom celestial maiden fairy Yuzu was way too pretty and I took 100+ screencaps. I need to sort through the best ones, and try grabbing some cleaner pictures of moments where the costume flowed so well.
He has no right looking that good in pale pink ruffles with pearls and gems. It’s like Requiem+Notte Stellata while being its own thing. 
And that ultra low hydroblade is ridiculous - now I understand the reports of him being so low he kisses the ice. It’s not like he’s never done two-handed hydros. He used to do them when he was younger, but he’s stated that it was for balance and that now he barely even needs to touch the ice anymore. This variation was to fit the music and he takes it up a notch. Almost like he’s gazing into the ice.
Ok, enough rambling. I’ll get to rewatching and screencapping.
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