chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
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derealfeelz · 10 months
The Infamous Dance Pt. 3 (Kodoku’s Lilacs, The Life of a Flowstar, No. 104)
So I left off when the principal called my mom and I was sent out while they searched through my phone (With my permission, I didn't know about a law for consenting phone searches) This'll be the last of the story since this is basically the end. This is basically the only story I could feel comfortable telling around a campfire, only story really since I'm not really that active outside.
After I was sent out, my mom came in and I think I said hi, she didn't look happy. She went in the office and talked to the principal, Idk what they talked about but yeah. I wasn't allowed to say hi to my friends for some reason, this other lady wouldn't let me. But after a while, I was let back in the principal's office with my mom present in there.
After I was let back in, they wanted to hear some things from me, I remember saying something along the lines of "I was regretful", I wish I could remember. I did apologize, as I felt I should've cause I didn't mean to hit a nerve on him, from a not so serious video for some reason. He said he accepted my apology, and he'd let me either stay at school or go home. They wouldn't tell me what my punishment was and if it was gonna be an in school suspension then, I was going home because I was not gonna stay in the school punished, feeling like my reputation was ruined.
I remember being told that I wasn't supposed to tell my friends, but fuck it, life's short and these friends meant something to me. I remember even expressing that I felt my reputation was ruined, but they reassured me that everything was cool and they knew I didn't know the law at first. And even my mom and family weren't mad at me for it, they thought it was stupid too that I would get in trouble for something like that. It makes me feel comfortable that everyone else had my back when they knew principal did wrong, especially when I had low self esteem and that I was really shy then (Everything's the same still somewhat, I'm not as shy tho).
I remember going to the doctors then the week after (Incident took place right before weekend) because I was coughing badly, and my mom let me stay home for monday and tuesday. After that, I decided to go to school wednesday, and I walked to my class like usual, hoping nothing happens. And then, the principal walks in, says he's gonna take me with him, I asked where and I think he said "Don't worry about it". How tf am I not supposed to worry about it when you got pissed over something that ain't even real lmao, corny asf. The place he was taking me to was the ISS room which is so small, I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic in there.
Before that, he wanted me to hand in my phone, because of ISS, which I decided not to bring in that day in case he searched through it again. He dug through my bag and warned me that if I lied about leaving my phone, he'd take my phone privileges for the rest of the year. Turns out that would be illegal for him to search through my bag too, but I did give consent, I really wish I would've known these types of laws sooner.
Nothing really happened in the ISS room, I was handed papers to write down something like the full date 100 times in cursive or something like that, or I kid you not, one that said "I love being in ISS!", bet he was trying to mock me or something lol. I ain't gonna lie, it felt a little nice writing down stuff, gave me something to pass time. Luckily, in 2nd period, me and a friend (Who decided to take a blame for the team cause of the videos being posted on Insta) were called up and told we could go into our classes. I never felt so fucking relieved when I heard that, I was not going to have a panic attack in such a small room.
Now after this, nothing really happened between me and the principal, we haven't bumped heads with each other into a troublesome situation so far, and I hope to never again. I've heard from my mom that she was apparently lied to on phone, and even in person, although I'll admit I didn't paid attention lol. I also heard from a friend months later that the principal could've sued me, imagine being so pissed that you'd sue a minor for being a kid, I get you'd be embarrassed for the videos, but it's corny you wanna hurt my family, face only me instead as I took responsibilities. Oh well, it's all over and we're in peace, and I hope it stays that way. Goodnight now!
Sincerely, Kodoku.
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