#i NEVER liked the phrase 'preffered pronouns' cause a prefference is too soft
eldenringle · 1 year
I think we should stop saying things like "preferred" pronouns, disrespecting someone's gender, and using someone's "chosen" name when we talk about transphobia. It makes it sound like a reasonable choice or disagreement and not the denial of reality that it is.
I don't have preferred pronouns, I have accurate pronouns. Using anything else for me is a grammatical mistake.
I don't have a name and calling me anything else is wrong. I straight up don't answer to my dead name anymore and look purposefully confused if someone calls me it. Cause that's not my name. And calling me by it is getting my name wrong.
We know that disrespecting someone's gender is done out of transphobic hate, but I think it's time we start strategically ignoring that and treating transphobes like they're idiots for denying reality and buying into something that's obviously false. We need to act like trans women are women and trans men are men is the default state of thought, cause that's what normalization is.
Stop arguing with transphobes and start treating them like idiots for not getting with the program. I guarantee THAT will shame at least some of them into abandoning their active hatred cause all they're trying to do is enforce the status quo and convince themselves they're normal.
Change the status quo. Make them out to be the weird ones and it will do more than calling them hateful bigots ever did. Don't validate their hate, invalidate the reality they're trying to impose. Being trans is normal, and they don't get to sit with us if they think otherwise.
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