#i WAS gonna rewatch part one or check out secretary 2002 of charlotte twister tom ford lost cherry review fame but alas night's too short
rubenovichoff · 11 months
watching jennifer's body sequel tonight (three hours of plotless shitty avant-garde tapestry of grounded melancholy-drenched mist-filled cold-coffee-scented shots of me, an intangible placeholder, wordlessly considering the soulless studio executives deciding on a marketing strategy antithetic to the film, crowds of disappointed, angry or bored bedicked eyeball-racks, and piles of ignorant reviews, courtesy of egotistic film-critic-shaped parrots, intercut with flashes of ludicrous torture porn featuring characters observed in previous scenes, my very personal rage, amplified by generally spineless non-hater nature, visually inspired by the small-anon-forum gore spam i internalized in my youth)
*if u know of any interesting jens body thinkpieces send them my way pretty please xoxo. preferably ones that dont have 'feminism' and 'queer repersentation' in every sentence.
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