#i also have this headcanon that students don't get cited for the (canonically rampant) out-of-classes/hallway magic
greenerteacups · 11 months
the latest lionheart chapter had me cheering at my phone like i was watching a goddamn UFC cage match. i think draco should be allowed to beat peoples ass all the time, personally. shoutout to neil, i’ve had you for two seconds and i would die for you. minerva mcgonnagall is an archangel confirmed canon. this was great, this was splendid, thank you for your contribution to society <3
thank you very much! "draco should be allowed to beat people's asses all the time" is incidentally an opinion that you and draco share!
i always love writing a good old-fashioned fight scene. neil macdonald is one of the few real OC's I've made for this fic — like pure no-canonical-counterpart OC — and I'm very glad you like him! <3
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