#i always get anxious tagging ppl bc i don't want anyone to feel left out AHHHHHHHH
therinfal · 1 year
— @moonmothers & @kelemvorr & @dameaylin tagged me in this! thank u so very much 🥺💞💞
— tagging @halsin, @mrdekarios, @gortash, @reapersynth, @cetra, @stinkrascal, @feypacts, @flymm, @kirkwall & you!!!!!
favorite color. pink and green!!! specifically blush pink and sage green teehee
last song. cursed to die by lorna shore <3 i have completely normal feelings about them
last movie. i genuinely do not remember like i never watch movies anymore 😭 how to train your dragon is a good bet tho bc it's my autism comfort movie
currently watching. i mostly watch youtube but the last tv show i watched was bridgerton queen charlotte (i know im sorry jhsdfjhgsdjsf)
currently reading. do fics count. bc i am too embarrassed to name the awful romantasy novels i read
current obsession. bg3 to absolutely NO ONE's surprise
sweet, savory, or spicy? HMMMM i like all 3 v much but i'm a savory hoe methinks
currently working on. mostly just on actually getting through a bg3 playthrough :| once i start i'll be hopefully making gifs again (and maybe i will dip my toes back into writing. perhaps.)
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t-lostinworlds · 11 months
This is very sincere because I’m new here but I’ve seen a few posts about it but what is so bad about spam liking? In my head it seems like if you like the work, then you should like it to show that. I’m just trying to figure out what I’m missing here. 
see, on tumblr, likes really don't do much. it's not twitter or instagram or tiktok. on here, a like can be interpreted as so many things at once and it can't always mean you "liked" the story. lots of ppl use likes as bookmarks. for me, it can either be, they liked it bc they enjoyed it or they liked bc they've seen the post but didn't read it at all. there's really no way of knowing bc it's such a passive interaction. it just so disheartening to see something you've put so much hours in just get consumed like it's nothing.
it's like putting all you're time and effort cooking a buffet for free, and then people come into your house, eat it and even take all the left overs, and then leave without as much as a feedback, a comment if they enjoyed their meal, or even just a simple thank you for sharing this food with us. if you think of it in that scenario, it's a bit rude and heartbreaking isn't it?
we share these stories bc want to talk about it. we want to know what you like about it, when want to know which part made you laugh, which part made you cry, which part made you all giddy or if the whole piece itself just made you smile as you read it.
a "like" really doesn't tell us anything apart from you read the whole thing i put so much effort in, you pressed this button, and moved on with your day.
reblogging shares the work to more people, it's like an appreciation where u enjoyed the thing so much you want to show it to other people too. commenting let's authors know that you've read the story and enjoyed it. something as simple as "I enjoyed this so much!" will keep us going for months.
and if you're not comfortable doing any of that (and I get it trust me. being anxious is a bitch) there's an ask box with an anonymous feature where nobody will no who you are.
i always reread comments on my fics, i enjoy seeing ppls unhinged tags on a gif set I made. it makes it feel like doing this is worthwhile bc I'm making someone's day, I'm making someone laugh, I'm making someone go feral over a scene of their fave character. a "like" is really just that. cut and dry and passive.
anyways, I'm not going to force anyone to do what they want on this site. but do keep in mind to support your creators by reblogging, or just make an author's week by leaving a nice comment on their work 💗
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