#i am really feeling God in this Chili's tn
nuclearforest Β· 2 years
Hello friendly anon! Ty for the ask ❀️ Maybe we'll see some oversharing on my part this morning.
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
Gremlin living in the woods.
I love the woods. I like a healthy separation and lots of trees and shade and no big wasteful lawns. I love the colors changing with the seasons and snow on evergreens. And the idea of a cabin nestled in the woods with a gravel driveway and a little trail of smoke billowing from the chimney with the scent or something warm hanging in the air is just so lovely. Bonus if it's lakeside or has a little stream.
Inside the cabin (log or cobblestone) it would be so nice and cozy. Lots of wood and shiny rocks and handmade things with tasteful modern conveniences mixed in. I don't mean smart stoves bc those are fucking stupid, but decent wifi and a little worshop in the basement or off to the side for my myriad of hobbies. Big open spaces and high ceilings and a wood stove for heating and cooking. Double bonus if there's a nook for fluffy things and chilling out and cuddling with cats or dogs or possibly a werewolf 🀣
I like soft things in natural spaces and wanna appreciate how mother nature really went nuts with the rings in wood and the crystalline structures that naturally form underground and the way that things change in a rhythmic soothing way. The patter of rain on the roof or crackle of fire in the fireplace with enough privacy that you can curl up and lose time with those you love.
In other words: I am a monumental sap and a softie.
πŸ’Ž What’s your most prized possession?
Honest to God: my baby blanket.
So like, fun fact: sometimes I get in a headspace where I wonder how much of my life I could get rid of and be fine without lol. Usually it happens when I get 🌈 hella anxious 🌈 but since actually starting to take meds for it, it's been a lot less frequent.
But the conclusion for these tangents usually fell to my baby blanket. Like everything else is replicable or replaceable outright. I don't have that much pride or care much for stuff I made (most joy comes from the process of making pretty things and not owning pretty things). Most stuff can be backed up on the cloud if I need it, and even then how likely am I going to be to look at ALL my old unsorted pics? Physical stuff is cool but whatever. Makes for conveniences and costs money to replace.
But one of those irreplaceable things is my baby blanket. I have a hella emotional attachment to it, and in my life it represents a very pure kindness that I can't shake the feeling of. Great Aunt made it for me. Mended it for me as a kid. And it's still kicking well after 2 decades of wear. It represents somebody making something warm and loving for somebody that they gain no benefit from, and like. That just absolutely kicks me in the honey nut feelios.
A close second is my car. Because I kinda bond with it like pets and I don't have any pets yet lol. I sobbed like a baby when I had to trade in my old one for my current one instead of fixing it, even if it wasn't worth the cost to fix and might not have been that reliable for my brief foray out on the other side of the US. But years later I've now bonded with my current car, too, and get massively upset if something breaks 🀣
So TLDR: I'm a sap and form strong emotional attachments to inanimate objects, making them inherently irreplaceable.
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