#i am so stressed and im about to go on vacation how hehe haha funny would it be if i just left and didn't come back
skellydun · 1 year
thinking about ending it all (quitting my job)
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oppatxtme · 7 years
Christian Yu: What’s On Sight (1)
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Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7  // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9
WARNING: Just some curse words in some part. (sorry)
A/N: (Nhaks lakas maka-A/N HAHA!) Hello there ppl ~ This will be my first time posting my written scenario. I have lots on draft but it just stays there. Hahaha! But this is just my testing on posting it. I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think. I appreciate it really. 
Also, just keep in mind that English is not my native language so there might be some spelling and grammar error. Sorry for my lack of talent and I promise to work hard on this. Thank you and please enjoy. Any feedback is well loved. <3
                 Yaaaah! Christian!
  - yow! hahaha!
theres no need to yell
whats up? miss me?
                 Tsssk! Wat took u so long to reply?
               Wen u just tweet some trash when i msg u?
  - first of all its not trash, its called selfie. a selfie of a very handsome man who's supposed to be ur only best friend on earth. so show some love.
                FYI ur not the ONLY best friend i have. aaargh! watever!
  - ok fine. im just the best of the best u have. hahaha
- so wats new? its rare that ur the one looking for me and flooding me msgs like that..
  - well?
                its just that..
 - just that - you really miss me right?
                seriously Ian? If I were to miss someone, u already know who it was and its not you.
 - HAHAHA! I know. I know. Its Lori. Its always been Lori.
                 yea, always..
  - well Lori misses u too. we both do.
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                 Loooori! Arrrgh! dont be like that Ian, if u keep saying and sending me that I might change my mind on renewing my contract here.
  - huh? ur planning on renewing there? but thats not what u said when u took ur vacation YN
                  yea, i know. but something came up and i cant afford to quit and stay in Seoul as planned
  - WHY??
                 change of plans? hehe
 - well obviously
                  wait. r u mad or something?
 - no. its just that its not like you. i mean ur not that type of person who just back out once u decide on something w/o even trying.
                 i know Ba.. u dont have any idea how stressful it is, but i cant affort to make a mistake now..
               i just cant Ba
 - where r u now? its already 6am here in Seoul so its already 1am there in Dubai right?
                 yea.. why?
 - answer my call.
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  You’re hesitant to answer his call. But you answered anyway because you know him too well. He won’t stop calling until u answered.
 You cleared your throat.
  "Took you long enough."
 You can’t help but smile on how comfortable the two of you become. I guess that’s what four years of friendship can do to you.
  "Well, I miss you too Ba."
  "Whatever. So mind telling me what’s on your empty head that you decide to renew your freaking contract on that trashy company you're in."
  "Haha! The company is not trashy, just most of the people in it though."
  "Same thing. So why? Don’t you think you've been trolling me long enough? Long distance call is not cheap you know."
  You end up laughing at imagining how irritated he looks at the moment.
  "Stingy as always. But first, why are you mad?"
  "Wait a moment here YN, I'm the one who's calling so just answer my question and I might tell you why I'm mad."
  "Fine. Well, how do I start.."
 Honestly, you have plenty on your mind that you want to say to him. Because u know that out of all the people you know, you know that Christian is the right person who you can talk about it.
 But now that you've been keeping it for too long for yourself, you’re having a problem with putting it to words.
  "How about starting on since when are you having this issues and keeping it to yourself so now you're stressing yourself about it?"
 Again, you can’t help but laugh.
  "What’s funny YN? Are you gone crazy?"
  "Well, I think I am. Because just hearing you blabber makes my mind at ease. I don’t know how and why."
  You know that you said something cheesy so you're waiting for his lame joke in return, but it’s just silence.
  "Ba? Are you there?"
  You heard him clear his throat.
  "Damn YN, just answer my question will you?"
  "Fine. It happens right after my one week stay there in Seoul. When I went back home, I talked to Mom about the plan I talked you about. She agreed and more excited about it. But when she opened what I told her to Dad, he closes the idea and ends up making my return to Dubai much early as planned. And he wants me to either renew my contract here or find another company. He also said that before making any stupid decision, I have to make sure that my future is secure. And he brought again the topic of him finding a man for me to marry. What the heck right. I mean he's saying that before but I thought is all lame jokes but now he is serious with that arrange marriage thing? Aaargh!"
 You paused to breathe and try to stop the tears that I've been holding.
  "Did your Dad know that you went here in Seoul and met me before making that plan?"
  "I think so. I show the pictures to Mom that I took there and also with the crew. Why?"
  "I think it’s my entire fault YN. Sorry."
  "Huh? Sorry for what? How can it be your fault?"
  "Well, if what I think is correct then it’s really my fault. But I'm not sure."
  I heard his sight, a deep and long one. And I can’t stop wondering why.
  "How? Christian?"
  "You need to get some sleep YN. It’s already late there."
  "Oh no! Don’t give me that bull Christian. You need to tell me how it is your fault? And what’s the sorry for?"
  "I'm waitin Christian Yu. Or should I call you so you can just answer my question?"
  "God, YN. You and your impatience is really something."
  "Are you going to tell me or you're just going to tell me?"
  And it’s his turn to laugh at you.
  "Aigooo. Thanks for that very considerate choice YN."
  "I'm listening Ian."
  "So Bossy! Just like your father."
  "Yes! First, I'm not sure if it’s really my fault. But given the fact that your Dad knew we met since your two years abroad, then I think it has something to do with the talk we had two years ago."
  "Two years ago? You and Dad talk? About what?"
  "Before your departure to Dubai. Remember the crew and I stayed 3 days in your home town to bond and decided to extend one more day just so we can send you off on the day of your flight?"
  You nod your head as if he can see you.
  "We stayed at your house that last day remember?"
  Again you nod. As if he can see you, stupid.
  "And that night, your boyfriend told you that he can’t come along to the airport with us. You told him it’s okay, but you cried like a water falls that night."
  "EX-BOYFRIEND now, yeah I remember. And now that I think about it, you stayed in my room just to console me and to make sure that I won’t stay up late. And that’s the last time I saw you because the next morning you're gone. They say that you had to go back to Seoul immediately due to some work issue. I keep calling you but I can’t get a hold of you."
  "Because right after I left your room, I saw your Dad drinking on the terrace and I don’t know what kind of spirit came to me that made me go and talk to him."
 He paused and I'm sure I can hear his hand touching either his hair or his cheeks.
  "What did the two you talked about Christian?"
  “Well, what do you think we can talk about on that time?”
  "Back then, I kind of told your Dad what I really feel. Well now, I don’t know if this will make any sense to you or if you will take this seriously but I told him three years ago. At first, I asked him if he believed in love at first sight. He said no.
But I told him that I do believe in such. Because there this girl that I met, and what I felt was extraordinary, it’s somewhat like "SPARK AT FIRST SIGHT".
And I tried to ignore what I felt towards that girl because I know if I entertain that feeling it will just go nowhere. But the second time I saw how pure and kind she is, I admit that it’s a "crush at second sight" for her.
And the third time I saw her, we got a chance to somehow get to know little but enough from each other, and that’s the day I surrender that it’s "LOVE AT THIRD SIGHT"."
  I think I know where this is going, but I still need to be sure so I keep all that I want to say for myself, for now.
  "After that, he told me that he admires my ways and ask if that girl is already my girl. But I said no because after that day I saw her with someone else and what I felt is one-sided and for that my heart got "BROKEN AT FOURTH SIGHT".
But I told him that I'll make sure that she will be my wife someday. It’s just that it’s not yet our time back then."
  "No YN, let me finish please."
  You didn’t say or more likely you can’t say anything. You think your mind is on a chaos mode.
  "Your dad figure who the girl I was talking about, he said that we're two different people and still young and for me who hasn't figured out my life while you're already on the path towards what he planned for you. But he got mad when I said that you need to live the life you want not what he planned. And I'm certain that you and I are for each other and there will be a day that I will tell you how I felt and you and I can make our own life to live happily.
 I know that it’s stupid of me that I'm saying this now and thru the phone but. I just don't know what to do YN. I'm confused and scared."
  You kept quiet for a while. Then you found yourself looking on the screen of your phone. Dumbfounded on what Christian Yu is saying. Your best friend that you treated like your big brother, rather than your own.
 You’re confused. The things running thru your mind is kept on filling up. And you just can handle it all at once. So you just press the end button on the screen without saying anything to him.
 You tried to breathe just to calm yourself.
 But not a minute pass and your phone rings.
 And it’s Christian.
 'Aaah! So it’s not a dream.'
 While looking at the caller ID on your phone, all that he said is slowly sinking in.
 'So he likes me back then? Does he still feel the same way till now? Nah, that’s impossible. But now that I think of it, it just makes things more clear. All the favors I asked of him, he never once he refuses and all I thought it’s because he thinks of me as a little sister that he never had.
 Aaargh! My head is aching because of this overthinking.'
  Your attention return to your phone that keeps on ringing, you decided to reject his calls and send him a message.
 'Sorry Christian, talk to you later once I figure things out.'
 It’s already late and in just 3hrs you need to go for your work. You stress yourself if you will sleep of just waiting for the time. But then you fell asleep and woke up to the sound of your alarm.
 'Another day but same old problems, please no more new ones. Let me settle my entire problem first and give me a rest! Please!'
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7  // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9  
A/N: what do you think about this chapter? Talk to me, don’t be shy. I won’t bite. Have a good day/night everyone!
Y/N Portrayer in collage is @Mari_jasmmn  ~ check her out in IG (GIRL CRUSH)
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