#i am surprised my brain was able to answer so quickšŸ˜‚
i was just looking at your wips and was wondering if you do them in that order or do you do whichever you feel like doing first
Thanks for asking!
Honestly, my posting system is chaos. Jeremy Beremy if you will.
This is more than you asked for but here is an insight šŸ˜€
I have lots of WIPs on the go at any one time, and usually I will dot around between a few projects, not knowing which I might manage to finish first, but chipping away. Sometimes, I will choose one WIP I really want to finish ā€œnextā€ and focus on it solely for a while. However, sometimes inspiration jumps out of nowhere, for something that was not on my radar until literally two seconds ago but now I am consumed until I finish all 21k of it, and nobody has any idea it is coming until it arrives fully formed on the dash, least of all me šŸ˜†.
I also have a ton of other WIPs in my drafts which arenā€™t on the list.
Sometimes things drop off of my radar for months at a time, but I still consider it an ā€œactiveā€ WIP, because I do intend to finish it one day and itā€™s definitely not ā€œabandonedā€.
Sometimes I totally forget I had a half-written thing in the drafts and might rediscover it and finish it at an unexpected moment.
Somethings, Iā€™m purposefully putting off starting until other specific things are finished, to make myself finish the other things.
Sometimes with asks/requests Iā€™m able to answer it quickly, as my brain is in the right space to do it right away, but other times I also add those as a WIP in my drafts and it might stay there until things fall together.
I also sometimes write quick blurbs or even longer pieces in between working on the longer projects to take a break, and sometimes I never really think of those as WIPs as they just happen.
In summary, itā€™s really hard to predict with any accuracy what on Earth I will finish second next, most of the time. BUT, I can often say what I will finish next, if Iā€™m working (or especially if hyperfocussing) on a specific thing (which happens a lot).
For example, this month, I am/was really keen to finish one of my TF fics, but, all my plans were completely disrupted by me falling into a pit of Moon Knight hyperfixation, so all other WIPs were paused by default until I rode that wave. (This is for fun after all, so sometimes I have to go where my brain wants to play!)
I have the list of WIPs there and genuinely hope itā€™s helpful as a guide, so people know roughly what type of thing is coming up for which type of characters. But, there are also often surprises!
One thing I canā€™t really do is put time very good time estimates on things, though there are odd exceptions.
So, unfortunately no, to answer your actual question, itā€™s not in order at all, because inspiration is such a fickle and meandering creature, and plot bunnies bounce around everywhere with no hope of me controlling them because theyā€™re bunnies šŸ°šŸ„ŗ
(And slight tangent but this is why I always emphasise I accept requests, and can always be encouraged to bump certain things up the list, but you might literally be waiting between one day and seven years for something from me, as Iā€™m at the whim of my own brain, and in my brain time is not a linear concept! But, you should know, if I said Iā€™m going to do something, Iā€™ll still be still sitting there thinking ā€œyes, thatā€™s something Iā€™m working onā€, even if Iā€™m still figuring out pieces in my head or waiting for that elusive inspiration to hit right. Sometimes, a 1k thing might take months and a 21k thing might happen out of nowhere, and other times itā€™s the opposite way around, so thereā€™s little rhyme or reason!)
This answer was far too long, Iā€™m sorry.
I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is itā€™s chaos, pure chaos, but what I can guarantee is that Iā€™m always writing something, and I that I will do the things. In the wrong order. Eventually. šŸ˜ Probablyā€¦ šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚
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