#i audibly gasped when she laughed at sergio's jokes
svperhero · 6 years
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“I’d also like to congratulate you for your good taste, that is an upgrade from Lucho to Juliana."
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Time Heals.....Chapter Forty-Five
“Waking me up early again?” Robyn said with a groan as she stretched her arms above her head. Chris leaned down and kissed her forehead, “we have some stuff to do in preparation for tonight.”
“Like shopping.”
“Oooh, give me five minutes,” she said as she threw her legs over the side of the bed, “can you grab my black romper out of the closet?”
“I gotchu. Don’t rush, I’m waiting breakfast to be sent up.”
“What did you order?”
“The basics, pancakes, eggs, coffee etc.”
“Ok. I’ll be just a few minutes.”
“No problem, Babe. You need help with anything?”
“Did you help me enough yesterday?’
Chris chuckled, “I didn’t hear any complaints.”
“And you still won’t. My hair survived, luckily.”
“Not after all the time I spend detangling and washing it yesterday morning.”
“But if I did all that work, you would’ve messed it up?”
“You are so wrong for that.”
“I love you.”
Robyn left into the bathroom and started the shower. Chris grabbed her black romper out of the closet and sat her black converses next to the bed before leaving back into the living room to wait for room service.
                “What you think about this one?”
Robyn walked out of the dressing room in a thigh-high black dress with deep v cleavage and long black lace sleeves. Chris frowned, “turn around for me.”
Robyn turned around and Chris audibly gasped, “oh no.”
“Where is the back of the dress?”
Robyn laughed, “it’s there. What are you talking about?”
“It barely covers your ass.”
Robyn twisted in front of the three mirrors, “you’re exaggerating. None of my ass is out. It’s more my back than anything else.”
“It’s your entire back. Like there’s no fabric back there.”
“You are so dramatic. I think I wanna get this one.”
“Are you serious?”
“Very serious. I’ll take this one and the royal blue one.”
“Where are you going in that?”
“Wherever I want. Why you worried about it, Christopher?”
“I’m paying for it.”
“And your point?”
Chris shook his head as he wiped his hand down his face. Robyn laughed as she left back into the dressing room, “relax Christopher.”
Chris grumbled as he handed the cashier his credit card, “I don’t know why I even come in the store with you. I should’ve just handed you my card.”
“You never listen to me anyway. My opinion doesn’t matter.”
“Your opinion does matter. Just because I don’t always agree with it doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. If I didn’t want your opinion, I wouldn’t ask for it.”
“But you don’t listen to it.”
“No, I didn’t agree with it. Not the same thing as not listening.”
“Are you really that bothered by that dress?”
“I’m not bothered by it.”
“So why you acting so whiny?”
“I am not acting whiny.”
“So why you pouting?”
Chris smiled as he took his receipt and credit card from the cashier then started to walk out the store. Robyn fell in step next to him, “Babe, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Because I’m not pouting. I don’t wanna talk about it no more.”
“See. Whiny.”
“You know I’m supposed to be doing all this romantic stuff for you tonight and you being mean to me.”
“What? You can’t take it back, it’s not like it’s not already paid for.”
“You lucky it is.”
“No, you lucky it is and you better hope I show up.”
“Oh, you ain’t got no choice. If I gotta kidnap you and bring you to it, you will show up. Trust.”
“Ooh kidnapping sounds like fun.”
“You can’t even be not freaky, can you?”
“Last I checked, it’s part of the reason you’re dating me.”
Chris stopped to look at her as Robyn settled her hand on her hip, “am I right or am I right?”
“No comment.”
Robyn giggled as she grabbed Chris’s arm and entwined their hands together, “so what’s next, Babe?”
“Are we stopping anywhere for you?”
“I already got my suit. It’s being delivered from the tailor’s later on.”
“That’s not fair, you got to see all my stuff.”
“It’s just a black suit, Robyn.”
“It’s never just a black suit because all black suits don’t look alike. Who’s the designer?”
“Oh, their fabric prints are beautiful. Now I really wanna see it.”
“Later. We need to get your shoes and whatever you want.”
“Do you want jewelry?”
“Probably a bracelet or something. Nothing fancy.”
“You don’t have to buy it, I do want to look though.”
“Why wouldn’t I buy it? This whole day is about you.”
“Because that’s not something you should be concerned about. A dress and shoes is one thing. Jewelry is a different ball game.”
“According to whom? Babe, if you want jewelry, I will pay for it.”
“Don’t Chris me. And this is one thing I am not going to argue with you about and not in the joking way I used to say it before. I set this up beforehand for you to enjoy yourself and be pampered, you are not paying for your own stuff.”
“Chris, it’s too much.”
“You might not even find something you like and even if you do, so what about the price? Robyn, I had been in the military for years. I had no children up until two years ago and I have a very good career. When I asked you to go on vacation with me, the timing was a bit quick but the idea had already been in progress. I saved for this and I’m going to use whatever I can to make sure it’s the trip I’ve always wanted with you, ok?”
“Ok. So no more being stubborn and if I gotta suck it up and buy you another dress that I’m not too fond of, I will do that because it’s for you.”
“The dress is not that bad.”
“It’s not bad, it’s dangerous. I ain’t trying to have to fight nobody. I can’t go to jail on foreign soil.”
Robyn laughed, “you are so dramatic but I love it though.”
“You love me?”
“Yes, even when I don’t want to.”
“You always want to.”
Robyn scoffed, “let’s not ruin the mood. Sergio Rossi and Zanotti are my favorites.”
“Do you wear them a lot?”
“No, it’s not practical since I mainly go to work and home. I’ve always wanted a pair of their shoes though.”
“Well then let’s go see where we can find them.”
“You’re trying to get me attached to you, aren’t you?”
“Is it working?”
Chris smiled and kissed her temple.
“Robyn Fenty, what are you doing?”
“I’m almost ready. Just five more minutes. Are we late?”
“No but you said you were ready twenty minutes ago.”
“I know Babe. Sorry.”
“Its ok. Just- Wow.”
Chris froze as Robyn walked out of the bedroom in a pair of black stilettos with a blood red heel and the black dress.
“You still mad about the dress?”
“No. You look- Wow.”
Robyn giggled, “is that all you’re gonna say?”
“I can’t get my mind to function right enough to say anything else. Just Wow.”
Robyn spun in a slow circle, “meets your approval?”
“Absolutely. And I take back everything I said about the dress in the store.”
“You only saying that because my hair covers the back.”
“No, I’m not. Seriously, you were definitely right not to listen to me.”
Robyn smiled, “Thank you. And you look handsome.”
“Thank you. You ready?”
“Yup,” Robyn went to take his arm and stopped when she saw a duffle bag sitting by the door, “are we staying the night somewhere?”
“Yes, this is an overnight thing.”
“But I didn’t pack anything.”
“I did. And most of what’s in there is new anyway. Trust me, everything you need is in there.”
“You sure?”
“Ok, now can we leave?”
Robyn giggled, “just one more thing.”
“I really want you to know how much I appreciated this whole vacation. I was really nervous about this at first but I think it was really necessary.”
“You know we still got another day or so left right?”
“I know but I just want you to know that this is really special to me and I hope we can keep this vibe once we get home. I know it might be a bit difficult because real life is gonna set in and it’s not gonna be days of sleeping for 12 hours straight or just cuddling all night but I want us to keep this feeling and harmony going forward.”
“That will always take two of us, Robyn.”
“I know. I’ll try if you do”
“You know I will.”
“Good. Now we can go.”
“Wait, I wanna give you something first.”
“I was gonna do it later but knowing you, you’d probably get all fussy with me for being dramatic so wait right here and I’ll be right back.”
Robyn leaned against the back of the couch as Chris grabbed their duffle bag and started to dig through it. He handed her a black box, “this is not what you think it is. I know the one word that we aren’t bringing up because we aren’t at that place to but I do want a symbol of us moving towards being more permanent. If you don’t like it or don’t want it, that’s fine but I want to at least offer it to you, ok?”
“Chris, you’re scaring me.”
“Just open it.”
Robyn glanced over at him before popping open the box, “Babe, it’s beautiful.”
“You like it?”
“I love it. Oh man, I wasn’t expecting this.”
“I was worried about overstepping again but when I saw it in the store, I just knew it was you so yea.”
“It’s incredible but I’ll have to wear it on my right hand or else people are gonna get suspicious.”
“That’s ok with me.”
“Cool. You wanna put it on or should I?”
“I’ll do it.”
Chris took the trio of diamond bands out of the box and slid each one onto her right ring finger in the proper order. The rings attached around each other, the center band having a 3 carat emerald cut diamond on it.
“Now I’m afraid to ever take it off.”
Chris chuckled, “no, don’t feel like that. I promise not to get pissy if I ever see you not wearing it. I don’t want you to feel boxed in or nothing.”
“I don’t. I really don’t but thanks for doing it now and not in some bring ceremonial way, then I might feel like you were trying to propose to me.”
“Considering where we’re going, pissing you off wouldn’t be a good idea.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You’ll see.”
   “Chris, is that what I think it is?”
“Yes, it is.”
“You rented a boat.”
“It’s not a boat, it’s a yacht, Ms. Fenty.”
“Well excuse me, Mr. Billionaire.”
“Surprisingly it didn’t cost as much to rent as I assumed it would’ve. It’s getting the staff that kicked my pockets.”
“You the one wanted to be a baller out here.”
“That is true but I figured a night cruise would be a good set up for our last days here.”
“It’s so pretty out. I didn’t expect this. I thought we were just going out to dinner.”
“Would I ever do something so basic?”
“Depending on the day, fortunately, or unfortunately, no.”
“You’re hurting my heart, Baby Girl. You just gotta keep me humble, huh?”
“Yes. Yes, I do.”
Chris held her hand and helped her to step onto the boat from the pier before closing the door behind her, “once we start moving, I’ll take you around and give you a tour before dinner.”
“Before dinner?”
“There will be no time for it after dinner.”
“And why is that?”
“You’ll find out.”
“You like playing with my emotions, huh?”
“I like playing with your freak meter, to be honest.”
“Don’t play too much. You know you scare easily.”
Chris scoffed, “I do not.”
“Says the guy who freaks out every time I bite him.”
“Because I am not food besides my skin is sensitive.”
Robyn laughed, “Boy please.”
“You wanna take your shoes off?”
“We gotta take some pictures first.”
“Then we need to move to the upper deck.”
“You planned for everything then.”
“Of course. You gonna need nice memories of that dress because there might not be any of it left after later.”
“I told you to stop playing because you get my freak meter too high, I don’t want you screaming and complaining.”
“As long as you don’t bite me, we’ll be alright.”
“Oh, I got something just as good in my arsenal.”
“Now, I’m scared for real. And where you hiding it at? I packed our bags.”
“You packed the bags that were in the hotel. There were bags that I left with our driver in the trunk remember. Did you not notice there were more bags when we got here than when we left the hotel?”
“I wasn’t paying attention.”
“That’s always a bad idea when it comes to me.”
“Wait a minute, I’m supposed to be running this show.”
“You are. For now.”
Chris’s brow furrowed and Robyn laughed, “Can I get something to drink please?”
“Coming right up.”
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