#i blame matt hastings' vid ok
jaskiersbeloved · 7 years
Okay but imagine Magnus being so frustrated about some client. Like he made everything perfectly but the client was still claiming he didn’t.
Magnus, because he’s a professional hasn’t shown any hint of anger and politely convinced the client that he did the potion in a right way. Fortunetly the client left with that damn potion and Magnus returned to his office where the emotions outbursted.
He wanted to check something in one of his books, but frustrated threw it behind him. Yet, suprisingly he hadn’t heard the sound of the book hitting the floor. He turned around and to his suprise it was his Alexander standing behind him with the book in his hand and a very concerned look on his face. Yet his lips were curled into a warm smile.
- Busy day?
He asked. Magnus just smiled and went to hug him.
- Yes - he said, sighing while feeling how Alexander’s arms embraced him. He felt himself relaxing. - But i’m glad you are here.
Alec said nothing just smiled and kissed him on the top of his head.
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