#i bought two of them from ikea like 10 years ago and ikea doesn't sell them anymore
dearmrsawyer · 3 years
ok i am trying to just kick my own butt into gear today, everything is A LOT and i have responded to this by doing as little as one can as a physical form in the world. but i’m taking inspiration from myself because this week i successfully purchased a couple of bookcases off Gumtree (which i think is like craigslist??) and also organised for them to be transported here from Sydney by finding someone on Airtasker, and i’ve never used either of those sites before and found it all quite daunting to liaise with multiple people to get it done, but i DID it, and the bookcases arrived this morning! and SO if i could do that then i can get it together. 
i went for my lunchtime walk three days this week. the temperature is dropping but its so pleasant out in the sun, i just bought a light cardigan because its really breezy by the lake. i haven’t been doing nighttime yoga but i probably won’t, its too hard to motivate myself once the cold nights have started, maybe wherever we move won’t be such a cold house and i can try then. 
one of the areas i’m really not going well in atm is food, like i am just not preparing or planning, and whenever i talk myself into shopping i don’t prepare a list so i can’t figure out what to get and just come home with like, tomatoes and milk dfjkdk usually i’m good at improvising grocery shopping once i’m there but obviously i do not have the mental capacity for it atm! even on days i work at campus i don’t prepare anything and have to duck out in the middle of the day to buy a prepacked salad or something, and i’m not someone who buys lunch. i always always bring my own food. SO on Wednesday i forced myself to go through my recipe book and pick a few things to make over the next days of days, and wrote a very meticulous list of what i’d need, and then went shopping yesterday. Either today or this weekend i will make:
Lentil soup. My brother bought some potatoes that i don’t think he’s going to use, so i bought some lentils and will make a soup. Its such a good meal to have on hand when you have no food energy.
I bought some kale to add to the soup, but i’m going to blanch and freeze the rest of it bc its too much. I need to do this today. (Why do they only sell leafy greens by the barrel, i don’t understand who can use that much)
I made a banana bread last weekend that was SO good and i’m not sure how lol. I didn’t even stick to the recipe, which is usually pretty important when using gluten free flours, i threw in all kinds of flours that need to be used up and it turned out amazing??? I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth, and will make it again as soon as the bananas i bought are ripe enough.
Need to soak some beans. I’m still working my way through all the dried beans i bought a year ago when the panic buying happened early in the pandemic LOL. Thinking i might make quesadillas?? I can use some more kale, i also have so many gluten free tortillas, i don’t know why i have so many??
More houses to see tomorrow. and zouisfest sign ups open in a couple of days, so i need to write as much of my nouis draft as i can before then.
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