#i called my step brother's wheelchair an acoustic quadbike and he still laughs about it
transboykirito · 1 year
also just... look at all the sao characters. look at kirito and co. that's a group of people who would be sad and compassionate about themselves or their friend losing a body part for all of 2 days before they start figuring out the dumbest jokes possible.
agil asks for a hand making some food? kazuto's passing him his prosthetic arm.
shino has to jump to reach something on a high shelf? here comes kazuto with the classic, "damn, your legs cost you that much and they couldn't even give you the height you missed out on the first time around?"
asuna and kazuto ask sugu to keep an eye on yui while they have a date night? they come home to find suguha napping on the couch with her glass eye sitting on the coffee table facing yui, who is drawing in sharpie on the wall.
kazuto's highest form of entertainment is trying to do wheelies in his wheelchair. klein's highest form of entertainment is getting videos of kazuto eating shit when he tries to do wheelies in his wheelchair. shino's highest form of entertainment is watching asuna scold kazuto for trying to do wheelies in his wheelchair.
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